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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Doing hope with children who have been living on the street

Smuts, Meryl Frances 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEdPsych)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research journey explores the lived experiences of children who had previously been living on the street and were now part of a house being managed by two voluntary organisations. The caregivers and boys are incorporated as co-researchers in a participatory action research journey within a post-modern, social constructivist paradigm. The following research curiosities inform the study: • How do the caregivers and children in the house stand up to homelessness and poverty? • How do their stories reflect the notion of doing hope? Positioning myself within the research journey necessitates the discussion of beliefs and constructs that inform the paradigm, such as post-modernism, social constructionism, discourses and the deconstruction of discourses. According to Denzin and Lincoln (1994:14), the research strategy comprises the practical application of the assumptions underlying the paradigm through the use of certain skills, and can be regarded as the paradigm in action which provides the methods for the researcher to engage in the research journey. In this study, a qualitative method is used to describe and understand human behaviour and the meaning attached to it in the participant's own terms. The coresearchers participate during all the aspects of the research journey, and the cyclical nature of participatory action research described by Babbie and Mouton (2001:315- 316) is honoured. The narrative approach is used in conducting the conversations. According to White (1991:28), it is a non-recriminatory, power-sharing way of interaction that provides a context where the consciousness and knowledges of the person are at the centre of the process of consultation. An opportunity is created for the boys and caregivers to story their experiences and to explore the meanings that they attach to these experiences. The main ethical principles that operate are autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence and validity. Tape-recordings, transcriptions, reflections and letters are used to document the research journey. Homelessness and poverty had been dictating certain behaviours to the boys, and it was even dictating their lived identities. At the time of the research journey, the caregivers are creating a community of support that is effectively doing hope for the boys, thus enabling them to loosen the grip of poverty and homelessness. Personal reflections indicate that I as researcher am not unaffected by the research journey. Although obstacles present themselves during the research journey, new possibilities are opened up for further exploration. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie navorsingsreis ondersoek die ervarings van kinders wat voorheen op straat gewoon het en wie nou in 'n huis woon wat deur twee vrywillige organisasies bestuur word. Die versorgers en seuns word betrek as medenavorsers in 'n deelnemende aksienavorsingsreis binne die raamwerk van 'n postmodernistiese, sosiaal konstruktivistiese paradigma. Die studie word toegelig deur die volgende navorsings-ondersoeke: • Hoe weerstaan die versorgers en kinders in die huis die impak van woningloosheid en armoede? • Hoe reflekteer die stories wat hulle vertel die idee van 'hoop doen'? Ten einde myself binne die navorsingsreis te posisioneer noodsaak 'n bespreking van die oortuigings en samestellings onderliggend aan die paradigma, soos postmodernisme, sosiaal konstruktivisme, diskoerse en die dekonstruksie van diskoerse. Volgens Denzen en Lincoln (1994:14) behels die navorsingsstrategie die praktiese uitvoering van die opvattings onderliggend aan die paradigma deur die toepassing van sekere vaardighede. Die navorsingsstrategie kan beskou word as die paradigma in aksie deurdat dit die metodes vir die navorser verskaf om betrokke te raak by die navorsingsreis. 'n Kwalitatiewe metode word tydens hierdie studie gebruik om menslike gedrag te beskryf en te verstaan en om vas te stel watter betekenis die deelnemers self aan hulle belewenisse heg. Die medenavorsers neem deel aan alle aspekte van die navorsingsreis en die sikliese aard van deelnemende aksienavorsing soos beskryf deur Babbie en Mouton (2001:315-316) word gerespekteer. 'n Narratiewe benadering word tydens die gesprekke gebruik. Volgens White (1991:28) is die narratiewe benadering nie-blamerend en is daar 'n gelyke verdeling van mag. 'n Konteks word geskep waar die bewustelikhede en kennisse van die persoon sentraal geplaas word in die konsultasieproses. 'n Geleentheid word geskep vir die seuns en versorgers om hulle ervarings te vertel en om die betekenisse wat hulle aan die ervarings heg te eksploreer. Hoofsaaklik word outonomie, niekwaadwilligheid, goedgesindheid en geldigheid as etiese beginsels gerespekteer. Bandopnames, transkriberings, refleksies en briewe word gebruik om die navorsingsreis te dokumenteer. Woningloosheid en armoede het vantevore die gedrag van die seuns, sowel as die identiteite wat hulle uitgeleef het, voorgeskryf. Ten tye van die navorsingsreis is die versorgers besig om 'n gemeenskap van ondersteuning te skep wat effektief hoop doen vir die seuns en wat hulle in staat stel om die greep van woningloosheid en armoede te verbreek. Persoonlike refleksies dui aan dat ek as navorser nie onaangeraak gelaat word deur die navorsingsreis nie. Struikelblokke verskyn tydens die navorsingsreis, maar nuwe moontlikhede baan die weg vir verdere eksplorasie.

