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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

加州乾洗公司宅配洗衣服務商業企劃 / Business plan for California dry-cleaning (caldry) mailing logistic service (MLS) in Taiwan

謝章瑞, Shieh, Ray Unknown Date (has links)
加州乾洗公司宅配洗衣服務商業企劃 / Abstract Business Plan for California Dry-Cleaning (CalDry) Mailing Logistic Service (MLS) in Taiwan By Ray Shieh The laundry business in Taiwan is considered a labor-intensive traditional business. This paper explains how California Dry-Cleaning Service (CalDry) in Taipei plans to transform the traditional business from a labor driven company to a service-oriented company. CalDry wishes to do for dry-cleaning what Star Bucks did for coffee by taking a basic service/product and building a customer experience around it. Furthermore, we will evaluate the Mail Logistic Service (MLS) the next major step in CalDry's plan to offer our laundry services to Greater Taipei.

GoodDay: 保養品公司之創業計畫 / GoodDay: A Business Plan for a Beauty Cosmetic Company

陳俊凱 Unknown Date (has links)
A Business Plan for a Beauty Cosmetic Company

商業計畫─歐洲文化有限公司 / Business Plan: ecc – european culture company Ltd.

王茂榮, Wild, Markus Unknown Date (has links)
商業計畫─歐洲文化有限公司 / Under the name ecc – european culture company Ltd., Ilka and Markus Wild started to build up a business in summer 2009. This company shall to focus on consulting in three fields : Public- and Media Relations, Language & Intercultural issues and giving presentations. These fields tend to be connected to each other. Since one of the founders, Ms. Ilka Wild, is an experienced linguist the language division shall be first of all the core of ecc. Hence ecc want to offer language courses and tutorials for young professionals and companies which are dealing with European countries or with business partners from the European environment respectively. Moreover the management wants to relate the language part with intercultural trainings. They believe that it is very useful for any kind of communication if you have an understanding of the cultural roots of your counterpart, especially if you have to negotiate or closing a deal. The second division shall be presentation training in this ecc wants to develop a partnership with another company, Affinity Asia Consulting Ltd. and their owner, Mr. Richard deVries. He is an experienced trainer for presentation seminars. Together both companies want to offer first of all tailor made seminars for presentation trainings which focuses on the expectations of the potential European target audience. The third field ecc wants to establish is Public and Media Relation consulting. The founders think that there are many small and medium sized companies in Taiwan, which already have business or customer in Germany but they are facing a lack of profile or awareness in their target region Europe. Since the other founder, Mr. Markus Wild is an experienced PR professional who worked 5 years as a spokesman for a 5bn-Euro energy company the founders believe that ecc can offer PR-advisory in the near future.

台灣商業不動產發展趨勢之研究-以台北地區為例 / The commercial real estate development trends in Taiwan – A case study of Taipei area

廖裕輝 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過專家訪談的方式,訪問了實務界具有相關經驗之業者,如飯店經理、建築師、房仲業者等等,經由瞭解台灣商業不動產之現況以及過去發展軌跡,綜觀之,以發現台灣商業不動產之未來發展趨勢。由於台北市是台灣的政治、文化、商業、娛樂、傳播等領域中心,也是大台北都會區發展的核心,各項行業活絡,由於商業服務業的蓬勃發展,進而帶動商業不動產的需求。本研究將聚焦於台北市之商業不動產之發展,進而發展出一套通用之模式以應用到台灣之商業不動展。 希望辨識影響商業不動產的要素條件,並期望輔以成功及失敗之商業不動產開發實例,來確認各要素相對重要性,以及這些要素受到各方面如政策等影響後產生的變化,以分析出對於商業不動產發展較為重要之要素,期許對日後欲進行商業不動產評估分析之人士及發展研究評估,做出一己之貢獻。 房地產業的黃金定律是「Location, location and location」,區位是影響商業不動產發展的重要因素,其中這包含了交通狀況、土地條件、消費群體與所在商圈等要件,本研究將針對辦公大樓、購物中心與飯店此三種商業不動產,進一步說明其關鍵發展要素,以作為開發商業不動產之遵循指標。


