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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pohybové aktivity v životě studentů ubytovaných na domově mládeže / Physical activity in the lives of students staying at the youth home

Slováková, Radka January 2015 (has links)
Title: Of physical activity in the lives of students staying at the youth home Author: Bc. Radka Slováková Department: Department of Physical Education Supervisor: Doc. PhDr. Jiří Hrabinec, CSc. Abstract The present research work deals with the influence of education to active leisure of adolescents accommodated in the school facility. It is mapping their leisure time physical activity and their relation to sport. First part focuses on specific characteristic of secondary school students in the field of developmental psychology. The following chapter is devoted to terminological concept of leisure time, physical activities, sport and its differentiation and also lifestyle. Second part maps with quantitative method of the survey the current state of leisure time physical activities of accommodated students of secondary school, secondary vocational school and grammar school . After that I chose the method of structured interviews with educators of individual educational groups. In conclusion of this work are stated the recommendations for theory and practice resulting from the facts of empirical investigation. Keywords: adolescence, school accommodation, leasure time, physical activity, sport, lifestyle.

Prevence civilizačních onemocnění prostřednictvím adekvátního životního stylu, zdravé výživy a pohybových aktivit, v rámci firemní kultury / Lifestyle diseases prevention by adequate lifestyle, healty diet and physical activities within the corporate culture

Hybš, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
Title: Lifestyle diseases prevention by adequate lifestyle, healthy diet and physical activities within the corporate culture Goal: Introduce a draft of corporate program for health care based on information acquired from written questionnaire and analysis of approach to health in the Czech Republic, and also based on materials from the Institute of Health Information and Statistics in Czech Republic. Methods: Primary quantitative data were chosen as a data source. Primary quantitative data were collected by written questionnaire. A primary set are employees of five selected companies. Secondary set are 100 respondents who demonstrate a representative sample. Information obtained from the Institute of Health Information and Statistics in Czech Republic are secondary data which were collected within a nationwide statistics. Results: Particular questions from written questionnaire were processed and obtained results are presented in pie charts. Secondary data are processed and presented by scripts, charts and tables. Keywords: Lifestyle, physical activity, healthy diet, lifestyle diseases, prevention.

Koncepce životního slohu u Bohuslava Brouka v kontextu české meziválečné avantgardy / Conception of Life Style of Bohuslav Brouk in the Context of Czech Interwar Avant-Garde

Ecksteinová, Jana January 2016 (has links)
The thesis concentrates mainly on mapping of specific term "Life style" and compares its conceptions with classical theory of style with respect to period context. The authors who participated in development of the term "Life style" in a Czech aesthetics are introduced in the thesis: Karel Honzík, Oldřich Stefan, Ladislav Žák and mainly Bohuslav Brouk, who was engaged in the topic the most by far. The aim of the thesis is to analyze and understand specific and original interpretation of style proclaimed by Bohuslav Brouk and his peers and followers. The second aim is to do a subsequent research of the status of the aesthetic function in the theory of "Life style". Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Účelová kategorizace půdy jako zásah do vlastnického práva / Purposeful Categorization of Land as an Interference with the Right to Property

Pour, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
Thesis Purposeful Categorization of Land as an Interference with the Right to Property presents an analysis of the institute of purposeful categorization of land and its specifics on a background of a theoretical thought about the right to property, the right to favorable environment and the collision of two constitutionally guaranteed rights. The purpose of this thesis is to assess current legislation of purposeful categorization of land, including the instruments that are used in relation to it, and to, based on the assessment, identify problematic issues of the legislation and asses the limitation of right to property that the individual instruments related to the institute create. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Životní spokojenost a akulturace u imigrantů v České republice / Life Satisfaction and Acculturation among Immigrants in the Czech Republic

Gembčíková, Sandra January 2015 (has links)
This master thesis is dedicated to an acculturation process and its relations to life satisfaction. In the theoretical part the concept of acculturation is presented and conceived as changes accompanying migration to a foreign country. Different acculturation strategies are described, as well as some of the factors that affect influence the complex process of acculturation. One of the chapters is dedicated to a Czech milieu and its legislative and social conditions for immigration, and describing two main third country migrant populations - Ukrainians and Vietnamese. Theoretical part is wrapped up with an introduction to subjective well-being and life satisfaction, with a focus on intercultural context. The empirical part consists of a description and results of a quantitative questionnaire survey among immigrants originally from Vietnam and Ukraine (N = 162) and it is based on Acculturation Scale (Cortés, Rogler, Malgady, 1994), Satisfaction With Life Scale (Diener, Emmons, Larsen, Griffin, 1985) and Bicultural Identity Integration Scale (Chen, Benet-Martínez, Bond, 2008). Most of the respondents adopted integration strategy, however there wasn't a significant difference in life satisfaction among acculturation strategies. The data analysis found several significant variables which participate on...

