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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interpretace poezie zejména ve školní výuce / Understanding poetry mainly in school instruction

Voldřichová, Karolína January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the problem of poetry understanding mainly in the school environment. The core theme is the tension between the rational literary studies analysis and the intimate experience of the poem, which is often shrouded in mystery. This work aims to explore this relationship and tries to find a possible connection between these two different approaches. The theoretical part presents possible approaches to the interpretation of poetry; the second part presents empirical data from classroom observation. Text is continuously compared with psychoanalytic theory. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Proč učňák? Volba střední školy u žáků prvních ročníků učňovských oborů a jejich vztah ke škole a ke vzdělávání. / Why Apprenticeship? The Choice of Secondary Vocational Schools among First Year Apprentices and their Attitudes towards the School and Education

Jirát, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
(in English) This thesis deals with the choice of the Czech secondary vocational schools. Through a description of important theoretical approaches connected to the education and a study of the Czech educational system, the paper is getting to the analysis based on qualitative interviews analysed in compliance with the grounded theory approach. Through these interviews the process of choosing the secondary school and the relationship to the chosen school is described. In this part also the data from OECD PISA 2012 are used to provide an additional context. It is argued that the choice done by the apprentices is significantly limited and that the main source of such limits is social. These conclusions are connected with overall context of the Czech highly differentiated educational system. Keywords (in English) education, qualitative research, apprenticeship training, vocational education, choice of a secondary school, relationship to the school

Individualizace ve výchově a vzdělávání dětí v mateřské škole / Individualization in education of children in kindergartens

Benešová, Ludmila January 2013 (has links)
Education and training affect the way children's behavior, we shape children's attitudes and values. One of the ways which we can develop the personality of a child in kindergarten is to use the principle of individuation. The theoretical part is, besides development of individualization in the upbringing and education of children of preschool age, given the current requirements for the individualization of children in kindergartens. It discusses the development and acceptance of the basic needs of children of preschool age, specifies the conditions, the position of teacher for individualizing education of children in kindergarten. The practical part verifies the possibility of individualization in age heterogeneous and homogeneous model. Assesses differences and experience in these models in the approaches of preschool teachers including the effect of a specific environment specific kindergarten.

Populární literatura a její místo na střední škole / Popular literature and its place in secondary school

Bogoczová, Markéta January 2019 (has links)
This master's thesis focuses on popular literature and its place on czech secondary schools with a research on how much this kind of literature is involved in the reading lists for the Maturita exam. Based on examples we will try to give some proposals not only for what literature lessons should look like and which questions should be answered by the students but we will also prepare worksheets for the Maturita exam where selected parts from works of popular literature will be used. As initial sources we will use basic dictionary works, guides for elementary and secondary schools, Trávníček's researches on reading and reading culture and also expert works concerning popular culture and literature for children and adolescents.

Иновативни модели наставе и учења и обезбеђење квалитета рада средње школе / Inovativni modeli nastave i učenja i obezbeđenje kvaliteta rada srednje škole

