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Životný štýl a spotrebné chovanie generácie 30-50 rokov / Lifestyle and consumer behavior in generation 30-50 years old.Kunderová, Martina January 2013 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with the influence of education on the shopping behavior of individuals. Using qualitative research method focus group examines the impact of achieved education on shopping decisions with focus on food consumption and leisure time activities among respondents from generation 30-50. Secondary data are collected from the MML/TGI reaserch, which are included in the program Data Analyzer. Based on outcomes of the research marketing implications and recommendations in each group are proposed.
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Kompetenční model společnosti Hartmann-Rico / Competency Model of the Company HARTMANN-RICO a.s.Smejkalová, Žaneta January 2014 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the topic "Competency model in the company HARTMANN-RICO a.s." The aim of this study is to evaluate the new competency model of the company HARTMANN-RICO a.s. that is used for the annual employee evaluation, to determine its strengths and weaknesses and to suggest possible measures how to improve the process. The work is divided into two parts, theoretical and analytical. The theoretical part includes familiarization with this issue. First, basic concepts such as competence, competence structure, life cycle of competencies are defined. Further, the work is focused on the independent competency model, and its individual steps in the preparation and implementation in the organization. The theoretical part is followed by the analytical part, which analyzes the new competency model of the company HARTMANN-RICO a.s.
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Vývoj pojistného trhu životního pojištění posledních let v ČR / Development life insurance market in recent years the Czech RepublicProcházková, Monika January 2014 (has links)
The thesis aims to bring readers from life insurance concepts, types of insurance through the methodology of calculating the premium performance products to selected insurance companies. Users gain basic information about insurance and the theory of premium calculation mathematical and statistical tools, including performance factors influencing insurance. The reader is also acquainted with significant legislative change that greatly impressed by the amount of premiums through a "unisex" mortality tables. After the initial acquisition of knowledge is a few model examples shown calculate premiums, including pointing out the diversity of the premium for men and women before and after the introduction of a new legislative act. The main contribution of this work is the creation of a universal and flexible premium calculator via MS Excel. Users will eventually learn to work with selected insurance companies and their product offerings with the development of the insurance market. The work comes to the conclusion that the insurance in case of death or mixed insurance discriminated against a woman, while for insurance on survival or delayed expectancy is at a disadvantage man. And also that the insurance market offers a wide range of life insurance products, the client may therefore choose a specific insurance product, which he will be tailor-made.
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Význam ekocertifikace v oblasti udržitelného cestovního ruchu / The importance of eco-certification in sustainable tourismBendová, Vendula January 2012 (has links)
The thesis aims to evaluate the benefits of applying environmental certification in the tourism sector within the context of sustainable development. The first part contains the key definitions in the tourism, and its effects on society are characterized. The gradual evolution of man's relationship to the environment we get to the concept of sustainable development and sustainable tourism. The second chapter introduces the eco-certification, as a tool for sustainable tourism development, from concept definition through historical development, typology to the international context. The third chapter is devoted to eco-certification in the Czech Republic from the beginning to the current situation, creating a basis for analysis of the importance of eco-certification for companies in the Czech Republic in the final chapter. In the fourth chapter a final assessment of the importance of eco-certification in the field of tourism is carried out, based on the results of investigations made, with proposed measures and the prediction of future trends.
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Dopady nového občanského zákoníku na životní pojištění / Impacts of the new Civil Code on Life InsuranceHegar, Štěpán January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the impact of the new Civil Code on the Life Insurance in the Czech Republic. Since January 1, 2014, the new Civil Code regulates the existing legislation and in many ways introduces new insurance terms and requirements. The introduction of this legislation will affect the entire insurance market that will provide trends in Life Insurance in the coming years . Since this change will significantly transform the whole negotiation process of Life Insurance policies, several key themes were selected and analyzed which are most relevant to both insurers, policyholders and the insured. The new Civil Code will change the negotiations of Life Insurance contracts and the insurance broker business will be different from what so far has been customary. The insurance brokers will now have to collect the insurable interest during the contract negotiation with the applicant, analyze their needs and schedule records from the meeting. The thesis examines the current state of negotiated Life Insurance risk on the real Life Insurance data. The analysis concludes some recommendations which the insurers could use with regard to the introduced changes.
