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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Životní pojištění jako nástroj stimulace pracovníků vybraného podnikatelského subjektu / Life Insurance as an Effective Tool for Stimulation of Employees in the Selected Company

Žďánský, Radek January 2010 (has links)
The aim of Master’s thesis is the issue of a life insurance as a tool for stimulation of employees. It includes the current situation analysis of employees insurance in the selected company. It also includes selection and compare of insurance products and proposals or recommendations for their selection to employees of chosen company.

Jak média přispívala k vytváření životního stylu obyvatel Československa / How media helped to create life-style of Czechoslovakian people

Dlabáčková, Barbora January 2010 (has links)
Diploma thesis How media helped to create life-style of Czechoslovakian people deals with life in socialistic Czechoslovakia in two chosen newspaper perspective. Diploma thesis examines how in Lidová demokracie (published all over the republic) and Pochodeň (published in region of east Bohemia) informed about life-style, what a reader could know from their articles. Life-style is a wide topic, that is why we have chosen just these areas: flat building, culture of building concerning flat lay-out, furniture, textiles and decorations, next leisure time activities focused mainly on recreation represented by mass union recreation, pioneer camp, "cottaging" and camping. Last area is fashion as an integral part of life-style. Fashion is aimed at woman's fashion. In socialism, man's fashion was not interesting topic. Those texts we have found are divided also into three groups - news, publicism and advertisements. To category of publicims we included also advices for household, recipes and this kind of texts. In advertisements, we used also consumer's goods you can use at home or during your holidays (kitchen machines, televisors, tents etc.). We were interested not only in exact topics that we could find in above spoken areas, but also in regional aspect and its demonstration in Pochodeň and also who exactly the...

Územní plánování jako nástroj ochrany životního prostředí / Land-use planning as a tool for environmental protection

Tichá, Anděla January 2011 (has links)
My thesis deals with town and country planning as a tool for environmental protection. It is necessary to take into consideration the environment impacts by procurement and issuing the planning documents and to make available tools to protect the environment in this process. The second chapter defines the term town and country planning and describes its objectives and tasks. I described the history of legislation and focused on the principles of the current legislation. The last part of this chapter considers with the powers in town and country planning activities. The third chapter contains the characteristics of individual tools of town and country planning and process of procurement and issuing of these documents. It includes the planning materials, the spatial development policy as a statewide conception, spatial development principles issued on regional level, local plan as a basic instrument determining conception of municipality development and protection of its values and the regulatory plan. I also described individual kinds of planning permissions and planning provisions. The fourth chapter deals with the review of these documents. Fifth, sixth and sevenths chapter I rate as the main part of my thesis. It considers with the connections between the town and country planning process and the...

Vliv mateřství na změnu postojů ke zdravému životnímu stylu / Maternity effect on changes of attitudes towards healthy life style

Smejkalová, Martina January 2010 (has links)
In this thesis you will find guidelines of healthy lifestyle concerning pregnancy and motherhood, which will serve as a handbook for parents-to-be. I will mainly focus on recommendations for the right eating habits and appropriate sports for expectant mothers. I won?t also leave out the mental health issue, where will be tips and suggestions for improvement of the mental state of the parents. In this text there are listed some organizations which deals with the parents' education in the area of healthy lifestyle. They are chosen to provide quality information for expectant parents. You will find here also the results of research concerning the change of attitudes of parents during their parenthood, which were obtained from a questionnaire that was sent to the Parent Centers in the Czech Republic. Thanks to this questionnaire you will find the attitude of parents to the questions of tuition on primary schools concerning the healthy lifestyle, they underwent.

Pomoc osobám nacházejícím se v hmotné nouzi / Assistance to persons in material need

Jakešová, Stanislava January 2011 (has links)
ASSISTANCE TO PERSONS IN MATERIAL NEED At the present time in the Czech Republic the assistance to persons in material need is provided by nongovernmental organisations (Salvation Army, Naděje, Diakonie and others). However, the state has the bigger role to play in this area as according to Art. 30/2 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms it is obliged to provide anyone in material need the assistance in securing basic living conditions. The state does so through the Material Need Assistance Bodies. As the previous legal regulation of assistance to persons in social need had not been fully sufficient, a new Act on Assistance in Material Need was adopted, coming into force on 1 January 2007. This Act introduced several crucial changes. The Material Need Assistance Body is obliged to provide social consultation to anyone in material need. Timely and professional consultation very often leads to resolving the difficult situation of the client, and regularly there is no longer any need to grant and disburse the relevant benefits and allowances. In case the social consultation is insufficient to resolve the situation of the client the Act allows for disbursing material need assistance benefits and allowances. These are envisioned to resolve certain situation of the client. If the client lacks...