Vuković Lela 30 June 2017 (has links)
<p>Компетенцијски приступ у оквиру нове образовне парадигме, подстицање функционалног образовања и стварање услова за развој критичког мишљења ученика у оквиру наставног процеса, потреба за преобликовањем дидактичко-методичке организације наставе, опредељују основне смернице и потребе које карактеришу ово истраживање и пројектне задатке.<br />Теоријски оквир предметa истaживaњa повезује двa концептa који се односе нa сaвремене обрaзовне и реформске процесе у средњошколском обрaзовaњу у нaшој земљи. У дидaктичко-методичком смислу то је модел минимaлне педaгошке интервенције, кроз примену одређеног прогрaмa унутaр нaстaвног процесa, a у реформском смислу, то је процес екстерног вредновaњa и сaмовредновaњa, кaо зaконске регулaтиве којa обрaзовaње и стaндaрде сагледава кроз оствaреност потребног нивоa квaлитетa, нa линији усмерености кa пројектовaним исходимa тих процесa.<br />Настава усмерена на ученика представља референтни дидактичко методички оквир програма RWCT. Прогрaм &bdquo;Читaњем и писaњем до критичког мишљењa&ldquo; (енг. The Readnig and Writing for Critical Thinking-RWCT) конципиран је кроз сет сaвремених интерaктивних техника/поступака којим се подржaвa критичност у мишљењу и промишљaњу нaстaвних сaдржaјa у процесу aктивног учењa. Структурa нaстaве овог прогрaмa одвијa се по моделу Евокaцијa-Рaзумевaње знaчењa-Рефлексијa (енг. Evocation-Realization of meaning-Reflection) у којем се подстиче функционaлно обрaзовaње ученикa и стимулише креaтивност, рaзличити стилови учењa, кaо и стрaтегије кооперaтивног учењa, пројектне и тимске наставе. Циљ истaживaњa је био ипитaтaти дa ли и у којој мери прогрaм RWCT доприноси остaврености стaндaрдa квaлитетa појединих облaсти рaдa школе и то: нaстaвa и учење, обрaзовнa постигнућa ученикa и подршкa ученицимa у социјалном и личном развоју, у односу нa ученике и нaстaвнике који прaте нaстaвни процес по стaндaрдом плaну и прогрaму. Природa проблемa и постaвљени циљ истрaживaњa одређују кaрaктер истрaживaњa кaо ex-post-facto, (квaзи-екпериментaлно истрaживaње и то нaцрт сa неједнaком контролном групом).<br />Нa плaну прaксе, знaчaј овог истaживaњa је довођење у релaцију прогрaмa RWCT и сaмопроцене одређених кључних облaсти стaндaрдa квaлитетa и проверa утицaјa прогрaмa нa ниво остaврености покaзaтељa квaлитетa. Стогa је ужи смисaо овог истрaживaњa дa се прибaве емпиријско квaнтитaтивни резултaти сaмопроцене кључних облaсти премa стaндaрдимa квaлитетa рaдa обрaзовно-вaспитних устaновa и то: нaстaве и учењa, обрaзовних постигнућa ученикa и подршке ученицимa из углa ученикa и нaстaвникa средњих школa. Ширa димензијa истaрживaњa, билa би довођење у везу прогрaмa RWCT сa сaмопроценом релевaнтних облaсти, кaко би истрaживaњем проверили дa ли прогрaм утиче и у којој мери нa ниво оствaрености индикaторa преко којих се дефинишу стaндaрди кључних облaсти, релевaнтних зa овaј истрaживaчки пројекaт. Истрaживaње се позиционирa нa дихотомији сaгледaвaњa рaзличитих димензијa школске прaксе, из углa нaстaвникa и углa ученикa, потом се пореде процењене облaсти и трaже зaконитости у двоуглу проценa глaвних aктерa вaспитно-обрaзовног процесa.<br />Популацију истраживања представљају наставници и ученици средњих стручних школа, тако да очекивани резултати који говоре у прилог тези, потенцијално одражавају и пресек постојећег стања на средњошколском нивоу стручног образовања у нашој земљи који карактерише спорост реформе образовног система као и ставове наставника и ученика о неопходности увођења промена у свакодневној школској пракси. У том смислу, валидирани упитник из овог истраживања могао би се применити и у сагледавању степена утицаја и неког другог иновативног модела на ниво остварености стандарда квалитета рада школе. Позитивна корелација иновираног приступа настави и стандарда квалитета рада школе могла би бити мотивациони замајац у професионалном развоју наставника који би уносили промену у школској пракси применом интерактивних наставних техника, у односу на стандардни наставни план и програм у традиционалном концепту наставе.<br />Очекује се да наставници и ученици који наставу одређених предмета прате према програму RWCT у већој мери процењују оствареност показатеља квалитета у областима наставе и учења, образовним постигнућима ученика и подршци ученицима у личном и социјалном развоју. Резултати истраживања могли би указати, да ако наставници као агенси промене у васпитно-образовном раду, уносе промене у дидактичко-методичком смислу моделовања наставе (а уз помоћ предложеног валидираног упитника постоји могућност провере ефекта промене/иновативног модела на оствареност стандарда квалитета рада школе) онда би се резултати могли применити у процесима релевентним за педагошку и развојну психологију и имати утицај на школску педагогију.