The predictive value of Grade 12 and university access tests results for success in higher education

Muller, Anneke 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / Bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The final school examination is the gateway to higher education (HE) in most countries. Many students are however ill-prepared for HE because of a lack of quality education. Internationally, alternative access programmes are offered to address this problem. SciMathUS is the Science and Mathematics bridging programme at Stellenbosch University with the aim to allow educationally disadvantaged students whose Grade 12 results are below the standard entrance scores for admittance to HE, a second chance to improve their scores in Mathematics and Physical Sciences and then reapply for HE. SciMathUS follows a hybrid Problem-based Learning (PBL) philosophy, encouraging students to take responsibility for their own learning. While it is expected that performance in the final school examination correlates with performance in HE, this is questioned in the case of students who do not have access to good education and, as a result thereof, leave school with poor to low results. With the high demand for HE internationally, identifying students with the potential to succeed is however a huge challenge. Alternative measurements have been and are being considered and researched. The focus of this quantitative research is to determine whether Grade 12 results (Mathematics and Physical Sciences) and Stellenbosch University Access Test (AT) results could predict success in HE for students who first attended a bridging programme. Success was defined quantitatively and measured by the results obtained at the end of their first year in HE. Quantitative techniques were used to analyse the possible relationships between the different variables. The findings were that SciMathUS students managed to improve their Grade 12 Mathematics and Physical Sciences and AT significantly after attending the bridging programme. These results allowed them to participate in HE. No correlation could, however, be found between their NSC results or the AT results and their performance in HE. In spite of this, more than 40% of the students in this group passed their first year in HE with an average of more than 50%. Another almost 40% obtained between 30% and 50% and were therefore allowed to continue with their studies. In three faculties at Stellenbosch University, the former bridging programme students performed on par with their peers from the same schools who enrolled in HE directly after school. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die finale skooleksamen bied internasionaal toegang tot hoër onderwys. As gevolg van ʼn gebrek aan goeie skoolopleiding, is baie studente egter nie voldoende voorbereid vir hoër onderwysstudies nie. Om hierdie probleem aan te spreek, het alternatiewe toegangsprogramme ontstaan. SciMathUS is die Wiskunde- en Wetenskapoorbruggingsprogram by Stellenbosch Universiteit. Die program bied aan opvoedkundigbenadeelde studente, wie se Graad 12-punte nie voldoende is om toegang tot hoër onderwys te kry nie, ʼn tweede kans om hul punte in Wiskunde en Fisiese Wetenskappe te verbeter. Met hierdie nuwe uitslae kan hulle dan weer aansoek doen vir toelating. SciMathUS volg ʼn hibriede probleem-gebaseerde leerbenadering wat onder meer daarop gemik is om die studente aan te moedig om self verantwoordelikheid vir hul eie leer te aanvaar. Die verwagting is dat daar ʼn korrelasie sal bestaan tussen skooluitslae en prestasie in hoër onderwys. Dit word egter bevraagteken vir studente wat nie toegang tot goeie skoolopleiding gehad het nie en as gevolg daarvan swak presteer in die finale skooleksamen. Omdat meer studente tot hoër onderwys wil toetree, raak dit toenemend belangrik om die studente met potensiaal te kan identifiseer. Alternatiewe meetinstrumente word dus geruime tyd al oorweeg en nagevors. Dit is ook die fokus van hierdie kwantitatiewe studie: om te bepaal of Graad 12 uitslae (in Wiskunde en Fisiese Wetenskappe) en die uitslae van die toegangstoetse van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch gebruik kan word om sukses van studente wat eers die SciMathUS oorbruggingskursus bygewoon het, in hoër onderwys te kan voorspel. Vir hierdie studie word sukses kwantitatief gedefinieer en gemeet aan die student se gemiddelde persentasie wat aan die einde van hul eerstejaar in hoër onderwys behaal het. Statistiese analises is gebruik om die moontlike korrelasies tussen die verskillende veranderlikes te bepaal. Die bevindinge van hierdie studie is dat die SciMathUS-studente se Graad 12 Wiskunde en Fisiese Wetenskappe uitslae en toegangstoetsuitslae noemenswaardig verbeter het nadat hulle die program gevolg het. Hierdie uitslae het hulle toegelaat om toegang te kry tot hoër onderwys. Geen korrelasie is egter tussen die Nasionale Senior Sertifikaatuitslae of die toegangstoetsuitslae en prestasie in hoër onderwys gevind nie. Ten spyte daarvan het meer as 40% van die studente in die groep hul eerstejaar met ʼn gemiddelde persentasie van meer as 50% geslaag. Ongeveer nog 40% van die studente het tussen 30% en 50% behaal en is dus toegelaat om met hul studies te kon voortgaan. In drie fakulteite by Stellenbosch Universiteit het die voormalige brugprogramstudente net so goed gevaar soos die studente wat dieselfde skole as hulle bygewoon het maar direk na skool by Stellenbosch Universiteit ingeskryf het.

