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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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教練,我想「看」棒球- 2014中華職棒轉播權爭議分析與解決策略 / An Analysis of Solution Strategies of CPBL Broadcasting Rights Dispute in 2014

蔡昕宸, Tsai, Hsin Chen Unknown Date (has links)
職業棒球為台灣重要的運動項目,中華職棒轉播為各轉播單位年年競逐的目標,2014年中華職棒轉播權由跨國集團MP& Silva以6年21.4億天價標下,然而卻在上半球季末突然抽手,導致在球季中轉播單位更迭之爭議。為了解此轉播權爭議之前因後果,以及如何保障觀眾的收視權益,本研究從分析2014年中華職棒轉播權爭議出發,進一步探討如達成普遍收視之目標。透過次級資料分析,說明此一爭議事件中行動者之關係、行動策略,加上深度訪談2014年中華職棒轉播爭議相關的單位─中華職棒聯盟、轉播單位、職業球團與政府單位。其次,研究者透過諮詢專家評估解決方案之優劣,建議中華職棒轉播權爭議之解決策略,應採取「政策保護」作法,透過明確之政策,由立法機關授權行政機關訂立保護之賽事項目、轉播方式等,並以協商、仲裁程序,以及由公廣集團或FTA支援轉播,作為紛爭解決之方式,藉以達成普遍收視之目標。

中信兄弟隊粉絲經營與球隊管理之策略分析 / The Strategic Analyses of Brother Baseball Club’s Fans and Team Management

張家銘, Chang, Chia Ming Unknown Date (has links)
中信兄弟棒球隊為中華職棒元老球隊之一,為了能夠更瞭解球隊管理與粉絲經營的詳細情形,本研究採用質性研究方法,以深度訪談的方式與中信兄弟行銷企劃部球隊顧問張樹人先生進行約九十分鐘的訪談,並將訪談所得之結果與二手相關資料之蒐集,透過策略行銷4C分析模型架構的分析,整理如以下三點: 1. 中信兄弟隊現階段是將組織內大部分的運作功能,外包給其他公司合作,以簽訂合作契約的方式來進行。短期能即時發揮綜效,但中長期而言,中信兄弟隊必須還是要擁有自己的營運團隊,否則會仰人鼻息受到箝制。 2. 中信兄弟隊對於台灣職棒圈而言,是相當具有代表性的一支球隊。擁有近三十年的成軍歷史,奪下史上最多半季冠軍和二次三連霸的創舉,在台灣棒壇可說是史無前例;此外在易主之後,更具備相當豐沛的資源可供運用,不僅有資金可以簽下自由球員、與球員談薪資,在主場方面也擁有台中洲際棒球場,並將重心放在推廣區域經濟上。 3. 中信兄弟隊在營運管理方面遇到一些問題,如:與前東家兄弟大飯店之間的權利義務關係尚未完全釐清;供應商贊助的部分則是有中信兄弟自己堅持的想法,導致與供應商之間的關係有待努力;在主場認養上起步較晚,如何能夠順利趕上其他球隊的進度並且成功帶動區域經濟,是一項很重要的課題。 / Brothers Baseball Club is one of the Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL) veteran teams. In order to better understand the detailed cases about team management and how to attract baseball fans, this study used qualitative research methods to design interview outlines, and conducted a ninety-minute interview with Edward Chang, the consultant of Brothers Baseball Club Marketing Planning Department. Based on the results obtained from interviews and the relevant second-hand information used are summarized as follows: 1. Brothers Baseball Club outsourced most of the operational function sectors and signed cooperation contracts with these companies. In fact, short-term synergies can be immediately evaluated; however, when it comes to long term scenarios, Brothers Baseball Club must cultivate their own operational teams; otherwise they would lose their competitive advantages and be threatened by other competitors. 2. Established more than thirty years, Brothers Baseball Club won the most Season Championship Titles and owned the record of two-time Third Consecutive in Taiwan CPBL series; these accomplishments are unique and honorable in Taiwan baseball history. Moreover, abundant resources can be manipulated by the Club such as salary policies and free agents competition. Also, Brothers Baseball Club manages Taichung Intercontinental Baseball Stadium as its home court, and would focus on the promotion of the regional economy. 3. Brothers Baseball Club encountered in several operating issues, such as: the rights and obligations between the former owner, the Brother Hotel, has not been fully clarified; Supplier sponsorship is an another problem Brothers Baseball Club needs to solve, resulting in misunderstandings with suppliers; Home court adoption is a late start, how to catch up with the smooth progress of the other three teams and how to achieve regional economic success are both very important issues.