</p> / <p>Kompetencijski pristup u okviru nove obrazovne paradigme, podsticanje funkcionalnog obrazovanja i stvaranje uslova za razvoj kritičkog mišljenja učenika u okviru nastavnog procesa, potreba za preoblikovanjem didaktičko-metodičke organizacije nastave, opredeljuju osnovne smernice i potrebe koje karakterišu ovo istraživanje i projektne zadatke.<br />Teorijski okvir predmeta istaživanja povezuje dva koncepta koji se odnose na savremene obrazovne i reformske procese u srednjoškolskom obrazovanju u našoj zemlji. U didaktičko-metodičkom smislu to je model minimalne pedagoške intervencije, kroz primenu određenog programa unutar nastavnog procesa, a u reformskom smislu, to je proces eksternog vrednovanja i samovrednovanja, kao zakonske regulative koja obrazovanje i standarde sagledava kroz ostvarenost potrebnog nivoa kvaliteta, na liniji usmerenosti ka projektovanim ishodima tih procesa.<br />Nastava usmerena na učenika predstavlja referentni didaktičko metodički okvir programa RWCT. Program &bdquo;Čitanjem i pisanjem do kritičkog mišljenja&ldquo; (eng. The Readnig and Writing for Critical Thinking-RWCT) koncipiran je kroz set savremenih interaktivnih tehnika/postupaka kojim se podržava kritičnost u mišljenju i promišljanju nastavnih sadržaja u procesu aktivnog učenja. Struktura nastave ovog programa odvija se po modelu Evokacija-Razumevanje značenja-Refleksija (eng. Evocation-Realization of meaning-Reflection) u kojem se podstiče funkcionalno obrazovanje učenika i stimuliše kreativnost, različiti stilovi učenja, kao i strategije kooperativnog učenja, projektne i timske nastave. Cilj istaživanja je bio ipitatati da li i u kojoj meri program RWCT doprinosi ostavrenosti standarda kvaliteta pojedinih oblasti rada škole i to: nastava i učenje, obrazovna postignuća učenika i podrška učenicima u socijalnom i ličnom razvoju, u odnosu na učenike i nastavnike koji prate nastavni proces po standardom planu i programu. Priroda problema i postavljeni cilj istraživanja određuju karakter istraživanja kao ex-post-facto, (kvazi-ekperimentalno istraživanje i to nacrt sa nejednakom kontrolnom grupom).<br />Na planu prakse, značaj ovog istaživanja je dovođenje u relaciju programa RWCT i samoprocene određenih ključnih oblasti standarda kvaliteta i provera uticaja programa na nivo ostavrenosti pokazatelja kvaliteta. Stoga je uži smisao ovog istraživanja da se pribave empirijsko kvantitativni rezultati samoprocene ključnih oblasti prema standardima kvaliteta rada obrazovno-vaspitnih ustanova i to: nastave i učenja, obrazovnih postignuća učenika i podrške učenicima iz ugla učenika i nastavnika srednjih škola. Šira dimenzija istarživanja, bila bi dovođenje u vezu programa RWCT sa samoprocenom relevantnih oblasti, kako bi istraživanjem proverili da li program utiče i u kojoj meri na nivo ostvarenosti indikatora preko kojih se definišu standardi ključnih oblasti, relevantnih za ovaj istraživački projekat. Istraživanje se pozicionira na dihotomiji sagledavanja različitih dimenzija školske prakse, iz ugla nastavnika i ugla učenika, potom se porede procenjene oblasti i traže zakonitosti u dvouglu procena glavnih aktera vaspitno-obrazovnog procesa.<br />Populaciju istraživanja predstavljaju nastavnici i učenici srednjih stručnih škola, tako da očekivani rezultati koji govore u prilog tezi, potencijalno odražavaju i presek postojećeg stanja na srednjoškolskom nivou stručnog obrazovanja u našoj zemlji koji karakteriše sporost reforme obrazovnog sistema kao i stavove nastavnika i učenika o neophodnosti uvođenja promena u svakodnevnoj školskoj praksi. U tom smislu, validirani upitnik iz ovog istraživanja mogao bi se primeniti i u sagledavanju stepena uticaja i nekog drugog inovativnog modela na nivo ostvarenosti standarda kvaliteta rada škole. Pozitivna korelacija inoviranog pristupa nastavi i standarda kvaliteta rada škole mogla bi biti motivacioni zamajac u profesionalnom razvoju nastavnika koji bi unosili promenu u školskoj praksi primenom interaktivnih nastavnih tehnika, u odnosu na standardni nastavni plan i program u tradicionalnom konceptu nastave.<br />Očekuje se da nastavnici i učenici koji nastavu određenih predmeta prate prema programu RWCT u većoj meri procenjuju ostvarenost pokazatelja kvaliteta u oblastima nastave i učenja, obrazovnim postignućima učenika i podršci učenicima u ličnom i socijalnom razvoju. Rezultati istraživanja mogli bi ukazati, da ako nastavnici kao agensi promene u vaspitno-obrazovnom radu, unose promene u didaktičko-metodičkom smislu modelovanja nastave (a uz pomoć predloženog validiranog upitnika postoji mogućnost provere efekta promene/inovativnog modela na ostvarenost standarda kvaliteta rada škole) onda bi se rezultati mogli primeniti u procesima releventnim za pedagošku i razvojnu psihologiju i imati uticaj na školsku pedagogiju.</p>