A generic campus grid computing framework for tertiary institutions : the case of the University of Stellenbosch

Tewelde Yigzaw, Samuel 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Prior to the invention of Personal Computers the scope of research activities was limited by the pre-existing capabilities of problem solving mechanisms. However, with the advent of PCs and inter-networking thereof, the new tools (hardware and software) enabled the scientific community to tackle more complex research challenges and this led to a better understanding of our environment. The development of the Internet also enabled research communities to communicate and share information in real time. However, even the Internet has limitations of its own when it comes to the need of sharing not only information but also massive storage, processing power, huge databases and applications, expensive and delicate scientific instruments, knowledge and expertise. This led to the need for a networking system that includes these above-mentioned services, using the Internet infrastructure, semantic web technologies and pervasive computing devices, which is so called Grid Computing. This research study deals with a Generic Campus Grid Computing framework, which mobilizes the available idle/extra computing resources residing in the faculty-computing centres for use by the e-community on CPU-intensive or Data-intensive jobs. This unused computing capacity could be utilized for Grid computing services; hence, the already available resources could be more efficiently exploited. Besides, this could be a huge saving when compared to the cost of acquiring supercomputers by these institutions. Therefore, this research study intends to establish a simple and functional Generic Campus Grid Computing Framework at this stage, with the consent that subsequent research studies could deal with further assessment in a more detailed perspective and practical implementation thereof. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Voor die uitvinding van die Persoonlike Rekenaar is die omvang van navorsingsaktiwiteite beperk deur die voorafbestaande vermoëns van probleemoplossingsmeganismes. Met die verskyning van PR's en die daaropvolgende internetwerking daarvan, het die nuwe gereedskap (hardeware en sagteware) die wetenskaplike gemeenskap in staat gestel om meer komplekse navorsingsuitdagings aan te pak. Dit het gelei tot groter begrip van ons omgewing. Die onwikkeling van die Internet het navorsingsgemeenskappe ook in staat gestel om in reële tyd te kommunikeer en inligting te deel. Nietemin, selfs die Internet het gebreke wanneer dit kom by die behoefte om nie slegs inligting te deel nie, maar ook massiewe stoorruimte, verwerkingskrag, baie groot databasisse en toepassings, duur en delikate wetenskaplike toerusting, kennis en kundigheid. Dit het gelei tot die behoefte aan 'n netwerksisteem wat bogenoemde dienste insluit, deur gebruik te maak van Internet-infrastruktuur, semantiese web tegnologieë, en alomteenwoordige rekenaartoestelle. Hierdie sisteem staan bekend as "Grid Computing" of te wel Rooster Komputasie. Hierdie navorsingstudie handel oor 'n Generiese Kampus Rooster Komputasie Raamwerk wat die ongebruikte, ekstra komputasiebronne, wat beskikbaar is in fakulteite se rekenaargebruikersareas, mobiliseer vir gebruik deur die e-gemeenskap op SVE-intensiewe of Dataintensiewe toepassings. Hierdie ongebruikte komputasie kapasiteit kan aangewend word vir Rooster komputasie dienste; gevolglik kan die beskikbare bronne dan meer effektief benut word. Verder kan dit lei tot groot besparings wanneer dit vergelyk word met die koste om superrekenaars aan te koop deur die betrokke instansies. Dus, op hierdie stadium stel hierdie navorsingstudie dit ten doel om 'n eenvoudige en funksionele Generiese Kampus Rooster Komputasie Raamwerk te skep met dien verstande dat daaropvolgende studies sou kon fokus op verdere assessering met 'n meer gedetaileerde perspektief en met praktiese implementasie.

The role of organised information and tacit knowledge in the survival and success of small enterprises in developing communities

