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Proměny vztahu učitele a žáka v historickém kontextu / Changes in the Realtionship between Teacher and Pupil in the historical ContextKhailová, Pavlína January 2014 (has links)
The goal of diploma thesis is to follow and capture the changes in the relationship of the central characters of schools, i.e. the teacher and the student. This change is however closely related to the time context and the development of school as an institution. Current pedagogic trends, the church and political circumstances also play a role. I will monitor the change of the relationship between the teacher and the student approximately from the second half of the 15th century until today. This work has a character of a historical study and thus I will use mostly the historic and historic comparative method. Therefore, it will not contain a practical part, but will include only the theoretical one. The necessary information will be taken from historical and contemporary literature.
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Historický vývoj školy v Loděnici v regionálním kontextu / Historical development of the Loděnice school in the context of its regionŠedivá, Jana January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to show evidence and map a continuous educational development in the town of Loděnice in the Beroun region, where it is situated. The primary resources the author works with are school chronicles kept in the State regional archive in Beroun and school funds in Loděnice. The thesis has got a historical character, the author therefore uses work with sources, historical-comparative method, analysis, synthesis and interview. The thesis shows a specific period of this school, i.e. its development in 1782-1945. The author using the archive resources documents the educational development in Loděnice town in respect to the specified criteria. Furthermore, she maps the region of Beroun, its agricultural and industrial development. She highlights what influence the development in these areas had on education. Keywords Historical development, primary documents (chronicals, school documentation, inspection reports), law standards, region of Beroun, Loděnice.
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Proč učňák? Volba střední školy u žáků prvních ročníků učňovských oborů a jejich vztah ke škole a ke vzdělávání. / Why Apprenticeship? The Choice of Secondary Vocational Schools among First Year Apprentices and their Attitudes towards the School and EducationJirát, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
(in English) This thesis deals with the choice of the Czech secondary vocational schools. Through a description of important theoretical approaches connected to the education and a study of the Czech educational system, the paper is getting to the analysis based on qualitative interviews analysed in compliance with the grounded theory approach. Through these interviews the process of choosing the secondary school and the relationship to the chosen school is described. In this part also the data from OECD PISA 2012 are used to provide an additional context. It is argued that the choice done by the apprentices is significantly limited and that the main source of such limits is social. These conclusions are connected with overall context of the Czech highly differentiated educational system. Keywords (in English) education, qualitative research, apprenticeship training, vocational education, choice of a secondary school, relationship to the school
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Hodnocení žáků ve škole očima rodičů / Parent's attitude to the school assessmentOndráčková, Blanka January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with the issue of parents' access to school assessment. The theoretical part is focused on basic concepts such as assessment, its form and function and the possibility of objectivity; further outlines the relationship between family and school, their cooperation and the importance of evaluation in the family and in the society. The focus of this thesis is qualitative research, whose goal was to reveal through semi-structured interviews how parents perceive the school evaluation at the primary school. Emphasis is placed on the importance and the meaning that parents attach to evaluation of what they represent the due date and how school evaluation affects their relationship with their children and the school. Based on the research, it was found that the attitude of parents towards evaluation is very ambivalent, driven mainly predominant social discourse, own image of a child and satisfaction with the school and teacher. KEYWORDS assessment, family, relationship between the family and school, the child's potential, parent- child relationship
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Jak hodnotí žáci a jejich rodiče zpětně přechod na víceleté gymnázium? / How Pupils and Their Parents Evaluate its Transfer to Multi-year Gymnasium?Slanařová, Jana January 2016 (has links)
The multi-year gymnasium is a part of the Czech educational system for the long time. Those gymnasiums are one of the most discussed institutions in terms of usefulness. Various studies are made in dependence on that trying to find reasons for choosing multi-year gymnasiums (as thesis "Why Do Primary School Children Choose Multi-year Gymnasiums?", which preceded this work). The aim of this diploma thesis is already the next step: figuring out, if gymnasium met pupils' expectations, and also to receive feedback and evaluation of their parents. It focuses on pupils' academic self-concept, on problems associated with transfer to multi-year gymnasium and on positives, which the pupils would not probably meet at elementary school with. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Optimalizace odpočinkového režimu v mateřské škole / Optimization of relaxation regime in nursery schoolKučerová, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is focused on relaxation regime in the life of pre-school kids in their family and in nursery school. In theoretical part child's needs and rights, evolution of motivation, emotionally-moral evolution and socialization of children in the given age group are defined. In the next part aims and conditions of contemporary nursery school its daily regime, rhythm and rituals are described. This work also deals with the work of a teacher and his competences. The following part is dedicated to contemporary family, its educational styles and current relationship between school and family. In the final part of the theoretical part sleep and relaxation and its importance as well as sleep malfunctions are described. Practical part is aimed at relaxation regime in families of the children and in nursery school. Through questionnaires state of relaxation regime in families and in two classes of nursery school was established. After implementing organizational and material suggestions in two classes of nursery school impact of these innovations on happiness of children and view of teachers of these changes was evaluated after six months. The result of the survey shows what influence on quality of relaxation regime in nursery school organizational and material changes have and how are teachers capable...
