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漢賦語法風格研究 / The Study On the Grammar Style of Han Rhapsody(Fu)丁憶如, Ding, Yi Ru Unknown Date (has links)
本文第一章交代研究動機、方法及範圍,第二章則針對漢賦排比成篇的特徵,討論其句式風格及與五七言詩的關係;第三章進一步分析排比句中的「假平行」現象,並指出其與近體詩「假平行」不同的對仗習慣。第四章從較為宏觀的「篇章架構」著手,一方面呈現西漢著重時空順序的特徵,另方面也說明東漢建安小賦以首句概括全篇的安排。在第五章,筆者敘述漢賦「鋪彩摛文」的設計,包括使用長主語、長賓語以炫耀博學,竭力排比長謂語的種種動態,乃至多採「奔行」等手法;第六章則援引俄國形式主義學者所謂的「陌生化」概念,說明漢賦穿插「零句」和倒置語序,以引起聽眾或讀者新鮮感的安排。最後,第七章結論略述各章梗概,說明本文價值、研究限制和可繼續發展的相關議題。此外,〈附錄一〉〈附錄二〉是第二章的補充資料,分別為各篇句式分析表,以及二三、四三節奏賦句列表。 / Researchers of Han Rhapsody often suggest that, as a dominant literary genre of the Han Dynasty, rhapsody had changed its linguistic style gradually owing to the differences from the changes of authors’ social identities, the growing popularity and development of five and seven syllables(五七言詩), and the decline and fall of the Han empire. However, research that describes the specific and concrete features of this genre during the four hundred years of Han Dynasty is scant.
To illustrate how the varying line length, loose parallelism, and extensive themes in Han Rhapsody was built up, interacted with the five and seven syllables(the representative genre of the six dynasty(魏晉六朝)), and influenced other rhythm works for the following millennium, I described, grouped, and integrated all the distinguishing details in Han Rhapsodies with the method which Leo Spitzer had mentioned in his work, Linguistics and Literary History: Essays in Stylistics.
By analyzing the syntactic mode(句式), the pseudo parallel(假平行),the discourse- oriented topics, and the strategies the authors took to extend the length of the rhapsody and to unfamiliarize the readers with the incomplete or inverted sentence, this study showed how the complicated expressions, exhaustive details, and magnificent structures had been simplified and shortened, and both the authors and readers paid more attention to the emotions expressed rather than to the exaggerated language adapted step by step. To conclude, this study may be of importance in providing researchers with a better understanding of how the changes within a genre had taken place, as well as enriching the realm of the traditional Chinese literary criticism, which usually explains the literature phenomenon by subjective impression.
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電腦輔助漢英與英漢翻譯例句搜尋服務 / A Computer Assisted Environment for Searching Related Translations between Chinese and English賴敏華, Lai, Min Hua Unknown Date (has links)
我們的系統不容易使用正規的方式評估;為了評估系統的效能,我們記錄各個搜尋功能,在不同門檻值下所得到的類似句句數,並利用NIST及BLEU來評估本系統所提供的類似句品質;另外我們透過問卷調查請受試者勾選本系統所提供類似句。問卷調查結果顯示受試者對於本系統所提供的類似句共識度並不高;本系統在提供10句類似句中,僅有1.6句的類似句是受試者認為有幫助的。 / I present an environment for searching related translations between Chinese and English. A parallel and tagged corpus was constructed based on the text material obtained from the Internet, including English teaching websites and public learn¬ing sheets. The corpus contains both English and Chinese sentences, the infor¬mation about how the Chinese strings were segmented, the POS tags of the Chinese words, and the syntactic structures of the English and Chinese sentences.
The user can use our system to do some queries by entering a Chinese sentence, an English sentence, or any pattern with mixed Chinese and English. The query sentence will be preprocessed according to the search function which the user selects, and the results of preprocessing will be used to search in the tagged corpus. The search results will be the reference sentences that are related to the query sentence.
A formal evaluation of our system is not easy. I evaluated the system by entering a set of selected queries. For those tests, I recorded and compared the amount of reference sentences the system returned, and evaluated the quality of the reference sentences with their BLEU and NIST scores with some standard translations. In addition, I evaluated my system with the help of human subjects. Human subjects were asked to choose useful sentences from the reference sentences returned by my system. Experimental results indicated that the agreements between human subjects were not high, and the human subjects found that only about 1.6 sentences were useful from 10 reference sentences.
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现代汉语“动+ 间+ 直”双宾句句式语义的历史违迕与承继LU, Jian, 卢, 建 10 November 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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賓組甲骨卜旬卜辭研究 / The Research on the Text of Bu-Xun in the Bin Collection曹庭瑄 Unknown Date (has links)
第一章「緒論」說明研究動機與方法,以及目前學者和卜辭字體類型相關及卜旬卜辭驗辭內容相關的研究成果。第二章整理賓組卜旬卜辭的句式與字體,並嘗試透過整理成果來回應前輩學者的分期之說。第三章至第四章討論賓組卜旬卜辭的驗辭內容,並與字體整理成果對照研究。第五章主要整理於賓組中曾參與卜旬貞問的貞人,並觀察與之配合的字體類型,藉此排列出貞人間的相對時序。第六章則概述前述四章的研究成果,並說明本文透過賓組卜旬卜辭研究所得的結論。 / The purpose of this thesis is to study the content of Oracle Bone Script, constrained in Bu-Xun(卜旬),the record of the ancient psychic augury every half-decade, of Collection Bin(賓組). We carefully assorted all the pieces available by its ways of writing and its exterior forms in this range. Later, we present the connection between Zen-Ren(貞人) the ancient official psychics and Yen-Tzu(驗辭) of certain augury of Bu-Xun of Oracle Bone Scripts which note whether the prediction was found to be true or false.
In chapter one we explain the research methods used and the context of the study. In the second chapter, text of Bu-Xun in the Oracle Bone Scripts assorted by its form and font will respond to predecessors’ assortments which have been a controversy between the researchers.
In chapter three and four we further study the retained Yen-Tzu, the proven and disproven notes engraved on, of the text on Bu-Xun in Collection Bin, and then figuring out the correlation between the content of it and our assortment.
In the fifth chapter, in the study of known psychics, we further discover a new chronological order by pointing out the relations between the specific font and the names of these official psychics
The final chapter summarizes the four chapters above, and concluded the result of our research on Bu-xun Oracle Bone scripts in the large Collection Bin and explained how this study develop the field of research.
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