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Možné způsoby stanovení hodnoty životní pojišťovny / Possible ways of determining value of Life Insurance CompanyZaderlíková, Šárka January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is focused on describing chosen methods used in liabilities valuation of Life Insurance Company. This is the basis for a valuation of whole Insurance Company. Next goal is real valuation of liabilities and the whole company. The value of liabilities is computed with the Market Consistent Embedded Value methodology and valuation of the company is expresed with Appraisal Value, which is currently one of the most widely used methods for valuation of a life Insurance Company. The valuation is based on values of a fictious company, but the used insurance portfolio corresponds with real life data. The valuation is computed in pessimistic, middle and optimistic variant of company development. Closing this thesis is a sensitivity analysis of assumptions, influencing value of MCEV, where a change of the costs and commisions proved to be of most significance.
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Druhy a značky alkoholických nápojov ako výraz osobnosti / Types and brands of alcoholic beverages as an expression of personalityPavlišin, Dominik January 2013 (has links)
Thesis focuses on describing the consumer behavior on the alcoholic beverages market in the Czech Republic. In addition to quantitative analysis, which uses the MML - TGI data from Median Ltd., thesis also includes qualitative research with further analysis of selected segments. Based on the findings from analysis, recommendation for creating a new alcoholic beverage is made according to lifestyle of the consumer.
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Hodnocení udržitelného rozvoje cestovního ruchu v malém otevřeném území / Evaluation of Sustainable Tourism Development in a Small Open AreaMusil, Martin January 2011 (has links)
Doctoral thesis focuses on the draft of indicators set suitable for assessing the sustainable development of tourism in a small open area. It uses specialized theoretical background and its own field research in specific type of destination for discussing the use of four approaches that are more or less analyzed in the scientific literature. Research area is the area of natural park Czech Canada located in the southeast of Jindřichův Hradec region that meets in the thesis outlined attributes. Exemplify in this destination the thesis analyzes the using of tourism area life cycle model, and settings of appropriate indicators for monitoring sustainable development of tourism and its evaluation.
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Flexibilní produkty životního pojištění / Flexible life insuranceSkořepová, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis on Flexible life insurance should refer to life insurance products currently offered on the Czech financial market. People have a choice of several types of life insurance and for the layman it is difficult to make sense terms associated with insurance and also the names of individual insurance. The publication of which is drawn in this work, indicate what life insurance products exists, however, in practice, these products are often combined and modified. Thesis shows the products offered in the Czech Republic and focuses on the calculation of premium for the insured groups. Amount of premium is influenced by several parameters that insurers, before insurance contract must take into a consideration. Effect on insurance premiums is not only age and insurance period, but also if insured person is a smoker, if he does some sports or if his job belongs to the risky job. Calculations performed in thesis focus on finding correlation between the amount of insurance and individual factors. There were used methods of correlation and regression and analysis of variance. It was found that the impact on premium has age and insurance period, then health and class of risk. Currently factor sex has not and influence on premium.
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Konstrukce složených indikátorů a komparace životní úrovně seniorů v ČR a vybraných státech OECD v roce 2013 / The construction of a composite indicators and a comparison of living standards of of seniors in Czech Republic and selected OECD countries in 2013Lukáš, Matěj January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to create two composite indicators which will provide an informative value about the standard of living of seniors in selected countries of OECD. Using these indicators it will be possible to make a comparison of standards of living on the international level. First of the indicators is Consolidated replacement rate (CRR) which measures income conditions of seniors, which from the economical point of view is considered as the source of standard of living. The construction of CRR is built on theoretical basics from an OECD publication - Pension at Glance 2013. The main component of CRR indicator is a replacement rate which compares income of seniors before and after the retirement. CRR is also composed of two other indicators influencing disposable pension of seniors - imputed rents and services provided by the public sector. The highest values of CRR were reached by Netherlands, Hungary, Iceland and Denmark. On the opposite side the lowest values had countries like Great Britain, Germany and Poland. The reason of this low score for Great Britain and Germany was unavailability of data of private incomes of seniors and therefore it could not be included into CRR. The second constructed indicator is Standard of living of seniors (SLS) which provides a more complex view on the standard of living of seniors using variations of different indicators selected by the author. It includes for example the income situation, risk of poverty and social exclusion or happiness of seniors. Countries with the best values of SLS were Denmark, Netherlands, Iceland and Luxembourg. By far the lowest score was gained by Portugal followed by Estonia, Poland and Greece. In comparison with other countries the Czech Republic was below average among the observed OECD countries with the fifth lowest score of CRR and slightly below average in SLS.
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