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Modifikované úlohy čínského listonoše - experimenty / Modified Chinese Postman Problems - ExperimentsJelínek, Tomáš January 2010 (has links)
This master's thesis describes modified Chinese Postman Problems. These Problems are solved by (mixed) integer linear programming. The modified problems and also used approach (integer programming) belong at least to the NP complexity class. The thesis analyzes, compares and estimates computational complexity of each model. Based on this analysis, usability of described models for solving real-life problems is deduced. The models are focused on problems in urban environment. Therefore, it is possible to apply these models on problems like optimization of a waste collection or road maintenance. Graph and problem generator is programmed for purposes of this thesis.
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Pokročilá optimalizace toků v sítích / Advanced Optimization of Network FlowsCabalka, Matouš January 2018 (has links)
The master’s thesis focuses on the optimization models in logistics with emphasis on the network interdiction problem. The brief introduction is followed by two overview chapters - graph theory and mathematical programming. Important definitions strongly related to network interdiction problems are introduced in the chapter named Basic concepts of graph theory. Necessary theorems used for solving problems are following the definitions. Next chapter named Introduction to mathematical programming firstly contains concepts from linear programming. Definitions and theorems are chosen with respect to the following maximum flow problem and the derived dual problem. Concepts of stochastic optimization follow. In the fifth chapter, we discuss deterministic models of the network interdiction. Stochastic models of the network interdiction follow in the next chapter. All models are implemented in programmes written in the programming language GAMS, the codes are attached.
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Technologie blockchain a její využití / Blockchain technology and its useHrbotický, Lukáš January 2020 (has links)
This diploma theses concerns the matter of blockchain technology and its practical use, especially for nonfinancial services. Theoretical part describes the blockchain technology from the technological and juridical point of view and examples of its practical use are also mentioned. In the practical part two laboratory exercises were designed for further familiarization of the blockchain technology, in which students try some real applications on their own.
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Software pro řešení inverzních úloh přenosu tepla / Software for inverse heat transfer problemsMusil, Jiří January 2020 (has links)
Tato práce se zabývá vytvořením softwarového nástroje pro simulaci přenosu tepla se zaměřením na využití inverzní úlohy. Je zde popsána základní teorie inverzních úloh a přenosu tepla, na kterou navazuje odvození numerické rovnice přenosu tepla, vhodné pro počítačovou simulaci. Hlavní část práce se věnuje návrhu a samotné implementaci softwarového řešení, s ohledem jak na funkčnost, tak na uživatelskou přívětivost. Kromě výpočtového modelu, který je zodpovědný za průběh simulace, je vytvořeno také plnohodnotné uživatelské rozhraní (GUI), umožňující jednoduchou interakci s výpočtovým modelem. Závěrem práce je prezentování dosažených výsledků a jejich porovnání s reálným experimentem, stejně jako zjištění vlivu vstupních parametrů na kvalitu simulace.
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Laboratorní úlohy v prostředí OPNET pro předmět Komunikační technologie / Laboratory exercises in OPNET environmentfor Communication technolgies courseKasper, Robin January 2012 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with the design of laboratory exercises for the Communication Technologies course that is included in the second year of bachelor’s degree in Teleinformatics. This course represents first introduction of students with network protocols and technologies, therefore, the thesis deals with just the basic physical technologies, routing protocols and transport layer protocols. The introductory part of the thesis is devoted to theoretical knowledge to particular tasks. For the design of laboratory exercises is used OPNET environment, concretely its unpaid version IT Guru Academic Edition 9.1. The first task is focused on the differences in two basic transport protocols Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP). The second task is orientated on the differences in the transmission network parameters using wireless networks and Ethernet technologies. In the third task the routing protocols Routing Information Protocol (RIP) a Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) are compared. These are protocols of a group Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) that are characterized by the usage within a single autonomous system. The last exercise is aimed at Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) and Frame Relay technologies, which are technologies used mainly in networks Wide Area Network (WAN). All devised exercises are accompanied by detailed instructions for students including supplementary questions and tasks leading to individual work and reflection. The thesis includes model solutions to these four exercises and CD where are inserted all programs source codes.
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Simulační scénáře v prostředí IT Guru pro předmět Komunikační technologie / Simulation scenarios in IT Guru environment for Communication technology courseRybka, Štěpán January 2013 (has links)
This thesis called Simulation scenarios in an IT Guru enviroment for Communication Technologies deals with the design of laboratory experiments for the above-mentioned subject. The first part is a theoretical introduction to the protocols. The practical part contains the tasks itself. The work includes four laboratory tasks with a detailed description of the work and an illustrative pictures. The first two tasks are focused on the application protocols, with which the user comes into contact with every day. The other two are focused on routing protocols, precisely the internal routing protocol IS-IS and BGP external routing protocol. A free version of simulation software OPNET Modeler and IT Guru enviroment version 9.1.A were used to create the work.
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Laboratorní úloha skrývání dat ve zvukovém záznamu / Laboratory exercise in data hiding in the audio recordKortus, Jiří January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis aims on the matter of data hiding (steganography) in audio records. It describes general steganographic principles and aims further on the specifics of data hiding in audio records and also aims on the LSB steganographic technique and suitability of different types of audio records to be used with this technique. The thesis also describes a laboratory exercise focused on steganography in audio records and influence of related aspects on the final audio record which contains secret data. Further, the thesis describes a program that was created especially for the laboratory exercise, from the design, functional as well as implementation-related view. Within the exercise, students will be able to examine how the amount of data to be hidden in the audio record and different ways of data hiding will affect quality of the resulting audio record, and therefore they can become more familiar with the matter of steganography based on the LSB method used in audio records.
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Měření vlastností optických detektorů / Measurement of optic detector propertiesSmrž, Martin January 2015 (has links)
Purpose of this master thesis is get acquainted with laboratory components designated for measurment of optical detectors, study principials of function of each detector and learn how to work with measuring machines. On the base of this knowledge will be measured spectral, frequency and dynamic characteristics of each detectors. The outcome of the thesis will draft of the laboratory exercise for subject Microscopy imaging technique teaching at the first semestr of follow-up masters studies of Biomedical engineering and bioinformatics at DBME, FEEC, Brno University of technology.
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Analýza modálních vlastností lopatkové řady s lopatkami svázanými Z-vazbou / Modal Analysis of the Blades Row Tied with Z-tieValoušek, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is about modal analysis of the rotor blades row tied with Z-tie. Thesis was solved by finite element system ANSYS. Cyclic symmetry was used in this thesis with the aim of obtain eigen frequency of bladed disc. The next aim of this thesis was to find eigen frequency of the free rotor blades and to compare it with frequency obtained from experiment. 3D model was created by 3D scanner and CAD system CATIA.
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Vývoj inverzní sub-doménové metody pro výpočet okrajových podmínek vedení tepla / Development of inverse sub-domain method for boundary conditions computation of heat conductionHřibová, Veronika January 2015 (has links)
It is very important to develop efficient but still accurate and stable numerical methods for solving heat and mass transfer processes in many industrial applications. The thesis deals with an inverse heat conduction problem which is used to compute boundary conditions (temperatures, heat flux or heat transfer coefficient). Nowadays, two approaches are often used for inverse task - sequential estimation and whole domain estimation. The main goal of this work is to develop a new approach, the so-called sub-domain method, which emphasizes advantages just as reduce disadvantages of both methods mentioned above. This approach is then tested on generated prototypic data and on data from real experiments. All methods are compared with respect to accuracy of results as well as to computational efficiency.
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