Magagula, Nomcebo Faith 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In the business sector of the Information Society, information plays a crucial role in giving an enterprise a competitive advantage. Information as a resource in a small enterprise includes internally produced information, information obtained from the external environment as well as the knowledge residing in people's heads. However, this information and knowledge needs to be processed and recorded in physical formats for the purposes of decision-making and problem solving as it is part of the information resources of the small enterprise. This study explored the extent of information and knowledge management in developing communities' small enterprises in pursuit of survival and success. A deeper understanding of the business information needs, sources of information, frustrations and problems were investigated in order to establish and meet the specific needs of small enterprises in developing communities. More specifically, the objective of the study was to promote effective information organisation in small enterprises, with special reference to developing communities, as a means to support economic and social development of South Africa. For data gathering, a questionnaire was developed and distributed to owner/managers of 17 small enterprises in Kayamandi, a developing community in the Stellenbosch area. The purpose was to determine owner/managers's needs with regard to information organisation and to identify existing systems, tools and procedures that might be appropriate for this sector. The results indicated the absence or insufficient business education of owner/managers in Kayamandi, which has a damaging effect on their ability to acquire the information they need for their daily business work and operational activities. Moreover, the owner/managers do most of their information gathering using a variety of informal sources, and that information is not organised in information packages. This, in tum, affects their business development. Information should interact with tacit knowledge to improve the quality of work. In addition, the oral tradition should be promoted because it plays an important role in the daily running of the small enterprises in developing communities. In that sense, owner/managers should create an environment that can assist in knowledge sharing from various information sources. Maintaining such knowledge as information in retrieval based information systems could assist owner/managers in the overall functioning of their businesses because they are faced with the challenge of responding effectively to changing customer expectations. An affordable information system model is recommended and structured to fit owner/manager's work habits. The arrangement of information resources in the system can be used for categorisation of information either in a manual or electronic system. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In die sakesektor van die Inligtingsamelewing speel inligting 'n kritieke rol om aan 'n onderneming 'n mededingende voorsprong te bied. Inligting as hulpbron in 'n klein onderneming sluit in intern-geproduseerde inligting, inligting wat uit die eksterne omgewing verkry word, asook die kennis wat in mense se koppe is. Dié inligting moet egter verwerk en vasgelê word in fisiese formate met die oog op besluitneming en probleemoplossing, aangesien dit deel is van die inligtingshulpbronne van die klein onderneming. Hierdie studie verken die omvang van inligtings- en kennisbestuur in ontwikkelende gemeenskappe se klein sake-ondernemings met die oog op oorlewing en sukses. 'n Dieper begrip is gesoek van die sake-inligtingsbehoeftes, bronne van inligting, frustrasies en probleme ten einde die spesifieke behoeftes van 'n klein onderneming te bepaal en daaraan te voldoen. Meer bepaald was die doel van die studie om effektiewe inligtingsorganisering in klein ondernemings te bevorder, met spesifieke verwysing na ontwikkelende gemeenskappe, as 'n manier om ekonomiese en sosiale ontwikkeling in Suid-Afrika te bevorder. Met die oog op dataversameling is 'n vraelys ontwikkel en versprei onder eienaarslbestuurders van 17 klein ondernemings in Kayamandi, 'n ontwikkelende gemeenskap in die Stellenbosch-gebied. Die doel was om eienaars/bestuurders se behoeftes met betrekking tot inligtingsorganisering te bepaal en stelsels, werktuie en prosedures te identifiseer wat vir hierdie sektor toepaslik sou wees. Die uitslae dui op die afwesigheid of ontoereikendheid van sake-opleiding onder die eienaars/bestuurders in Kayamandi, wat 'n skadelike uitwerking het op hul vermoë om die nodige inligting te bekom vir hul daaglikse sake-bedrywighede en operasionele aktiwiteite. Verder hanteer die eienaarslbestuurders grotendeels hul eie inligtingsversameling deur gebruik te maak van 'n verskeidenheid informele bronne, en hierdie inligting word nie in inligtingspakkette georganiseer nie. Dit beïnvloed op sy beurt hul sake-ontwikkeling. Inligting behoort in wisselwerking te wees met versweë kennis ten einde die kwaliteit van werk te verbeter. Daarby behoort die mondelinge tradisie bevorder te word, want dit speel 'n belangrike rol in die daaglikse bestuur van die klein sake-ondernemings in ontwikkelende gemeenskappe. In daardie opsig behoort eienaars/bestuurders 'n omgewing te skep wat kan help met kennisdeling vanuit verskeie inligtingsbronne. Die instandhouding van sulke kennis as inligting in herwinningsgebaseerde inligtingstelsels, sou eienaarslbestuurders kon help in die algehele funksionering van hulondernemings, want hulle staar die uitdaging in die gesig om effektief te reageer op veranderende klanteverwagtinge. 'n Bekostigbare inligtingstelselmodel word aanbeveel en gestruktureer om by eienaarslbestuurders se werksgewoontes te pas. Die rangskikking van inligtingsbronne in die stelsel kan gebruik word vir die kategorisering van inligting óf in 'n hand- óf in 'n elektroniese stelsel.