紀聰吉 Unknown Date (has links)
一、研究動機、目的: 近年來工商業之得以迅速發展,農業之支持居功厥偉,真正做到所謂「以農業培養工業」之經濟發展方針,相對的,由於工商業之擴張,生產因素受到利潤之影響,多流向工商企業,致農村經濟普呈蕭條景象,吾人以為此時亟應「以工業發展農業」,適巧政府提出在農村地區設立工廠之主張,遂引起筆者對本文之研究興趣。 因農村工業區在我國乃係初創,筆者願藉此研究解明下列問題,以供日後設置之參考。(一)設立農村工業區之用意何在?(二)農村工業設置之區位與規模應如何決定?(三)農村工業區之開發機構、開發資金來源、出售地價之決定等問題應如何解決?(四)農村工業區應引進那些工業?應採何種策略引進?(五)農村工業區設立後對附近農場經營可能發生之影響?應採何種措施,以緩和其間之衝突?(六)與農村工業區設置有直接關係之用地征收問題,規定地價問題,□地使用管制問題等應如何解決? 二、設置必要性之探討: 本文擬從三個角度來探討農村工業區設置之必要性:(一)就農業部門言,1.農村工業區設立後,可增加農村地區之就業機會,藉農外所得之增加,提高農家所得。2.農村工業區之設立,可使欲在晨村設廠者集中設廠,防止農田之濫用。3.由於農村就業機會之增加,可緩和農村青年之外流,避免農村人口弱年化之傾向。4.設立農村工業區後,可增加地價稅、房屋稅、營業稅、印花稅、所得稅、契稅…等之收入,促進農村地區之建設。5.農村地區就業機會協加後,如能輔以適當之配合措施,可藉此逐步擴大農場之經營規模。(二)就工業部門言,1.農村工業區之設立,可引導工業之分佈,均衡各地區之經濟發展。2.農村地區工資較廉,農村工業區之設置可減低勞力供給成本。3.設立農村工業區,可使興辦工業人取得價廉之設廠基地。4.避免工廠於農村零星分佈,防止公害之無限蔓延。(三)就都市及其他部門言,農村地區就業機會增加,防止農村人口之大量外流,1.可避免都市人口之過分膨脹。2.緩和南北旅運上之壓力,3.避免因人口遷移,社會系統速變動所發生之不良影響。此外,農村工業區之設立,可合理疏散過分集中之工廠,減少戰時之損失。 三、農村工業區之編定: 影響工業區區位之因素有:原料、動力、市場、勞工、交通、服務設施、氣候狀況、水之供應、廢物處理、租稅結構及政府政策等,影響工業區規模之因素有:生產資源之數量、市場對高品之需求、工業區之開發目的、工業集團之種類、集積之利益、開發成本等。 農村工業區之編定在區位上應注意:(一)聯外交通便捷。(二)人口大量外移之縣市優先編定。(三)與區域計劃相配合。(四)配合特殊工業原料之產區。(五)儘量利用不能耕種之土地或低等則農田,重劃過之農地於可能範圍內避免使用之。(六)有充分良好之水源。(七)地勢平坦,易於排水。(八)電力供應方便。(九)遠離國防軍事設施。(十)有相當可供擴充之餘地。至於其規模上應注意:(一)考慮工業區附近適當通勤距離內所能供給之勞力數量。(二)地方資源專業工業區應先考慮原料供應之最大數額。 目前,由政府按法定程序編定之農村工業區有四,即南投縣竹山工業區、雲林縣元長工業區、喜義縣義竹工業區、彰化縣埤頭工業區。其中竹山工業區係以製造竹製品為主之竹器專業工業區,其餘三處係以農產品加工業為主體之綜合性工業區。 觀諸前述四處農村工業區,就區位言,所分布之鄉鎮多半偏遠而落後,其中尤以元長及義竹兩工業區為然,選擇此偏遠而落後之鄉鎮為經濟發展之成長點,因其本身成長潛力薄弱,交通又欠發達,對附近鄉鎮勞力之吸引力量不強,對工廠之引力更弱,是故甚難擔當起帶動區域經濟發展之任務。就規模言,前述四工業區面積多固定在一二十公頃之間,與最經濟之工業區規模(一○○∼二○○公頃)相較實嫌太小,且這些工業區多未能因應當地之勞力及原料供給量決定其規模,筆者認為嗣後編定農村工業區時,應先確定工業區之性質,如係專業性工業區,其規模之決定應以該項原料之供給量為依歸。