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Motivace pacientů ke změně životního stylu po hospitalizaci na jednotce intenzivní péče pro ataku pankreatitidy / Motivating patients to change their lifestyle after hospitalization at intensive care unit for pancreatitis attackSukovičová, Markéta January 2019 (has links)
MOTIVATING PATIENTS TO CHANGE THEIR LIFESTYLE AFTER HOSPITALIZATION AT INTENSIVE CARE UNIT FOR PANCREATITIS ATTACK Introduction: This diploma thesis focuses on the motivation of patiens to change their lifestyle choices and habits after they suffered an acute pancreatitis. The aim: The aim of this thesis was to analyse the barriers and motivators to change their lifestyle patiens after they suffer an acute pancreatitis. Methods: The research group of this qualitative study consisted of twenty probands (seven male and thirteen female) aged 45,15 - 12,41. The analysis of aspects motivating them to change their lifestyle after an acute pancreatitis was conducted right before they were released from intensive care in a faculty hospital in Prague into aftercare at their homes. The analysis was conducted trough semi-structured interviews. The interviews were recorded with the patient's permission in order to be transcribed and analyzed later on. Results: The main barriers to lifestyle change after pancreatitis attack are fear of the future, feeling guilty, seducing guilt on others, feeling sick, loneliness and separation, emotional interia towards love dones; feel overworked, constant rush, lack of time for yourself and for other family members, fear of reintegration into society; bad eating habits lack...
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Zdravý životní styl studentů farmacie v roce 2016 / Healthy lifestyle of pharmacy students in 2016Machová, Markéta January 2019 (has links)
Healthy lifestyle of pharmacy students in 2016 Department of Social and Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Charles University, Czech Republic Student: Markéta Machová Tutor: PharmDr. Jitka Pokladníková, Ph.D. Introduction: Healthy living remains a current topic over the whole world. Positive changes in people's lifestyles that beneficially impact overall health are one of the main goals of today's society. Objectives: Primary goal of this thesis was to analyse the level of healthy living practice among students of the Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové and then compare these findings with results from similar scientific studies. Secondary goal was to study the differences between the obtained data and data acquired from the same poll among students in 2012 and then describe any changes made over time. Methods: Data was derived from an anonymous survey handed out to 113 students in December 2016. Official recommendations from Czech and foreign health organizations were used to determine the healthy lifestyle criteria. Gathered data was analysed using descriptive statistics in Microsoft Excel 2010. Hypotheses mentioned in the introduction to this thesis were then tested using statistics software IBM SPSS 19. Results: Overall, respondents obtained similar or better results...
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Motivace pacientů ke změně životního stylu po hospitalizaci na jednotce intenzivní péče pro ataku pankreatitidy / Motivating patients to change their lifestyle after hospitalization at intensive care unit for pancreatitis attackSukovičová, Markéta January 2020 (has links)
MOTIVATING PATIENTS TO CHANGE THEIR LIFESTYLE AFTER HOSPITALIZATION AT INTENSIVE CARE UNIT FOR PANCREATITIS ATTACK Introduction: This diploma thesis focuses on the motivation of patients to change their lifestyle choices and habits after they suffered an acute pancreatitis. The aim: The aim of this thesis was to analyse the barriers and motivators to change their lifesyle patients after they suffer an acute pancreatitis. Methods: The research group of this qualitative study consisted of twenty probands (seven male and thirteen female) aged 45,15 ± 12,41. The analysis of ascpects motivating them to change their lifestyle after an acute pancreatitis was conducted right before they were released from intensive care in a faculty hospital in Prague into aftercare at their homes. The analysis was conducted through semi-structured interviews. The interviews were recorded with the patient's permission in order to be transcribed and analyzed later on. Results: The main barriers to lifestyle change after pancreatitis attack are fear of the future, feeling guilty, seducing guilt on others, feeling sick, loneliness and separation, emotional inertia towards loved ones; feel overworked, constant rush, lack of time for yourself and for other family members, fear of reintegration into society; bad eating habits...
