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兩岸植物智慧財產權之比較--以品種權保護為中心 / The comparison of plant intellectual property right between Taiwan and Mainland China—centered on plant variety right protection高千雯 Unknown Date (has links)
由於地形多樣,氣候多變,生物種類繁耄,加上長年以來對於農業發展的投入,台灣農產品之美名,眾所周知。然而近年來由於工商業之發展,台灣農業逐漸沒落,為尋求新的發展市場,農企業紛紛前往大陸及東南亞等區域發展。尤其是大陸地區,由於其南部氣候與台灣相近,加之市場廣大,更是農企業投入之目標。然而由於對當地植物新品種保護之法規及風土民情不了解,許多農企業不僅無法在大陸地區取得先機,搶佔市場,反而造成既有優勢喪失,新品種被剽竊的後果。針對此現象,本研究試圖由植物特性、兩岸種苗產業發展歷史、植物新品種保護演變、國際植物新品種保護趨勢、兩岸植物新品種保護相關法規進行一系列之探討,同時訪談相關農企業,實際印證經營層面所面臨之問題,以歸結出農企業在台灣及大陸經營植物新品種時應留意之重點,以及政府可協助之項目,希望能對農企業之發展有所助益。在一系列的探討中,本研究發現台灣及大陸之植物新品種保護分別有以下之問題,在台灣方面:(一)個別品種之實質衍生品種界定方式未明,易使品種經營者無所適從;(二)品種權審查及田間試驗之執行皆非由專責機關實行,對於審查速度及審查經驗累積,及相關試驗準則訂定上,皆有不利之影響;(三)在品種權概念推廣上仍有待加強;(四) 台灣業餘育種者與企業經營者間缺乏溝通管道,無法將現有資源有效經營;(五)基因轉殖作物採片段式保護規範,不利於未來基因轉殖作物種植之管理。在大陸方面則是:(一)農民免責範圍廣、品種權保護範圍狹窄、及品種權保護年限短等問題影響育種者申請品種權意願;(二)法規定訂詳盡,但推廣不足,且執法不嚴,影響品種權效力;(三)大陸幅員廣大,通路及運輸問題易成為影響農企業發展之重要因素;(四)由於大陸品種權維權不易,經營模式及品種維護配套措施成為主宰成敗之關鍵。針對上述問題,本研究分別由政府及農企業角度出發,提出建議,以供未來植物新品種經營參考。 / The biological diversity resulted from varied climate and the long term investment in agricultural industry have made Taiwan's agricultural product well known for its good quality. However, recent progress of commerce has brought some changes to this situation. In order to find a new market and create more possibilities, agricultural enterprises tend to start their new business in mainland China and the southeastern Asia. Because of the similar climate in Taiwan and the southern China, and the large market, mainland China becomes a preferable choice. But with the lack of knowledge of plant variety protection act and sense of local customs and practices, many agricultural enterprises not only lose their advantages but also their new plant varieties. To solve this problem, we try to make a series of explorations of plant characteristics, seed industry development history of Taiwan and mainland China, the evolvement of new plant variety protection act, new trends of international new plant variety protection, and new plant variety protection related act in Taiwan and mainland China. And to find out if the real agricultural environment did reflect our explorations, we further visit two agricultural companies to acquire their experiences. Through these explorations, we hope we can find out the key points of agriculture management, and make some distributions to agricultural enterprises’ operating in Taiwan and mainland China. From our research, we find out some problems in Taiwan’s and mainland China’s new plant variety protection system and environment. Problems in Taiwan’s: 1. The method to classify essentially derived variety remains unknown, and it confused plant variety breeders. 2. We don’t have independent authority to execute the grant of new plant variety right and DUS test, and it has negative effects on examination speed, examination knowledge accumulation, and DUS test guideline development. 3. The education of new plant variety protection concepts still needs to be enhanced. 4. Lack of communication between nonprofessional breeders and agricultural enterprises causes waste of research resource. 5. The nonsystematic regulations of gene modified plants protection will bring some troubles to future management of gene modified plants. Problems in Mainland China’s : 1. The broad range of exceptions to the breeder’s right of farmers, the extremely restricted breeder’s right, and the shortness of plant variety protection years all affect breeders’ will to apply plant variety right. 2. Lack of plant variety protection concepts of farmers and the weak enforcement of the regulations decline the effect of plant variety right. 3. The broad land of mainland China makes the delivering channels and transportation become important factors to the development of agricultural business. 4. The hardness of enforcement of plant variety right makes business model and cooperation of other protection methods become the key factors of success. To solve the problems, we try to provide some suggestions to government and agricultural enterprises and hope these suggestions can benefit the management of plant variety in the future.
