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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

全球金融危機對拉丁美洲國家經濟表現之影響 / The effects of the Global Financial Crisis in Latin American countries’ economic performance

顧迪可, Diego Ramirez Unknown Date (has links)
The global financial crisis has been catalogued as one of the worst economical recessions since the Great Depression in 1930’s. The history in Latin America has shown that the region has been turbulent in respect of economic crisis. They were three main channels, which are divided in contagion and/or interdepended to Latin America; first the remittances saw a drop, the smallest countries like the Central Americans countries were the most affected by this channel. The second channel was in the export with the freeze in the international trade market. And the third channel was the financial shock with global finances and credit constraint. For the seven biggest economies; Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela; the second and third channel were the ones that most affected them. There is not proof that within the region toxic assets were acquired; this is the main raison that we have take macroeconomics variables to measure the impact of the crisis. Thanks to the propitious economic circumstances in the past years made Latin American countries had a great economic growth, this helped them to grow their international reserves and have a healthier fiscal system. Those two tools were fundamental to fight against the crisis with counter cyclical policies. Also most of the countries have started to diversify they exports to other regions, focusing more in Asia especially the gigantic Republic Peoples of China. Some countries apply this strategy more aggressively than others, and as a result they bounced back quicker than other countries. It has been said, that this kind of economic depressions only happens once every one hundred years. Latin America suffered as the entire world did, but they were better prepare and their strategies worked to reactivate their local economies. Some countries have been economically performing better and have kept their inflation and unemployment rates at the same level as before the crisis started.
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金融危機對合作金庫授信政策之影響 / The corresponding credit policies of Taiwan cooperative bank against global financial crisis

陳建希, Chen, Chien Hsi Unknown Date (has links)
現今世界的經濟自由化、金融自由化及國際化潮流,為世界經濟注入一泉活水。然而,人們卻也為這種高度流動性以及蓬勃的經濟成長付出了慘痛代價。金融危機對經濟的影響與重要性,以及對金融業尤其是銀行有著極其深遠的影響。而關係著銀行經營之成敗,也是銀行業務中最重要的授信政策,毫無疑問更是金融銀行業經營的重心、開發各項業務的基礎。因此,如何在金融危機發生時維持良好的授信品質,成為銀行業不可或缺的首要課題之一。 本文利用文獻分析、問卷設計之量化研究、深度訪談之質化研究等方法來分析「金融危機下,銀行如何透過授信政策來改善授信品質」、「以合作金庫為例,合庫採取哪些授信政策來改善授信品質」以及「合作金庫之授信政策,是否能有效改善授信品質」等研究問題,並以合作金庫在全球金融危機(2007-2009年)下,授信政策的有效性進行探討。 本文研究發現,合作金庫在全球金融危機(2007-2009年)之授信政策,以「協助經營艱困企業的紓困政策」最為有效,「風險控管」、「區域授信中心」等其他相關政策也頗具效果,惟「緊縮性放款政策」的成效不彰。研究也發現,授信政策有效性會受到地區性、年資與職稱的影響而有不同的結果。且全球金融危機(2007-2009年)政策的制定深深受到亞洲金融危機(1997-1998年)政策成效與評價的影響。因此本文有以下幾項建議: 一、 有關當局可記取前幾次金融危機的教訓,作為制定授信政策的參考依據,並將政策方向指向改善金融體系或銀行的體質。 二、 銀行與企業經營要良性循環、共體時艱且合作並存。 三、 在考量政策實行的同時,也須以不同地區、年資與職稱的授信員工託付不同性質的授信政策去執行,才能「因地制宜、適才適用」。 / Nowadays, the rise of liberalization of world economic, financial and international trend plays the role of pouring living water into the world economy. However, people suffer from the exorbitant cost caused by the high liquidity and robust economic growth simultaneously. The significance and impact of global financial crisis, especially on financial and banking activities is absolutely crucial. Moreover, credit policies not only determine success or failure in banking, but undoubtedly is the core of financial management as well as the foundation of banking affair. Therefore, maintaining high credit quality under financial crisis has become the most essential issue for the banking system. In this thesis, literature analysis, quantitative questionnaire design and qualitative in-depth interview have been applied to analyze the following questions including “How do banks improve credit quality through credit policies facing financial crisis ?” ,“In the case of Taiwan Cooperative Bank, what kind of credit policies has it adopted to improve credit quality ?”Are these credit policies of Taiwan Cooperative Bank feasible and sufficient to improve credit quality? ”Also, the effectiveness of credit policies of Taiwan Cooperative Bank during global financial crisis (2007-2009) will be discussed. This study discovers that the most effective credit policy of Taiwan Cooperative Bank during global financial crisis (2007-2009) is “The bailout and assistance policies for the tough enterprises”. ”Risk management policy”, “Regional credit center policy” and other relevant policies are also quite effective. On the contrary, “Shrinking and restricting lending policies” proved to be invalid. The research tells us that the effectiveness of credit policies differs from distinct regions, years of seniority, and agent titles. In addition, the policies during global financial crisis (2007-2009) have been deeply influenced by the evaluation of effectiveness during Asian financial crisis (1997-1998). In conclusion, several suggestions are provided. First, the authorities concerned should keep the lessons from previous financial crisis in mind as references for improving credit quality. And the policy-making direction should be oriented to ameliorate the constitution of banking and financial system. Second, banks and connecting enterprises should operate a virtuous circle, cooperate and coexist in difficulties. Third, in consideration of policy implementation, different regions, years of seniority, and agent titles should entrust diverted credit policies to put into practice. In this way, crediting policies can “ Take actions that suit local circumstances and let the right men do the right things.”
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銀行業中「大至不能倒」(Too Big to Fail)現象之防範與法制建構-兼論銀行事前預囑

黃卲璿, Huang, Shao Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
本文所要探討的問題在於如何消弭銀行業中具有「大至不能倒」地位的銀行對整體經濟與金融體系所帶來的負面效應。 為了處理此一問題,本文將從比較法經驗進行歸納分析,理出「大至不能倒」理論在美國法上的面貌,並對「大至不能倒」銀行的界定提出比較法上採取的途徑,之後本文將進入檢閱現有的「大至不能倒」的解決方案,並以本文核心目標:『正視「大至不能倒」銀行的存在,並最小化「大至不能倒」政策適用的餘地!』來檢驗這些解決方案,緊接著本文將提出金融穩定委員會對於「大至不能倒」銀行的「資本強化」、「監理強化」與「復原與退場計畫」這三個監理方案供參酌,本文在結論上強力主張應將「復原與退場計畫」納入我國的法制架構中,為我國未來面對「大至不能倒」議題預做準備,並提出立法建議。 所謂「復原與退場計畫」(銀行事前預囑)是國際上處理「大至不能倒」問題所創造出全新的監理工具,簡介其內容,就是藉由事前周全的計畫使大型銀行在遭遇嚴重的壓力事件(尤其是系統性事件)時能藉由實施事前計劃快速地使財務狀況回復正常,或退而求其次藉由實施事前計畫使銀行能在不影響金融穩定或損及納稅人(即紓困政策)的狀況下退出金融市場。簡而言之其精神在於「卸除大型銀行的系統重要性」。

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