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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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中國大陸外國投資法國家安全審查制度之研究 / Legal study on national security review in foreign investment law

單開翊, Shan, Kai I Unknown Date (has links)
在經濟全球化的時代,外國直接、間接投資及企業間之併購行為紛紛崛起,然而外資湧入的同時亦時常對本國產業造成衝擊,因此為防止外資行為對本國企業造成威脅,各國相繼建立起對外國投資行為之「國家安全審查程序」作為外資進入本國市場的門檻,中國亦於2015年1月19日公佈之《中華人民共和國外國投資法(草案徵求意見稿)》中,設置國家安全審查制度,顯見該制度對中國之重要。 在「國家安全」之界定上,於《外資法草案》中增設概括條款,以彌補過去單純採取列舉式立法,所存在之審查範圍過於限縮缺陷。其次,在「外國投資者」之定義上,外國自然人投資者之認定有別於多數國家採用多重標準予以認定,其係單純以國籍作為認定標準,另於外國實體之認定上,為適應現今新形態之商業模式,參考外國法納入實質認定標準,彌補過去之立法漏洞,最後在「審查機構」之組成和建置上,則係由國務院建立外國投資國家安全審查部際聯席會議,作為主要審查機構。 惟於《外資法草案》雖解決許多過去立法之缺陷,卻仍存審查機構間權責不明、審查標準過於模糊及司法救濟缺位等問題,故宜參考美國外國投資委員會之組成結構,並增設監督機構,避免審查機構之獨斷。此外,該制度中更應加強對於外國投資者權益之保護,於審查標準中,重要名詞之界定仍存在模糊不清之情形,有待立法者對之明確定義,另在投資者救濟管道之設置上,於現行草案中付之闕如,應加以補正以符合程序正義之要求,如此方能同時兼顧保護國家經濟安全及促進國內經濟發展之目的。 / With the coming of economic globalization, a wide array of foreign investments, such as direct and indirect investments as well as enterprises mergers and acquisition, increases. However, these also pose a menace to domestic industry and even national security. As a result, national security reviews of foreign investments which aim to prevent this serious situation grow more prevalent. Following this trend, Mainland China also releases a draft version of Foreign Investment Law and a related Explanatory Note on January 19, 2015 to include national security reviews in it. The definition and range of national security is crucial. In order to solve the problems from enumerating which kind of investment is related to national security, China adds a general clause in the draft. In regard to the definition of foreign investor, it is divided into two categories, natural person and foreign entity. The former is determined merely by his or her nationality and the latter is determined not only by its place of registration but also by the actual controllers behind that foreign entity in response to the increasingly new business models. Furthermore, the draft appoints the State Council to establish an inter-ministerial joint committee to be responsible for the foreign investment national security review. However, there are some drawbacks in this draft, such as the unclear distinction of responsibility and accountability between the authorities, the ambiguities in the standard of review and the difficulties of judicial remedy. As a result, emulating the merits in the regulations on national security reviews in the USA and including the protection of investors are beneficial to solve these problems.

中國大陸協議控制下的可變利益實體架構的法律問題分析 / A Study of Legal Issues of Variable Interest Entity Structure under Agreement Control in Mainland China

蔡治 Unknown Date (has links)
由於中國大陸對企業境內上市的嚴苛要求與外商投資的產業限制,新興互聯網企業不得不訴諸境外上市融資。根據美國會計準則關於「可變利益實體」的規定,新浪網開創以搭建可變利益實體架構實現境外上市的模式成為21世紀初中國大陸互聯網及其他產業上市融資的不二選擇。可變利益實體架構中,境外上市主體與境內運營實體通過協議達成控制關係,將後者營運狀況併入前者財報,滿足其境外上市條件。近年中,支付寶違約、沃爾瑪併購1號店等事件引發法律界、財經界對VIE架構的關注。2015年來,《中華人民共和國外國投資法(草案徵求意見稿)》的公佈,《工業和信息化部關於放開線上資料處理與交易處理業務(經營類電子商務)外資股比限制的通告》(簡稱「工信部196號文」)的公佈,以「暴風科技」為代表的紅籌股回歸現象,都給VIE架構帶來變局。 本文從VIE架構的產生背景出發,梳理其發展狀況,釐清其概念,歸納其特點,分析其所涉法律問題與風險,探討其監管設計,意圖使讀者對中國大陸協議控制下的可變利益實體架構這一法律現象有全面的把握。

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