如係純以創造就業機會為目的之綜合性工業區,其規模應視□近地區勞力供給量而定,約不可存有「農村工業區以一二十公頃為宜」之固定規模觀念。 此外,尚有三點值得吾人在此一提:(一)前述四處,均於倉促間編定,未能深入調查各區附近之社會經濟背景,日後,寧可多費調查時日,不宜因爭取時效,而草率決定。(二)前述四處多係利用高等則水田,日後宜避免之。(三)工業區之開發應與區域計劃配合,以促進區域性之合理成長,四處中除竹山工業區能符合區域計劃之構想外,其餘均非區域計劃中之理想區位,今後這些帶動區域經濟發展之成長點——農村工業區——之選擇,原則上應以區域計劃中擬擴大之獨立市鎮為準,蓋這些市鎮交通較為發達,現有之各項公共設施較為齊備,人口亦較集中,發展之潛力較為雄厚,如予配合農村工業區之設置,藉勞力及原料之吸引產生波及效果,可直接或間接帶動附近鄉鎮之繁榮。 四、農村工業區之開發: 農村工業區開發所涉及的順題甚為廣泛,筆者擬捨建設工程技術問題,僅就開發機構、開發資金、出售地價等問題加以討論: (一)開發機構:國內實際參與工業區開發工作之單位有:臺灣土地開發信託投資公司、中華工程公司及榮民農墾處,這三個單位之人力與物力畢竟有限,致使工業區之開發甚緩,欲配合今後工業之發展,吾人以為前述三個公營事業單位之外,尚可鼓勵民間投資開發或與縣市政府合作之方式開發。其合作之條件,與現時臺灣土地開發公司、中華工程公司及榮工處與縣市政府合作開發之條件相同。 民間參與農村工業區之開發,可能遭遇之最大困難是各項公用事業之敷設,如自來水、電力、電訊等系統,往往無法配合工業區之開發進度,阻礙開發工作之進行,吾人以為其配合辦法應於獎勵投資條例施行則中予以明定,並切實執行。 (二)開發資金:目前農村工業區之開發,其資金除少數由加速農村建設專款補助及部份週轉金由農復會撥借外,其餘不足之數多來自金融機構之貸款,利率高、期限短,加之開發完成之工業區土地出售進度緩慢,貸款本息之償還,使開發單位甚感困擾。同時,類此開發經費大部分仰賴金融機關貸款之方式,如銀根縮緊之際,此項貸款自不易獲得,開發資金無著,豈不令工業區之開發陷於停頓,是故筆者認為應籌措相當數額之農村工業區開發循環基金,此項基金可由加強農村建設專款中撥列。 (三)出售地價:農村工業區之開發,是經創造就業機會,繁榮農村經濟為目的,為使工廠順利引過農村,達成前述目的,區內土地之售價應以低廉為宜,亦即於開發成本酌加開發單位合理利潤及工業區開發管理基金外,不應再以其他名義提高售價,至於獎勵投資條例所規定之參照工業區附近地價上漲情形提高售價之方式更不相宜,蓋開發農村工業區並非以營利為目的,若為防止興辦工業人假興辦工業之名行土地投機之實,可於法律中明定興辦工業人承購工業區土地,於停辦工業欲轉售土地時,其土地得由政府按原價收??。現行開發完成之農村工業區,土地出售價格係按開發成本加開發單位利潤(五%)與工業區開發管理基金(四%),售價計算方式尚稱合理。惟用以核算出售地價之可售地面積遠小於實際之可售地面積,動輒相去在一千坪以上,使售價有偏高之嫌。日後應於工程施於工程施工釘樁後,即行為地籍測量,務使前述兩項面積趨於一致,使售價之核算公平合理。 五、農村工業區工廠導入策略: 農村工業區導入之工業種類應以符合下列條件為宜:(一)能創造較多就業機會者。(二)只需較低技術者。(三)原料可由當地直接生產供應者。(四)公害程度較輕微者。(五)市場擴大者。(六)能引發較多關聯工業者。(七)能配合農業生產者。合乎此諸條件之工業有地方資源型工業、勞力密集型工業。前者如農產加工業,後者如電子業。