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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Yes-No Questions in Mandarin Chinese -- Between Form and Function

陳欣薇, Chen, Hsin-wei Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在探討漢語是非問句形式與功能的對應關係。透過對現實生活中對話的研究發現,說話者依對所提問問題裡命題的確定程度高低,他會選擇四種不同類型的是非問句來表達。而這四種問句依確定程度低到高呈現了從正反問句、語助詞問句、附加問句、到直述問句的排列。另一方面,從句子的結構來看,依問句裡所含的句子種類和疑問詞和提問命題的距離綜合分析發現,問句所帶的疑問語氣從強到弱也呈現了從正反問句、語助詞問句、附加問句、到直述問句的排列。換句話說,當說話者對所提問問題裡的命題確定程度愈低,他選擇的問句所帶的疑問語氣愈強,反之亦然。這證明了語言的形式與功能間的確存在著恆常的對應關係。 / Abstract The present thesis aims to explore the relationship between form and function by investigating four types of yes-no questions, namely A-not-A questions, Particle questions, Tag questions and Declarative questions, in Mandarin Chinese. A scale is found in terms of the speaker’s certainty concerning the proposition being questioned about by examining real-life conversations. The speaker’s certainty is shown from low to high in an ascending order going from A-not-A questions, to Particle questions, to Tag questions and finally to Declarative questions. This scale is further supported by the result of a questionnaire survey designed to collect native speakers’ responses toward the four question types in different contexts. Along with evidence from the sentence types involved and the distance between the interrogative device and the proposition, the interrogative force of the question types is shown in the reverse order of the speaker’s certainty scale. The question forms in terms of the distance between the interrogative device and the proposition can be integrated to the Proximity Principle, which states that the closer two linguistic entities are in meaning, the more they will exhibit temporal/ spatial proximity at the code level. In pragmatic terms, when a speaker chooses the question type which carries higher interrogative force, he intends to show lower certainty concerning the assumption. This constant correlation between form and function of yes-no questions in Mandarin Chinese gives support to the view that the relationship between linguistic form and function is not arbitrary.

漢語的附加問句 / Tag questions in mandarin Chinese

李采倫, Li, Cai-Lun Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文旨在研究漢語附加問句的語法深層結構、各種語用功能,及語法分析和語用分析之間的交互作用。 我們認為漢語附加問句的語法深層結構應分為兩類,一種結構等同於簡單的是非問句或正反問句,另一種結構則是由兩個子句結合而成的複雜句。此分析正確地解釋漢語附加問句的某些句法行為。 在語用功能方面,我們認為漢語附加問句可以用來執行兩種主要功能:詢問(Question)及請求(Request)。請求又可分成請求確認(Request for Confirmation)及請求行動(Request for Action)兩種。 經由語法深層結構及語用功能之間的交互作用,因而衍生出漢語附加問句的外在行為表現。 / Tag questions have never been a hot issue among linguists studying questions in Mandarin Chinese. According to previous analyses, since tag questions are merely instances of A-not-A or yes-no questions with sentential subjects or topics, there is no need to recognize a separate category for Mandarin tag questions. In this thesis, it is shown that the underlying form and pragmatic functions of Mandarin tag questions are not so simple and should not be ignored in that way. Based on our syntactic analysis, the underlying structure of Mandarin tag questions is divided into two subparts, and each performs various syntactic behavior. One is the structure of simple A-not-A or yes-no questions with sentential subjects or topics and the other is the construction of coordination. The former can serve as the subject or direct object of a verb while the latter cannot. To interpret the complicated relationship between form and function of the Mandarin tag question, a pragmatic analysis is moreover proposed. Based on various illocutionary intents and speaker's psychological states, tag questions are divided into two major kinds to perform different illocutionary acts: 'Question' and 'Request' (including request for confirmation and for action). After relating our syntactic approach to pragmatic analysis, it is manifest that the interaction between underlying form and pragmatic functions results in the surface structure of Mandarin tag questions.