Veřejné stráže a jejich role v ochraně životního prostředí / Public guards and their role in the environmental protection

Krapinec, Michal January 2011 (has links)
Public guards and their roles in nature protection Summary The purpose of my thesis is to analyze the position and roles of the public guard in the Czech Republic. The thesis is composed of six chapters, each of them dealing with different aspects of the public guard. Chapter One is introductory and defines the institution of the public guard. Chapter Two is dealing with history of the public guard. Chapter Three and Four examine the position, the legislation and the role of public guard in the Czech Republic. Chapter Five illustrates the approach to the instituion of the public guard in Slovak Republic, Poland and Hungary and compares legislation with each other. Conclusion are drawn in Chapter Six. The main aim of thesis is to analyze the position and roles of the public guard, compare it with legislation, roles and with the position of the public guard in Slovak Republic, Poland and in Hungary. Finally I try to suggest legislative changes, that will improve the functioning of the public guards. The article 35 of the Basic Charter of rights and freedoms of the Czech Republic establishes the right of each person to the favourable environment and the obligation of each person to protect the environment. According to the Act, public guards are a kind of a voluntary service. Main obligation of public guards...

Redukce tělesné hmotnosti a tělesného složení v závislosti na dietním a pohybovém režimu / Reduction of body weight and body composition based on diet and movement regime

Trávníček, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
Thesis title: Reduction of body weight and body composition based on diet and movement regime Object of the thesis: Investigate whether it is possible by changing diet, adding the movement activities, to achieve weight loss and changes in body composition. The research was conducted on a sample of seven people who were selected only on the basis of his personal interest in this issue and who wanted to reach just a weight loss. The age range of this research group is 21 to 51 years. Method of the thesis: To obtain the data was during the research measuring physical parameters used bioelectrical impedance analysis. Another fact was control detection of current diet and movement regime of examined persons. The research survey was conducted anonymously, nowhere does not appear the names of participating persons. Results of the thesis: Our first task was to confirm that all probands achieve due to modified diet on the basis of model diet regime and participation on physical activities a reduction in body weight. Then it was followed by another task, which we should confirm that the proposed regime's treatment causes weight loss of 4 kg or more. The first question on the basis of the results was confirmed in part only because the weight reduction achieved 5 out of 7 probands. Similarly, the second task...

Využití chůze k redukci nadváhy a obezity u žen středního věku / The use of walk to reduce overweight and obesity in middle-aged women

Černá, Nikola January 2015 (has links)
Title: The use of walk to reduce overweight and obesity in middle-aged women Aims: The aim is to assess the exercise regimen and assess the impact of changes in body composition by using the walk on for middle-aged women with overweight and obesity Methods: File under consideration formed 16 women aged 30 to 60 years of age, have passed the basic course on reducing the weight of STOB and at the same time engage in the study of MUDr. Marie Skalská, where specifically increase their physical activity by walking. In the framework of this thesis I investigated the influence of these interventions to change their body composition and daily routine. The measurement of body composition by bioelectrical impedance after the physical intervention on the duration of 20 weeks. Daily exercise regimen was measured by pedometers in the course of the intervention with a length of 20 weeks. The effect of the intervention was evaluated using the survey of physical activity, which was submitted before and after the intervention. Results: Physical intervention based on the walking has affected body composition middle-aged women with overweight and obesity. An average weight reduction of 3.2 kg. BMI decreased by 1,1 kg m-2 . The circumference of the waist has shrunk by 3.5 cm and the percentage of fat in the body is...

Jazykové prostředky současné francouzštiny v odborné oblasti zdravé výživy. / Linguistic devices of present french language in the field of healthy diet.

Kavalová, Eva January 2015 (has links)
(in English): The aim of this dissertation is to characterize linguistic devices of contemporary French in the technical field of maintaining a healthy diet based on an analysis of texts from this communicative field. The work is divided into two parts. The first part focuses on defining the field of nutrition and theoretical foundations needed for textual analysis. Technical discourse is characterized in terms of its composition and linguistic devices such as morphosyntactic means and technical vocabulary. The second part defines the types of texts by the addressee, which classifies professional theoretical texts, practical scientific texts, educational texts and didactic texts. Each text is analyzed in terms of the pragmatic plane, discursive plane, notice plane, and then by morfosyntactic and lexical devices. Before the analysis itself, the methodology is defined and sets the different planes of analysis.

Chudoba v současné české společnosti z pohledu studentů vybraných středních škol / Poverty in contemporary Czech society from the perspective of students in selected secondary schools

Müllerová, Tamara January 2015 (has links)
The final thesis will tackle the issue of poverty inside the current czech society and how it is perceived by the students of several chosen high schools with an economic focus. The theoretical part of the thesis will describe the basic definitions and types of poverty, its causes, consequences and other indicators which are internationally comparable. It will focus on the Czech Republic and its current situation. Analyze the basic indicators that show how to describe poverty in the Czech Republic and what are the amounts set. How it defines help programmes for families and individuals paralized by poverty. The theoretical part will concern also non-profit organizations and their help in difficult life situations, international organizations and documents about poverty including the EU aswel as the iternational sphere. The practical part of the thesis will focus on students from economic schools (one is public, one is private; one in Prague one based in South Bohemia) where one can assume students have basic knowledge about financials and are able to evaluate the economical situation of the family. The aim of the thesis will be to determine the attitude of the students towards the points stated above and the output will be a understanding of the situation from the students' perspective, thei...

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