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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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豐田及時生產系統應用於鋼結構業之研究-以中國鋼鐵結構公司為例 / Toyota Just In Time Production System Application In Steel Structure Industry-China Steel Structure Coperation

李健成, Chien-Cheng Lee January 1991 (has links)
鋼結構業的現行作業方式充滿了無效率的工作與浪費。本研究希望藉由豐田及時生產系統導入鋼結構製造,以消除生產過程中現存的各項浪費。本研究的目的主要是以個案公司為例,探討鋼結構業現行生產過程及豐田及時生產系統應用於鋼結構製造。 本研究首先介紹豐田及時生產系統架構,以了解豐田式的精神所在,再詳細介紹及時生產系統的概念及優點,並比較豐田即時生產系統和鋼結構現行生產方式。 其次藉由相關文獻的回顧,探討豐田及時生產系統於製造業應用方式與其效益。由於鋼結構業與一般製造業無論在形態上或是作業方式上,都有顯著的差異存在,因此於製造規劃階段,除說明導入豐田及時生產系統所需具備的合理化作業外,擬配合漸進式吊裝規劃技術以消除兩者間之差異。 經由親自到生產現場去查訪並與作業主管做雙向溝通,瞭解個案公司在現行生產管理上存在的問題。利用橋樑及H組合型鋼兩條試驗生產線進行檢討,評估豐田及時生產系統觀念應用於鋼結構製造過程之中可能產生的問題與解決對策,以擬定豐田及時生產系統導入鋼結構之方式與注意事項,並評估其效益。 / There has been full of inefficiency and waste in current operation method of steel structure industries. This study hopes to utilize Toyota Just-in-time Production System for fabrication of steel structure to eliminate current each waste during the production process. The main purpose of this study is take case company as an example to discuss the following respects: 1.The current production process of steel structure industries. 2.The application of Toyota Just-in-time Production System in the steel structure fabrication. This study first introduces the framework of Toyota Just-in-time Production System to apprehend its spirit and then explains the concept and advantage of Toyota Just-in-time Production System explicitly. Also, this study compares Toyota Just-in-time Production System with current production method of steel structure industries. Second, according to the glancing of related document reference, this study discusses the application method and its profit for Toyota Just-in-time Production System in the manufacturing industries. As there are significant differences in structure or operation method between steel structure industries and manufacturing industries, thus this study utilizes gradual erection plan to match Toyota Just-in-time Production System during the period of fabrication process plan to eliminate the distinction between these two industries besides explaining the necessary rationalized operation when leading Toyota Just-in-time Production System in. Having visited the production line and made mutual communication with operation chief, this study has found the current problems existing in production management in case company. According to this discovery, this study uses bridge production line and built-up H section production line as pilot implementation to discuss the possible question and solution policy for Toyota Just-in-time Production System concept applied in steel structure fabrication so as to frame the procedures and criterion of Toyota Just-in-time Production System in fabrication of steel structure and also to evaluate its profit. / 目 錄 誌謝詞……………………………………………………………………一 中文摘要…………………………………………………………………二 ABSTRACT………………………………………………………………三 目錄………………………………………………………………………四 圖次………………………………………………………………………六 表次………………………………………………………………………八 第一章 緒論…………………………………………………………………1 第一節 研究動機與目的 …………………………………………1 第二節 研究步驟與範圍…………………………………………4 第三節 研究架構 …………………………………………………6 第二章 豐田及時生產系統之文獻探討………………………………….7 第一節 及時化(Just In Time)的基本觀念………………………7 第二節 豐田及時生產系統的主要目的……………………….12 第三節 豐田及時生產系統的執行方法……………………….14 第四節 豐田及時生產系統的構成因素……………………….31 第五節 實施豐田及時生產系統的優點及原則………………32 第三章 鋼結構業引進豐田及時生產系統之可行性分析……………36 第一節 鋼結構業生產方式概要………………………………36 第二節 鋼結構業生產方式與豐田及時生產系統比較………44 第四章 中國鋼鐵結構公司導入豐田及時生產系統個案……………58 第一節 生產製造現況與問題分析……………………………58 第二節 豐田及時生產系統導入及效益評估 ………………73 第三節 導入限制條件之評估 ……………………………109 第五章 結論與建議……………………………………………………110 第一節 結論……………………………………………………110 第二節 建議 …………………………………………………112 參考文獻…………………………………………………………….113 附錄-個案公司訪談說明……………………….