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Změny tělesné hmotnosti v průběhu roku v závislosti na cirkadiánní typologii u adolescentů / Changes in body weight depending on circadian typology of adolescents during the yearKRANKUŠ, Lubomír January 2012 (has links)
The thesis is tracking changes in body weight of 15 to 20-year-old male adolescents during one calendar year in the context of a season and typology of a personality in the circadian rhythm area where probands are figuratively categorized into ?larks? whose activity is the highest in the morning hours and ?owls?, in other words people who are more active in the afternoon and evening hours. The theoretical part of the thesis tries to clear key concepts of the research work and the whole thesis alone. The practical part of the thesis explains and describes specific procedures, methods, results, goals and practical recommendations of the project.
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Biologie a stanovištní nároky ohroženého druhu stepníka Eresus moravicus (Araneae: Eresidae)v Česku / Biology and habitat requirements of endangered ladybird spider Eresus moravicus (Araneae: Eresidae) in CzechiaKREJČÍ, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
The ladybird spider Eresus moravicus is one of our most endangered spiders. It is therefore necessary to know its habitat requirements and have at least basic knowledge of its biology to design an appropriate management to protect sites of its natural occurrence. Phytocenological analysis was made at each site and the outcomes were evaluated based on the Ellenberg´s indicator values. Also slope and exposure, litter layer and the quantity of rubbel were measured on the localities. Individuals were taken from burrows for the measurement of the prosoma length (investigation of the length of the life cycle). Exuviae were collected from the same burrows for measurement of the prosoma length. From these data the number of instars was determined. Prey remains were taken at most of those sites from 5?10 burrows and determined. Offsprings from several maternal burrows were taken, counted and weighted (research of fecundity of females). Weight of offsprings is important also in terms of their dispersion ability. The offsprings ability to balloon was investigated experimentally in laboratory conditions. The ladybird spider Eresus moravicus occurs in warm regions with high intensity of irradiation, mostly on the southern and southwestern slopes. Sites are characterized by poor herbaceous vegetation without trees and shrubs and by a thin layer of humus. Female lives for four years and the male for three years. The number of instars can reach to 13. Beetles (Coleoptera) are the most importent prey, the importent component of food are ants (Formicidae), too. Eresus moravicus has more offsprings than Eresus sandaliatus and Eresus kollari, more eggs in the cocoon than E. kollari and heavier offsprings than E. kollari and E. sandaliatus. In offsprings of E. moravicus and E. kollari pre-ballooning behavior of two types was observed: "tip-toe" behavior and "drop and swing" behavior.
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Analýza možností zmírnění negativních vlivů silniční dopravy ve prospěch ochrany životního prostředí. / Analysis of options to mitigate the negative impacts of road transport in favor of environmental protection.PRŮŠA, Radek January 2012 (has links)
This paper analyzes the negative impact of transport on the environment and possibilities of their elimination or reduction.
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Sociologie jídla - vegetariánství jako specifický fenomén / Sociology of Food - Vegetarianism as a Specific PhenomenLAPEŠOVÁ, Miroslava January 2012 (has links)
The Diploma Thesis "Sociology of Food - Vegetarianism as a Specific Phenomenon" consists of a theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part aims at the basic information relating to the sociology of food and the lifestyle. The consequent chapters deal with vegetarianism. The practical part brings the presentation of the results reached. The primary data collection utilized the quantitative research, the questioning method and the questionnaire technique. The questionnaire was distributed, in particular, via the Internet, in collaboration with the discussion forums of healthy diet and the vegetarianism forums. Also, within the Yoga system, in a daily life it was spread into all the Yoga Centres in the Czech Republic. Furthermore, the questionnaire was spread in the healthy diet shops and in the healthy canteen in České Budějovice. The research set was made up by vegetarians from all over the Czech Republic regardless of age, sex or any other criteria. In total 421 questionnaires were returned to be utilized for the research, however, 74 of them could not be used at all due to the incorrect or insufficient data completion or illegibility. Thus the research utilized 347 questionnaires, i.e. 82.4 %. The aim of the Diploma Thesis was to ascertain how the phenomenon of nourishment influences the lifestyle of a vegetarian. Consequently, other two goals were set. Partial goal 1: Monitoring of vegetarianism within the Czech Republic from the point of view of vegetarians. Partial goal 2: Description of contemporary trends within vegetarian nourishment. Evaluation of positives and negatives of such nourishment. I assume the goals of the Thesis have been fulfilled. In connection with the goal of the Thesis the hypothesis arose: Vegetarianism as the choice of nourishment is simultaneously a choice of a specific lifestyle (e.g. the style of housing, leisure time, so-called life philosophy, etc.). This hypothesis was acknowledged from the results ascertained. The Diploma Thesis results can serve for the further research and a wider exploration of this field. Furthermore, they will utilised for the needs of the vegetarian centres and, thanks to the scope of the research set, they can be intended to be published in professional periodicals.
