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Životní způsob a hodnotová orientace z hlediska vztahu k příroděŠubrtová, Karin January 1994 (has links)
No description available.
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Životní styl mládeže středních škol na Teplicku / Healthy Lifestyle of Secondary Schools Youth in TepliceFürst, Roman January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis addresses the lifestyle of the high school students in Teplice; in particular their healthy lifestyle. In the theoretical part, basic information about a healthy lifestyle is summarized. At the same time, the lifestyle information is introduced, which relates to healthy diet, eating habits, fluid intake, motion activity and sleep. Furthermore, the determinants harmful to human health are introduced in this part; i.e. alcoholic beverages overconsumption, smoking or excessive mental strain. The practical part is aimed at mapping the major factors of the high school youth's lifestyle in Teplice and to ascertain whether the taught subject focused on health and healthy lifestyle influences the students and their attitude to a healthier lifestyle. I evaluated the questionnaire survey by means of self-made evaluation methods based on the healthy lifestyle principles. The reason was that none of the discovered methods for poll evaluation corresponded with my needs. The results are clearly arranged in the attached tables and demonstrated in the charts. The health based subject taught at school proved to have only a minor impact on the healthy lifestyle of high school students. The appendix includes the sample of the evaluation method created by myself, the questionnaire applied for the...
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Právní úprava přepravy odpadu v Evropské unii / Legislation of shipment of waste in European unionNovák, Adam January 2017 (has links)
in English A shipment of waste in European Union is really important part of the waste economy. A need of its control raised with the free movement of goods in the EU, because the unlimited shipment of waste would lead to irreplaceable damage on the environment. Regulaton No. 1013/2006, which is the most important document in this area, had to be properly adapted, that it could be its applicaton secured. The main topic of my thesis is just not only the analysis of the Regulaton No. 1013/2006, but also the comparison of its adaptaton in the Czech Republic and Germany.
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Posuzování vlivů záměrů na životní prostředí / Environmental impact assessment of projectsČerná, Karolína January 2011 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). This is a very significant cross-sectional and preventive environmental protection tool. Its purpose is to identify as soon as possible any probable averse environmental impacts of presented project proposals. The whole process is led by a competent state offices. Necessary expert participants of the procedure are so-called "authorized persons" supplying specific technical studies on which the impact assessment is made. Another important factor, public participation, helps to improve efficiency of the EIA process. The whole procedure results in so-called Statement, which should define necessary conditions for the implementation of the project in effort to minimize negative impacts. If the project proposal is unacceptable under any circumstances it can not be given a consent to implement it and the statement must reject it. Conclusions formulated in the Statement serve as a basis for administrative decisions on project approval. Given the considerable breadth of the thesis topic it is focused on several key tasks, namely to provide a comprehensive explanation of the legal development of the EIA process, to analyze its current legislation and mapping legal rules of public participation in the EIA process. The following section...
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The Agricultural Company Management and Environment / Management zemědělského podniku a životní prostředíBaštýřová, Jiřina January 2017 (has links)
The objective of the present thesis is to evaluate economic activities of a medium-sized agricultural farm in a real environment. The theoretical part of the thesis is engaged with the problems of the current scale of use of the landscape by farmers who continue to lay emphasis primarily on the economic function. Subsequently, in pursuance of our research, an alternative method of farming, i.e. organic farming, is described, along with the contemporary situation of this sphere in the Czech Republic. The last chapter of the theoretical part examines the Common Agricultural Policy of the EU and the tools thereof. In the framework of our research, the area of interest in which the farm observed works is described, and processes of the farm´s economic activities and economic evaluation are delineated. Next, environmentally-friendly landscape measures are proposed which take into consideration both the ecologic and social functions. This method of farming is evaluated in terms of economy and this evaluation includes an outline of the problems of the system of subsidies
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Zmeny kapitálovej štruktúry v rámci životného cyklu podniku / Capital structure changes over business life cycleCentko, Milan January 2017 (has links)
The main aim of the thesis is to describe the decision-making mechanism of companies regarding the capital structure over the business life cycle. The study analyses the use of main capital structure theories in practice. Moreover it links the financial theory with the concept of business life cycle. Secondly, the thesis includes detailed comparative analysis of various sources of business financing and their costs, quantification of the costs of capital and analysis of any calculation inaccuracy of this parameter in practice. Finally, the thesis defines the fundamental decision-making formulas about the capital structure in individual phases of life cycle while using the relevant data. The thesis is, on the grounds of research, focused on the trade-off theory and relating calculation of optimal capital structure.
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Investice do sportovního talentu / Investing in sports talentBurda, Pavel January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate investments in the sports talent of the young tennis players and assess the risks of the investment. The theoretical part focuses on the key concepts related to the work and the methods which are applied in the thesis. The practical part contains an evaluation of the effectiveness of investments and significance of risk factors that affect investment. This thesis uses traditional dynamic methods for evaluating investments and Monte Carlo simulation method to evaluate the significance of risk factors for investment. Part of the collection of information for the purpose of this thesis is structured conversation and expert estimation. Result of the investigation of this thesis demonstrates the suitability of an investment decision to support sporting excellence. Based on the evaluation results of the investigation of the thesis are recommended measures to eliminate risk and diversify their consequences.
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Podnikatelský plán konceptu EatFit.cz / Bussiness plan of EatFit.czKošická, Monika January 2015 (has links)
EatFit.cz is a bussiness with main focus on preparing and distribution healthy food. The thesis is divided into two parts, theoretic and practical. The theoretical part explains theoretical background of business plan creation and basic definition. The practical part focuses on the realization of the business plan. The goal of thesis is to evaluate the feasibility and profitability of the project.
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Analýza poptávky domácností po investičních instrumentech v České republice a ve vyspělých zemíchGürtlerová, Stanislava January 2008 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce je zaměřena na zhodnocení hlavních faktorů ovlivňujích domácnosti při jejich investičním rozhodování a popisu vybraných investičních instrumentů (akcie, podílové listy, dluhopisy, životní pojištění a penzijní připojištění. Dále na analýzu poptávky domácností po investičních instrumentech ve vybraných vyspělých zemích, kterými jsou Spojené státy americké, Velká Británie a Německo, a v České republice. Analýzy jsou prováděny za rok 2006 a přihlédnutím k vývoji poptávky během několika posledních let. Závěr je věnován srovnání všech analyzovaných zemí a nástinu možnného budoucího vývoje investičního rozhodování domácností.
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Komparace produktů pojišťoven na českém trhu / Comparison of insurance products on the Czech marketDudová, Eliška January 2008 (has links)
Scope of this thesis reposes solely on life insurance. The first part prospects the situation of life insurance on the Czech market in connection with current discussion on need for pension reform. The second part at first generally defines various types of life insurance products and continues with survey of particular insurance products of five principal insurance companies (namely Ceska pojistovna, ING, Allianz, Kooperativa, Generali) as well as with assesment of supporting consultancy services.
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