究竟應如何將這些工業引入農村工業區,吾人以為似可採取下列鼓勵措施:(一)減免有關稅捐:如營利事業所得稅及營業稅之減免。(二)加強農村之公共設施,如加強產業道路及聯外交通道路之建設,加強金融服務,於農村工業區內設立金融分支機構。(三)對區內工廠提供特別貸款:如購地貸款、建設廠房貸款、業務性貸款等。(四)採退還土地增值稅或補助遷移費方式,鼓勵市區內工廠遷往農村工業區。(五)限制某些工業於繁榮地區設廠。此外,進口機器設備免征關稅及房機器予以特別折舊等優惠措施亦可同時考慮。 六、農業工業區與農業發展之配合: 農村工業區之設置確能如「加強農村建設重要措施」原文中所言,可增加農民之兼業機會,提高農家所得,但農民兼業現象之普遍化,對農業之發展究是利?抑是弊?根據農復會余玉先生之調查,農民兼業將使農場經營效率減低,影響農業之發展。當此之際,農村工區之設置,除應注意提高農民所得之「救農」目的外,尚應採配合措施,促使「離農」,藉此擴大農場面積,促進專業化經營。至於其配合措施,吾人以為可採下列方式為之:(一)鼓勵農民以出售耕地之方式離農:此者,政府可以租稅減免間接方式為之,亦可以直接參與之方式為之,所謂直接參與之方式,是政府於開發農村工業區後,保留一部份股權,且以交換過小農或兼業農之耕地,轉放領與專業農戶,採此方式尚有許多細節問題必須考慮:1.農民意願問題,2.資金籌措問題,3.農地折價問題,4.專業農戶之選定問題,5.地價攤還問題,6.執行主體問題等,針對這些問題,擬訂妥善處理辦法後,再選一處農村工業區予以試辦,成效良好再行推展。(二)鼓勵小農或兼業農以出租或委託經營之方式離農,欲採此法,必須修正現行法令之耕地租佃條件,並對委託經營當事人間之權利義務及糾紛之處理,於農業發展條例中明確規定,以便日後之推展。 七、農村工業區設置有關問題之檢討: (一)用地征收問題:農村工業區之開發,土地之取得是一重大關鍵,有關工業用地征收之法令,厥為土地法及獎勵投資條例,此二法對征收程序及補償標準之規定不盡相同。同時,獎勵投資條例與其施行細則,母子法間之規定亦互相矛盾,殊有統一之必要,以便日後之執行。 (二)規定地價問題:工業用地一經編定即規定地價,而用地外則不予規定,此局部規定地價之方式,發生下列不良後果:1.用地內土地出售須課土地增值稅,用地外土地無此負擔,是故用地內土地所有權人為獲取與用地外類似土地等額之實際地價收入,必以高價出售,使增值稅嫁於買受人。更由土地所有權人需索高價,使興辦工業人多轉向購買一般農地設廠,造成良田之濫用現象。2.工業用地一經決定開發,即採征收方式取得土地,如原係供農業使用者,每公頃補償地價最高約為三十萬元左右。當開艱完成後,工業區□近地價,必趨上漲,如以每坪三百元計,每公頃將達九十餘萬元,區內外地價相去達六十萬元以上,此無異於犧牲區內土地所有人之利益,以造成區外土地所有人之好處,顯失公平原則。欲解決前述二問題,全面規定地價實為當務之急。 (三)鄰地使用管制問題:工業區開發後,工廠之引進,間接引起對相□土地之需要,由於缺乏適當之管制,零亂發展勢所難免,未雨綢繆之計,應先就*近地區土地予以適當之規劃,使能合理而有秩序之發展。 八、結論: 自政府公佈「加強農村建設重要措施」以來,各項建設大力推展,且成效斐然,惟獨農村工業區之開發成效不彰,是有應予停辦之議,筆者對此不以為然,由前述之分析,無論從農業、工業或都市及其他部門探討,從經濟或社會角度觀察,農村工業區自有其存在之必要性,其成效不彰,乃因近年世界普遍經濟不景氣使然,是故,不可因一時土地之滯銷而遽以停辦。 農村工業區之設置所涉及者,並非單純的農業問題,亦非純粹的工業問題,而是農工配合之綜合性問題,此項措施與未來的農工業發展有密切之關係,政府有關單位應特予關注並密切配合,方可使開發工作發揮事半功倍之效。