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我國侵害植物新品種權刑罰化之研究─以非法輸入、輸出為例 / A study on the penalty of infringing plant variety - taking exporting and importing as an example郭一正, Kuo, Yi Jeng Unknown Date (has links)
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日本植物智財保護暨商品化法制與政策之研究 / A study on the legislation and policy of protection and commercialization of plant intellectual property right in Japan鄭惟駿, Cheng, Wei Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
台灣的近鄰 --- 日本,有著與台灣類似的農村結構、飲食習慣及盛行作物,同時植物智財保護政策也對其高產值的精緻農業有所貢獻,例如日本特有的獨立行政法人植物種苗管理中心以及品種保護對策官(G-Men)制度,在行政上發揮有效的智慧財產管理作用。同時日本善用其地方文化結合農產品發展出地方特產、一村一特產等,提升國內外觀光潛力,使遊客聽到北海道即聯想到「夕張哈密瓜」、聽到京都即聯想到「宇治抹茶」,松坂市有「松阪牛」、青森有「青森蘋果」等等,以地名行銷農畜產品之方式相當成功。
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蘭花產業之智慧資源規劃 / Intelligence Resources Planning in Orchid Industry林咸嘉, Lin, Hsien Chia Unknown Date (has links)
台灣在蘭花產業上扮演關鍵地位,近年來受到許多已開發國家消費者喜好,再加上蘭花高經濟價值特性,使得近年來許多國家業者紛紛投入生產,影響台灣業者原有的市場,更加上台灣蘭花業者以往對於智慧財產的不重視,許多優良品種缺乏專利或品種權保護,而紛紛遭受國外竊取流失,對於智慧財產權的管理及應用,也缺乏一套完整的方法論,來體現智慧財產的價值。本研究企圖以周延鵬老師所提出之「智慧資源規劃」方法論,並針對主要蘭花市場國家,包括美國、歐盟、日本、台灣,分別以產業結構(產業面)、各國植物品種保護制度(法規面)和業者實地訪談(市場面)所遭遇之現況及面臨之問題進行分析。針對三構面的分析結果,本研究提出「蘭花產業智慧資源規劃模型」,以蘭花產業結構、智慧財產群集與組合、企業營運機能作為整體模型之基礎,並以該基礎架構進行蘭花產業商業模式設計,以產業整合、品種權佈局、產品組合和智慧財產之交易與行銷進行設計,最後再以資訊網路平台將各段之資訊進行分析及流通,配合組織營運規劃,使公司能藉由本論文所提出之智慧資源規劃模型,加強於全球之競爭力。 / Taiwan acted as a crucial role in the worldwide orchid industry these years. Orchids become more popular in many countries and the high economic value attracts lots of the companies to involve in. The ignorance and depreciation of intellectual property in the past cause that many unprotected plant varieties were copied by foreign industries without licensing. Moreover, the lacks of IP management methodology make it difficult to embody the value of orchid intellectual property. This thesis aims to offer some possible solutions for the dilemma of Taiwan orchid industries in a way of “Intelligence Resources Planning (IPR),” proposed by Yen Pong Jou. The analysis will begin with the comparisons of some major countries of orchid industry, including the U.S., Europe, Japan and Taiwan, from their industrial structure, legal regulation concerning plant patent protections and interviews with industries. Following the situation and difficulties observed, this thesis proposes an ”Intelligence Resources Planning in Orchid Industry Model.” The model is design on the base of industrial structure, intellectual property combinations and business management mechanism, including integration of industry, IP strategy of plant variety in different countries, product combinations, and IP marketing and trades. This information will be circulated and analyzed through an internet platform. Through the information sharing, the model aims to enhance Taiwan orchid industry’s competitiveness in the global market.
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