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Divadlo krize / Theatre of crisisČonková, Ivana January 2012 (has links)
This paper describes and reflects the specific problematic theatrical events and art projects that I realized at the time of the socio-political crisis. In these events, I recognized the theater by participating and being involved in action. Gradually I gained experience that harbor some questions in theatrical practice.
I describe four events and two projects. The first event responded to the tragic death of deceased persons and dogs in Florence, Prague. The last project took place in the urban area of a Roma "ghetto" in Usti nad Labem. I move to different places, situations and themes. Within these sequence of events I was searching for what theater can be and how this medium can be used responsibly. I experienced how it can survive while challenged by the dangers that threatens theater routines, consumerism and banality. How do I let him fall, but appear in his power to change lives, identify and create.
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Počítačové modelování plazmového výboje pro biomedicínské a environmentální aplikace / Computer simulations of plasma discharge for biomedical and environmental applicationsERHART, Jaroslav January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis is aimed to the possibilities of using low-temperature plasma in various fields of science, research and production with the main focus is given to applications in medicine and environmental applications. In the practical part is presented design a computer model for simulation of the plasma behavior in the above areas. This model is a hybrid type and as a working gas is used oxygen.
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Možnosti stravování v základních školách jako faktor ovlivňující zdraví dětí a mladistvých. / Food varieties in primary schools as a factor influencing the health of children and adolescents.ZAJÍC, Ondřej January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals about problems of eating and risks associated with it, which in this work are mainly overweight and obesity. It is focused on the adult population, especially the population of children and adolescents. The theoretical part deals with the importance of eating, essential nutrients, nutrition of school-year childre, catering to primary schools. A large part is devoted to overweight and obesity, as a large, ever-worsening problem of civilization. Two objectives have been determined: 1. To map food varieties at the students of two selected primary schools in České Budějovice, 2. To map the occurrence of obese children and children of overweight at selected primary schools in České Budějovice. For the development of practical quantitative method was used when the data collection were used two questionnaires. One questionnaire was anonymous routing for pupils. The second questionnaire addressed to schools, which monitored the menu options catering to primary schools. The research was conducted in March 2013 and the data was processed graphically and in tabular form in MS Excel. Data for the evaluation of hypotheses were statistically processed. Two hypotheses have been set. H1: In the ninth classes will be statistically higher difference of students overweight and obese than in sixth grade in selected schools. H2: The environment of selected primary schools contributes to overweight and obesity among their students. The results show that the prevalence of overweight and obesity among pupils sixth and ninth grades is not statistically significant difference. Furthermore, the results can be seen that the school environment is not conducive to the occurrence of overweight and obesity in selected primary schools. This work can be used as supplementary study material for similar problems and also as a tool for setting preventive measures in selected primary schools to prevent the rise in overweight and obesity among their students.
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Syndrom vyhoření u učitelů 2. stupně ZŠ / Burn out syndrome by teachers at secondary schoolMACHOVCOVÁ, Kamila January 2014 (has links)
This work is engaged in signs of burnout synrome by teachers at secondary school in the region of South Bohemia. 48 schools were asked to cooperate on this reaserch. For this research was used standardized questionnaire Maslach Burnout Inventory. In this research took part in 111 respondents.
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Řízení zvoleného podniku dle fáze jeho životního cyklu / Management of a chosen company by the life cycle stageČADOVÁ, Gabriela January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis if focused on the corporate lifecycle. The content of this thesis there was a analysis of the microenvironment and macroenvironment, in which the company exists. Then getting some overview of the management trends and a support for entrepreneurs. There were used several methods (for example DESTEP analysis, Porter´s five forces model, analysis of the marketing mix, SWOT analysis, guided interview and questionnaire about the location of the company in the Greiner´s model). The main aim there was to create the complet documentation of the business plan. The business plan is based on the previous analysis and on all the detected facts.
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Studie aktuálního pohledu veřejnosti k problematice cestovního ruchu a jeho vlivu na okolní krajinu / The study of current public view on the issue of tourism and its impact on the surrounding landscapeHEJDA, Milan January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis aims at mapping the differences in opinions of various social classes of the society in the matter of the effect of tourism on the landscape. The first part is intended to find an answer to the question of a negative or positive effect of tourism on the surrounding landscape. The second part examines the opinions of various social groups of the society, which were obtained in a questionnaire survey. The reason for drawing up this thesis was the dynamic character of the growth of wellness hotels that depend directly on the surrounding landscape.
