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Životní pojištění jako zdroj finančních příjmů v poproduktivním věku / Life Insurance as a Source of Income at Retirement AgeErtlová, Alena January 2012 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the main characteristics of life insurance and its importance as a means of income at retirement age. The aim of this thesis is the evaluation of selected environmental insurance products according to preselected parameters on model examples. Best selected product will be further compared with the product of supplementary pension of a specific insurance subject. At the very end, I focus on evaluating the results and drawing appropriate recommendations for fictitious clients to dispose of a certainamount of retirement funds.
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Posouzení informačního systému firmy a návrh změn / Information System Assessment and Proposal for ICT ModificationBogocz, Lukáš January 2014 (has links)
The content of this thesis is an analysis of information system and creation an application for the company CID International a.s. This application will be used as a planning tool for creation projects and monitoring workload resources over the tasks including two-way synchronization between company's information system and the application.
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Jištění rizik stavebního díla v předinvestiční fázi / Risk Protection of a Built Structure in the Pre-investment PhaseJandová, Hana January 2013 (has links)
The thesis points out all possible risks that are subsequently secured in a project of firming unpaved roads in cadastral unit Říčky. The theoretical part summerizes the details of the project, risks evident especially during the pre-insvestigation phase of the construction project and ways of solving the possible risks. The practical part deals with the identification of the particular project, includes listing of the risks and concludes with their prevention.
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Koncentrace pevných částic v ovzduší vybraných lokalit města Brna a jejich zdravotní rizika / The concentration of particulate matter in the air of selected areas of the city of Brno and its health risksBulejko, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
Tato práce se zabývá znečištěním ovzduší pevnými prachovými částicemi v lokalitách města Brna. V teoretické části je pojednáno o možných zdrojích prachových částic, o chemickém složení a velikostní klasifikaci polétavých částic a dalších fyzikálně-chemických charakteristikách. Další část je věnována zdravotním rizikům prašnosti. V této souvislosti práce pojednává o anatomii dýchacího systému a účincích prachu na něj. Jsou taktéž rozebrány zdravotní efekty prachového znečištění, včetně uvedení možných nemocí respiračního a kardiovaskulárního systému, jejichž může být prach příčinou. V praktické části byl proveden sběr prachu. Byly vybrány celkem čtyři lokality, kde byly prováděny odběry vzorků. Následně byly stanoveny koncentrace polétavých částic PM10 a PM2,5. Dále byly u vybraných lokalit stanoveny koncentrace těžkých kovů a polyaromatických uhlovodíků vázaných na prachových částicích. V závěru bylo provedeno srovnání s legislativou a stanovena zdravotní rizika.
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Hodnocení rizik a jejich dopady na životní prostředí z pohledu environmentální bezpečnosti / Risk assessment and its impact on the environment in terms of environmental safetySkálová, Marcela January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the environmental protection. In the primary phase are described risks, which have impact on environment. Because is in this thesis placed emphasis on the environmental security, the term environmental security is here defined and furthermore is also described its content. Described risks and problems is possible to solve due to environmental policy. This term includes also Concept of environmental policy, which is analysed with the vision for 2020. The second main part of this diploma thesis consists of author’s own proposals about the environmental protection. Here is pointed out the necessity to create an objective legislation and good conditions for environmental education.
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Systémový přístup ke stanovení výše škody na životním prostředí při transportu nebezpečných chemických látek / Systems approach to determining the environmental damage during the transport of hazardous chemical substancesPopelová, Barbora January 2017 (has links)
Current status of the environmental damage amount determination is mainly focused on the long-term consequences of negative factors, such as transport and industry emissions. Significant damages however, could be caused as a result of short-term effects, such as events with leakage of the hazardous chemicals. These situations are caused by accidents during the hazardous substances transportation, when the material is leaked as a result of faults on the vehicle or during a traffic accident. Damages that are subsequently being dealt with, in most cases reflect only the costs associated with the liquidation and remediation of the affected area. However it is important to note that since the inception of the damage until the return of the environment to its original state, if at all possible, there are many changes increasing other related costs associated with their solving. An example is the inability to use the functions that the damaged area provided. The aim of the thesis was therefore thoroughly analyze the current state of determining the amount of damage to the environment, to analyze appropriate methods for the unification process in the framework of expert activities and propose a systematic approach to improve the determination. The proposed procedure was subsequently implemented in a software tool that should be available for the needs of experts.