Expressed fears and coping mechanisms of a selected group of preschool children

Loxton, Helena Susanna 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Although fear is an integral part of normal human functioning, the onset of many anxiety disorders can be traced back to childhood. For preventative intervention to be effective, it is important to obtain knowledge of children's normative fears and coping mechanisms in order for parents and caregivers to understand and contribute towards mediating potentially stressful experiences of young children in their care. The primary aim of the study was to obtain normative data regarding the content and number of expressed fears, coping mechanisms and perceived efficacy in response to these fears by a culturally diverse group of South African preschool children living in Stellenbosch in the Western Cape Province. The secondary aim was to ascertain whether any differences in the expressed fears, coping mechanisms and perceived efficacy of the participants were found with respect to the independent variables of gender, culture, socio-economic status (SES) and community comparisons with regard to violence risk. Parental perception of children's fears, coping mechanisms and perceived efficacy, compared to the children's own views, were also taken into account. The participants consisted of 152 preschool children selected from the population of children between 5 and 7 years attending a preschool or day-care setting for at least 3 months prior to testing. The study was of an exploratory and descriptive nature. A predominantly qualitative method of data collection was used. Measuring instruments consist of the Goodenough- Harris Drawing Test, as well as semi-structured interviews in combination with drawings. Parental perceptions of children's fears, coping mechanisms and perceived efficacy, as well as participants' background information were obtained by means of a Biographical questionnaire. The data were analysed and coded according to categories based on emerging themes. The results showed similarities in many ways to that of the existing body of knowledge. The largest proportion of participants reported having animal fears, especially wild animal fears, showing that this is a relatively common type of fear in normal children between the ages of 5 and 7. Other high-frequency fear categories that emerged are the fears of the dark, night, bad dreams; fantasy people fears; real people fears; and fears of physical harm. A total number of 429 fears were expressed, ranging from 1 to 9 per participant, with an average of 2.8 fears per child for the overall sample. Parents' perceptions of the content and number of their children's fears differed hugely from those expressed by the children. Social/spiritual support was found to be the most frequently utilised, as well as perceived effective coping mechanism. Similarities with regard to the parents' perceptions were also find in this regard. Significant differences regarding the content of expressed fears were found amongst the groups relating to culture, SES and violence risk comparisons. Gender and SES differences were found to be significant amongst the groups with regard to the utilisation ·oftbping mechanisms and perceived efficacy. These differences yielded few similarities upon comparisons to the findings of previous studies. The implications of the present study' findings for the South African context as well as recommendations for further studies are discussed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hoewel vrees 'n integrale deel van normale menslike funksionering is, word, wat die etiologie van angsversteurings betref, gevind dat dit dikwels tot vreesagtigheid tydens die kinderjare herlei kan word. Vir voorkomende intervensies om effektief te wees, is dit belangrik om kennis aangaande kinders se normale vrese en hanteringsmeganismes in te win, sodat ouers en versorgers 'n beter begrip kan hê en 'n bydrae kan maak deur middel van die mediëring van potensiële stresvolle ervarings by kinders in hulle sorg. Die primêre doel van die studie was om normatiewe data in te win aangaande die inhoud en frekwensie van uitgesproke vrese, sowel as die hanteringsmeganismes en waargenome doeltreffendheid in respons tot hierdie vrese by 'n kultureel diverse groep Suid-Afrikaanse voorskoolse kinders wat woonagtig is te Stellenbosch in die Westelike Provinsie. Die sekondêre doel van die studie was om vas te stelof daar verskille was in die uitgesproke vrese, hanteringsmeganismes en waargenome doeltreffendheid van die deelnemers met betrekking tot die onafhanklike veranderlikes van geslag, kultuur, sosioekonomiese status (SES) en van gemeenskapsvergelyking op grond van geweldsrisiko. Ouers se persepsie van kinders se vrese, hanteringsmeganismes en waargenome doeltreffendheid is ook in ag geneem. Die deelnemers was tussen 5 en 7 jaar oud en het bestaan uit 152 voorskoolse kinders wat 'n voorskoolse - of dagsorgsentrumopset bygewoon het vir minstens 3 maande lank voor toetsing plaasgevind het. Die studie was eksploratief en beskrywend van aard. 'n Oorwegend kwalitatiewe metode van data-insameling is gebruik. Meetinstrumente wat gebruik is, is die Goodenough- Harris Drawing Test, sowel as semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude in kombinasie met tekeninge. Ouers se persepsies van kinders se vrese, hanteringsmeganismes en waargenome doeltreffendheid, sowel as agtergrondsinligting oor die deelnemers, is met behulp van die Biografiese vraelys ingewin. Die data is geanaliseer en in kategorieë gekodifiseer op grond van die temas wat na vore gekom het. Die resultate het in baie opsigte ooreenkomste met die bestaande kennisbasis getoon. Die grootste proporsie van die deelnemers het vrese vir diere, veral wilde diere, gerapporteer, wat 'n aanduiding is dat dit 'n baie algemene tipe vrees by normale kinders tussen die ouderdomme van 5 en 7 jaar is. Ander hoë-frekwensie vreeskategorieë wat na vore gekom het, is vrese vir die donker, nag, slegte drome; vrese vir fantasiekarakters; vir werklike mense, en vrese vir ligaamlike skade. 'n Totale aantal van 429 vrese is gerapporteer, wat gewissel het van 1 tot 9 per deelnemer, met 'n gemiddelde van 2.8 vrese per deelnemer vir die totale groep. Ouers se persepsies van die inhoud en frekwensie van hulle kinders se vrese het grootliks verskil van dié van die kinders. Dit is gevind dat sosiale/geestelike ondersteuning die mees algemeen gebruikte sowel as die mees effektiewe waargenome hanteringsmeganisme was. Ooreenkomste ten opsigte hiervan is ook gevind met betrekking tot die ouers se persepsies. Beduidende verskille ten opsigte van die inhoud van uitgesproke vrese is gevind tussen groepe met betrekking tot kultuur, SES en gemeenskapsvergelyking op grond van geweldsrisiko. Met betrekking tot die keuse van hanteringsmeganismes en waargenome doeltreffendheid, is beduidende verskille ten opsigte van geslag en SES tussen groepe gevind. Daar blyk weinig ooreenkoms met bevindinge van vorige studies in hierdie verband te wees. Die implikasies van die huidige studie se bevindinge ten opsigte van die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks, sowel as aanbevelings vir verdere studies, word bespreek.