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Stravovací návyky a pohybová aktivita při sedavém zaměstání ve Škoda Auto / Dietary habits and physical activity of sedentary job in Škoda AutoMelčáková, Monika January 2020 (has links)
The title of the theses: Dietary habits and physical activity of sedentary job in Škoda Auto The aim of the theses: The main aim of this theses was to find out dietary habits and level of the physical activity of sedentary job. There were set 6 hypothesis. Methods: The research was conducted with employees of Skoda Auto. The level of physical activity was measured with short form of IPAQ. Data were processed with basic statistic methods in MS Excel. Mesaured values were according to instructions transformed to MET- values and divided into appropriate categories according to criterias. Surveys was used for finding out dietary habits. The results were individually compared with other researches and literature. Results: The most respondents (42,4%) were in moderate level category, 41,3 % were in high level category and 16,3 % were in low level category. Men are more active than women. Men spend more time with intensive physical activity than women. More than half of respondents (55%) were, according to BMI values, in category of overweight and obesity. The mean of sitting time was 7 hours per day. Men have worse dietary habits than women. 85 % of employees of Skoda Auto have breakfast every day. More then half of emloyees eat 4-5x per day. Keywords: sedentary lifestyle, lifestyle, nutrition, activity
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Vývoj depresivní symptomatologie, vyhoření a životního stylu v české populaci - v letech 2014-2020 / The development of depressive symptomatology, burnout and lifestyle in the Czech population - in years 2014-2020Vňuková, Martina January 2020 (has links)
Introduction It is clear from the literature that depressive disorder is closely related to lifestyle, however the relationship between burnout and lifestyle remains unclear. The aim of this study was to present a comprehensive overview of depressive symptoms, burnout and lifestyle over the years. Furthermore, this study looks at the relationship between burnout, depressive symptomatology and lifestyle and seeks to clarify the extent to which burnout can be explained by these variables. Methods Data collection took place in three waves. The first data collection was in 2014 (October/November), the second in 2017 (March) and the third in 2020 (March). The STEM/MARK agency conducted the data collection and collected answers from a representative sample of respondents using the CAWI method - computer-assisted questioning. These respondents were selected from the European National Panel. Because the target group was adults (18-65 years), an online survey was chosen. Internet penetration in this target population is sufficient and it was not necessary to use a combination of methodologies. Results All 3 data collections identically show that for the model explaining burnout statistically significant variables are: age, depression and fatigue during the day. Other variables related to healthy lifestyles...
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Sociologická analýza diskurzivních reprezentací štěstí / Sociological analysis of discursive representations of happinessŠrám, Kristián January 2016 (has links)
The master thesis seeks to analyze discursive representations of happiness present in the Czech Republic. Analytical conceptualization of happiness is based upon the two prominent views on happiness - hedonism and eudaimonism. Hedonic perspective situates the issue of achieving happiness into the context of pleasure seeking activities while eudaimonic perspective relates happiness to concepts such as self-actualization, fulfilment of one's potential, and similar topics broadly connected to personal growth and search for meaning. Concepts of hedonism and eudaimonism help to reduce the abstract nature of happiness. The thesis identifies three types of discursive representations of happiness - neoliberal, spiritual / religious, and pop-psychological representations. Particular representations define happiness differently. However, there are similarities and interdependencies in the aspects of how the hedonism and eudaimonism are being used. Thus, there are interactions between particular representations. Eudaimonism is more dominant in every representation in the sense of general claim that true (longlasting) happiness is never taken-for-granted, and that it must be cultivated. Representations that lean heavily towards eudaimonism were also associated with stronger normative dimension that might serve to...
