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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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結合繪本與六E教學模式 對低年級學童進行品德教育之行動研究 ──以負責核心價值的教學為例 / 無

謝智如 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採行動研究法,探究以繪本運用品德教育六E教學模式進行國小二年級負責品德教學活動之可行性與實施成效。研究者以任教班級23位學生為研究對象,實施十五周的品德教學活動。分析學生作品、教學實錄、教師札記、學生回饋與家長回饋等質性資料,歸納研究重要發現如下: 一、以繪本在低年級發展負責品德教育教學具可行性。 二、結合繪本與六E教學模式在品德教學上發展之教學模式與具體方法為:品德核心價值概念與繪本分析、倫理環境營造、同儕楷模學習、多元方式引起情意關注、繪本共讀討論、繪本事件分析、解釋與澄清價值觀、行動體驗、反思期許。 三、負責品德教育課程對於學生的品德認知與理性思考的開展有明顯成效。 四、多元教學方法受到低年級學生喜愛且有助於品德認知、情意、行動之學習表現。 / This study adopts action research method to understand the feasibility and implementation effectiveness of using picture books and 6E character teaching model (6E) in the character curriculum on the theme of “responsibility” for Grade-2 elementary school students. The research participants were 23 Grade-2 elementary school students in the researcher’s class, and a 15-week curriculum was conducted. Qualitative data analysis approach was employed to analyze students’ learning worksheets, teaching records, teacher’s daily notes, students’ feedback and parents’ feedback. The results are as follows: 1.It is feasible to use picture books in the character curriculum in the low-grade elementary school students. 2.This study concludes that the practicable teaching methods of using 6E teaching model and picture books in character curriculum are: Core value analysis, picture books analysis, ethical environment building, peer role model learning, concerns arousing, picture books reading and discussing, event analysis, core values interpretation and clarification, action experience and reflective expectations. 3.The character curriculum of responsibility improves students’ moral cognition and rational thinking remarkably. 4.The low-grade elementary school students like multiple teaching activities, which contribute to their moral cognition, affect, and behavior.

國民中學校長道德領導與品德教育推展策略之研究 ─ 以臺北市為例 / A study of the relationship between principals’ moral leadership and strategies of character education enforcement in junior high schools ─ example of Taipei city

林竺諼, Lin, Chu-Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解臺北市國民中學校長道德領導與品德教育推展策略之現況,並分析教師人口變項、校長人口變項、學校環境變項在校長道德領導以及學校品德教育推展策略的差異情形,最後探討校長道德領導與學校品德教育推展策略之關係。 本研究以問卷調查法為主,半結構訪談為輔。問卷調查法以自編「國民中學校長道德領導與品德教育推展策略調查問卷」(內含基本資料、校長道德領導量表與學校品德教育推展策略量表)為工具,以臺北市之公立國民中學教師為研究對象,分層隨機抽取22所學校,共發出問卷476份,回收444份,有效問卷420份,有效回收率為88.2%。所得資料以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析與Scheffé事後比較、Pearson’s積差相關、多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料分析。並依正式問卷調查的結果,歸納相關的問題,設計並確定訪談大綱,做為訪談的依據,實地訪談校長、主任、教師各2位,以釐清及延續問卷調查之結果,並藉由整理訪談文字資料、編碼歸類整理,綜合問卷調查與訪談資料,進行研究結果的分析與討論。研究結論如下: 壹、臺北市國民中學校長道德領導與學校品德教育推展策略之現況,均屬良好程度。 貳、在教師人口變項中,不同性別、服務年資、學歷、任教領域對校長在道德領導之感受,並無顯著不同;不同服務年資、學歷、職務在學校品德教育推展策略的感知上,並無顯著不同。 參、在校長人口變項中,校長不同性別在道德領導表現上,並無顯著不同;校長不同學歷在學校品德教育推展策略的表現上,無顯著不同。 肆、在校長人口變項中,校長不同年齡、學歷、擔任校長年資在道德領導表現上,具有顯著差異。其中以校長51~55歲、四十學分班結業、擔任校長年資3~4年者,道德領導表現較好。 伍、在校長人口變項中,校長不同性別、年齡在學校品德教育推展策略的表現上,具有顯著差異。其中以女性校長及51~55歲校長,表現較好。 陸、在學校環境變項中,不同學校規模的教師對校長道德領導及學校品德教育推展策略的感受,均具有顯著差異。其中以學校規模為49班(含)以上教師所知覺的程度較好。 柒、國民中學校長道德領導與學校品德教育推展策略之間,有顯著的正相關。 捌、臺北市國民中學校長道德領導對學校品德教育推展策略具有預測力。 最後依據研究結果與結論,提出具體建議,以作為教育行政機關、國民中學校長、相關教育人員以及未來研究的參考。 / This study aims to investigate the current development of principals’ moral leadership and strategies of character education enforcement in Taipei public junior high schools and to analyze the differences in teachers’ & principals’ personal variables and school environmental variables concerning principals’ moral leadership and strategies of character education enforcement. Finally, it explores the relationship between principals’ moral leadership and strategies of character education enforcement. This study em⥪loys the research method of questionnaire surveys and semi structured interviews. There were two survey tools used in the study, including Principals’ Moral Leadership Questionnaire and Strategies of Character Education Enforcement Questionnaire. Four hundred and seventy-six subjects are randomly selected from twenty-two public junior high schools in Taipei city. A total of 444 questionnaires was returned. Out of those, 88.2% was v⧗lid (420 out of 476). Valid sample data was analyzed and processed using the methods of description statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffé posteriority comparison, Pearson’s product-moment correlation and stepwise multiple regressions. The frame of the interview questions was designed according to the findings from the questionnaire. Two principals, two chairpersons, and two teachers were interviewed to clarify and extend the findings of the survey. Then, the dat⩍ retrieved from questionnaires and interviews were compiled, categorized, synthesized and analyzed. Following is the summary of the study: 1.The current development of principals’ moral leadership and the strategies of character education enforcement in junior high schools are both above the average. 2.There is no significant difference in teachers’ experiences of principals’ moral leadership in terms of gender, seniority, educational background and teaching ⫁ield; and, there is no significant difference in teachers’ recognition about strategies of character education enforcement in t⫡rms of teachers’ seniority, educational background and position. 3.Gender of the principal makes no significant difference in the performance of principals’ moral leadership; also, principals’ educational background makes no significant difference in strategies of character education enforcement. 4.There is significant difference in principals’ moral leadership in terms of principals’ age, educational background, and seniority. Principals get better scores o⭕ principals’ moral leadership are those who are aged between 51 and 55, finish 40-credit Continuing Education Program and have been on the position for 3 to 4 years. 5.There is significant difference in strategies of character education enforcement in terms of principals’ gender and age. Female principals aged between 51 and 55 get better scores. 6.There are significant differences in both principals’ moral leadership and strategies of ch⯄racter education enforcement to teachers from schools of different scales. Teachers serving in schools with and over 49 classes give better recognition to these two issues. 7.It shows significant positive correlation between principals’ moral leadership and strategies of character education enforcement. 8.Principals’ moral leadership demonstrates the predictability of strategies of character education enforcemeⰬt in Taipei junior high schools. This study is finalized at proposing practical suggestions based on the findings and conclusions to educational administration authorities, junior high principals, educators and faculty for further study and reference.

