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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


祝天雄 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在探討以產品資料標準格式及資訊技術與工具,發展資訊整合模式,其目標是連結電腦輔助設計與電腦輔助製造功能,並結合產品資料管理共用資料庫及型態管理作業,達到同步管理,以實現同步工程作業。資訊整合使自研發、設計、製程規劃、及製造之電腦輔助作業的資料得以連結及共用,形成共通性資訊作業環境,有效提昇產品開發與製造之同步流程管理。為達此一目的,必須以符合國際產品資料表示與交換標準定義整合運作系統所使用的產品共通性資料,以利在電子化環境下,企業體內之上下游廠商可透過此標準定義配合網際網路技術,分享彼此產品資料管理系統中的產品資料,降低資料交換的誤差,並加速產品資料交換的速度。本研究以探討XML及STEP為基礎,首先分析產品生命週期管理之資訊需求,就設計、製程規劃、及製造管理之不同系統,釐清資料管理之資料表達規範,其次以IDEF方法進行產品資料管理之流程分析,並以Zachman資訊系統基礎架構框架各觀點進行資訊需求及架構分析,最後以國防工業體系之中心工廠為例,進行個案實証研究探討資料整合模式與流程分析之可行方法。 研究結果發現,提出三點建議供企業實行資訊整合之參考: 一、 企業流程再造BPR是工作流程、組織結構、資訊技術及工作內容等之合理化與重新設計,使績效大幅改善。 二、 雖有大量投資,但整合後系統的顧客價值不一定增加,例如:業務模式無法吸引更多的客戶時,系統整合後的價值也不一定增加。電腦系統整合的困難度應有企業內充分且全面性溝通的時間。 三、 將所有的資訊應用建置於同一超級資訊平台上作業,很難做到。分散式應用程式讓企業在建置資訊系統時不論在採購上或建置上都更為彈性,企業可依需要不斷的擴充系統,而不需在初期即一次購足。資訊服務網(Web Services)的發展促使企業應用整合EAI技術能滿足此一需求。 本研究係以應用於國防工業體系之中心工廠整合性製造管理資訊系統發展模式為例,國防工業是軍公民營企業合作發展模式,其具有穩定、不易外移、及能帶動相關產業發展之特性,相關產業的資訊整合均面對類似的問題。期能藉由本研究之結果,提供企業進行資訊整合時之參考,使其產品資料能於電子化環境中即時而正確地共用與分享。 / In today’s economy, product lifecycle has been significantly shortened. All manufactures are faced with the challenge of making high quality products within a short product introduction time while reducing costs as low as possible. Product lifecycle management (PLM)is an emerging solution and information integration is a core to address this challenge. Without an efficient methodology to integrate data and processes, PLM would be impossible. This research explores thus the methodology and IT requirement for the integrated product manufacturing information management system, with the following research goals: 1. To investigate the methodology needed by manufacturing companies to implement the integrated product manufacturing information management system to achieve PLM. 2. To investigate the information integration framework for the integrated product manufacturing information management system. Based on analytic method originated from Zachman Framework, this research conducted a case study on a defense industry. The core of this case study is to identify the Framework provides a means for organizing the models of Enterprise Applications Integration (EAI) into useful categories. Model is composed of multiple modeling methods integrated in a way that is sufficient to describe the system. The main models are: (1). Information models for the representation of product data are being developed as an international standard (ISO 10303) informally called STEP. STEP (STandard for the Exchange of Product model data) is designed to enable the exchange of product data between heterogeneous computer systems used throughout the product life cycle. (2). A neutral model of engineering and management data, developed based on the eXtensible Markup Language (XML), can be a standard interchangeable information representation for manufacturing information integration in PLM, and is developed in this research. (3). During several of the BPR steps, the critical process pieces are identified and designed together using IDEF Models. A last, with respect to enterprise information technology integration, this research comes to the conclusions as follows: 1. The primary goal of a BPR effort is to document the current and future business process and to ensure stakeholder buy-in and support. 2. Enterprise information integration is still relatively new, and its best practices are not fully disseminated, which helps to explain why Zachman Framework and analysis tools are important. 3. Since the structure of the data changes too rapidly, integration at the physical source level does not work. Web Services provide a distributed computing technology for revealing the business services of applications on the Internet or intranet using standard XML protocols and formats. It enables EAI to be an ongoing process of creating a flexible, standardized enterprise infrastructure that allows new IT-based applications and business processes to be easily and efficiently deployed.


陳麗慧 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,電信業已由寡占走向了完全競爭市場,伴隨著消費者意識的抬頭,有限的市場大餅,更侷限了用戶數的大躍進,因此各家電信營運商無不卯足全力,專注在提供吸引消費者的產品、資費方案、以及ARPU(Average-Revenue-Per-User)的提昇…等議題上。企業要如何面對競爭慘烈的市場?如何保持內部流程的彈性去因應變化?基於上述事項,如何運用資訊科技來達到企業的目標就更加重要了,而EAI 的功能,提供了企業對應用系統的整合,維持流程的彈性應用,更進而協助企業降低整合風險、節省資訊軟體的開發與維護成本、強化供應商的合作關係,進而產生對企業的效益。 本研究使用個案研討的方式,選定幾項關鍵流程進行深度分析,針對電信業在營運系統上整合的議題作探討,並說明企業整合應用軟體導入所帶來的效益。對於電信產業而言,客戶關係管理系統、帳務系統、開通系統、加值服務應用平台系統…等是整合的開端,亦是重點之所在。經由EAI軟體的導入,提供營運應用系統之間資訊的同步,也相對的提供決策人員反應快速的資訊。 電信業者在系統建置中,如何有效運用企業整合軟體之特性來整合各異質性平台應用系統,以達到資訊的整合,並藉由資訊的及時傳遞提供各不同應用系統使用者一致的資訊,進而提高資訊的可用度及客服人員及門市人員對客戶的服務,增加企業的競爭力。 / Telco has already been moving toward perfect competitive market since last decade. Meanwhile, along with the ideology of consumers that dominates the trend and momentum of open market. It also blocked the growth rate of subscribers in domestic market. Under such circumstance, all Operators are fully concentrating on value-added product, tariff, rate plan…and so on, to attract consumers so that Operators are able to increase the ARPU (Average-Revenue-per-User). How to face the severe competitive market? How to maintain the flexibility of internal process to adopt the drastic changing market? Based upon above mentioned issues, it is very important to use information technology to approach this target. Nevertheless, the functionality of EAI (Enterprise Application Integration) offers an all-in-one solution and integration to application system. Still, it also maintains the flexibility of process flow. Further more, it reduces the risk of enterprise integration and saves cost in terms of implementation and maintenance. On the other hands, EAI is not only to enhance the relationship of suppliers but also generate the synergy of enterprise. The purpose of this theme is to deeply analyze the critical process inside company. Besides, it also points out that how to use EAI in Telco field for the purpose of gaining benefit to Operator. Telco’s IT system includes CRM (Customer relationship management), Billing system, Provision, and the platform of value-added service and application. After installing EAI, it is able to offer the synchronization among all application system and capable to expedite the response time of decision makers. In addition, it is very important to use EAI to integrate the different application platform. After that, EAI is able to consolidation all necessary information and deliver all users with same information just in time. Customer Service Division and Chain Store could transfer this power to secure better services to consumers then enlarge the competition of enterprise.

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