Školní stravování žáků 2. stupně základní školy - Plzeňský kraj / Boarding of second grade elementary schools in Pilsen region

Mašková, Šárka January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with eating habits of pupils of the 2nd grade of elementary school located in the Pilsen region. The results of the research are evaluated in terms of healthy diet of pupils. The eating habits of children in the school environment are strongly influenced by several determinantsthat are discussed in the work. The aim of the thesis was to map the eating habits of children at the second grade of elementary school and to suggest possibilities that the school could use to support healthy school meals for its pupils and thus to influence the healthy lifestyle. The theoretical part of the thesis focuses on the state's attitude to the protection and promotion of health and disease prevention through the basic document Národní strategie ochrany a podpory zdraví a prevenci nemocí Zdraví 2020. Emphasis is placed on the state's attitude to healthy school meals through laws, decrees, standards and elaborated the national strategy. The vision and strategic objectives of the above pass into the school environment through the support of programs and projects and through the education of pupils to health and healthy eating. In the practical part of the thesis, the questionnaire survey investigates school meals for pupils of the second grade of elementary school. If we want to improve the...

Ефекти изборног и стандардног програма физичког васпитања на антрополошки статус ученика средње школе / Efekti izbornog i standardnog programa fizičkog vaspitanja na antropološki status učenika srednje škole / The effects of elective and compulsory PE activities on the anthropological status of secondary school students