Resilience factors in families who have lost their homes in a shack fire

Lawrence, Jennilee 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / Informal settlements exist all over South Africa and are expanding and multiplying as people seek better jobs close to urban areas. The close proximity of the thousands of shacks has enabled the rapid spread of massive fires in informal settlements. The purpose of this study was to identify resilience characteristics in families who have lost their home in a shack fire. Family resilience refers to the family’s ability to achieve normal family functioning despite having experienced a traumatic event. The focus of this study was on 38 families from an informal settlement just outside Stellenbosch in the Western Cape. The study was conducted from a mixed methods approach and made use of a cross-sectional survey research design. Data was collected through the use of a biographical questionnaire, an open-ended question, and self-report questionnaires based on the Resilience Model of Stress, Adjustment and Adaptation. The results from the qualitative data indicate that the families indicated working together as a family as being vital to resilience. Material support from the municipality and extended family, shelter provided by members of the extended family and financial support from the extended family were also indicated as essential in overcoming a crisis. The results from the quantitative data indicate a significant positive correlation between family adaptation and: (i) the quality of communication within the family, (ii) the fortitude and durability of the family unit, (iii) the family’s sense of internal strengths, dependability, and ability to work together, and (iv) the family’s sense of being in control of family life rather than being shaped by outside events and circumstances.

Problems affecting the growth of microfinance institutions in Tanzania

Mukama, Julius 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)-- Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Microfinance services in Tanzania have existed for some years, yet have remained weak and slow to develop. Therefore, the objective of this study is to survey problems that impact on the growth of Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) in Tanzania. MFIs in Tanzania include commercial banks, rural community banks, on-bank financial institutions, NGOs and Savings and Credit Co-operative Societies (SACCOs). The problems in the microfinance sector are prioritised and show that the lack of sufficient capital to lend to clients is the problem that has the greatest impact on growth, followed by education level of clients. A number of these problems show agreement as expressed by the Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficients. The recommendations directly touch the provision of capital support to MFIs as a most priority criteria towards MFIs growth. Sufficient capital to lend to clients can decrease the impact of other problems that shows correlation with it, such as service quality to customers, attraction of low income earners, client focus, small and irregular cash flows from clients, as well as education level of clients. Finally, it is shown by a selected best practice matrix that solutions to problems impacting on the growth of MFIs in Tanzania depend on a combination of several best practices that can lead to sustainable solutions. Hence MFls may find a combination of relevant best practices that fit efficiently. effectively and economically to their respective operating environments. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Mikrofinansieringsdienste in Tanzania bestaan al geruime jare, maar is ongelukkig swak ontwikkeld en toon stadige groei. Die doelwit van hierdie studie is om probleme te identifiseer wat impakteer op die groei van die Mikrofinansiering-instansies (MFI) in Tanzania. MFIs in Tanzania sluit in kommersiele banke, landelike / gemeenskapsbanke, niebank finansiele instansies, Nie-regeringsorganisasies (NGOs) en Spaar en Krediet Samewerkende Gemeenskappe (SACCO's). Die probleme in die mikrofinansiering-sektor is geprioritiseer en dui daarop dat die gebrek aan beskikbaarheid van voldoende lenings-kapitaal die grootste impak op die sektor het, gevolg deur die vlak van onderwys-opvoeding van kliente. Verskeie van die probleme gelys vind ooreenkomste by mekaar, soos uitgelig deur die "Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficients". Aanbevelings gemaak, hou direk verhand met die voorsiening van kapitale ondersteuning aan MFIs, as die belangrikste kriteria wat sal lei tot MFI groei. Voldoende leningskapitaal kan die impak van ander probleme wat verband hou met die tekort aan kapitaal verminder, soos onder andere die kwaliteit van klientediens, die lae-inkomste mark wat bedien word, kliente fokus, klein / ongereelde inkomste-strome van kliente, asook die onderwys-opvoedingsvlakke van kliente. Ter afsluiting, dit is getoon deur die beste praktykbeginse/s matriks, dat die oplossing vir probleme wat impakteer op die groei van die MFI sektor in Tanzania, afhanklik is van 'n kombinasie van verskeie beste praktykbeginsels wat kan lei tot volhoubare oplossings. Sodoende kan MFIs 'n kombinasie van beste praktykbeginsels vind wat effektief en ekonomies sal werk vir hulle onderskeie omgewings.