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Faktory ovlivňující profesní rozvoj ředitelů DDM a SVČ v Pardubickém kraji / Factors Affecting the Profesion Development of the Head of DDM and SVČ in the Pardubice regionEndyšová, Jana January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with a topic that factors influencing the professional development of school principals. Its aim is to determine the quantitative and qualitative research which factors and to what extent the professional development of directors house of children and youth and leisure centers (the DDM and SVČ) in the Pardubice region influence. The core issue is the continuing education of directors DDM and SVČ, whether in their professional development in further education. The thesis also includes a six-year term of office, which can have a significant impact on the professional development of directors of DDM and SVČ. Research suggests that the Director of SVC and DDM most important factor that affects their professional development, continuing education. The research results are used in the field of school management and management education as an extension of knowledge about the work of the directors of DDM and SVČ and their professional development, which is negatively and positively influenced by various factors. Key words Further education director, management, schools, house of children and youth, leisure centers, professional development
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Kritická místa v českém jazyce na základní škole / Critical points in the Czech language at elementary schoolDygrínová, Gabriela January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with the critical points of teaching Czech language at the elementary school. The aim of the work was to identify the citical points of teaching Czech language to the sixth grade of the elementary level. The identification of the critical points was done through a qualitative analysis of the discussions lead with teachers of Czech language. The theoretical part of the work characterizes the Czech language curriculum in the sixth grade and its didactic apporoach in commonly used textbooks. Conceptions, such as the cricital point and the mistake are defined. The practical part of the work contains the analysis and the interpretation of the discussions carried out with the teachers. The program Altas.ti was used for the evaluation of the obtained data. The critical points of Czech language in the sixth grade of the elementary school were found to be the phenomena in the realm of syntax, morphology, and spelling. In the realm of syntax, the critical spots of the greatest weight were: the ability to think logically, the knowledge of the basic linguistic phenomena, the understanding of the syntactic relationships and the terminology. In morphology, the ability to distinguish between the parts of speech, the case determination, and the recognition of the number of the collective and the...
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Implementace výuky o zdravé výživě jako možnost ovlivnění stravovacích návyků dětí na 1. stupni základní školy / Implementation of nutrition education as an opportunity to influence children's eating habits in primary schoolŠmídová, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is focused on healthy nutrition and the possibility of influencing the eating habits of pupils at primary school. The first chapter of the theoretical part deals with nutrition of children, proper diet composition, nutritional habits and their formation and also mistakes in nutrition. The second chapter focuses on the education of children of primary school, the area of healthy nutrition in the Core curriculum and health education in the school and its integration into teaching. It continues describing projects which are already operating and promoting healthy eating habits. The practical part presents data on the eating habits of pupils acquired by questionnaire method. The resulting data is processed into graphs with added comments. The last part includes a draft of an own project which supports proper nutritional habits of children. Keywords: healthy nutrition, children's nutrition, eating habits, education to health, primary school
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Vzdělávací činnost Jednoty bratrské v regionu Mladá Boleslav / Educational Activity of Jednota bratrská in the Region of Mladá BoleslavNedvědová, Denisa January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis discusses Bohemian Brethren, its history, and its activities on the territory of Bohemia, Moravia, and North America. The historical part investigates its origins. It summarizes the period of the founding and persecution. It refers to the important people Jan Blahoslav and Jan Amos Komenský. Further it covers their missionary work. It investigates the influence of the Czech legacy of Moravian Brethren in North America and its preserving. Furthermore, it focuses on the educational activities of Bohemian Brethren in the Czech Republic, especially in Mladá Boleslav.
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