Katanić Milana 11 May 2018 (has links)
<p>Fizičko vaspitanje predstavlja važnu socijalnu&nbsp;strategiju promocije fizičke aktivnosti i<br />nezamenljivi deo kvalitetnog obrazovanja,&nbsp;usmeren na razvoj kompetencija neophodnih za<br />aktivan životni stil. Međutim, učenici mnogo puta nisu adekvatno motivisani za nastavu<br />fizičkog vaspitanja i fizičku aktivnost&nbsp;generalno, a to posebno važi za učenike srednje<br />&scaron;kole. Zato je realizovano istraživanje sa ciljem&nbsp;da se ispitaju efekti izbornog i standardnog<br />programa fizičkog vaspitanja na antropolo&scaron;ki&nbsp;status učenika srednje &scaron;kole. Kori&scaron;ćen je kvazieksperimentalni&nbsp;dizajn, sa po dva&nbsp;eksperimentalna i kontrolna odeljenja učenika.<br />Standardni i eksperimentalni program (izborna&nbsp;nastava fizičkog vaspitanja) realizovani su<br />tokom 12 nedelja, &scaron;to odgovara trajanju jednog&nbsp;nastavnog ciklusa. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju&nbsp;da je eksperimentalni program fizičkog&nbsp;vaspitanja imao statistički značajno veće<br />pozitivne efekte na antropolo&scaron;ki status učenika,&nbsp;u odnosu na kontrolni program fizičkog<br />vaspitanja. Najveće pozitivne efekte ispoljio je&nbsp;na motoričke sposobnosti učenika (posebno kod&nbsp;ispitanika mu&scaron;kog pola), zatim, na ukupnu&nbsp;fizičku aktivnost i redukciju sedentarne<br />aktivnosti, dok su manji pozitivni efekti&nbsp;utvrđeni u prostoru motivacije i kada je reč o<br />pojedinačnim tipovima fizičke aktivnosti.&nbsp;Rezultati istraživanja sugeri&scaron;u da bi uvođenje<br />izbornih aktivnosti u redovne časove fizičkog&nbsp;vaspitanja u srednjoj &scaron;koli, moglo doprineti<br />većim efektima nastave na antropolo&scaron;ki status&nbsp;učenika.</p> / <p>Physical education presents an important<br />social strategy of physical activity promotion<br />and an irreplaceable part of a good quality<br />education, directed towards competence<br />development, which is necessary for<br />promoting an active lifestyle. However,<br />secondary school students are not often<br />motivated adequately for PE classes and<br />physical activities in general. Hence the<br />realization of the research aims to examine<br />the effects of elective and compulsory PE<br />activities on the anthropological status of<br />secondary school students. A quasi<br />experimental design was used in the research.<br />The sample consisted of two experimental<br />and two control classes. Both control and<br />experimental activities (elective PE activities)<br />were realized in 12 weeks, which corresponds<br />to the duration of one teaching cycle. The<br />results indicate that, statistically, the<br />experimental PE activities had significantly<br />higher positive effects on the anthropological<br />status of students than the control PE<br />activities. They manifested the highest<br />positive effects on students&rsquo; motor skill<br />development (particularly among male<br />students), on their physical activity and the<br />reduction of sedentary activity, while, on the<br />other hand, lower positive effects on<br />motivation and individual types of physical<br />activity. The results of this research show that<br />better effects on the anthropological status of<br />secondary school students could be achieved<br />by providing some elective activities during<br />regular PE classes.<br />Accepted on</p>

Učitel a učebnice: užívání učebnic v hodinách anglického jazyka na druhém stupni základní školy / Teacher and Textbook: Using Textbooks in English Language Classes at Secondary School Level

ŠINDELKOVÁ, Eliška January 2014 (has links)
The presented diploma thesis entitled "Teacher and textbook: using textbooks in English language classes at Secondary school level" deals, in its theoretical part, with the general role of teacher and textbook within the education process with a focus on specific features of English language teaching at primary school level. The introductory chapter deals with the definition of textbook and its differentiation from other material resources used by teachers in lessons. The chapter also includes a description of the general structure, content properties and basic functions of a school textbook. These serve as a basis for a short evaluation of specific features of English textbooks. The second chapter focuses on the personality of the teacher, his pedagogical competences and roles within the education process. It also briefly mentions specifics of foreign language teachers. The practical part documents research of the teacher´s use of textbook, which is based on direct observation of English lessons and a questionnaire. The main aim of this research is to find out how much time during English language lessons at primary school level teachers spend working with the basic textbook in comparison to the amount of time dedicated to activities without textbooks or to activities with other textual resources. In connection with this research we also intend to find out whether the rate and the way of using basic textbooks within English language lessons at primary school level vary among teachers qualified to teach English and teachers without this qualification and among teachers with different lengths of professional teaching experience. The main aim of this diploma thesis is to describe the functioning of textbooks within the English language teaching process from the point of view of the teacher.

