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中國三資企業增值稅率對地方吸引外資之影響李世聰 Unknown Date (has links)
中國在經過20多年來持續的經濟改革,已然成為國際直接投資的熱門地區。在外商評估赴中國各地區投資的眾多決定因素中,各地區的租稅優惠條件可能是其重要考量因素之ㄧ。因此,本研究的主要目的,在探討中國地方三資企業增值稅率對吸引外資之間的關係。利用2000-2004年《中國統計年鑑》提供的中國30個地區自2000-2004年的追蹤資料(panel data),本文主要研究結果為,就整體與東、中部而言,地方的三資企業增值稅率對吸引外資並沒有顯著的影響。但是,當中國西部地方的三資企業增值稅率愈低時,即會增加外商直接投資該地區的意願。也就是說,相較於投資於東部及中部區域,外商投資在西部區域,更注重當地政府所能提供的三資企業增值稅率優惠條件。另外,本研究也發現,中國的東、中、西部在吸引外資的決定因素上,存在著相當大的差異。 / After 20 years of economic reforms, China has become one of most popular host countries of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the world. The purpose of this study is thus to investigate whether or not the value-added tax rate plays an important role in the level of regional FDI in China. Using official provincial-level panel data during 2000-2004 from China Statistical Yearbook and empirical model, the main finding of this study is that in general the value-added tax rate does not affect the level of regional FDI. However, as categorizing all regions into eastern, central, and western areas and estimating the regression for respective area, the influence of the value-added tax rate on the level of regional FDI exists in the western area. In addition, the determinants of the level of regional FDI are quite different among three areas.
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外人直接投資於中國大陸電子業之外溢效果與生產效率分析 / An analysis on foreign direct investment, spill-over effect, and production efficiency of Chinese Electronic Industry郭芳倩, Guo, Fang Cian Unknown Date (has links)
然而,開放外人直接投資(Foreign Direct Investment, FDI)勢必為中國大陸相關之產業或總體經濟帶來某種程度之影響,儘管外人直接投資可帶來充沛之資本及先進之技術,但亦有可能加劇國內市場競爭,不利於本土廠商。
本文運用1998-2006 年「中國工業企業統計數據庫」中之電子業廠商,建構追蹤資料模型(Panel Data),並運用隨機邊界法(stochastic frontier approach)估計中國大陸本資、台港澳資及外資企業生產效率,藉以衡量FDI之外溢效果。根據實證結果我們發現:中國大陸電子業之外人直接投資存在正向外溢效果及正向之技術移轉,顯示FDI之進入將有助於提升中國大陸電子業本土廠商之生產力。此外,我們同時發現FDI集中投資的結果將可能造成外溢效果的減低,除此之外,經濟區位亦是影響外人直接投資所帶來之外溢效果及技術移轉效果之重要因子之一。 / Global integration is the world trend nowadays. With the breakthrough of technology, the geographical barriers no longer exist. It would be much closer with other countries in many fields, such as politics, economics, technology and culture. In recent years, China has a closer economics and trades linkage with the world. As the results of openness to foreign direct investments, more and more multinational enterprises enter to China, expanding their scale and being benefited from the low-cost labor of China.
China is benefited from the plentiful capital and advanced technologies of foreign direct investments; however, the openness to FDI might cause the competition which can aggravate in domestic market and hurt the domestic firms.
The research uses the data of electronic firms from Chinese Industrial Enterprises Database. We apply panel data model and stochastic frontier approach to estimate the production efficiency of Chinese, Taiwanese, Hong Kong, Macanese and Other foreign enterprises.
According to the empirical results, we discover that there are positive spill-over effects and technology transformation from foreign direct investments in Chinese electronic industry. These results indicate the entry of FDI will promote the productivity of Chinese electronic firms. Beside the positive results, we also discover the negative deduction stem in concentrated investments; furthermore, the spill-over effects and the technology transformation effects are affected by the economic location.
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