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Životní styl partnerských párů po 60. roce věku / The lifestyle of couples aged more then 60. years.MARIÁNKOVÁ, Alena January 2012 (has links)
At present we are witnessing a revolutionary period marked by changes in population demographics. Recently there has been a significant increase in life expectancy of people in developed countries and the percentage of seniors in society has been rising. The issue of a proactive approach to aging is therefore very relevant today. It is difficult to determine when youth ends and old age starts, but the World Health Organization has determined this age limit as 60 years. This is the time when people retire and when they perceive their own aging most intensely. The aim of the thesis is to explore the lifestyle of seniors. The theoretical part includes a description of this particular period of human life, the practical research studies the lives of concrete seniors with the aim of creating a clear conception of how today's seniors live, what their normal days look like, what they are occupied with and what they are worried about. The main research groups are couples, but in the research are included also individuals, mostly widows who live alone. Interviews conducted in their home environment enable looking into their privacy, and finding out what the lifestyle of people over 60 years old is like. For all respondents, retirement was a major turning point in their lives. The way they coped with this situation is different in each case, but anyway their lives and lifestyles changed in some way, either positively or negatively. Some people slowed down the pace of life and began to pursue hobbies and family life after leaving their jobs, others used the newly gained time to start to fully focus on their hobbies. There are, however, people who gave up their hobbies and got indolent. This applies particularly to lonely people. The research has shown that people living in pair are more active and if they are not limited by health problems, they show greater diligence and activity. Partners support each other in their hobbies and encourage each other to action. The research could not cover the views of all seniors, but it has turned out that a positive approach to life and an active lifestyle significantly helps improve old age that should not be seen as a sad and final chapter of life.
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Využití ekoznačky a značky pro lokální produkt v rámci rozvoje regionu / Application of Eco-label and brand for local product in framework of the region developmentPICKOVÁ, Tereza January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis is aimed to compare the eco-label and the regional product in the South Bohemian region. This thesis is focusing on consumer behavior, supplier behavior and their interest in ecology and their awareness of labels participated in our analysis. Data analysis is performed using a questionnaire survey. Based on the results of the survey are proposed recommendations for improving the situation.
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Životní fáze podniku se zaměřením na období krize / The phases of the enterprise lifecycle focused on the period of crisisČECHUROVÁ, Marie January 2013 (has links)
The aim of the Diploma work was to evaluate the phases of the enterprise lifecycle, as well as to focus on the phase of the crisis and consequently to reveal the impact of the crisis by means of a system of indicators. In the theoretical part of the Diploma work, the enterprise lifecycle including its individual phases were described followed by the causes of the crisis and the possibilities of financial rehabilitation. In the practical part of the Diploma work, the particular enterprise was introduced at first, followed by the desription of its economic characteristics, which were used to identify the phases of the enterprise lifecycle for the period 2004 ? 2012. Corresponding results were found out with respect to the enterprise activities. The year 2009 meant crisis for the enterprise. The crisis was caused by the ongoing global economic recession, as well as by strong links to foreign partners associated with high foreign exchange losses. The following year, however, the enterprise recovered from the crisis and launched the re-growth phase, which in 2012 was transformed into the phase of stability, maturity, and with which the enterprise would like to keep up for as long as possible.
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Možnosti snižování emisí amoniaku z chovu skotu bez tržní produkce mléka. / Possibilities of reducing ammonia emissions from cattle suckler.SEDLÁČEK, Radomír January 2013 (has links)
Cattle breeding causes one of the biggest gas pollutions. As measuring of gas concentration still remains very difficult, it's not easy to set up improving technologies. This thesis is therefore aimed on measuring of ammonia, microclimate and ammonia emissions of cattle excluding market cattle sucklers while both pasture and winter stabling. As a suitable place for measuring, a farm of Radomir Sedlacek was chosen. To verify proposed method in practice, measuring took place also in other pasturing areas. Total average of ammonia concentration in pasture measuring was 0,5123 mg.m-3. Total average of specific producing emissions from the pasture was 25,45825,458 kg.ks-1.rok-1. Total average concentration in the stable of all six probes was 0,7035403 NH3 mg.m-3. Total average of producing emission in the stable of all six probes was 113,2744816 kg.stáj-1.rok-1. Specific producing emission for one animal while stabling was 1,742684332 kg.ks-1.rok-1. Suggested action to decrease ammonia emissions on the pasture is use of Amalgerol classic. In the stables this preparation is suggested to go together with PRP FIX fermentation. When combined, up to 70% decrease of ammonia emissions can be achieved.