……………………118 作者簡歷……………………………………………………………………123 表 次 表1-1 台灣市場鋼結構用量統計表……………………………………2 表2-1 自�C化與自動化的比較…………………………………………27 表4-1 鋼橋漸進式吊裝規劃表範例……………………………………80 表4-2 鋼橋單一循環每日作業規劃表範例…………………………80 表4-3 中國鋼鐵結構公司91年鋼架類別統計表…………………….82 表4-4 中國鋼鐵結構公司91年工程類別產量表……………………83 表4-5 鋼橋月生產計劃表範例…………………………………………91 表4-6 鋼橋日生產計劃表範例…………………………………………92 表4-7 鋼橋批量生產表範例…………………………………………..94 表4-8鋼橋鑽孔績效比較表…………………………………………..…97 表4-9鋼橋本體板組合績效比較表…………………………………….97 表4-10鋼橋本體板電銲績效比較表……………………………………97 表4-11鋼橋學習效益………………..………………………………….100 表4-12鋼橋作業面積使用比較表…………………………………….102 表4-13鋼橋庫存量績效比較表….……………………………………102 表4-14 H組合型鋼腹板加工分類表…………………………………106 表4-15切割火口與鋼材板厚對照表..………………………………… 106 表4-16電銲條件表………………………………………………………107 表4-17 切割作業面積及在製品庫存量比較表……………………108 表4-18 H組合型鋼品質標準比較表…………………………………108 圖次 圖1-1 研究架構圖…………………………………………………………6 圖2-1拉式生產系統流程圖……………………………………………11 圖2-2豐田及時生產系統架構圖………………………………………13 圖2-3及時化架構圖……………………………………………………16 圖2-4工作標準化要素圖………………………………………………19 圖2-5看板方式流程圖…………………………………………………24 圖2-6自�C化架構圖……………………………………………………28 圖3-1鋼架製造流程圖…………………………………………………39 圖3-2鋼橋製造流程圖…………………………………………………40 圖3-3鋼架吊裝流程圖…………………………………………………41 圖3-4鋼橋吊裝流程圖…………………………………………………42 圖4-1小板件加工流程圖………………………………………………59 圖4-2 H型鋼組立程序圖…………………………………………………60 圖4-3方型鋼組立程序圖………………………………………………61 圖4-4生產計劃流程圖…………………………………………………66 圖4-5鋼柱加工流程圖…………………………………………………67 圖4-6鋼樑加工流程圖…………………………………………………68 圖4-7橋樑加工流程圖…………………………………………………69 圖4-8鋼橋構段分區圖範例……………………………………………81 圖4-9中國鋼鐵結構公司91年鋼架類別統計圖……………………82 圖4-10中國鋼鐵結構公司91年工程類別圖…………………………83 圖4-11鋼橋單一作業循環甘特圖範例……………………………….84 圖4-12橋樑構段圖………………………………………………………85 圖4-13 橋樑生產流程圖………………………………………………86 圖4-14 改善後橋樑生產流程圖.………………………………………89 圖4-15 鋼橋主生產時程圖範例.………………………………………90 圖4-16 鋼橋工作圖範例………………………………………………93 圖4-17 H組合型鋼圖……………………………………………………103 圖4-18H組合型鋼生產流程圖…………………………………………105

精實生產系統於中小企業之營造業適用性探討–以A公司為例 / Exploring the applicability of lean production on SMEs in Taiwanese construction industry: a case study

盧冠達, Lu, Kuan-Ta Unknown Date (has links)
中小企業為台灣企業的主體,並為台灣帶來穩定的就業機會和經濟貢獻;然而這些中小企業在累積了十年以上的深厚技術根柢和豐富的成功經驗後,往往因為生產管理技術無法與時俱進以及顧客消費習慣改變而難以繼續成長。 上述之中小企業的經營瓶頸以營造業最為顯著和迫切。營造業泛指從事土木、建築工程及其相關業務之營繕工程的廠商,以及提供周邊服務,如建材生產和營造租賃等廠商;而以中小企業為主體、素有帶動經濟發展之「火車頭工業」美譽的營造業受限於營繕工程以層層分包和低價者得標的交易方式,使得工程承包商只能以價格競爭來搶奪有限的建案,導致公司的營運受到影響;而觀察台灣整體營造業營業支出,可發現主要的成本發生在建築材料的採購上,因此,藉由降低建築材料生產成本以降低售價將可有效降低承包商的採購成本,進而提升利潤空間。 精實生產系統以及時生產系統為核心,藉由及時生產系統於流程管理、員工管理,以及品質管理上的實務作為將產品生產過程中的各項作業整合來發展精實生產系統在與供應商、中心廠商,以及顧客有關的十大精實要素,進而消除生產系統因原料供給、生產作業,以及顧客需求的不確定性而產生的浪費,以達到用最少的庫存和作業活動來降低生產作業的成本進而建立競爭優勢。 因此為降低建材的生產成本,可藉由價值溪流圖的協助在生產建材的中心廠商導入精實生產系統進而達到降低生產成本和提高生產效率的目的;然而受限於營造業專案導向產業特性和獨一無二的營繕專案,以及目前精實生產系統之主要探討個案多為製造業,造成目前學界對於中小企業的營造業和精實生產系統兩者之適用性探討和研究較為緩慢;因此若能確定其適用性和建立個案討論,將有助於未來提升台灣中小企業的營造業之競爭力,並提供中小企業管理者在進行生產作業改善時的參考。 本研究利用個案研究法分析專營建材加工生產的中小企業A公司,藉由與公司創辦人面對面訪談、生產線實地觀察,以及蒐集生產數據等方式探討A公司的生產作業流程,並以A公司生產具代表性顧客產品的兩條生產線為例,藉由繪製價值溪流圖來找出潛在的浪費,並制定具體的精實生產系統導入方案以及預期的精實改善結果。 本研究以實務驗證精實生產系統於台灣營造業的中小企業的適用性,研究發現在價值溪流圖的協助下,與中心廠商有關的精實生產要素可適用於營造業的中小企業,並且能夠有效的降低生產成本和提升生產效率;而與供應商和顧客相關的精實生產要素雖然可能受限於中小企業的規模和資源而難以發展,但是在善用自身的能力下,仍可有限度的達到部分的精實生產目標。 / The small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are the majority of Taiwanese enterprise and has been providing stable job opportunity and contribution to Taiwanese economy; However, after having been successful for a decade, the Taiwanese SMEs are having stagnant growth because of their inability to keep up with the up-to-date production management techniques and ever-changing consumer preferences. Among all of the Taiwanese SMEs, the SMEs in construction industry are suffering the most significant challenge from stagnant growth. The Taiwanese construction industry includes contractors and provider of services such as building material manufacturers, and is mostly consisted of SMEs and is well-known for its economic impact on other related industries and thus also known as “Development Driver of All Industries”. Although having significant impact on economy, the SMEs in construction industry are facing fierce price competition that would greatly contract their profit margin and thus seriously affect their survival. The cause of such price competition is that most of the major construction projects are divided into several minor contracts and assigned to the sub-contractors with the lowest tender bids. Therefore, in order to compete for limited construction projects without affecting the profit margin, the contractors need to minimize their tender price by conserving the total construction cost for each minor contracts. According to the government statistics, the major expenditure in construction industry lies in the cost of building materials. Therefore, if the manufacturers are able to decrease the cost of production for building materials and reflect the conserved cost to the selling price, the contractors would have more profit margin. In order to effectively reduce such manufacturing cost, the manufacturer can implement lean production into their current production system. With the assistance of Value Stream Mapping (VSM), an effective lean production implementation tool, the manufacturers would be able to develop lean production’s 10 elements within the supply chain by facilitating the Just-in-Time production system to eliminate wastes caused by unstable production system and therefore integrating the operation activities among the supply chain, and eventually achieve the goal of reducing the cost of manufacturing building materials. However, the applicability of lean production on SMEs in construction industry has not yet been fully discussed. The project-oriented characteristic, one-of-a-kind construction projects, and lack of international competition have made construction industry slow in developing lean production, in spite of the potential advantage it may bring to the industry. Therefore, it would be a great assistance if we can confirm lean production is applicable in Taiwanese SMEs in construction industry. This research takes a Taiwanese SME building material factory as case study. By interviewing with the factory founder, inspecting production line, and collecting production statistics, we can explore the applicability of lean production on SMEs in Taiwanese construction industry, and by using VSM, we are able to identify the hidden waste and subsequently develop an improvement plan that would facilitate the key elements of lean production as well as the estimated implementation result. According to the research results, the lean production elements within the factory are applicable and are able to effectively decrease the cost of production and increase the efficiency of the production system. In addition to this, although limited by size and resources, the SMEs can still facilitate their inward ability to compensate the inability to develop the lean elements within supplier and customer, and thus achieve the goal of lean production.

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