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Management podniku a životní prostředí / Enterprise management and environmentMartenek, Milan January 2008 (has links)
Graduation theses deals with problems of nuclear energetics and its impact on the environment. It presents the progress of nuclear power station in all contexts and tries to demostrate that the nuclear energetics is unavoidable progression. The work further describes the influence of Nuclear power station Dukovany on its close environment, especially on animals, plants and the health of inhabitants.
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Analýza faktorů ovlivňujících změny na světových pojistných trzích po roce 2000Tomanová, Simona January 2008 (has links)
Práce je zaměřena na analýzu faktorů ovlivňujících vývoj na světových pojistných trzích po roce 2000 s důrazem na změny, ke kterým v tomto sektoru došlo. Vývoj je sledován především z pohledu reálného růstu předepsaného pojistného a ziskovosti. Práce se zabývá zejména vlivem kapitálových trhů, trhu zajištění a podmínek ve škodovosti.
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Vliv maloobchodu na životní úroveň obyvatelstva / Impact of retail on people's living standardFischerová, Barbora January 2008 (has links)
First part defines living standard and its understanding in retail context. Second part concentrates on consitions in retail business and their development in the 90s. Third part summarizes some of the qualitative features of today's retail business with services offered to customers. All with its impact on living standard.
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Využití systému hodnocení vlivů na prostředí (EIA) pro koncepce územního ekonomického rozvoje / The importance of the system of EIA for the needs of spatial planning.Březinová, Lucie January 2008 (has links)
The diploma thesis consists of three parts. In the first part the problematics of the EIA process is explained and basic data and statitistics for the years 2003 to 2007 is mentioned with respect to the legislative changes in 2006 and 2007. The statistics include i.e. the total number of the projects assessed in individual years, number of the projects assessed by The Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic and regional authorities. Furthermore there are quantified individual projects coming under individual regions, respecting the division into individual industrial branches. Part two deals with the problematics of landscape planning --definiton, tools, targets, legislation and authorities in charge with landscape planning. The last part of the thesis is devoted to the importance of the system of EIA for the needs of spatial planning. There are shown the benefits of EIA for landscape development. Moreover there is distinguishing of EIA for individual projects and for spatial conceptions.
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Zdravý životní styl / Healthy Life StyleDonát, Lukáš January 2008 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with a healthy life style and its influence on the most frequent civilization diseases. In the subsequent parts there has been elaborated a questionnaire with the main topic -- healthy life style. Based on this questionnaire are also the results which confirm or contradict the hypotheses formulated in the process of the presented diploma thesis.
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Rozvoj cestovního ruchu Nového Zélandu v kontrastu s ochranou životního prostředí / Development of Tourism in New Zealand contrasting with the protection of environmentBurasová, Beáta January 2008 (has links)
This thesis describes the approach of New Zealand to the sustainable tourism focusing on the environmental pillar.The first chapter deals with the development of tourism, its positive and negative impacts and defines the conception of sustainable tourism in detail.Next chapter provides a short characterization of New Zealand as a developed country and favourite tourist destination.The third chapter consequently analyses the issue of the development of tourism in New Zealand and its impact on the environment.
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Penzijní připojištění jako nástroj krytí potřeb lidí ve stáří / Pension schemes as a tool for covering financial needs in old agePailová, Vladimíra January 2009 (has links)
This thesis deals with problematics of pension schemes. First part contains characteristics of pensions schemes and short overview about deveplopment of this product in Czech Republic. In following parts, problems of pension schemes are described and characteristics of its successor pension packages are listed. In the final part, there is described life insurance as a main competitor to pension schemes and those two products are thoroughly compared.
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Analýza konceptu Environmentální Kuznetsovy křivky / The Analysis of the Concept of the Environmental Kuznets CurveKollertová, Petra January 2009 (has links)
The environmental protection is often in conflict with catching up the highest economic level of the country. In some developed countries the higher economic level means also the higher pollution of the environment. Indeed, this is applied only till one point -- the turning point -- from which the trend is applied vice-versa, the higher the economic prosperity of the country, the lower the pollution of the environment. This phenomenon is in environmental economics called the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC). Diploma thesis focuses on the analysis of the EKC, from detailed description of the theoretic and econometric framework, factors influencing the EKC, to crucial studies which were published in this area of economics. In connection with the factors influencing EKC the thesis underline the important role of the environmental regulation and state or international ecologic policy, which the work is dealing in initiate part with. The aim of the work is to analyze if the EKC hypothesis is valid in reality or not. Furthermore the diploma thesis targets also the situation of the developing countries -- if they have to go through the same path as nowadays developed countries or if they on the contrary use their experiences.
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Vývojové trendy ve světovém a českém pojišťovnictví / Developing trends influencing world insurance market and Czech insurance marketMišičková, Daniela January 2009 (has links)
Today's globalization leads to a wide range of new developing trends influencing the insurance market. The main one is a variance in the character of risks. The generation of new threats means for insurers to face up a difficultness with an identification of risks and a prediction of future damages. Solutions of a catastrophic impact of damages are hidden in an alternative transfer of risks and a higher level of assurance. The treat of longevity has its own impact, too. Demographic shock caused by a strain of population has turned people in advanced western markets to life-insurance. Mainly, because of a current insufficient set up of pensions systems, people has searched a new possibility how to insure their post-active life. It has enabled a development of life-insurance products focusing on individual clients' needs and providing several components of flexibility and variability. As a next globalization push, I cannot omit concentration and consolidation ongoing nowadays on the insurance market. Rise of giant conglomerates can be seen in the accent of cost reduction, diversification of risks and using enormous financial power. Nevertheless, the main impulse has risen from the still changing clients' needs with the necessity of obtaining complex financial service. Last but not least, I would like to mention the implementation of a regulatory project Solvency II accompanying by IFRS in the field of the insurance market. Their objectives are a reduction of information asymmetry, a higher stability of the insurance market and transparency and comparability of insurers' financial reporting leading to higher clients' protection.
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Životní pojištění a penzijní reforma / The life insurance and pension reformKrajčovičová, Iva January 2009 (has links)
The graduation theses is analyzing possibilities of pension reform in the Czech republic, proposals of political parties and financial group ING and then is considering situation in other europian countries and in the USA.
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