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Environmentální uprchlíci na počátku 21. století / Environemental Refugees at the Beginning of the 21st CenturyMuselíková, Hana January 2009 (has links)
Práce se zabývá vazbou mezi životním prostředím, migrací a konfliktem Specifická pozornost je také věnována tzv. "environmentálním uprchlíkům" jako novému a hojně diskutovanému fenoménu v rámci této problematiky. Tato problematika je v České republice poměrně málo známým a málo diskutovaným tématem, a v češtině je k němu k dispozici jen velmi omezená literatura. Dalším cílem práce je tedy snaha zmapovat dosavadní výzkum k tomuto tématu na základě dostupné zahraniční literatury. Práce hledá odpověď na tyto hlavní otázky: Mohou enviromentální změny způsobit migraci? A pokud ano, je tato vazba kauzálně přímá, nebo zde hrají roli i další faktory? Může migrace vyvolaná enviromentálními změnami způsobit konflikt ohrožující světovou bezpečnost? Je vazba mezi enviromentálními změnami a konfliktem kauzálně přímá nebo ji ovlivňují i další faktory? Je volání po řešení otázky "environmentálních uprchlíků", jako opomíjené skupiny bez dostatečné mezinárodní ochrany a pomoci, oprávněné? Je správné a žádoucí samotné užití pojmu "environmentální uprchlík"?
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Obsah a pozice copywritingu v životním cyklu webu / Content and position of copywriting in web life-cyclePřikryl, Jan January 2009 (has links)
Main purpose of this thesis based on analysis, searching and synthesis of accessible sources is to describe web copywriter's role concerning content, to position copywriting into web life-cycle and to prove efficiency of copywriting by its application on specific web site. Thesis' contribution, except from outlining important -- but still unappreciated -- web copywriter's role, is to integrate web copywriting into separate phases of web development life-cycle. Practical part of thesis is beneficial as an illustrative sample of application web copywriting's principles onto existing web site. Thesis is divided into four chapters (except introduction and conclusion). In first chapter, Internet culture and its specialities concerning web copywriting are described, followed by detailed specification of principles and characteristics of web copy in terms of its structure and content construction. The second chapter is dedicated to binding web copywriting to rapidly growing marketing tool called search engine optimalization. The chapter also includes description of content and qualification aspect of SEO copywriter's role. The third chapter explains integration of web copywriting activities into web life-cycle's process model. The last chapter demonstrates on application of web copywriting onto running web site on practical example. Keywords: web copywriting, web life-cycle, SEO, web copywriter, web content
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Šrotovné a jeho paradoxy / Scrapping bonus and his paradoxesZíka, Michal January 2009 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the meanings and paradoxes of scrapping bonus in automobile industry. The automobile market includes very wide legislative which has a restrictive effect on production cars but the scrappage has inverse consequences. Scrappaing bonus as a state interventions and their impacts on the market price, the market equilibrium and the wealth of people is another aim of this dissertation. This is conected with the Kuznets Curve which descibes the relationship between the quality of the environment and the welth of the people. The main point of the thesis is the analysis of the positive and negative arguments for the implementation of the scrappage. The implementation is related with the calculation of the CO2 emissions of the new cars and the CO2 emissions of the old cars. The results of the calculation should be confirm or refute the posibility, that the scrapping bonus is improving to improve the environment. The thesis contains the facts about the average age fo the car fleet because the scrapagge is often joined with the turnover on road safety.
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Factors influencing Consumer Behaviour on the Czech Market / Factors influencing Consumer Behaviour on the Czech MarketHasan, Maher Mohamad January 2009 (has links)
The important problems for marketing companies in the Czech Republic are how to exposure determinants that lead consumer to decision of buying certain products and which factors influence the consumer purchasing, Through this, Czech marketing companies can understand deeply their consumer behaviour and issue suitable strategies so they can develop their companies and whole industry more. The objective of the study is: To exploit the factors that influence buying decision when buying certain product (water) for young consumers in the Czech market. This thesis contributes to the current academic research through; 1. It can identify the factors affecting the consumer behaviour in the Czech market for a certain product. 2. It can contribute to the next academic research as a reference. 3. Researches can use the findings to gain deep understanding of the consumer decision when buying certain product categories in the Czech Republic.
