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Environmentalismus v české filosofii XX. století / Environmentalism in Czech Philosophy of 20th centuryBOČKOVÁ, Martina January 2010 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the role of the Czech philosophy in the 20th century and the way it affected the formation of an environmental approach. It unveils the mutual connections betweens the natural sciences and philosophy and highlights the importance of a close link between various ideas about man and the world. An analysis of the content of selected books by Erazim Kohák and Josef Šmajs emphasizes the existential threat arising from a critical relationship between man and the world at large. Finally, it reminds of the change in the scale of human values as well as the need for man to redefine his position in the world today.
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Rozbor radionuklidického složení výpustí ETE / Analysis of radioactive discharges composition at Temelín NPPBUZEK, Karel January 2007 (has links)
Goal of this dissertation is to establish increasing of radioactive discharges with reference to projected construction of next nuclear power units. This dissertation describes radionicludes composition in gaseous also liquid discharges and resulting impact to individual from critical group of the public. Dissertation includes annual summaries of discharges, released into environment during Temelín NPP operation. Procedure of the analysis: 1) calculation of average annual activity of most considerable radionuclides 2) determination of environment influence to radionuclides distribution 3) calculation of supposed committed effective dose 4) calculated supposed committed effective dose comparison with actual authorized limit, with double authorized limit and with dose constraint for effective dose for individual from critical group of the public, caused by discharges of radioactive substances Main conclusion of this dissertation is suggestion of to increase authorized limits for individual from critical group of the public: for gaseous discharges: 50 % above current value {--} it means 60 {$\mu$}Sv per calendar year for liquid discharges: 100 % above current value {--} it means 6 {$\mu$}Sv per calendar year This values are quite acceptable in comparison with dose constraints defined by Regulation No. 307/2002 of Coll., § 56, section 3 {--} {\clqq}average effective dose of 250 {$\mu$}Sv per calendar year for the appropriate critical group of the public, from which 200 {$\mu$}Sv shall be for discharges into the atmosphere and 50 {$\mu$}Sv for discharges into watercourses``. It is possible to utilize this dissertation in process of new nuclear power units projection, next this dissertation demonstrates radiation protection optimisation in area of radioactive discharges according to valid legislation.
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Význam času a místa v procesu migrace. Zkušenost dvou generací Čechů žijících v Berlíně / The meaning of time and space in the migration process. The experience of two generations of Czechs living in BerlinJansová, Lenka January 2017 (has links)
(in English): This paper is concerned with the interrelation among social structures and individual agency in the migration process. Aim of the thesis is to contextually explain motivations and strategies of two Czech generations who migrated to Berlin. It focuses on generation of Czechs who left homeland between 1968-1989 and migration generation who moved after the accession of The Czech Republic to the European Union. The accent put on the time(s) and place(s) in the migration process enables to compare generations, and is the key to understanding interaction of structures and agency. Theoretical and methodological framework is formed by the concept of the theory of practices from Karen O'Reilly (2012), to interpret the meaning of the time(s) the life course perspective was used, the meaning of place(s) was interpreted by the concept of migration networks and transnationalism. The core of the empirical part is analysis of ethnographic material concerning notes from participant observation and narrative in-depth interviews with biographical elements (micro-level). The interpretation of motivations and strategies of the migration as well as social ties and practice is set in broader structures and events context i.e. historical and geographic relationship between the countries and the political...
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Právní úprava posuzování vlivů na životní prostředí / Legal regulation of the environmental impact assessmentPich, Jan January 2015 (has links)
Environmental Impact Assessment is one of internationally recognised tools providing environmental protection. Purpose of the assessment is to identify and comprehensively evaluate environmental impact of a project with participation of the public, professionals and administrative bodies, prior to the realisation of the project. Information gained through this process is then used as a basis for decision making in procedures granting development or other consents. The thesis aims to analyse in particular the Czech environmental impact assessment law with emphasis on its recent amendment and reasons of its implementation.