漢語親子對話中的問答現象 / Questions and Responses in Mandarin Parent-child Conversation

林以舷, Lin, Yi Xian Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討漢語母子對話中孩童問句的語言形式和語用功能,以及其問句和母親回應之間的關係。研究語料來自於一對以漢語為母語的母子在日常生活的對話,孩童的年紀約為二至三歲。研究將孩童問句的語用功能分為四類:詢問訊息(informational)、請求行為(directive)、對話修補(conversational)以及針對自我(self-directed)。母親針對孩童問句所作的回應分為三類:直接回應(answers)、非直接回應(non-answer responses)與無回應(no answers)。研究發現漢語孩童大量依賴疑問詞問句和語助詞問句,而隨著年紀增長,孩童的問句語言形式也更趨多元。研究也發現孩童多使用問句來詢問訊息,而孩童使用問句執行對話修補功能的比例也隨著年紀增長而有所增加,另外,執行此項功能的問句的語言形式也隨年紀增長而越加豐富。最後,研究發現孩童問句多伴隨母親的回應,而母親的回應有時會重複孩童問句或以問句形式出現鼓勵孩童參與對話。 / The study aims to investigate forms and functions the child’s questions and their relations to the mother’s responses in Mandarin mother-child conversations. The data examined are from one mother-child dyad. The child is around two and three years old. The pragmatic functions of the child’s questions are categorized into four types: informational, directive, conversational and self-directed. The mother’s responses to the child’s questions are categorized into three types: answers, non-answer responses and no answers. The results show that the child mostly uses wh-questions and sentence-final particle questions. As the child grows older, the question forms he uses become more various. In addition, the child uses questions mainly to ask for factual knowledge. The child’s questions which repair the breakdown of the conversation are significant as the child grows older. The result suggests that the child gradually becomes a skillful conversationalist. Last, the data reveals that the child’s questions are mostly followed by the mother’s responses, and the mother’s responses may be related to the pragmatic functions of the child’s questions. The mother’s responses also exhibit some characteristics in child-directed speech in order to encourage the child’s participation in verbal interactions.

我國民眾對兩岸經貿之認知研究 / Attitude of People in Taiwan toward Cross-Strait Trade.

葉昕, Yeh, Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
2008年馬英九總統上任後,遵行「先經後政」的兩岸政策方針,積極與中國大陸簽訂了多項協議,但我國民眾對此出現許多疑慮。2013年6月,海基會與海協會於中國大陸上海簽署《海峽兩岸服務貿易協議》,並對外公布兩岸的開放清單,此舉引發我國民眾不滿,認為政府單位未做到與民間充分協調的工作,並憂心將使臺灣在經濟與政治上更依賴中國大陸,造成社會不安,其後,我國於2014年3月,爆發了國內大規模的「太陽花學運」抗爭活動。 近年來,中國大陸已成為臺灣最大的貿易夥伴,但基於臺灣與中國大陸的特殊關係,兩岸間的經貿發展一直是台灣民眾相當關心的問題。本研究的主要目的為,在兩岸經貿互動非常密切與民意優先的今日,了解民眾對於兩岸經貿的認知與立場,試圖了解哪些因素會使民眾對於兩岸經貿的態度改變,並在過往研究的基礎上,洞悉影響民眾兩岸經貿態度的內在及外在因素如何相互作用,使民眾的兩岸經貿認知產生變化,並使用國立政治大學選舉研究中心「線上調查實驗室」於2015年4月,所進行的網路民調資料來分析。 根據前述架構,本研究將內在因素歸類為人口變項、心理認同、經濟考量以及政治考量四個部分;外在因素則藉由當今兩岸經貿交流互動中所遭遇到的問題點作為設計,涵蓋經濟利益、談判過程與安全因素等三部分,並提出政府可實行政策之方向,以條件問句來看民眾在情況下的態度變化。 資料檢測的結果發現,民眾對於各項條件句的接受程度不一,甚至加入條件句後,對於兩岸經貿的態度有轉向負向的情況,顯見不同的背景的民眾,將藉由相異的思考面向來形塑其對於兩岸經貿認知。而其中,安全因素的條件,將最有助於扭轉原先不贊成兩岸經貿的民眾意見。 研究發現,影響民眾對於兩岸經貿態度的變數中,除過去較常討論的內在因素外,外在因素同時具有影響力。臺灣民眾看待兩岸經貿不全然受到感性因素影響,當政府適時的給予政策上的幫助時,民眾仍會改變態度,以理性作為思考。希冀藉由本研究的討論,對於民眾兩岸經貿立場認知有更全面性的了解,並提供實質上的政策意涵。

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