Internetové sociální sítě jako součást systému sociálních vztahů u dětí školního věku / Internet social networks as a part of the system social relations among school age children

Knapová, Jana January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the social networks, especially on social network Facebook. It surveys the basic principles of Facebook and points to the risks arising from the use of social networks and disruptive behavior on the Internet. The work is a treatise on the prevention of cyberbullying and safe behavior on the Internet. In the empirical part, through a questionnaire survey, it examines the risk behavior of students at the second stage of two primary schools in Prague, in relation to life satisfaction. The empirical part also determines life satisfaction associated with the object and method of communication on Facebook. Keywords Internet social networks, Facebook, risk behaviors, life satisfaction, prevention

Diferenciace životního stylu seniorů / Differentiation of Seniors Lifestyle

Chalupová, Pavla January 2012 (has links)
Cílem práce je přiblížit problematiku stárnutí a stáří jako určité specifické fáze životního cyklu, popsat jednotlivé oblasti životního stylu seniorů a poukázat na jejich diferenciaci, především na základě jednotlivých sociodemografických charakteristik. Zaměřuji se na současnou situaci seniorů v ČR. Teoretická část je rozdělena do tří kapitol. V první se zabývám problematikou stárnutí a stáří z obecného hlediska. Uvádím jak je možné stáří definovat a jaké jsou sociologické teorie stárnutí a stáří. Dále uvádím historický kontext vnímání stáří. Zmiňuji také jaké důsledky má stárnutí obyvatelstva pro jedince i společnost. Druhá kapitola je věnována sociálním a psychologickým aspektům života seniorů. Představuji zde jednotlivé oblasti života seniorů, jako jsou rodina a mezigenerační vztahy, volný čas a bydlení. Zmiňuji také problematiku ageismu. Třetí kapitola je věnována demografickým aspektům, tedy jakým způsobem docházelo k vývoji velikosti a struktury populace seniorů v její současnou podobu. Výzkumná část práce je věnována životnímu stylu seniorů.Cílem výzkumu je na základě rozhovorů popsat jednotlivé oblasti životního stylu seniorů a ukázat, zda a jakým způsobem se odlišují. V rozhovorech jsem sledovala oblasti každodennosti, zaměstnaní, zdraví, finanční aspekty a oblast životních hodnot....

Analýza životního cyklu BK viru / Analysis of BK virus life cycle

Bakardjieva - Mihaylova, Violeta January 2012 (has links)
Polyomaviruses are small unenvelope DNA viruses, whose replication take place in cell nucleus. Despite its small genome size, these viruses can cause significant changes in the host cell, one of the most significant is cell transformation. Most studies of human pathogens from this family is the focus of clinical research, but do not provide enough information about the individual events of the life cycle of viruses. This thesis mainly aims to determining the exact time when the creation of the individual viral products and generate a timeline of events during natural infection in cells that are targets for BKV in the human body. It was found that the time course of the life cycle of BKV is very similar to those for model polyomaviruses MPyV and SV40 and in permissive cells takes about 40 - 50 hours.

Makrobiotika - plnohodnotná forma stravování? / Macrobiotic - full-fledged form of food?

Sázavský, Jan January 2012 (has links)
Subject: Macrobiotic - full-valued form of nutrition? Objective: Evaluation of macrobiotics as full compensation for conventional diets recommended by the Presidium of the Board of the Society for Nutrition based on the oretical approaches and empirical findings. Characteristics of the ingredients and nutritional analysis in terms of the in impact on physical and mental condition of the human organism. Method: Objectives of the thesis was achieved using method of quotas to select research sample. On the basis of established criteria and defined number of representatives for the sample, were selected only thoseind ividuals who meet these criteria. Macrobiotic menus were analyzedat three men and at free women. The data obtained via measure ments were compared with recommended daily dose. This model was chosen as it was the most recent vision of the diet model. Results: Macrobiotic diet reprents full-fledged alternative form of nutrition, based on research carried out. This conclusion is based on research conducted with free men and free women who provided weekly menus for analysis purpose and conversion to these menus to the nutritional value was sufficiently proved. Based on the out come of the research, it was found that macrobiotics can not be regarded as nutrition offering full energy, as its...

Posuzování vlivu na životní prostředí / Environmental impact assessment

Zelenka, Andrej January 2012 (has links)
The main goal of this thesis is to analyze the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), which is one of the most important horizontal tools for environmental protection. The EIA process can be described as the procedure of identification and assessment of potential significant effects of a project on the environment. The information and outputs provided by the assessment process are considered by decision makers before a decision is made. The EIA process was first mentioned in the US in the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) 1969. Then the EIA process was adopted in other economically developed countries. The beginning of this thesis is focused on two significant multilateral environmental agreements - The Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (the Espoo Convention) and The Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (the Aarhus Convention). Then the EU legislation related to the EIA process is described (especially Council Directive 85/337/EEC - the EIA Directive). The following part analyzes the Czech legal regulation of the EIA process that is included in Act No. 100/2001 Coll. Attention is turned to historical development, particular phases of the EIA process, the transboundary...

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