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ECFA簽訂與中共對台政經策略研究 / ECFA signing with communist China's political and economic policy research高文定 Unknown Date (has links)
中共對台政策,牽涉到統一與國家建設的優先次序問題,毛澤東時期主張武力解決台灣問題,先求統一再建設;鄧小平強調和平統一,但不放棄使用武力;「十六大」之後仍維持這個基調,只是更強調自我發展的重要性,認為只要把自己實力提升,台灣問題就能順利解決。但其基本立場始終如一,那就是要「統一」。即便60多年來,兩岸在政治、經濟,軍事、社會及文化等方面已有相當落差,但是中共方面始終以為台灣自古以來就是中國領土不可分割的一部分,並認為雖然台灣方面繼續使用「中華民國」和「中華民國政府」的名稱,但它只是已消亡的舊政府在中國主權地域內的台灣這一局部地區的非法延續,台灣從來都是中國的一部分,「中華民國政府」也只是中國領土上的一個地方政府 。中國共產黨及中華人民共和國一直認為,「解決台灣問題,完成祖國統一大業,是我們黨和國家的三大歷史任務之ㄧ。」
中國大陸自2001年起正式加入WTO成為會員之後,隨著其經濟實力增強,積極推動與各國間簽署自由貿易協定(Free Trade Agreement, FTA),尤其不斷提供各種優惠措施,企圖以其經濟實力整合東亞區域貿易體系之政策日益明顯,使得近些年來東亞經濟板塊逐漸移轉,有取代日本成為東協國家出口產品最重要的吸納市場之趨勢。此外,2002年11月與東協(大陸簡稱東盟)10國間所簽署之「全面經濟合作框架協定」(亦即東協加一),業已自2010年元月1日起生效,預估可能至2015年時東協加三(中國大陸、日本、南韓)完成時,其將可能發展成為全球最大的自由貿易板塊。
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中共對台統一戰略—從中共國家安全戰略角度研究王正韜 Unknown Date (has links)
中共當前對台的經貿策略,無論基於全球化需求,或是中共所佔有的戰略優勢,對於台灣而言,乃勢之所趨,與其採取「抗衡」策略,不如運用擁有的籌碼,積極與之建立依存關係,進而在未來無可避免的政治談判中,爭取國家最大的利益與安全保障。 / The Taiwan issue sits at the center of China’s national security. It involves both China’s national dignity and national interests. Therefore, no matter in terms of its development projects, regional arrangements, or national security strategies, everything related to China’s national security has to do with the Taiwan issue. This is the reason why we have to address the cross-Strait situation from the angle of China’s national security concerns.
Since 1978, under the constraint of China’s economic and security conditions, its leaders have been adjusting constantly its strategy to unify Taiwan: from military liberation gradually moving towards peaceful co-optation. As a result, China can reserve more energy for its economic catch-up. But still, according to the findings of this study, once sovereignty being threatened or challenged, China will consider the use of force without any delay. And, this is exactly why China has always been reluctant to denounce the use of force against Taiwan.
For the moment, however, China prefers the unification through peaceful means and this lead to a strategy of “separation of politics and economy, with economy gong first and politics being last.” But, gradually, as Taiwan becomes more dependent on China economically and loses its advantages to China militarily, according to the findings of the research, China would gain more confidence over unifying Taiwan. Such confidence, if backed up by its physical strength, would very likely lead to a military confrontation across the Taiwan Strait.
Facing such circumstance, more challenges against China’s determination of defend its sovereignty would add to the likelihood of the above-mentioned scenario. Thus, according to the findings of the study, Taiwan’s best strategy might probably be avoiding “balancing/confrontation” for now and at the same time making be best use of our economic advantages and bargaining chips to build up the economic and social interdependence across the Strait, which shall be the most reliable guarantee of Taiwan’s national security.
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