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Vyhodnocení procesů EIA dle zákona č. 100/2001 Sb. na území Jihočeského kraje / Data evaluation of the EIA process in accordance with law no. 100/2001 Collection of Law in South Bohemia localityŠAFAŘÍK, Miroslav January 2009 (has links)
Categoriation and sorting of several parts of projects is supporting to better orientation in whole information system
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Zemědělský provoz z hlediska hlukové zátěže / Agricultural operations in terms of noise nuisanceKŮRKA, Jan January 2011 (has links)
This Course Work deals with the measurement of noise levels arising from agricultural operations ZD Pluhuv Zdar and Agra and Deštná Here was done operational measuring of noise nuisance, affecting neighbouring communities of these companies. The noise can be attributed to tractors with trailers transporting hay and silage to stockrooms, also the biogas stations and sounds of other routine activities within vacinity of the company. The measured values show that the resulting noise exceeds the legal limits only in Destna. This was caused by noise from the site of repair workshops and the adjacent road. In Pluhuv Zdar the measured values of noise did not exceed the limits allowed by the law.
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Fyzická aktivita a zdravý životní styl jako prevence rostoucí obezity dětí a mládeže na vybraných školách v Českých Budějovicích\\ / Physical activity and healthy life style as a prevention of increasing of children and youth in selected schools in České Budějovice\\BALOUNOVÁ, Martina January 2008 (has links)
This Diploma Dissertation deals with research expressing the propotion of P.E. lessons to particular kinds of sport or disciplines. I visited eight randomly chosen schools in České Buddějovice where I tried to inspect subject of P.E. lessons in primary schools. I made a date for coming on the particular schools and asked for primary school classroom books of the school years 2005/2006 and 2006/2007 where I found out how many leesons and what kind of sport each school practised. I think P.E. lessons at schools are the only physical activities of most children nowadays. Obtained data are written down to the charts and graphs. In theoretical part of this dissertation I deal with cause of obesity, prevention of obesity, risk factors and what and how much food should be eaten.
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Životní projevy hřebců a klisen / Life symptoms of stallions and maresKOREŠOVÁ, Michaela January 2010 (has links)
The farm, where I have watched ethological behaviour, is next to CHKO Blanský les, near the small town Lhenice. The farm is engaged in breeding of horses. The basic herd is created with warm-blooded mares of Netolice´s breeding. The aim of ethological watching was to recognize basic symptoms of behaviour of horses in their natural conditions during pasture season. These symptoms were watched in the herd of 20 mares (barren, advanced stage of pregnancy and mares with foals) and in the one of 9 stallions and 2 geldings. Everything was conducted during four of 24-hours cycles during pasture season 2008 inside each of the herds. It was recognized, that horses most of their time were accepting their fodder. The time of feeding depended on quality of the pasture fodder and at the temperature of the air. Mares spent the longest time with feeding. It was 63.84 % of the day. The stallions spent with feeding 58.90 % of the day. At the end of their pasture season in September, but it is quite normal, because the quality of pasture is during the second part of pasture season much worse. The rest, as laying and standing depended on the time, that was needed for satisfying with pasture. The longest time for have a rest was watched during the month of Juni {--} 42.50 % of the day and 46.47 % of the day during August, when the parture was the richest and temperature the highest. Moving activity was much better inside the stallion´s herd. The conflict behaviour was the same inside the both of herds and aggressive behaviour was watched during the social fighting for relationships inside both of herds.
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Rizikový životní styl jako zdravotně sociální problém / Risky livestyle behaviours as a health social problemCHYTILOVÁ, Monika January 2010 (has links)
Every man influences his health by his own life style. Our health is in 80% determined by the life style. Remaining 20% is determined by other influences, inheritance {--} above all, and health care. This thesis analyses the life style of students of South Bohemian University {--} Faculty of Health and Social Studies and Faculty of Economics and is focused on negative factors e.g. drug taking, alcohol consumption, smoking, obesity and stress. The thesis involves explanation of basic concepts that are the foundation stones of this work. The first part is focused on the definitions such as health and disease, life style, prevention, health support, psychology of health and health determinants that significantly influence health of a man. Great part of work deals with risks factors such as alcohol consumption, obesity, stress and other factors that can be influenced positively by a man himself. However, individuality of a man and his will play an important role. The objective of the thesis is to survey the life style of the students of the above mentioned faculties and to compare the results. The research part of the thesis, realised in the form of a questionnaire, is focused on diet, movement, smoking, drugs and alcohol. The first hypothesis - The students of Faculty of Health and Social Studies are better informed about risk life style, than the students of Faculty of Economics {--} was proved. The second hypothesis {--} The students of Faculty of Health and Social Studies are familiar with the principles of healthy lifestyle- has been confirmed partly. The third hypothesis {--} There are no differences in life style between the students of Faculty of Health and Social Studies and Faculty of Economics {--} was proved.
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Zdravý životní styl a prevence jako nedílná součást péče o vlastní zdraví u seniorů / The Healthy lifestyle and prevention as the integral part of the health provision in the elderlyVOKROUHLÍKOVÁ, Monika January 2010 (has links)
The objective of my diploma thesis is to identify the seniors´concern about their own health in relation to their lifestyle and approach to prevention. On the basis of information given from the informants, we may claim senior population is aware of the importance of healthy lifestyle. However, they are not always capable of following each recommendation. Main problems contain especially the lack of physical activities as well as regular drinking. On the contrary, positive results were learnt in a preventive medical control research.
