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兩岸兒童如何談友誼:以觀看喜羊羊與灰太狼為例 / Perception of Friendship between Children in Taiwan and China: Narrative about “Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf” Cartoon楊晨希 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 相交相錯的觀點—兩岸兒童對友誼概念的言說具有異同之處:本研究依據所蒐集之言說資料,對兩岸兒童的言說進行分析後發現兩岸兒童言說文本和自身的友誼概念具有一致性、差異性和特性。如他們皆表達「共同活動」的人即為好朋友。
2. 男強女弱與女強男弱—兩岸兒童的性別權力之差異:本研究透過兩岸兒童的言說與互動行為,發現兩岸兒童的權利掌握在不同性別團體。在台灣,男生團體發言次數遠高於女生團體,且話語權被男生掌控;在大陸,男、女生的發言次數不相上下,而話語權掌握在女生團體手中。
3. 互助互爭—兩岸兒童言說時的同儕互動模式:由於現階段兒童表達能力有限,很難完整表達其觀點。因此兩岸兒童與同儕之間形成相互幫助的的關係。但由於某些兒童認為這種幫助是一種來自他人的侵略行為,故透過激烈的方式保護自己的權力,從而形成互助互責的互動模式。
4. 集體意識—兩岸兒童言說背後的意識型態:兩岸兒童的言說與行為透露其具有集體意識,但是台灣兒童的表現是他人集體意識,大陸兒童則是自我集體意識。此外,大陸兒童的言說亦流露「互利」的價值觀。
5. 黑暗中的燈塔—成人與卡通的定位:電視卡通即是兒童的娛樂工具亦是學習資源。成人應以開放的態度引導兒童觀看電視卡通,讓兒童在娛樂中學習,在娛樂中思考,在娛樂中形成批判意識。
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無聲勝有聲?!──「不理」在青春期友誼中的意涵與歷程 / Silence speaks more than words?! Ignoring in adolescent friendship賴思伃, Lai, Szu Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探索青春期好友關係中「不理」的互動事件。過去研究將「不理」視為關係攻擊,然而,不理或斷絕關係會發生在好友關係上,且行為者自身對此亦有相當的痛苦感,關係攻擊未能解釋如此弔詭現象。事實上,為了維繫關係的和諧,雙方關係良好者 通常不易以抗爭因應,衝突成為內隱性,不直接撕破臉而以「不理」為傳達不滿的方式。因此,本研究將以黃囇莉(2006)「人際和諧與衝突動態模式」為研究架構,於關係脈絡下重新理解「不理」。並以半結構式的訪談大綱,針對十三名參與者進行深度訪談,蒐集參與者述說其「不理」的經驗歷程的質性資料。
本研究將焦點置於關係之中,探索青春期友誼關係中「不理」的因素,提供更細密地資料以理解當事人的難處與心理歷程,並凸顯出友誼關係離合的轉折,讓關係的鬆動與改變有計可施。因而可作為青少年友誼人際衝突化解與結束之預防教育與輔導的參考。 / Previous studies treat ignoring like one type of relationship aggression. However ignoring and ending the relationship happen in close friendships. From the relationship aggression point of view , there is no explanation why the actor feels pain and guilt in this situation.
In interpersonal conflict the people who place importance on the relationship can not easily confront it but rather let the conflict become implicit. Not to damage the relationship directly but to ignore the target is one way of coping with conflict. Ignoring passes on an unsatisfied feeling silently. This study used the dynamic model of interpersonal harmony and conflict to explore ignoring. 13 participants were interviewed to report their own ignoring experiences.
The results showed that the ignoring process is a practice in how to balance the I-Thou psychological distance and it affects future intimate relationships. Close friendships in adolescence are high support relationships but can be unstable. Due to obscure role obligation, causes of conflict in these relationships include “unwittingly harm”,” inequitable affections”, “anger transferring”, and ”more independent space”. In addition to all of these hidden conflicts are illegitimate reasons. Also, the cultural drive to maintain harmony results in a dilemma where acting out hurts the other but not acting out hurts oneself.
There were four results after this “stuck in the mud” period. If the conflict stayed vague, the relationship entered into superficial harmony, where the closeness of the relationship was decreased. If the conflict grew, the resulting relationship was broken. If there was a chance to communicate clearly and express each other’s value in the relationship, the resulting relationship entered into genuine harmony. The last result was an unfinished situation due to the high affection in adolescent friendship. Even though there was no longer contact, these people did not easily identify the end of the relationship. This suggests, the results after ignoring are not all negative. However from the relationship aggression point of view, positive results cannot be found.
Thus, this research suggests using the the interpersonal and harmony views to explore ignoring and it is suggested that understanding the ignoring situation is more effective than blocking it in practice.
