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Optimalizace tras při rozvozu zásilek / Route optimization for the parcels distributionPtáčková, Michaela January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with optimization problems of the parcels distribution. This issue can be solved on the ground of traveling salesman problem whose mathematical and economic model, including their modifications, are presented in the theoretical part of the thesis. We can solve these problems by using exact methods, heuristic and metaheuristic algorithms. In the theoretical part are described traveling salesman problem, traveling salesman problem with time windows, traveling salesman problem with multiple time windows and dynamic traveling salesman problem including possible ways of solution. In the practical part we can find application of problems on the real example, when we are finding the shortest possible route for the PPL's employee under different assumptions. The solution is obtained by using solver Gurobi within the modelling system MPL for Windows. In conclusion of the thesis the results are summarized and models are compared with each other.
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Okružní problém s vyzvednutím a doručením, případová studieDostalíková, Lucie January 2008 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá analýzou a výpočtem optimalizační úlohy z praxe. Jedná se o optimalizaci nočních linek vnitrostátní přepravy na území ČR. Cílem je nalezení řešení, které zefektivní organizaci těchto linek a usnadní práci lidí s nimi spojenou. Celý výpočet úlohy je inspirován okružním problémem s doručením a vyzvednutím (?Pickup and Delivery Problem?). Na výpočet problému jsou použity dva modely: model založený na hledání optimálního více produktového toku a model spočívající na výběru tras. Modely jsou založeny na rozdílných přístupech. Díky oběma modelům je možné si uvědomit, že na jednu optimalizační úlohu lze pohlížet z více stran a z obdržených výsledků si pak vytvořit ucelenější pohled na problém.
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Optimalizace trasy při revizích elektrospotřebičů / Route optimalization of inspectory technicianRusín, Michal January 2008 (has links)
Objective of this thesis is optimalization of route for inspectory technician. There were described traveling Salesman problem, vehicle Routing problem and it's modifications. Problem was solved by this three heuristics: nearest neighbour algorithm, savings method and insert method.
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Optimalizace tras při rozvozu europalet / Optimal routes for Euro pallet transportingJuříčková, Ivana January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis describes a logistic problem of the company JACER-CZ Ltd. The main focus is on identifying optimal routes about the Euro pallets distribution. The Euro pallets are standardized at length replaceable transport pallets which are in Europe. The aim of this thesis is to find a solution which will meet requirements of all thirteen customers and simultaneously a total route length of all vans will be minimalized. At first there is the mathematical model about the delivery assignment with the split delivery vehicle calculated by solvers CPLEX and Gurobi. Then the original and the modified example is solved manually by heuristic algorithms. It is concerned the nearest neighbour algorithm, savings algorithm, the insertion algorithm and the heuristic method for the split delivery vehicle routing problem.
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Optimální metody řízení energetické spotřeby budov / Optimal Control Strategies for Building Energy ConsumptionKaczmarczyk, Václav January 2015 (has links)
This thesis discusses the operational coordination of electrical appliances and devices in a smart home. At present, the diminishing volume of fossil fuels and the increasing pressure to use renewable sources of energy necessitate the integration of such volatile sources into electrical grids. This process, however, results in higher energy costs, and the consumers are thus more willing to change their behaviour to either reduce the expenses or maintain them at a reasonable level. One of the relatively few customer-oriented options to optimise energy costs consists in the demand – response principle, which utilises external information to minimise energy consumption during high price periods. Assuming the constantly changing conditions in electrical grids, and thus also the varying demands, it is vital to provide for automatic optimisation excluding the need of user intervention. The thesis presents a method which, after being implemented into the control member, will facilitate the optimal use of appliances and devices within a smart home. As the behaviour considered optimal from the perspective of demand - response is often inconsistent with the consumer‘s requirements for comfortable use of the appliances, the proposed technique offers a compromise through enabling the consumer to select the appropriate strategy. Five universal optimisation models are designed within the thesis; these models facilitate description of common home appliances and local electricity sources. The core of the method lies in formulating and optimising a mixed integer quadratic problem (MIQP). The optimisation task yields an operational schedule for the individual appliances, and this scheme considers the energy costs, the working cycle of the appliance, the user’s demands, the system restrictions and/or other input data. Furthermore, the author extends the above-discussed general technique, enabling it to adopt robust behaviour. The method then secures the preset strategy even during a marked change of the input conditions, and its robustness is a viable precondition for the overall applicability of the technique in the real control member.