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Posouzení vlivů běžně používaných hasiv na vybrané složky životního prostředí / Impact assessment of ordinarily used firefighting agents on selected environmental compartmentsJabandžievová, Barbora January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the evaluation of effects of the most frequently used extinguishing agents in the South Moravian region on selected aquatic and terrestrial organisms. Extinguishing substances which have been tested are foaming agents Sthamex and Moussol, rigid wetting agent TS ECO and TS Turbo and ABC FAVORIT fire - extinguishing powder. Their effects have been tested on aquatic organisms Daphnia magna and Scenedesmus subspicatus and terrestric organisms such as Folsomia candida, Lactuca sativa, and Eisenia fetida. Validation test on standard substances have been performed to verify the validity of the test results. From the obtained results values of IC50, LC50 and EC50 were calculated, through which the impact of individual extinguishing agents on the components of the environment was assessed.
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Intenzita bakteriální zátěže v peří a jeho rezistence proti bakteriální degradaci u tropických druhů ptáků afromontánních oblastí Kamerunu / An intensity of plumage bacterial load and resistence against bacteria-caused feather degradation in tropical birds of Afromontane areas of CameroonKyptová, Markéta January 2017 (has links)
Microorganisms are considered to be a significant selective factor affecting bird's life strategies. The body cover, including feather, is occupied by a wide range of bacteria that are in their host in different interactions. Group of microorganisms degradate keratins of feather is still most studied and most species of birds have them in feather. This feather degrading bacteria can disrupt the wear and its function and thus cause great losses to its fitness. Therefore, it seems likely that these feathers degrading bacteria and microorganisms generally play a significant role in creating defence mechanisms against their negative effects. One of the most important defence mechanisms to protect feathers against the action of microorganisms is the deposition of melanin pigments. This diploma thesis deals with the analysis of the total bacterial load in feathers and its resistance against bacterial degradation in 47 species of birds trapped in afromontan areas of western Cameroon. The specific aim of the thesis was to determine differences in the total number of bacteria in plumage in species with different life strategies, especially feeding and reproductive strategies. At the same time, the phtilochronological analysis of the quality of the plumage was performed and in vitro experiments were tested...
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Výskyt rizikových faktorů civilizačních onemocnění u klientek pohybového programu s prvky funkčního tréninku / Risk factors of lifestyle diseases among clients exercise program with elements of functional trainingStránská, Eva January 2018 (has links)
Title: Occurrence of the risk factors of civilization diseases in clients of the physical aktivity program with components of functional training. Objectives: The aim of the thesis is to evaluate the occurrence of risk factors of civilization diseases in a selected group of clients who have been involved in the physical aktivity program with components of functional training (Fitness Svět pod Palmovkou). Methods: The research was attended by 35 probands (women) attending group lessons with components of functional training at Fitness svět pod Palmovkou in Prague. To all probands were measured the basic anthropometric parameters (body height, body weight, BMI, WHR index). Parameters of body composition were determined by BIA (Bodystat QuadScan 4000). For the analysis of selected risk factors was used the blood pressure monitor (Tensoval duo control) and a capillary blood sample was collected invasively (BeneCheck PLUS analyzer) for cholesterol determination. To determine the occurrence of selected diseases in blood relatives, was used the questionnaire - Family anamnesis. We correlated the relationship with the Pearson correlation coefficient. Results: For the whole observed group (n = 35), there was discovered a significant relationship between family anamnesis of obesity and body weight (r =...
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Symptomatologie ADHD dospělé populace v ČR. / Adult ADHD Symptomatology and Lifestyles in the Czech Population.Weissenberger, Simone January 2018 (has links)
ADHD is a lifelong neurodevelopmental disorder that is mostly seen in childhood and that can also manifest or carry on into adulthood. It is of crucial importance for clinicians to be aware of the adult version of ADHD so that they can adequately recognize and treat those who are ailed by the condition. It is also important to raise awareness of the condition to clinicians in Czech Republic, as our study clearly shows that there are a fair amount of adults who are living with strong symptoms. We conducted our study on ADHD symptomatology among Czech adults and the correlated lifestyles to get a better picture of the condition and how it presents itself, to give a clear idea of questions that could be asked by clinicians to adults regarding their lifestyles and ADHD.We also decided to only stick tol symptomatology rather than previous diagnosis to further refine our research and get a clear picture. Our study was the first to assess ADHD symptoms and investigate lifestyles in the Czech adult population. The study was cross-sectional as this allowed us to assess the symptoms and lifestyles in "real time". The cross-sectional design was a strength as well as a limitation in the sense that we cannot see what the individuals will do in the future, whether symptoms have improved or worsened, or likewise...
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