新傳播科技對「運動媒體複合體」之影響:以OTT轉播台灣職棒為例 / The impact of the new communication technologies on Sports-Media Complex: A case study of distributing Taiwanese professional baseball program via OTT service

徐政鴻, Hsu, Cheng-Hung Unknown Date (has links)
網路和行動科技的發展,促使全球進入OTT服務時代,職業運動產業亦深受影響。中華職棒於2014年成立CPBL TV,成為台灣職棒OTT服務之先驅;隨後發生電視轉播權爭議,下半季起改由球隊各自尋找轉播單位,各球隊並於2015年開始陸續與網路平台合作,建立球隊OTT服務。本研究運用運動媒體複合體的概念,探討在OTT服務時代下新媒體加入後,對該複合體中「運動-媒體-廣告」三角架構帶來何種變革,並分析運動組織及媒體如何看待在OTT服務時代下的中華職棒轉播權利市場,以及其因應策略。 本研究以深度訪談的方式,與八組中華職棒權利市場相關的受訪者進行訪談,試圖建構目前中華職棒轉播權利市場的輪廓,並輔以媒體報導、新聞稿等次級資料加以補充。研究發現,目前中華職棒各球隊除了與有線電視頻道業者保持密切轉播合作關係外,在網路轉播權利上,亦會考量球隊需求,包含轉播權利金、平台客群,與合適的網路平台簽訂轉播合約。然而在轉播內容上,網路OTT業者仍無法突破由有線電視頻道業者所掌握,製作賽事內容的能力,因此新媒體只能透過增加轉播隊數、自製節目內容、提升平台附加功能等服務上做出差異性。 從台灣職棒OTT服務發展來看,在運動媒體複合體的架構中,運動組織與媒體的角色儼然轉變,球隊受惠於網路科技,建置球隊媒體頻道/平台的門檻已大幅降低,提升其自主性。OTT業者將增加運動內容的投資,甚至轉型為以運動為主的媒體平台。然而,OTT服務發展仍受限於媒體的內容產製能力,在轉播權談判中球隊因此無法獲得太多自主空間。 / Along with the emergence of OTT service development in modern society, broadcasting rights market in Taiwanese professional baseball industry has changed radically. A broadcasting rights controversy occurred between Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL) and international sports agency MP & Silva in 2014. This forced the baseball teams to seek for broadcasters by themselves. At the same time CPBL TV, the first formal OTT service in CPBL, was established, and thereby inspiring the teams to establish their own OTT service. This research employs the concept of Sports-Media Complex to analyze the impact of OTT service on Taiwanese professional broadcasting rights market. Methods include in-depth interviews and document analysis. Besides keeping partnership with cable television operators, teams also look for the suitable broadcast partners on the Internet platform. Broadcasting rights fees and the users are their concerns while signing contracts. Unlike cable television operators, OTT service providers are still unable to broadcast on scene..Therefore, OTT service providers can only make a difference by increasing the number of broadcast teams, enriching the content of self-made program and upgrading the platform's additional functions. To sum up, the role of sports organizations and the media has changed in the structure of Sports-Media Complex. Sports organizations nowadays intend to build their own media channels and platforms, enhancing their ability of autonomy. OTT service providers increase the investment of sports content, and create a sports-based media platform. However, each team’s autonomy and negotiation chips are still limited by their media production abilities.