新設shgrocery之商業企畫書 / Shgrocery - Proposal for a Start Up

馬睿德, Khan, Raedeep Unknown Date (has links)
新設shgrocery之商業企畫書 / Abstract This thesis examines how Shgrocery, a 3-month old online grocery delivery company, has been set up in Shanghai, taking into account the opportunity in the market and how the researcher has studied the online consumer behavior and build the business and company framework, with the main customer target being the foreigners living in the city. When a company is being formed a lot of components are interrelated and the thesis explores on 6 of these components which are; (1) How do we create value? (2) Who do we create value for? (3) What is our source of competence? (4) How do we competitively position ourselves over others? (5) How do we make money? and (6) What are our time, scope and size ambitions? Using these six components as the guideline the thesis is divided into 5 chapters each related to one another. Readers will find that various methodologies of starting a business model are delved upon in the first chapter. In the Second chapter the market characteristics of Shanghai are explored and the researcher has used a marketing survey to answer various questions related to consumer food purchasing and online habits in Shanghai. The researcher uses convenient sampling as his method of market analysis for the thesis and also uses references from articles and websites. Interesting observations are found with regards to the consumers purchasing habits and online behavior. Moreover, competitors having a similar online business is studied and strategies to differentiate from them is devised. In chapter three the researcher develops the website, company process and structure, by using the findings and the methodologies of the first two chapters. An analysis is done on the pricing of the products, website and the company using SWOT and Porter’s five forces. Different methods of effective promotions at minimum cost are delved on in chapter 4, with a concentration on word of mouth marketing which is most apt for the company in the current scenario, which is then followed by how the company saved cost in the beginning of the business and the estimated return on investment for the next three months. Readers also catch a glimpse of how the company plans to expand in the coming months. Readers will observe the significance of the findings in the strategy devised to survive in the market and will understand how finding the answers to the six different components has helped the researcher in building his own online business and similarly he hopes that reading this thesis will help future entrepreneurs to start their own business in China or any other parts of Asia.

於吉里巴斯設立微型銀行之商業企畫書 / TE Kauki Bangke Business Plan

德海娜, Teiwaki, Ngaina Unknown Date (has links)
於吉里巴斯設立微型銀行之商業企畫書 / The purpose of this project is to create a social business plan for a Kiribati microfinance organisation, Te Kauki Bangke. The plan is modelled on the Bangladeshi Grameen model proposed by Yunus Muhammad. The rationale for the research stems from the need to provide microfinance services to the unbankable populace in Kiribati. The research approach involved a critical analysis of the secondary sources of literature. The qualitative phenomonology is applied as the researcher has relevant work experience in the Kiribati financial sector. The critical analysis infers that the philosophy of the Grameen model has relevance in the Kiribati context. A review of existing financial institutions showed that most financial businesses have outdated business plans or simply have no business plan from inception. The vision is to provide social, political and financial growth for the unbankble, low-income people, particularly the vulnerable women. The management and organisation can still be the responsibility of women in the social political setting. The financial resources of Kiribati microfinance may be provided as soft loans from the Kiribati government and other public financial institutions, including the Kiribati National Provident Fund. The lending criteria of the microfinance will not require the need for collateral and a security. The study proposed that a pilot project in microfinance is established in the Tarawa urban area with a view to decentralise the business activity to the rest of the country.


關大衛, Quan, David R. Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

開設Pirate Mary’s餐廳的商業企劃書 / Pirate Mary’s a business plan

金迪恩, Keane, Denis John Unknown Date (has links)
開設Pirate Mary’s餐廳的商業企劃書 / None

於貝里斯經貿自由區開設Bao Bing熟食店之商業企畫書 / Business plan for “Bao Bing: Feasibility of establishing a deli in the Commercial Free Zone, Belize”

周連恩, Chuc, Elias R. Unknown Date (has links)
於貝里斯經貿自由區開設Bao Bing熟食店之商業企畫書 / Bao Bing is an ice deli operating in the Commercial Free Zone, Belize, in Central America. Bao Bing’s offering is positioned as “Asian”, fresh, natural and healthy ice deli being introduced in this new market. We have determined growth potentials and within our first year of operation we intent to obtain 25% of our target market, growing to 60% by 2015. The initial investment and working capital to start the business will be US$200,000, which will be funded from the owner’s capital and a business loan. We expect to generate profits on our second year of operations, reaching an approximate target of $185 thousand by 2015. Bao Bing has a positive NPV of US$70,070.12 which indicates that the project is viable and has an Interest Rate of Return of 31.74%. For Bao Bing, the payback period will take 2 years and 354 days.

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