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Sociální aspekty spotřebitelství jako fenoménu dnešní doby / Social aspects of consumerism as a phenomenon of the present timeMAJEROVÁ, Aneta January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis has the title Social aspects of consumerism as a phenomenon of the present time. The theoretical part is divided into five chapters. The introduction chapter is designed as a theoretical framework of the whole thesis. That is why it describes hedonism as the original philosophy, consumer mentality and also the historical-cultural context of the development of the consumer society. The second chapter is in order to clarify main concepts devoted to terminological definition of consumerism and it also specifies concepts such as consumer society, consumerism etc. The third chapter focuses on aspects of consumer behaviour from marketing perspective, such as the cultural influences, personality determinants of consumers and impact of advertising. To social aspects of consumer behaviour that are the main object of study in this work is devoted the fourth chapter. The last chapter outlines the negative effects associated with consumer society, what involves issues of environmentalism in the context of the consumer society, further I mention modern forms of addiction (oniomania, shopaholism) and in the conclusion there are considered questions of what happens to our souls in the time of dominant, increasing, consumer thinking. The aim of this work is to map the social aspects of consumerism in the target group aged 30-55 years. Considering the methodological point of view, I applied a qualitative approach. Emphasis was placed on methodological triangulation of techniques therefore there were selected two data collection techniques - narrative interview technique (17 respondents) and the technique off standardized questionnaire (20 respondents). Primary data was coded/indexed and processed according to Ritchie and Spencer frame analysis method. In this diploma thesis there were set for research questions. The results show that two-thirds of respondents are aware of the influence that family has on their consumption patterns. Considering the dominance of married couples are decisions about shopping subordinated to traditional gender role - the dominant person is in two-thirds of families by shopping woman. The results also show that almost three quarters of respondents perceive regardless of their own income or education, their own social prestige as a middle-class one. Results also show that in the higher income categories were respondents more open to the influence of environment, their preference in clothing, choice of car and type of housing and lifestyle. The opinions of respondents on the life on loan have been predominantly unified - the vast majority of respondents rated this method of obtaining finance negatively. Characteristic common features in consumer behaviour in a middle class can be seen in a single perception of own social prestige as a middle-class one. Another common feature is a realistic idea related to the increased income that would bring respondents the feeling of happiness. Respondents also share negative attitude to life on the loan. On the basis of framework analysis and data interpretation, there were induced following theoretical concepts.
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Zhodnocení zdravotních rizik životního stylu u dětí staršího školního věku / Evaluation of health risks lifestyles of older school age children.DOPITOVÁ, Pavla January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with assessment of the health risks of lifestyle of basic school children. The topic of the healthy nutrition, the healthy lifestyle and the healthy eating habits has been more and more popular. The healthy eating habits influence the whole human life and the term health has to be understood as a constant value that we have to protect and develop. Nutrition of children and youth is one of the most pronounced matter nowadays all over the world. First part of the thesis is focused on the lifestyle of basic school children, it´s parts and results too (especially the part about nutrition). Then it is focused on work of pediatric´s nurse who takes care about them. In my thesis I found two goals: to assess the specific lifestyle risks of basic school children and to find if basic school children keep the rules of healthy eating. Based on these goals four hypotheses were set: the H1 - Children eat more fruit than vegetables. H2 - Children drink sweet drinks more than water. H3 - Children don´t keep healthy eating habits. H4 - Children prefer fast-food meals to school meals. The hypotheses number H1, H3 and H4 were accepted. The H2 wasn´t accepted because the statistic showed that children drink more water than sweet drinks. The quantitative research was done to reach the goals and confirm the hypotheses via anonymous questionnaire for children from 13-15 years old. This research was given to approximately 310 pupils of primary school. The results were put into charts and tables and statistically assessed with Pearson chi square test. The results of research of my thesis were used for a booklet about healthy eating habits for children and their parents. The material should be ready for use for pediatric´s nurses who work for general practitioner for children and adolescents. The brochure can serve for gaining more information about healthy nutrition.
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Specifika podpory z fondu ŽP - čerpání pro rozvoj regionu / Specifics of support from the Environment Fund - exploitation for the region's developmentDVOŘÁČKOVÁ, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is how the State Environmental Fund (SEF) of the Czech Republic contributes to the region's development through the financial support. Within thesis are chosen two regions. The Southwest Region with relatively balanced environment and the Moravia-Silesia Region with a damaged environment. The theoretical part is focused on the history of the Environment of the Czech Republic. There is also characterized by funding environmental resources of Czech Republic and EU resources. In this part is also characterized the quality of life and methods of measuring. The practical part deals with the analysis of financial support from the SEF to regions, as well as an analysis for what components to environmental flows the most investment and non investment expenses from all sources of the Regions of the Czech Republic. And the last part of the thesis deals with the quality of life in the selected two regions. Quality of life is evaluated by analyzing selected three components of the environment - air, water, forests. In another part of the quality of life is assessed by EPI index, which is modified for this thesis. This index assesses what was the environment in 2004 and in 2011, if has improved state of the environment or not.
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Dopady implementace směrnice o průmyslových emisích pro vybrané průmyslové činnostiStránská, Jana January 2014 (has links)
The aim of thesis is to identify and analyze the most significant changes based on the implementation the Industrial Emissions Directive. Theoretical part is focus to explanation basic terms of environmental legislation. The practical part is focused to evaluation of impacts on metal industry. It describes the transposition of the directive into national law. For the achievement of the goal was made analysis of the industry, customers and identification selected category to determine how to prepare for the environmental requirements. The modeling of economic impacts was made by the generation of value. The thesis contains analysis of the impact of new requirements on employment and competitiveness. The conclusion summarizes information of the impact Industrial Emissions Directive including risk and recommendations.
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