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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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陳婉儀 Unknown Date (has links)
在漢賦「中心」與「四方」之書寫中,賦家反覆鋪寫「中心」與對「四方」,除了賦文體本身的頌美功能外,實有遠古以來的原始思維在其中作用著,並經由長期的積澱而成為集體的記憶。此集體記憶在漢賦中反覆不斷作用,並在不同賦家的反覆運用之下,成為一種漢賦空間書寫的敘述程式,更影響漢代之後的賦家書寫空間的敘述模式。本研究中以漢賦為文本,並結合空間理論以及人類學、神話學等相關學科的研究成果,以考察賦文書寫方式及其文化意涵。思考在漢賦書寫中關於「中心」與「四方」方位之敘述與中國方位文化的關係。 而漢賦中的方位書寫,除人類空間意識的作用外,還有上古自先秦以來中國傳統方位觀念的傳承與漢代思想文化及其「天人合一」的特殊性在其中作用著。漢賦透過四方書寫建構一個苞括宇宙的空間世界,這個書寫的結構表現不僅僅是「物理空間」的展現,更是作者「心靈空間」的映照。作家對於空間的想像與誇飾,是因為受到感性思維所驅動的心靈空間圖式,該圖式也反映出人類對於空間世界的渴求與好奇。

漢賦語法風格研究 / The Study On the Grammar Style of Han Rhapsody(Fu)

丁憶如, Ding, Yi Ru Unknown Date (has links)
辭賦在兩漢四百多年間,由於作者身分逐漸轉換,傳播方式的改易,還有文人對五七言句的接受,及政治環境的崩解等因素,導致其語言形式產生明顯變化,有漸趨駢偶、篇幅縮減等傾向。為了說明其語言風格與時俱「變」的軌跡,本文以169篇現存完整的漢賦為觀察對象,具體地描述並比較兩漢賦的種種異同,也嘗試將原本以作者等單「點」研究為主的語言風格學,延伸為一斷代賦史的「線」性觀察,更全面地回應賦學和文學史的研究成果。 本文第一章交代研究動機、方法及範圍,第二章則針對漢賦排比成篇的特徵,討論其句式風格及與五七言詩的關係;第三章進一步分析排比句中的「假平行」現象,並指出其與近體詩「假平行」不同的對仗習慣。第四章從較為宏觀的「篇章架構」著手,一方面呈現西漢著重時空順序的特徵,另方面也說明東漢建安小賦以首句概括全篇的安排。在第五章,筆者敘述漢賦「鋪彩摛文」的設計,包括使用長主語、長賓語以炫耀博學,竭力排比長謂語的種種動態,乃至多採「奔行」等手法;第六章則援引俄國形式主義學者所謂的「陌生化」概念,說明漢賦穿插「零句」和倒置語序,以引起聽眾或讀者新鮮感的安排。最後,第七章結論略述各章梗概,說明本文價值、研究限制和可繼續發展的相關議題。此外,〈附錄一〉〈附錄二〉是第二章的補充資料,分別為各篇句式分析表,以及二三、四三節奏賦句列表。 / Researchers of Han Rhapsody often suggest that, as a dominant literary genre of the Han Dynasty, rhapsody had changed its linguistic style gradually owing to the differences from the changes of authors’ social identities, the growing popularity and development of five and seven syllables(五七言詩), and the decline and fall of the Han empire. However, research that describes the specific and concrete features of this genre during the four hundred years of Han Dynasty is scant. To illustrate how the varying line length, loose parallelism, and extensive themes in Han Rhapsody was built up, interacted with the five and seven syllables(the representative genre of the six dynasty(魏晉六朝)), and influenced other rhythm works for the following millennium, I described, grouped, and integrated all the distinguishing details in Han Rhapsodies with the method which Leo Spitzer had mentioned in his work, Linguistics and Literary History: Essays in Stylistics. By analyzing the syntactic mode(句式), the pseudo parallel(假平行),the discourse- oriented topics, and the strategies the authors took to extend the length of the rhapsody and to unfamiliarize the readers with the incomplete or inverted sentence, this study showed how the complicated expressions, exhaustive details, and magnificent structures had been simplified and shortened, and both the authors and readers paid more attention to the emotions expressed rather than to the exaggerated language adapted step by step. To conclude, this study may be of importance in providing researchers with a better understanding of how the changes within a genre had taken place, as well as enriching the realm of the traditional Chinese literary criticism, which usually explains the literature phenomenon by subjective impression.

司馬相如賦篇之音韻風格研究 / The Study On the Linguistic Style of Sima Xiangru's Rhaposodies

丁憶如, Ding, Yi-Ru Unknown Date (has links)
西漢賦篇幅閎大,詞藻名物也十分博雜;加以上古音與現代語音迥然不同,遂使讀者難以領受作品爲「朗誦」而設計的音韻之美。因此,本文舉司馬相如賦為例,採取「語言風格學(Stylistics)」的概念,歸納、統計常用的聲母、韻部和聲調,期以具體證據說明西漢賦「極聲貌以窮文」 的音韻特徵,並藉由賦篇音值的構擬,呈現其朗誦時音韻和諧、對比的表現。 西漢賦多為「言語侍從之臣」娛侍君上的作品,相較之下,抒情色彩則較淡薄。在當時最顯明的特色,實為「出乎口」而「快乎耳」。賦篇形式多排偶,可分析其音韻搭配的關係,故本文檢索唐作藩《上古音手冊》,求得各字之聲韻調類,再以李方桂、丁邦新的上古聲母和西漢韻部擬音為標注依據,分別在四章中整理且歸納其聲母、韻部及聲調,乃至「重疊形式(reduplicated form)」 的音韻特徵。 本文第一章交代研究動機、方法及範圍,並整理前人研究成果;第二章就「聲母相諧的排偶句」、「頂真的聲母複沓」兩項,整理相如賦相關的例子數及其比例,接著在第三章根據韻腳的通押關係,歸納「韻部相諧的虛字排比句」「韻部相諧的排偶句」「陽入聲韻搭配的排偶句」的例子;第四章則整理聲調複沓或對比的排偶句,突顯相如賦既相諧又對比的音韻搭配。第五章比較相如賦雙聲、疊韻、疊字三種的音韻特徵,此外亦於各章小結製表比較七篇賦的異同。最後,在結論和〈附錄一〉以具體擬音,呈現其朗誦實況,並指出本文價值、研究限制和可繼續發展的相關議題。 / West-Han Rhapsodies are difficult to read owing to their complicated expressions as well as magnificent structure. Moreover, the archaic pronunciation differs greatly from the modern one, which impedes the readers from comprehending and feeling the phonological beauty particularly designed for recitation. This article aims at explaining the phonological characteristics of Sima Xiangru’s rhapsodies, which were intentionally written in an exaggerative language. The concept of “Linguistic Stylistics” is adopted to categorize their vowel clusters, consonant clusters and tones. Furthermore, by means of a phonetic simulation, the rhapsodies’ phonological harmony and comparison in recitation is presented. West-Han Rhapsodies are works by “Chinese jesters” to amuse the emperors. There fore, they are magnificent in form and exaggerating in rhetoric, which dwarfs the lyrical texture. In fact, rhapsodies at that time were written in the way that is colloquially euphonious to the ear. Parallelism is a prominent characteristic of rhapsodies, which helps analyze the phonological harmony.

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