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誰是我的朋友?Z世代青少兒之社交關係初探 / Who is my friend? --The social relationship of Generation Z.陳彥榕 Unknown Date (has links)
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社交媒體中的友誼展演── 八年級大學生的虛擬社會互動 / The virtual social interaction of friendship in the social media: a case of the 1990’s generation.賴佩淇 Unknown Date (has links)
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動態友誼網絡圖在班級團體輔導上的應用 / An application of dynamic friendship network to class group counseling陳文崎 Unknown Date (has links)
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《威尼斯商人》中的禮物交換 / Gift Exchange in The Merchant of Venice李筱釩, Lee, Hsiao Fen Unknown Date (has links)
數世紀以來,《威尼斯商人》(The Merchant of Venice, 1596-1598)的批評總聚焦在「猶太人問題」(the Jewish question) 與「女人問題」(the woman question) 上:劇中放高利貸的夏洛 (Shylock) 體現了猶太人的原型,而富有、機智的波黠 (Portia) 則是強勢女性的代表。然而,這種閱讀方式將兩個問題分開處理,忽略了兩者在劇中密切的關聯,僅只以審判一景聯繫兩個角色所代表的問題。
本論文嘗試以「禮物交換」(gift exchange) 重新閱讀《威尼斯商人》。牟斯 (Marcel Mauss) 的著作《禮物》(The Gift, 1925) 初步定義原始社會中的交換行為與其涵意,奠定了禮物研究的基礎。禮物交換所建構的社會關係複雜多變,因此,除牟斯外,本論文亦援引佳寶 (Jacques T. Godbout) 與楊 (Iris Marion Young) 的理論,以期透視《威尼斯商人》中的角色在禮物交換之下的互動與劇情發展。
根據喜福特 (Alan D. Schrift) 所言,禮物描繪了「主體間的互動」(intersubjective interaction)。立基於此概念,並以上述等人的理論為架構,本論文由三個面向逐步探討《威尼斯商人》中基督男性的「自我」(self) 與猶太/女性「他者」(other) 間的禮物交換:(一)禮物交換的基礎;(二)禮物交換的聯繫與風險;(三)非對稱交換關係與重建關係。劇中安東尼 (Antonio) 與巴薩紐 (Bassanio) 的友情為禮物交換的基礎,進一步展現禮物特色,牽連/牽絆夏洛與波黠,發揮禮物效應,帶出多重「非對稱」(asymmetry) 的要素,終致重建四人的關係。 / For centuries, the Jewish question and the woman question have always been the salient concerns for criticisms of The Merchant of Venice (1596-1598): whereas Shylock the usurer embodies a Jewish archetype, Portia the clever heiress presents a powerful female figure. Nevertheless, treating the Jewish question and the woman question separately, this kind of reading ignores the close relationship between the two in the play, and connects them loosely only with the trial scene.
This thesis reads The Merchant of Venice in the perspective of gift exchange. Founding the studies of the gift, Marcel Mauss’s The Gift (1925) firstly defines the reciprocity and the significance of gift exchange in archaic societies. Since social relationship established by gift exchange is subject to change, this thesis also draws on Jacques T. Godbout’s and Iris Marion Young’s theories to probe into the interaction of characters and the movement of The Merchant of Venice.
According to Alan D. Schrift, the gift depicts “intersubjective interaction” (18). Based on this concept and structured with the above theories, the thesis examines gift exchange between the Christian male “self” and its Jewish/female other in The Merchant of Venice step by step in three dimensions: (1) the basis of gift exchange; (2) bond and risk in gift exchange; (3) asymmetrical reciprocity and reestablished relation. In the play, gift exchange brings its effect of bond and feature of asymmetry into full play. Grounded on the friendship between Antonio and Bassanio, gift exchange links/restrains Shylock and Portia, and reestablishes the characters’ relationships as a result.
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友情、愛情與親情三種情感關係的共同性與獨特性─普遍性友誼的探究 / The commonality and uniqueness of friendship, romantic relationship, and parent-child relationship.─ An inquiry into universal friendship陳嬿任, Chen, Yan Ren Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之研究目的旨在:(一) 探討友情、愛情與親情三種情感關係的共同性;(二) 探討友情、愛情與親情三種情感關係的獨特性;(三) 探討友情、愛情與親情三種情感關係之共同性與情感關係滿意度的關係;(四) 探討友情與愛情二種情感關係之共同性與情感關係穩定度的關係;(五) 探討友情關係中的性別差異。
七、友情階段至愛情階段存在著漸變的光譜特質。 / The main purposes of this study are to explore: (a) the commonality of friendship, romantic relationship, and parent-child relationship, (b) the uniqueness of friendship, romantic relationship, and parent-child relationship, (c) the relationship between commonality and satisfaction of friendship, romantic relationship, and parent-child relationship, (d) the relationship between commonality and stability of friendship and romantic relationship, (e) the gender differences in friendship.
A total of 690 undergraduate and postgraduate students participated in the study. The participants are then separated into three equal groups with 230 students in each group. The survey on the interpersonal relationship scale was then administered to each group regarding a unique relationship such as friendship, romantic relationship, and parent-child relationship. Total valid questionnaires are 617; among them are 203 regarding friendship, 206 regarding romantic relationship, and 208 regarding the parent-child relationship. Data were collected, processed, and analyzed using the following statistic methods: descriptive statistics, t-test, One-way ANOVA, Pearson's product-moment correlation, simple regression analysis, and simultaneous multiple regression analysis. Major findings are summarized as follows:
1.There are commonalities found among friendship, romantic relationship, and parent-child relationship.
2. There is uniqueness between romantic relationship and parent-child relationship.
3. There are significant positive correlations between the commonality and satisfaction of friendship, romantic relationship, and parent-child relationship.
4. There are significant positive correlations between the stability of friendship and the commonality of friendship, romantic relationship, and parent-child relationship.
5. Female students pay much attention to closeness than male students in friendship.
6. The romantic in opposite sex friendship shows significant positive correlation than in the same sex.
7. The gradual change of spectrum last in the stage of friendship to romantic stage.
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