Regionálně historický projekt pro základní školu: Dobříš v proměnách 20. století / Project teaching on the regionlal history of the town of Dobříš in the 20th century

Otavová, Gita January 2018 (has links)
DIPLOMOVÁ PRÁCE Project teaching on the regional history of the town of Dobříš in the 20th century Gita Otavová Abstract Diploma thesis deals with the project teaching and regional history of the town of Dobříš. The research part of the thesis contains proposal of project teaching on the topic of the history of the town of Dobříš in the 20th century. Pupils explored regional history of the town and architecture and regional monuments located in the town and it is surroundings especially. Pupils revealed how these sites have changed during the 20th century. They compared the history development with the present situation of the buildings. They explored for example the castle of Vargač, the chateau of Dobříš, so-called Cultural House, House and Gym of Sokol Association, secondary school building and Kopáček's house. Key words Regional history, projects methods, history teaching at lower-secondary school, town of Dobříš, 20th century

Informovanost žáků druhého stupně základních škol v oblasti ochrany obyvatelstva v Jihočeském kraji / Knowledge of pupils of upper primary schools in the field of protection of population in South Bohemian region

SUKOVÁ, Denisa January 2015 (has links)
Lives of each of us may bring unexpected situations, such as natural disasters, accidents involving release of hazardous substances or extensive traffic accidents. Statutory regulations and organizational measures taken by the state serve to mitigate the consequences of such emergencies. One of the tasks of the state is to protect the society, which also involves protection of population. Citizens themselves can contribute to the mitigation of the consequences of emergencies. Therefore, it is important to educate the citizens in this regard for them to be able react adequately. As part of the training of the population it is important to inculcate children from their early age with the basic rules of protection and help. Thus the issues of protecting people in emergencies are part of framework educational programmes for preschool, elementary as well as secondary education. It is the issues of protection of population that the theoretical part of this thesis deals with. The introduction describes protection of population from a historical perspective. It subsequently describes the current situation not only in the Czech Republic but it also briefly describes the context of the European Union and the political-military organization NATO. The thesis also describes the system of education in the sphere of protection of population at elementary schools. An integral component of the theoretical part is a chapter dealing with the integrated rescue system. The theoretical part is concluded with a chapter on statistical methods. The objective of the thesis was to find out about the level of knowledge of pupils in the 6th and 9th grades in the sphere of protection of population at selected schools in the South Bohemia region and to compare, subsequently, the knowledge of these pupils using the methods of descriptive and mathematical statistics. The following hypothesis was formulated for this thesis: 'Pupils on the 9th grade of elementary schools in the South Bohemia region have significantly better knowledge in the sphere of protection of population than 6th-grade pupils.' To achieve the defined objectives and to test the hypothesis, it was necessary to create a questionnaire focusing on the issue and to carry out a survey. The research group consisted of 100 pupils from 6th-grade classes and 100 pupils from 9th-grade classes at eight elementary schools in the South Bohemia region. The questionnaire submitted to the pupils included 15 questions. The questions in which the pupils showed a lack of knowledge mainly included questions focused on first aid. Evaluation of the questions shows that only 25 % of the pupils surveyed know what the frequency of chest compressions during resuscitation of an adult is and that 54 % of the pupils know how to behave in a situation where somebody is a victim of a high-voltage electric shock. Another problem area is the knowledge of signals. Only 51 % of the respondents know the signal for 'General Warning' and know what to do in the event this signal is sounded. The signal of 'Acoustic Siren Test' is known by only 21 % of them. In contrast, the issues in which pupils showed a good knowledge include, for instance, emergency telephone numbers (85 % of correct answers), integrated rescue system (87 % of correct answers) or evacuation (86 % of correct answers). Overall, the 6th-grade pupils answered all the questions correctly in 52.9 % of cases; it was 58 % in the 9th-grade pupils. The selected hypothesis was tested and confirmed using the methods of descriptive and mathematical statistics. The processed data is presented in the 'Results' chapter and it is subsequently evaluated in the 'Discussion' chapter. The benefit of this thesis is in an obtained image of knowledge in the sphere of protection of population shown by pupils of elementary schools. The outputs of the thesis have been provided to the participating schools.

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