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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

外資銀行在中國大陸發展情況及台灣銀行業登陸之探討 / Experiences of foreign banks in China and the study of Taiwanese banks entering China

張志揚 Unknown Date (has links)
自2010年6月我國與中國大陸簽署《ECFA》後,我國銀行業者開始將其在中國大陸的辦事處升格為分行,截至目前(2015年5月底)為止,已有6家台資銀行在中國大陸的分行開始營業,此為兩岸金融業交流的重大突破,但不可否認的是,我國銀行業在登陸時程上已落後其他外資銀行許多,要想急起直追,除了透過我國政府在後續《ECFA》談判中替台灣銀行業者爭取到更有利的條件外,台灣銀行業者也要積極尋找在中國大陸市場中業務突破的機會,如何善用我方同文同種、廣大台商客群以及過去金融服務業發展經驗等競爭優勢,以及如何把握住中國大陸政府未來的發展方向,這些都有待深入之探討。 本研究首先說明外資銀行在中國大陸的發展現況,並將普華永道會計師事務所2010年5月出版的「外資銀行在中國」之內容作一整理,從中國大陸外資銀行業者的角度觀察目前中國大陸市場所面臨到的挑戰與機會,接著針對2007到2009年外資銀行在中國大陸的財務數據作績效分析,當作台資銀行業登陸之借鏡,然後彙整出兩岸對台灣銀行業登陸之相關法令,同時整理出目前台灣銀行業的登陸情形,並利用外資銀行在中國大陸的發展經驗,探討台灣銀行業登陸後的業務發展機會以及未來可能發展,最後做出結論與建議。

台灣銀行業在中國營業據點的經營發展策略之研究 / A study on the operation and development strategy of Taiwan 's banking in Mainland China

張俊智, Chang, Chun Chih Unknown Date (has links)
台灣金融機構得以至中國大陸地區設置分支機構的法源主要來自於立法院在於2006年11月時修正准許台灣銀行業赴中國大陸地區設立分行。本研究針對39家台灣銀行業在中國大陸營業據點之經營策略與績效進行分析,並採採多元迴歸模型檢定其經營策略與績效之關係。 根據本文實證後的主要研究結果如下: 一、無論是以資產報酬率 (ROA) 或是股東權益報酬率 (ROE) 等兩項獲利指標所檢定的結果,均未有足夠的證據顯示台灣銀行業在中國大陸地區積極設置分行等據點的經營策略或方向是可行的。 二、由股東權益報酬率 (ROE) 分析的結果,支持台灣銀行業若採行提早投入中國大陸地區設置實體據點的發展策略,對於其股東權益報酬率 (ROE) 會呈現顯著的正向關係。 三、無論是以資產報酬率 (ROA) 或是股東權益報酬率 (ROE) 來做為被解釋變數,結果皆無法支持台灣銀行業在中國大陸地區設置分行等實體據點的數量規模大小與銀行的資產報酬率 (股東權益報酬率) 有關。 / Because of the Legislature amended the Act in November 2006, Taiwan’s Banking had been permitted and set up branches in mainland China since 2006. This paper analyzed the business strategy and performance of 39 Taiwanese banks in mainland China. The multiple regression models were adopted and we test the relationship between their business strategy and performance. The main results of this paper were as follows: First, whether the rate of return on assets (ROA) or return on equity (ROE) profitability indicators, there is no sufficient evidence that the Taiwan’s banks actively set in mainland China Branches and other positions of the business strategy or direction is feasible according to the other two test result. Second, as a result of the ROE analysis, it is significant to support the Taiwan’s banking industry to adopt the development strategy of setting up an entity base in mainland China, which has a significant positive effect on the ROE. Third, whether the return on assets (ROA) or the return on equity (ROE) as an explanatory variable, the results are unable to support that the the scale of Taiwan’s banking in mainland China have a relation with the ROE or ROA.

日本長期照護公司在大陸營運模式之研究 --兩個公司之分析 / Business Models of Japanese Long-Term-Care Companies in China—The Cases of Two Companies

齊藤由貴, Yuki Saito Unknown Date (has links)
人口高齡化是一個社會問題以及商機。 日本比中國更早面對這個問題,所以在長期照護領域累積了豐富的經驗。 本論文藉由分析兩家日本長照公司商業模式的關鍵資訊(例如:提供的服務、客戶分群、營運點和特性)說明政策對日本長照公司如何在中國和日本營運的影響。 因為長期照護服務往往基於政府政策而設計, 本論文先介紹日本和中國的政策, 然後研究這兩家─ Nichii Gakkan和長壽控股作為個案公司。 這項研究結果將有助於致力進軍中國市場並需要計劃營運策略和服務內容的日本長照公司。 / Growing aging population is one social issue to face as well as business opportunities. Japan has faced the issue much earlier than China, and thus has accumulated expertise in long-term-care services fields. This thesis answers questions governmental policies effect on firms operation and on how Japanese LTC companies operate in China and Japan, by providing key information on their business models (e.g., services offered, customer segments, locations of operation, and operational characteristics). Since long-term care (LTC) services tend to be designed based on governmental policies and definitions, the thesis fist introduces policies in japan and China. It then investigates Nichii Gakkan and Long Life Holdings as case companies. This research findings would be useful for other Japanese LTC companies which aim to enter Chinese market and need to plan strategies and design service offerings.

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