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Hodnocení životního stylu studentů oboru Ochrana veřejného zdraví / Lifestyle evaluation of students of Public health protectionSCHOVÁNKOVÁ, Lenka January 2010 (has links)
This thesis summarizes theoretical findings in several fields of the lifestyle. It contains basic information about nutrition, positive effects of reasonable physical activity and it points to negative consequences of smoking and alcohol consumption, effects of stress and insufficient sleep. The research part of the thesis maps the lifestyle of students in the specialization Public health protection at the Faculty of Health and Social Studies at University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice. It has turned out that the students eat regularly but they do not have enough fruit and vegetables in their diet and only a small percentage of them practice regular physical activities. 52 % of the respondents are happy with their own lifestyle. When asked whether they believe that their professional specialization has affected their lifestyle, 38 % answered positively. The results of the thesis indicate how the students of Public health protection respect the principles of healthy lifestyle and whether they are content with their lifestyle.
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Nezávislé monitorování ETE RC SÚJB České Budějovice, návrh nezávislého monitorování ETE za MÚ RC SÚJB České Budějovice / Independent monitoring of Nuclear power plant Temelin environs by Regional centrum of SONS České Budějovice. Project of independent monitoring NPPTE in the case of Emergency incident.ZEMAN, Karel January 2010 (has links)
The State Office for Nuclear Safety (SONS) and the National Radiation Protection Institute (NRPI) are involved in independent monitoring of surrounding areas of nuclear power plants (NPPs), in accordance with the Czech legislative requirements (Decree No. 319/2002 Coll. on radiation monitoring network (RMS), as amended by Decree No. 27/2006 Coll.). The monitoring includes surveillance of environmental samples, in which radionuclides can be detected in case of emergency event, i.e. radioactivity release from the NPP. Another part of the monitoring is measurement of photon dose equivalent, continuously in the air (early detection network - SVZ) or using thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD) placed in SONS monitoring points in the NPP vicinity. Environmental sampling and evaluation of photon dose equivalent in the air is carried out in regular intervals. The 137Cs and 131I activity is measured by gamaspectrometry method used with Gamat evaluation program, according to SONS internal procedure (VDMI). Tritium activity in surface water is measured by liquid scintillation spectrometer Beta TriCarb made by Canberra Packard Company, according to methodology CSN ISO 9698 (757635). Evaluation of dose equivalent rate is carried out continuously by LB 6360 proportional probe and LB 6500-3 Geiger-Muller tube located in RC Building in Ceske Budejovice. TLD evaluation is carried out by NRPI laboratory in Prague and the results are sent to SONS RC Ceske Budejovice. Goal of this work is to provide a set of results of the independent monitoring in surrounding areas of Temelin NPP (ETE) carried out between 1999 and 2009, by determination of volume, mass or surface activity of environmental samples (137Cs and 131I) and spot samples of water (3H) taken from SONS monitoring points near ETE . The set of such results should provide a baseline reference values for normal (pre-accident) situations. Additionally, based on the long term of the ETE surrounding surveillance, it can be shown that the ETE operation represents no threat to the health of the critical population group, and that the radiation situation in the ETE surrounding is stable. It can be also shown that the ETE operator meets requirements and conditions of authorized limits for discharging radionuclides into the environment. Procedures and method of independent environmental monitoring in the ETE surrounding during emergency events can be proposed on the basis of many years of experience with proven methodologies, experience with sampling locations, staffing and organization of measurement.
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This thesis deals with problems of healthy lifestyle in connection with prevention of civilization diseases. In the theoretical part of this work there are briefly described the most significant aspects of lifestyle which have an influence on human health. Then there is here mentioned prevention and some of the most common civilization diseases. Healthy lifestyle presents set of routines and behavior that according to contemporary scientific knowledge supports our health. We can imagine it for example like a style where most of components, which it is consisted of, have positive orientation and where physical activity, rational nutrition, no-smoking, reasonable drinking of alcohol and good human relations are on the first place. The aim of this work is detection of a lifestyle and following comparison of the results in a group of women and men and comparison of a lifestyle of people living in a town and in the country. Experimental population was formed by people living in a district of Jindrichuv Hradec aged 41- 55. First hypothesis - Among men will be more often detected negative factor of smoking {--} was confirmed. In research I found out that in the surveyed sample of people living in a district of Jindrichuv Hradec there regularly smoke 37,1 % of men and 22,2 % of women, which corresponds with the results of the study of HELEN which was this hypothesis built on. Second hypothesis - women will evaluate their health like worse {--} wasn't confirmed. The question ascertaining a subjective feeling of health was supposed to verify whether the findings of the study of the health condition and lifestyle of the inhabitants in the Czech Republic. 43,6 % of women and 35,4 % of men valued their lifestyle in a positive way, 14,6 % of women and 29,1 % of men in a negative way. Third hypothesis {--} People living in a town will more often feel stress in comparison with people living in the country {--} was confirmed. To a question {\clqq}Do you suffer from stress?" 90,4 % of people living in a town and 77 % of people living in the country answered positively.
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Vliv sportu na vybrané rysy životního stylu studentů sportovního gymnázia a všeobecného gymnázia / Influence of sport on selected characteristics of lifestyle of students of sport secondary school and students of general secondary schoolHÁJKOVÁ, Simona January 2009 (has links)
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