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Podnikatelský plán / Business planŠauerová, Petra January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to write a business plan of CRED0 Company Ltd. and assess its feasibility and return. The theoretical part describes key aspects relevant to the business and writing a business plan. The practical part includes PEST and SWOT analysis, goals analysis, analysis of market competition and risk management, marketing and financial plan.
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Štátna podpora ochrany životného prostredia / The state support for environmental protectionBetáková, Veronika January 2009 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on the state support for environmental protection in the Czech Republic and mainly the allocations from the state budget and from the State environmental fund. In the first part is defined the role of the state by supporting environment with looking on the actual stadium of environment and its reasons. Subsequently are analyzed the forms of state support and is discussed the question of the sense of the State environmental fund existence. The last part is devoted to the looking on the concrete public expenses in the environment and their efficiency.
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Segmentation of young people / Segmentace trhu mladýchBöhmová, Veronika January 2009 (has links)
My thesis deals with clothing habits of young people. The first part descibes the process of market segmentation, the second part abou the lifestyle of young people and about their clothing habits. I used a questionaire and with the help of PASW Statistics I revaled four segments.
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Miesto bankopoistného produktu investičného životného poistenia v pokrízovom vývoji. / Place of unit linked insurance in the post-crisis development.Kiovský, Tomáš January 2010 (has links)
Introductory chapter of the thesis is devoted to a major milestone in the history of insurance, i will focus on events that have significantly influenced and shaped the character development of insurance as we know it today. We will consider also the insurance situation in the Czech Republic in comparison with the European Union. This comparison should show the reader how much the reserve life insurance market in the Czech Republic, and which direction to go in the coming years. The financial crisis has affected all economic sectors. Unfavourable developments in the real estate market through banking instruments affected also global insurance market. Unit linked insurance is the most advanced form of life insurance. In many based on traditional types of life insurance, which is dedicated a separate chapter The most important chapter of my work is, as already apparent from the title of the thesis, dedicated to the unit linked insurance. We begin with the development and history, become familiar with the functioning and the most important features of unit linked insurance, we will also describe the commission system and system of operation charges, the operation of mutual funds in connection with the insurance and learn about the possible forms of indemnity. The last chapter is devoted to the methodology of Solvency 2, its role is similarly as it was in the banking sector by introducing a methodology of the Basel 2.
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Účast veřejnosti na rozhodovacích procesech v oblasti ochrany životního prostředí / Public participation in decision-making in the field of environmental protectionŠvecová, Jana January 2010 (has links)
The first three sections are devoted to the theory work. It focuses mainly on the legislation that governs the public's right to environmental information and participation in decisions on matters relating to the environment. Important international document in this field is Aarhus Convention (i.e. Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-Making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters). The work also deals with the Czech legal standards that follow this convention. Other parts of the thesis have focused specifically on civic associations, particularly on how they occur, what their possibilities to participate in decision-making processes and what their rights and obligations. The work deals with the activity of selected civic associations in Prague. Focusing only on Prague is due to better availability. I mention here how many civic associations are registered in Prague, that are involved in decision-making and if so, what kind of environment have the greatest interest. Also, I try to show what results in administrative management achieve and how values its cooperation with authorities.
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Podnikatelský plán v oblasti zdravého stravování / Business plan for healthy eatingBukovská, Romana January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this work is to create a business plan for fast and healthy eating. The business plan will compete with restaurants that offer a bold and difficult to digest food. It will also offer customers additional products and services within a healthy lifestyle, such as cooking classes and food sales. Based on market analysis, competitive mapping and understanding the needs of potential customers is created by manufacturing, marketing and financial plan. The work also focuses on thorough SWOT analysis, through which can be defined strengths and weaknesses and threats and opportunities that may come from the external environment.
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