Managerial data management applications utilising periodic data outputs from multiple legacy systems : a case within DaimlerChrysler AG

Theron, Frederik J 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch Unversity, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In project environments where periodical. standardised data exports from large relational databases serve as the source data for further repetitive manipulation, relational principles can be applied to automate or facilitate this process. The subsequent data model is only valid in environments where the recipient of these data exports has no influence on the data content or structure, and where it can be relied upon these standardised exports not to change significantly over time. This paper discusses the development of a data application within the Development department of DaimlerChrysler AG that utilises standardised data objects as data sources, along with various aspects of the Relational and Entity models that enabled additional user generated data to be related to the data structure. It further provides a brief introduction into Agile development strategies and iterative problem solving techniques as it pertains to database development. A working build of the application containing all the source code along with a representative data set is supplied on a CD. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In projek omgewings waar standaard, periodiese data stelle dien as die bron vir verdere repeterende data manupulasie kan data verhoudings modelle gebruik word om die proses te outomatiseer. Die werkende data model wat hierdeur gegenereer word is slegs geldig indien die klient geen beheer kan uitoefen oor die data struktuur of inhouds vorm wat as bron gebruik word nie. Dit moet ook geredelik aanvaar kan word dat die gestandardiseerde data struktuur nie wesenlik sal verander met tyd nie. Die studie stel ondersoek in na die ontwikkeling van 'n data program binne die ontwikkelingsdepartement van DaimlerChrysler AG asook verskye beginsels aangaande die verhoudings en entiteits modelle soos van toepassing op die ontwikkelde program. Gestandardiseerde data stelle dien as 'n periodiese data bron vir hierdie program en word deur verhoudings beginsels gekoppel aan data wat deur gebruikers gegenereer word. 'n Werkende kopie van die program gepaartgaande met 'n verteenwoordigende data stel asook alle oorspronklike programerings kode word op 'n CD voorsien.

Revisiting project management supporting organization culture from post 1997 literature

Strangfeld, V. 02 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: An organizational culture guides members of the organization to think and behave as the organization requires. Project management has its own culture, which could be defined as a set of work related values and beliefs shared by project management members. The research analyzed the Brown (2000) model and dimensions that were used to describe a project management supportive organizational culture. These dimensions were used as the basis of the research. A literature study was performed on articles published after 1997 to determine if the dimensions are still applicable to a project management supportive organizational culture, as described in the earlier literature. Only three of the articles used for the evaluation included a statistical analysis of the dimensions as published by the authors. Most of the authors suggested dimensions that are supportive of project management, from practical experience gained in the industry. A short summary is given of the dimensions of the different articles. The dimensions were then compared to that of Brown (2000) to determine any deviation s. From the comparison it was found that the dimensions correspond to that what was published by Brown, but that there was a movement away from the individual to that of the team dimensions. Virtual team characteristics were analyzed and found that communication and trust are some of the dimensions that contribute to a project management supportive culture. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Organisasie kultuur gee leiding aan hul lede van die professie om te dink en hul te gedra soos wat die organisasie benodig. Projekbestuur het 'n eie kultuur wat gekenmerk word deur werk verwante waardes en opvattings wat gedeel word deur die praktisyns daarvan. Die navorsing analiseer Brown (2000) se model en die gepaardgaande dimensies van organisasie kuItuur wat projekbestuur ondersteun. Hierdie dimensies was gebruik as die basis van die navorsing. Die literatuur studie het gefokus op artikels gepubliseer na 1997 om vas te stel of hulle dimensies verskil van vroeere literatuur. Drie van die artikels wat geevalueer is bevat statistiese analises van die dimensies voorgesit deur die skrywers. Die skrywers het meestal dimensies voorgesit van projekbestuur vanuit hul praktiese ondervinding in die industrie. 'n Kort opsomming is weergegee van die dimensies uit die onderskeie artikels. Hierdie dimensies is dan vergelyk met die van Brown (2000) en verskille was uitgewys. Uit die vergelyking van die dimenisies voorgesit van Brown (2000) en die ander skrywers was daar 'n beweging weg van die individuele na 'n spandimensie gevind. VirtueIe spanne se dimensies het meer gefokus op kommunikasie en vertroue tussen spanlede om 'n projekbestuur organisasiekultuur te ondersteun.