江澤明, Chiang, Tse-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在運用經濟的觀點與計量的方法來探討中華職棒球員的表現與薪資間的關係。究竟中華職棒勞動市場中,對於球員是存在超額給付(overpayment)?還是過低給付(underpayment)?我們將運動產業勞動市場之三大決定要素結合在一起:球團收益、球員表現與球員薪資,並蒐集中華職棒1997~2005年間相關的資料,以此探討球員薪資之決定。 本文首先對台灣的職棒運動作一鳥瞰式的歷史回顧,並將中華職棒球員薪資、年資的基本統計量提出與日本職棒做一比較。接著以Scully(1974)、MacDonald and Reynolds(1994)和Krautmann(1998)所提出的薪資估計方法,將球團收益、球員表現和薪資決定變數結合在一起,估計出中華職棒球員的邊際報酬貢獻(marginal revenue product),以此進行球員薪資的檢視。合理的情形下,球員邊際報酬貢獻應該等於球員薪資。本研究並將中華職棒的球員群組分為本土球員與洋將部分,觀察是否因為勞動市場條件的不同,而使兩群組球員薪資與表現間的關連性存在異同。在本土球員中,我們進一步以美國大聯盟的年資分類方式,將球員分為新人(apprentice)、中堅球員(journeymen)與老將(experienced players)三大群組,以觀察同樣的薪資決定變數在不同年資間造成的影響是否有異。我們並檢視年薪超過240萬的球員,其技術是否存在規模報酬遞增的情況,若存在,則中華職棒與國外成熟的職業運動一樣都存在所謂的「超級明星現象」。 實證結果發現,整體而言,中華職棒聯盟當中存在超額給付(overpayment),而洋將因為勞動市場條件較為接近完全競爭市場,因此表現更能反映到薪資的改變上。超額給付的存在應是由於中華職棒的賽程密集度不足,且缺乏二軍與完善的球員交易制度。另外,由於球團經營與行銷手法上仍未臻成熟,中華職棒球員尚未存在「超級明星現象」。我們並以在1997~2005間250位至少完成六個球季的選手,以這些球員的薪資檢視是否存在明顯結構性的轉變,以作為將來制訂自由球員年限的參考。實證結果發現這樣的年限並不存在,我們因此推論,中華職棒應要加強基本面的基礎與改善球員交易制度,當這些基礎獲得良好的改善後,自由球員制度就會是一個水到渠成的結果。 / In this thesis we mainly discuss the relationship between players’ performance and their salaries in the CPBL (Chinese Professional Baseball League) through the point of economics view. Are the players overpaid or underpaid? Are the whole environ -ment in the CPBL mature enough to adopt the FA (Free-Agent) system? To analyze these issues, we combine three main factor of determinants in the field of sports economics together, which are team revenue, players’ performance, and players’ salaries, and use the skills in econometrics with data from 1997~2005, we illustrate an overview of these issues. First of all we make a brief description of the history of CPBL, and we also present some comparison of basic statistics between CPBL and NPB (Nippon Professional Baseball) players. In the following section we introduce the most popular model in the similar research, such as Scully’s model (1974) and the salary determination equation (MacDonald and Reynolds, 1994). Following the methodology of these research, we divide players in the CPBL into some different groups by players’ experience and nationalities. With the ZSUR (Zellner’s Seemingly Uncorrelated Regresion) model, and traditional OLS (Ordinary Least Square) regressions, we could have some empirical results which imply that players are actually overpaid. However, players are overpaid due to the degree of tension and intensiveness are neither sufficient in the CPBL rather than their skills are amateurish. We also find that unlike the English Soccer, MLB, and NBA, there does not exist superstar phenomena in the CPBL. Moreover, the conditions of environment in the CPBL are not mature enough for CPBL to apply the FA system: It would be very possible for the CPBL to face the same dilemma which the NPB are facing now if we prematurely implement the FA system.

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