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Surfing jako klíčová příčina sociální a kulturní změny marockého Taghazoutu / Surfing as a key cause of social and cultural changes in Moroccan TaghazoutRemešová, Lucie January 2016 (has links)
1 Abstract In this thesis I am focused on long-term research in a small Moroccan village of Taghazout where I had the opportunity to observe for several years the rapid changes in the local environment; a fishing village not too affected by tourism has become a popular center for surfers from all around the world and headquarters of foreign investors, which completely changed the character of the place. I first visited Taghazout in October 2010 for the purpose of surfing, I made friends with the locals and became insider to some extent. From this position I was then gaining during the research, in which I focused specifically on the case study of my main informants and friends who are Moroccan founders of a local company, that runs business connected to surfing. I have regularly visited Taghazout since 2010 at least once a year. From 2013 I started actively doing preliminary researches and the actual fieldwork lasted from October 2014 to January 2015, when I lived in Taghazout. The aim of my study was to explore and describe primarily, what changes occurred in the village due to tourism and surfing, how are these changes reflected in the functioning of my informant's company, if they consider them negative or positive and in what ways. I confronted their statements with my own observations and with...
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Porovnání porozvodové životní úrovně rodičů v kontextu sociální konstrukce cílových skupin / Comparison of parents' post-divorce standard of living in relation to social construction of target populationsHorčicová, Magda January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with social policy towards single-parent families in the Czech Republic with focus on alimony policy. I deal more closely with the standard of living by single-parent families and obligated parents. This problem is explored on the basis of theoretical framework called social construction of the target populations. Social policy towards single-parent families does not reflect their needs at the right time. Different approach could lead to improvement of their standard of living. The Czech society has not come with an agreement on reforming the social system to more benefit the single-parent families. Despite the fact that the concept of supporting single-parent families has been formally accepted by European Union and Czech government as one of the top priorities, this proclamation has not brought any real change to the single-parent families` standard of living. I try to understand a present situation/image of social policy towards single-parent families in regard to alimony policy with an application of theoretical framework social construction of the target population basis. For this purpose, I identify the real social construction of single-parent families and obligated parents in the political discourse. I examine the policy suggestions on alimony, and the...
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Děla v trochu jiné válce / Cannons in a different warŠpinková, Lucie January 2018 (has links)
This thesis is focused on members of two groups, rangers and ski lift operators of the area of Krkonoše mountains. In Krkonoše National Park there si a huge gain of using artificial snow lately, which is globally supposed to be kind of adaptation on climatic changes. It leads to extension of ski season, which is livelihood for many ski lift operators. This fact evokes conflicts. Rangers say that artificial snow has negative influence on environment, such as decrease of water, biodiversity, soil etc. I have decided to find out, using a quantitative sociological method of semi-structured interviews followed by analysis, how these two groups percieve the nature and how their differnces influence negotiation of reproduction of countryside in Krkonoše mountains. Sources of my research were works of authors such as Swyngedouw, Macnaghten, Urry or Escobar. These works describe various kinds of socio-countrysides and authors try to destroy stereotype of one nature. These socio-countrysides may be the main reason for arguing about nature. This thesis extends knowledge about heretofore missing analysis of conflict between two groups of ski lift operators and rangers. Main contribution of the thesis is undertsanding to two groups dealing with the same issue, but with different perspective and opinion.
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Amenitní migrace v druhé generaci / Amenity migration in second generationDavídková, Petra January 2018 (has links)
This work examines amenity migration and its main focus refers to the second generation of amenity migrants. The work also touches on the current world expression of ones attitude and the opinion about the rest of the world, but also the socialstatus. Amenity migration has became a phenomenon over the past few decades and usually is a reaction to the bustling, impersonal and stressful lifestyle, which relates to living in urban areas. The subject of this work are two groups of the direct descendants of the amenity migrants. The first group being the children, who knew the city life before moving to the countryside, while the second group are the descendetns, who were born into the amenity way of life. Additionally, the amenity migrants themselves were approached as well. The aim of this work is to find out whether the descendatns of the amenity migrants are determined to continue in the existing way of life, into which they were brought to by their parents. The circumstances of the aforementioned phenomena are recorded in the theoretical part of this thesis. The main authorities dedicated to this issues of amenity migration, whose work became the inspiration for my research and was cited and paraphrased, are Ing. M. Bartoš, Professor L.A. Moss and Dr. R. Glorioso. A qualitative research was chosen...
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