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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


劉政彥 Unknown Date (has links)
觀察過去的工會發展史,從一黨專政把持的政黨工會,至經濟發展時期的政經結合穩定勞資關係,工會只是國家宰制的外圍團體,直至解嚴及政治民主運動興起,勞工意識獲得啟蒙,帶起一波工潮,工會自主性才逐漸展開。中華電信工會成立自今已逾50年之久,不僅見證台灣工會的發展,更親身經歷其中,最終擺脫官方的掌控,其在行動力與組織規模方面皆極具工會代表性,因此本研究首在透過中華電信工會豐富的工會行動經驗,來檢證台灣工會對於集體行動理論的適用性,並探討工會運用解決困境的途徑。又由於個人或組織行動成功與否,在行動過程中策略的運用佔有決定性的影響,是以本研究另個重點在於分析中華電信工會的行動策略,探討策略執行的效果與影響,希冀對工會後續行動能有所助益。 本研究發現,中華電信工會的成員參與工會行動的動機乃是出於理性自利的選擇邏輯,工會的集體行動並受團體大小、成本效益關係、選擇性誘因及政治企業家型工會領袖等變項所影響,而超理性動機與公共財的供應等變項卻不足以解釋工會成員參與集體行動的動機。至乎工會面臨動員的困境,可藉由提供選擇性誘因、提升勞動意識及增加會員認同等途徑來解決,其中又以提升勞動意識及增加會員認同為治本之法。 工會策略的採取,目的是為了吸引潛在成員的目光,激起他們參與工會行動的意願,在政策遊說方面,如何取得關鍵少數支持及連結次要敵人、打擊主要敵人,為政策遊說的核心所在;媒體及議題操作具有高度不確定性;示威遊行就策略應用的廣度與即時性,與議題操作與媒體曝光率有密不可分的關係;罷工讓會員負擔成本過高,若能備而不用,利用發起罷工的動作壓迫資方妥協取得訴求或重回談判桌,或許才是良方;工會組織串聯方面,國內聯合有助於集體行動的成功,惟跨國聯結則著眼於長期勞動意識的提升。工會集體行動的策略運用,絕非採單向策略而是多管齊下、交互並使的,例如工會在示威遊行時,就會配合議題的操作並訴諸媒體,形成社會輿論,再透過其他利益團體的聲援壯大聲勢,形具最大的壓力,達到最佳的威嚇效果。

中華電信與高盛的外匯選擇權避險合約 / Chunghwa Telecom's Hedge Contract with Goldman Sachs

顏子皓, Yen, Tzuhao Unknown Date (has links)
2007年是中華電信企業民營化的第二年,如同以往地在業務面及財務面締造了佳績。然而,在2007年9月時,中華電信與香港高盛簽下一紙長達10年期的外匯避險合約,使得中華電信在隔年第一季公佈高達新台幣40億元的未實現匯兌損失,引起市場一片譁然與投資人的輿論,認為此合約讓收入多以新台幣計價的中華電信陷入了不必要的衍生性商品陷阱之中。本個案讓閱讀者以當時中華電信財務長謝劍平的角度,帶領閱讀者解構、分析這個極具爭議的的結構型商品。過程中牽涉到避險決策、契約評價、代理問題、公司治理、外匯預測、市場效率性等議題。2008年10月契約觸及匯價32.7終止,中華電信最終獲利新台幣3010萬元出場,新台幣10多億的帳面損失也全數回沖。個案閱讀者能從中學習到重要的思考過程,並做出權衡之下對股東利益最好的決策,我們發現這個外匯避險契約本身並無絕對好壞,因為這是一個風險控管與節省成本的抵換關係,端看決策者的出發點、需求及風險偏好決定。 / 2007 was the second year after the privatization of Chunghwa Telecom, the financial performance was strong as usual. However, on September of the same year, Chunghwa Telecom had signed a 10-year currency hedging contract with Goldman Sachs, which leads to NTD 4 billion unrealized book losses in the first season of 2008. Investor and the public were shocked about it, because it was not compatible with the company’s corporate image, and the book losses was too huge. Many public opinion criticized that it was a big mistake for Chunghwa Telecom, which let them fall into the trap of financial derivatives. This case put students back to the scenario of September 2007, played the role as Chunghwa Telecom’s CFO, CP Shieh. The case will guide them understand how to decompose and analyze a tailor made structure product provided by investment bank. In the analyzing process, readers will involve many interesting issues, like hedging decision, contract valuation, agency problem, corporate governance, forex forecasting and market efficiency. October 2008, the contract knocked out by reaching NTDUSD quote 32.7. Chunghwa Telecom end up gained NTD 30.1 million from the contract and over NTD 1 billion unrealized book losses were also reversed. Case readers can acquire important intuition during the analyzing process and make decision based on the shareholder’s best interest. There is no absolute answer to dictate whether this hedging contract was good or not, because it was a tradeoff between risk control and cost saving. It depends on the decision maker’s point of view, demand and risk preference.

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