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Fyzikální úlohy k rozvoji různých poznávacích operací / Physics problems for development of various cognitive operationsKürtiová, Alica January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the role of physics problems which help to develop various cognitive operations. Mainly the taxonomy of the learning tasks by Tollingerová and the Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives have been used for this purpose. A material which contains characteristics of eleven chosen cognitive operations (induction, deduction, transformation, proving, abstraction etc.) and two typical learning tasks to each cognitive operation has been elaborated in this thesis. The material was created to guide and simplify the selection and creation of physics problems whose solution supports the development of cognitive operations. This process can inter alia help to define, fill and check required educational goals. It may also help with student's motivation or the development of key competencies. Keywords: learning task, physics problem, cognitive operation, cognitive process, taxonomy by Tollingerová
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Úloha ředitele školy při vzniku a šíření pedagogických inovací či alternativ / Role of the school director in the development and dissemination of educational or alternative innovationsŠpelda, Marek January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with defining the role of the school director in the development and dissemination of educational or alternative innovations. Even if the school director has many roles and perform many different duties, he may not forget the quality control of the educational process and its continuous improvement through innovations. The aim of this thesis is to describe instruments that can be used in dissemination of educational and alternatives innovations. To specify the extent of school director's influence in this process and find obstacles which may appear during implementation and propose options to eliminate and overcome. The work is divided into a theoretical and an empirical part. The theoretical part is based on a current scientific knowledge of these issues and contains definitions of necessary theoretical terms, that are used in thesis. The thesis includes also generally known and used approaches, which allows to gain awareness of the chosen theme to the reader. The empirical part of the thesis than contains a description of the carried out scientific research and findings learned through it . The survey was carried out among school directors and teachers on some nursery and primary as well as secondary schools throughout the Czech Republic. With the use of gained informations...
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Problematika testů a testování ve výuce češtiny pro cizince / Tests and testing in courses of Czech for foreignersŠálená, Ivana January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this master's thesis is to deal with the problems of tests and testing. Firstly, tests, testing items, problems of solvability and unbiased assessment were described. On the basis of particular language tests - level A1 according to Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, which test foreigners' Czech (a foreign language for them) - the success rate of receptive skills (reading) and productive skills (writing) is compared. Concerning writing skills, there is a problem how to reach unbiased assessment. Finally, linguodidactic recommendation intended mainly for teachers of Czech as a foreign language is formulated. Keywords test, test's task, language level A1
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Strategie řešení slovních úloh řešitelných rovnicemi / Solving strategies for word problems that can be solved with equationsChromá, Stanislava January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this work is to get acquainted with the issue of solving word problems by means of equations, to state and to analyse various ways of solving them. The thesis also includes the comparison of strategies for solving word problems that are selected by students who have been already taught the given type of the equation, and students who have not yet mastered these procedures. The introductory part of the work deals with word problems in general. There the terms such as the word problems, procedures, methods and strategies used for solving word problems are specified. In the next part of the text, the basic types of equations are characterized. For each type of the equation, one typical word problem was selected and it was experimentally found out which solving strategies were used by students most often. Keywords: word problem, algebraic equation, non-algebraic equation, system of equations
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Heuristické a metaheuristické metody řešení úlohy obchodního cestujícího / Heuristic and metaheuristic methods for travelling salesman problemBurdová, Jana January 2010 (has links)
Minimal length of a travelling salesman's problem had been studied in this diploma these. Travelling salesman must come trough each place just once and then go back to the starting place. This problem can be illustrated as a problem of graph theory, such that places are the vertices, roads are the edges, distances of roads are the lengths of edges. The optimal travelling salesman's problem tour is the shortest Hamiltionian cycle in the graph. It is a classical NP-complete problem. There is no algorithm that solves this problem in polynomial time. This problem can be solved by using various approximation algorithms, they offer less time consumption and lowest quality than optimization. This diploma these had been dedicated to approximation algorithms, for example: nearest neighbor method, minimal spanning tree method, Christofide's method, 2-opt., genetic algorithm, etc.
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