Keyboard tuition for adult beginners : investigating Practical Piano Study 171 at the University of Stellenbosch

Daniels, Delia Josianne 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MMus) -- Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In 1999, two certificate courses were introduced at the Department of Music of the University of Stellenbosch, namely the BMus Foundation Programme (preparatory) and the Introductory Programme in Music. The BMus Foundation Programme aims to reach students who intend doing the BMus Programme but do not meet the required standard for the BMus Programme at the time of enrolment. On the successful completion of the BMus Foundation Programme, these students can then be promoted to the BMus Programme. The Introductory Programme in Music concentrates on students who have had little or no prior formal theoretical or practical training in music. These students aim to obtain, an understanding of the fundamentals off'music within the minimum period of one academic year. The Introductory Programme in Music is dual-functional: Students can terminate their studies on completion of the course or 11 Students who wish to continue their studies in music can enrol for the BMus Foundation Programme on completion of the Introductory Programme in Music. The Introductory Programme in Music. consists of the following modules: Music Skills 171, Choir Singing 179 and Practical Music Studies: Preparatory 17l. The Practical Music Studies: Preparatory 171 module concentrates on teaching students the basic practical skills required to play an instrument. The student decides which instrument he/she wants to study. This thesis focuses on piano and electronic keyboard instruction for Practical Music Studies: Preparatory 171. The course will be referred to as Practical Piano Study 171 throughout the thesis. At the completion of the Introductory Programme in Music, students need to have reached a Grade 3-4 (UNISA) level for Practical Piano Study 171. In this thesis, the present syllabus implemented for Practical Piano Study 171, is critically investigated. This investigation includes the following: the forms of tuition offered, that is, group and individual tuition, the curriculum material that is used and the curriculum itself Furthermore, the psychological, physiological and mental make-up of the student enrolling for this course in general will be discussed. In this instance, the umbrella term "adult" is used. Attention is also given to teaching aids that can assist in piano and electronic keyboard instruction. A demonstration video is included with the thesis in order to illustrate its potential as a teaching aid. Suggestions based on the conclusions drawn from this research are given for the improvement of Practical Piano Study 171. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Departement Musiek van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch het gedurende 1999 twee sertifikaat kursusse ingewy, naamlik die BMus Basisprogram (Voorbereidend) asook die Inleidende Program in Musiek. Die BMus Basisprogram beoog om uit te reik na studente wat die BMus Program wil volg, maar wat nie tydens inskrywing aan die vereiste standaard van die BMus Program voldoen nie. Na die suksesvolle voltooiing van die BMus Basisprogram, kan hierdie studente tot die BMus Program bevorder word. Die Inleidende Program in Musiek konsentreer op studente wat min of geen teoretiese of praktiese opleiding in musiek ontvang het nie. Hierdie studente se doelwit is om 'n begrip van die grondbeginsels van musiek binne die minimale tydperk van een akademiese jaar te bekom. Die Inleidende Program in Musiek het 'n tweeledige funksie: Die student kan die kursus teen die einde van die akademiese jaar voltooi of 11 Studente wat na voltooiing van die Inleidende Program in Musiek graag met hul studies in musiek wil voortgaan, kan vir die BMus Basisprogram inskryf Die Inleidende Program III Musiek bestaan uit die volgende modules: Musiekvaardighede 171, Koorsang 179 en Praktiese Musiekstudie: Voorbereidend 171. Laasgenoemde kursus konsentreer daarop om studente die basisse praktiese vaardighede wat vir die bespeling van 'n musiekinstrument vereis word, aan te leer. Die student besluit watter instrument hy/sy wil bestudeer. Hierdie tesis fokus op klavier- en elektroniese klawerbordonderrig vir Praktiese Musiekstudie: Voorbereidend 171. In hierdie tesis sal deurgaans daarna verwys word as Praktiese Klavierstudie 171. Teen voltooiing van die Inleidende Program in Musiek behoort studente reeds 'n Graad 3 - 4 (UNISA) vlak in Praktiese Klavierstudie 171 te bereik het. Die huidige leerplan wat vir Praktiese Klavierstudie 171 geïmplimenteer is, word in hierdie tesis krities ondersoek. Dié ondersoek die volgende: die wyses waarop onderrig aangebied word, dit wil sê, groep- en individuele onderrig, die kurrikulêre inhoud wat gebruik word, sowel as die kurrikulum. Verder word die algemene psigiese, fisiese en verstandelike aspekte van die student wat vir hierdie kursus inskryf, bespreek. In hierdie instansie word die alomvattende term ''volwassene'' gebruik. Aandag word ook geskenk aan die onderrighulpmiddels wat tot klavier- en elektroniese klawerbord-onderrig kan bydra. 'n Demonstrasievideo word by hierdie tesis ingesluit om die potensiaal daarvan as 'n hulpmiddel te illustreer. Wenke ter bevordering van die Praktiese Klavierstudie 171 kursus wat op die gevolgtrekkinge van hierdie ondersoek gebaseer is, word ter afronding aan die hand gedoen.

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