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Životní styl, oblíbené činnosti a největší obavy občanů ve věku 65 a více let / Lifestyle, the most popular activities and concerns of citizens aged 65 and over.GAPKOVÁ, Jiřina January 2013 (has links)
Demographic statistics show that nowadays a proportion of seniors is increasingly growing in our population. Therefore it is very important to pay close attention to this group. The threshold age of sixty-five years is mainly associated with a longer retirement age. This turn occurs from day to day when a person has got a much more leisure time and must to cope with it in some way. I focused on the lifestyle, favourite activities and the greatest fear of people over 65 years in my diploma thesis. The thesis concentrates to an interconnection of the lifestyle with the health and the state of health of an individual. The research sample consisted of thirty respondents from the districts of Mladá Boleslav and České Budějovice. The respondents were approached by a random selection. Fifteen respondents, nine women and six men were from the district of Mladá Boleslav, ten women and five men were from the district of České Budějovice. There were established quota criteria - the age over 65, the residence in the district of Mladá Boleslav or in the district of České Budějovice and a willingness to take part anonymously in the research too. The research in the given areas took place in the months from December to March and in various environments: in libraries, shopping centres, traffic means (train, bus) as well as in streets of towns and villages. The results were processed in form of thirty case studies which were written in three areas: the identification, health and lifestyle and leisure time. Transparent tables were developed from the case studies. The interviews show that among the most favourite seniors´ activities belong reading of books, newspapers and magazines, watching TV and doing crossword puzzles. These three the most often and the most favourite activities were indicated both by respondents from the district of Mladá Boleslav and from the district of České Budějovice as well. The respondents´ greatest fear is of their health, it is followed by the fear of losing their children. These two concerns appeared on the top places at both of the groups of respondents. The third frequent fear was mentioned as a concern about the household in the district of Mladá Boleslav and the fear of the loneliness in the district of České Budějovice. Eleven of the thirty respondents said, that they have no fear (five in the district of Mladá Boleslav and six in the district of České Budějovice). The practical part also showed that cultural and social events are attended by nineteen from the thirty respondents, eleven of them do not take part in any events, most commonly for the reason of a poor state of their health or for the reason they do not want it at all. Eighteen respondents participate in sporting events, actively only four of them, twelve respondents do not attend any sporting events. None of them studies Academy or University of the Third Age and seems to be interested in studies. Only two seniors from the district of Mladá Boleslav are members of the seniors´ club. Differences in the lifestyle, favourite activities and the fears between the districts of Mladá Boleslav and České Budějovice are minimal. Following hypotheses can be drawn on the basis of the research, though it would be advisable to check them on a larger number of respondents. ?Seniors´ lifestyle is largely influenced by the state of health.? ?Especially the concern about the poor state of health belongs to the most frequent mentioned seniors´ fears? ?Mainly reading of books, watching TV and doing crossword puzzles belong to the most favourite seniors´ activities.? The diploma thesis could be used as a support of the healthy lifestyle and at the same time it could be used for an expansion or implementation of leisure-time activities for seniors from the districts of Mladá Boleslav and České Budějovice at the age group of people over 65.
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Životní styl posluchačů univerzity třetího věku / Lifestyle of the Third Age University StudentsHOLICKÁ, Monika January 2013 (has links)
Lifestyle of the University of the Third Age listeners The thesis as a whole is written in the spirit of the quality of senior life and active spending an old age. First chapter ? Current status - represents the theoretical frame of the thesis which introduces the reader with the key issues essential for the correct understanding of the work. In its´ main subchapters are described demographical development and the population aging, life quality of senior people and social security in old age. Special chapter is dedicated to the tools of an active old age where the both national and international activities on this field are described, the types of senior organizations such as Active seniors clubs or People´s universities are divided, and separate chapter deals with the education of senior people including the description of educational activities like University of the Third Age or the Academy of the Third Age. The last part of mentioned chapter is dedicated to functions, targets and positive results of the senior people education. Remaining chapters concern the qualitative research. In the chapter two the objective of the thesis is defined, including the main and component research questions. The objective of the thesis is to describe the lifestyle of the senior people who participate on the educational activities within the University of the Third Age (U3V). Specifically to describe how their lifestyle differs unlike to the senior people who does not attend the educational courses via U3V and which positive benefits the study brings. The secondary objective is to determine the factors that impede these senior people to attend the Universities of the Third Age. Third chapter refers to the detailed description of the research methodology. The qualitative attitude with the research design of the case study was chosen for this thesis. I used the moderated interview method and the semi-structured interview for the data collecting and right after the framework analysis was chosen in order to process gathered data. To evaluate the data I used the case comparison method. This chapter also includes the description of the research sample selection and also its characteristics. Forth chapter presents the results of evaluated interviews. Whereas the research file was divided into three groups, also these results have a structure of three separated subchapters. The summary of gathered key knowledge is mentioned at the end of this chapter. I managed to identify the base differences in particular branches of senior people lifestyles between senior people that attend the U3V educational activities, those who don´t and the senior people participate in the Active senior clubs thanks to the comparison of the particular case studies. It is possible briefly to say that the result shows us that the U3V study has no influence on the softening of the feeling of loneliness, although the important role of the U3V in senior people lives mainly in giving them both the kind of meaning of life and the opportunity to spend old age actively with the people of the same generation with the same interests. Senior people who do not attend the educational activities indicate the lower number of meetings with other people, but on the other hand they meet their relatives much more often, in some cases every day, and thanks to this fact, they do not feel the loneliness and see their meaning of life in the care od family. This is the reason, why they do not have a need to attend other activities. After this chapter the Discussion follows, which compares the gathered results of the research with already publicized knowledge. The conclusion, bibliographic sources and the annexes are placed in the end of the thesis.
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