中國教科書中品德教育內涵之分析-以中國初中公民類教科書為例 / A study on the content of character education in China's textbooks:the civic education textbooks in junior high school

李佳珊, Lee, Chia Shan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在討論中國初中階段,7-9年級公民類教科書中品德教育的內涵,希望透過文獻探討了解中國初中公民教科書的發展及品德教育實施的背景,進一步分析中國政府期望培育的公民,其所需具備的品德內涵。本研究藉由內容分析法,採用量化的方式計算教科書中品德內涵及使用策略的次數及分布情形,同時輔以文獻探討的結果,進行質性的分析及討論。 本研究先進行文獻探討,提出當前中國品德問題的現象,以及各國將品德教育視為教育主流的趨勢,接著分析中國改革開放後對人才素質的重視,導出對初中品德教育實施之迫切。本研究以2003年通過的課程標準,「人教版」之《思想品德》及《歷史與社會》為研究對象,由中華文化的品德內涵以及馬克思主義、毛澤東思想及鄧小平理論等為主,輔以其他相關政策,發展出本研究之內涵類目,再根據專家編輯之類目修改之策略類目,由此展開初中公民類教科書之品德內涵分析。 本研究的結果如下: 1.依年級觀之,品德內涵分布呈現不連續。七年級重個體品德,八年級重人際及公民品德,九年級重公民品德;環境品德則散見於各年級課文之段落。 2.依主類目觀之,首重公民品德,次為個體品德;而人際品德分布比例偏低,環境品德明顯欠缺。 3.依次類目觀之,各有所偏重,呈現不平均情形。個體品德偏重自我概念,人際品德偏重尊重包容,公民品德偏重法紀概念,環境品德重視關懷環境。 4.教科書的品德內涵編寫符合學生年齡心智之發展,先是自身關係從個體、人際到國家社會,採「由近及遠」;次為內涵深度從個人觀念到公民知識,採「由淺及深」。 5.編寫策略方面,教科書中多用「提出問題」、「比喻及舉例」,較少使用「類推與歸納」、「相互對比」及「因果關係」。且依年級與主題差異,調整編寫策略,越低年級採用較多圖片,越高年級較多解釋說明。 / The study explores the content of character education in textbooks. The civic education textbooks of junior high school (from 7-9 grades) in China are regarded as object. First of all, the background and developing of the civic education textbooks could be understood through the reviewing of literatures. Secondly, different kind of character education contents that the citizens of China need could be analyzed. Thirdly, the numbers and distributions of character education contents and tactics we could be counted by the content analysis. The last but not the least, the results are analyzed and discussed by the literature reviewing. The study points out the appearing of the character education problems in China, and the trend of character education in countries. Then it exposes that government respects the quality of people, so they eager to implement the character education. The object of the study is the textbooks published by “people’s education press”, based on the course standard in 2003. The analytical table of contents is based on the Chinese traditional character education and the Marxism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, and other important policies. The analytical table of writing tactics is based on the theory of professionals. According to two analytical tables, we begin to the study. The conclusions of the study are as follow: 1.According to the different grades: the 7 grade focused on self character, the 8 grade focused on interpersonal character, the 9 grade focused on citizenship character. The environment character is dispersed in the textbook. 2.According to main categories : the most important item is citizenship character, the second one is self character, the third one is interpersonal character, the last one is environment character. 3.According to the secondary categories: their distributions aren’t averaged. Self character focused on self-concept, interpersonal character focused on respecting and tolerating, citizenship character focused on the conception of law and discipline, environment character focused on caring environment. 4.The writing of the textbooks are following the tips: from person to the government, and from easy to hard. 5.The writing tactics of the textbooks: the main tactics are ”asking questions” and ”giving an example”; the least tactics are “reasoning and induction” , ”comparing” and ” cause and effect”. The lower grade prefers using photos and the higher one prefers using explanation.

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