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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


徐千田, XU, GIAN-TIAN Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,青少年在家庭及休閒時作成購買決定的地位愈來愈重要,這一方面是由於父 母親的觀念已有很大的轉變,另一方面受到參考群體及廣告等影響,他們對於消費訊 息的需求也在與日俱增中。據估計,僅台北地區,青少年的消費額一年即達四十五億 元,因此更進一步的探討青少年市場的延展性,並提供一份基本且附有實際應用價值 的參考資料,便成為本研究最主要的動機所在。 隨著消費需求的多樣化與購買力的增加,消費者參與的程度(Involvement Level ) 也隨著提高,而個別消費者可能由於參與水準的原因,致使購買決策的過程有所差異 ,或使訊息的尋求居於主動或被動的地位,這些完全視產品的參與程度如何而決定。 惟國內以參與程度來分析消費市場的研究尚未成熟,因此本研究想以參與程度為指標 ,將青少年的消費市場予以區隔,以供未來研究者之參考。 為探討上述觀點,本研究以分層取樣法押取全省北、中、南三區1800名國中、高中( 職)及專科男女為受試,並以修訂量表為問卷予以施測,經回收及剔除廢卷後剩下有 效問卷1742份;分析方法計有項目分析法、因素分析法、變異數分析法及多元迴歸分 析法。 研究結果經歸納後可從五方面來看:一、青少年最想買的產品排列前五名的依次是個 人電腦、機車、隨身聽、照相機及音響。二、青少年最常買的產品排列在前五名的, 則依次是文具用品、飲料、錄音帶、書及面紙。三、男女兩性在消費的參與程度上有 顯著的差異。四、北部學生的消費參與程度與中、南部的學生有所差異。五、青少年 在選購最想買的產品時,以朋友的預測力最大,其次為父母親。


黃韻如, Huang, Yun Ru Unknown Date (has links)

董事會之獨立、專業、參與對企業績效及風險之影響 / The effect of board independence, expertise, and attendance on firm performance and risk

陳宜伶, Chen, Yi Ling Unknown Date (has links)
董事會組成、結構與運作的特性影響董事會功能的發揮,而董事會功能的強弱則決定企業經營的良窳。董事會的策略功能若能發揮,應可增進公司績效;董事會若能盡到監督的職責,應可降低企業的風險。因此,本研究探討董事會特性對企業績效與風險之影響。有別於其他公司治理的相關文獻多以董事會的獨立性衡量董事會之效能,本研究額外針對董事會成員發展其專業性及參與程度等衡量董事會特性之變數,探討這些變數與公司績效及風險間之關聯性,並進一步納入市場競爭程度與研發強度,分析公司經營特性對董事會特性與公司績效、風險關聯性之影響。 本研究以資產報酬率(ROA)、股東權益報酬率(ROE)、Tobin’s Q (Q)、Jensen Productivity (Jensen)來衡量企業績效,以信用評等(TCRI、RankRisk)、資產報酬率的標準差(sdROA)、股東權益報酬率的標準差(sdROE)來衡量企業風險,從董事會之獨立性、專業性以及參與度探討其對企業績效與風險之影響。研究結果發現,董事會之獨立性可以提升企業績效(ROA、ROE)、降低企業風險(TCRI、RankRisk、sdROA、sdROE)。董監具備會計或法律專業可以提升投資績效(Jensen),董監之聲譽可以提升企業績效(ROA、Q、Jensen),但董監若兼職過於忙碌,反而會提高財務風險(sdROA、sdROE),而董事會之參與度則可以提升企業績效(ROA、ROE)且降低信用風險(TCRI、RankRisk)。此外,市場競爭程度與研發強度影響董事會之獨立性、專業性以及參與度與企業績效、風險之關聯性。相對於低市場競爭程度,在高度市場競爭的環境下,董監具備會計或法律專業可以降低信用風險(RankRisk),董監過於忙碌會增加企業風險(TCRI、RankRisk、sdROA、sdROE),而董事會之參與度可以提升企業績效(Q)。相對於低研發強度,在高研發強度的環境下,公司需要內部董監的專屬知識,董事會之獨立性會降低投資績效(Jensen),但董監具備會計或法律專業可以提升企業績效(ROA、ROE、Q、Jensen)且降低信用風險(TCRI),董監之聲譽可降低信用風險(TCRI、RankRisk),而董事會之參與度則可提升企業績效(ROA)。 / The board composition, structure and process influence the effectiveness of the corporate board. The strategy function of the board helps to improve firm performance, while the monitoring function of the board assists to reduce firm risk. This research investigates the impact of board characteristics on firm performance and risk. Different from prior studies that focused mainly on board independence, this research expands board characteristics to include the expertise and attendance aspects of corporate boards. Furthermore, this research incorporates market competition and R&D intensity to analyze their moderating effects on the association between board characteristics and firm performance and risk. This research uses ROA, ROE, Tobin’s Q and Jensen Productivity (Jensen) to measure firm performance, and uses TCRI, RankRisk, sdROA and sdROE to measure firm risk. The research results indicate that boards with higher independence have higher ROA and ROE and lower TCRI, RankRisk, sdROA and sdROE. The boards with accounting or legal expertise directors have higher Jensen, while the boards with more reputable directors have higher ROA, Q and Jensen. However, boards with busy directors have higher sdROA and sdROE. The more attentive boards are found to be associated with higher ROA and ROE and lower TCRI and RankRisk. In addition, the levels of market competition and R&D intensity affect the association between board independence, expertise and attendance and firm performance and risk. For firms operating in the high market competition environment, boards with accounting or legal expertise directors have lower RankRisk, boards with busy directors have higher TCRI, RankRisk, sdROA and sdROE, and more attentive boards have higher Q. For firms with high R&D intensity, boards with greater independence are associated with lower Jensen since these firms require insider directors who have firm-specific knowledge. Moreover, boards with accounting or legal expertise directors tend to have higher ROA, ROE, Q, and Jensen and lower TCRI and more reputable boards have lower TCRI and RankRisk, while more attentive boards have higher ROA.

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