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Věková struktura a růst divokých pstruhů obecných v závislosti na početnosti a charakteristice prostředí / Age structure and growth of wild brown trout in relation to population density and habitat qualityZávorka, Libor January 2015 (has links)
Brown trout Salmo trutta L. is a fish species with high socio-economic value, which is favourable among anglers and a successful invader worldwide. The aim of this thesis is to explore environmental factors affecting body growth and survival of brown trout with emphasis on density dependent selection in juvenile life stages. This thesis is specifically focused on: (1) effect of population density on growth and survival with respect to a dynamic of a local group of individuals (papers I and II); (2) effect of inter-individual differences in behaviour on the relationship between individuals life-history traits and available resources (papers III and IV); (3) link between demo-genetic structure of population and growth and mortality rates of individuals (papers V, VI and VII). Datasets for this thesis were collected during a long-term mark-recapture study on wild brown trout population (2005-2011) in the catchment of the Otava River in Šumava National Park (Czech Republic) and a set of field and laboratory studies conducted on wild populations in streams on west coast of Sweden. In accordance with some previous studies, this thesis showed that growth of juvenile brown trout is negatively affected by population density. Nonetheless, this thesis reveals that the negative effect of density dependent...
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Právní ochrana hospodářských zvířat proti týrání / Legal protection of farm animals against crueltyKudernová, Anna January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis entitled Legal protection of farm animals against cruelty aims to provide comprehensive overview of legal provisions for the protection of farm animals, authorities providing this protection and historical bases of the way humans interact with animals. The thesis has 7 chapters. The first chapter defines the key terms for this work, animals and farm animals. The second charter pursues the development of the human-animal relationship and philosophical, religious and other influences affecting this relationship. The third chapter gives an overview of the first legislation dealing with animal cruelty. We can find International treaties and European Union law on the protection of farm animals against cruelty in the fourth charter. Then the thesis focuses on the current Czech legislation, the individual areas of animal treatment regulated by law and in particular the Act no. 246/1992 Coll., On protection of animals against cruelty. The sixth chapter defines the scope of the individual animal protection authorities and finally it provils the overview of the possibilities of sanctions imposed on persons in order to protect farm animals.
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Zdravotní gramotnost pedagogů se zaměřením na jejich působení v oblasti nutriční výchovy / Health literacy of teachers which is focused on their functioning in the area of nutritious educationTomanová, Michaela January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis occupies with the health literacy of future and currently practicing teachers. It is focused on one part of the health literacy - nourishment. The aim of the thesis is to find out on which level of the health literacy in nourishment the teachers are and if they apply their knowledge not only in their professional life but also in their personal life. The thesis is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical. The theoretical part is focused on the defining of the terms health, health literacy, the characteristic of the group of teachers and their division into subgroups. There are also described the aspects of health nourishment and the recommendation from the experts on the healthy lifestyle. The practical part includes the analysis of the data which were gained thanks to the questionnaires. In the end, the pieces of knowledge are summarized.
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Právo na příznivé životní prostředí v judikatuře českých soudů. / The right to a favorable environment in case-law of the Czech courtsNovák, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the right to a favorable environment in case-law of the Czech courts. The main aim of this thesis is to provide a comprehensive overview of its progression in the case-law on the right to a favorable environment for legal entities, especially societies (environmental non-governmental organizations). At first it follows up definition of key concepts and sources of law related to the right to a favorable environment. The thesis discusses the environmental protection processes (such as the land-use planning, the environmental impact assessment procedure and integrated permitting), the Aarhus Convention, legal protection and locus standi as the most important topics. The main part of the thesis analyzes the relevant case law of the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic and the Supreme Administrative Court of the Czech Republic. The conclusion of the thesis is a summary and evaluation of its progression in the case-law on the right to a favorable environment for legal entities.
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Postavení mládeže v sociálně třídní struktuře naší společnostiJelínková, Jana January 1982 (has links)
No description available.
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Tváře současné popularityEl Karibová, Linda January 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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