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數位學習碩士班研究生線上學習、圖書館使用與學習成效之研究 / Study on Online Learning, Library Use and Learning Outcomes for E-learning Master’s Students張艾琦 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過訪談與問卷調查法的方式,分別針對六位數位在職專班生的訪談結果與196位數位在職專班生問卷調查結果進行分析,研究結果顯示:(一)數位在職專班生女性多於男性,平均年齡介於31歲至40之間,修習數位學程的原因會受到居住地與就職地的影響;(二)數位在職專生的自我效能高;(三)數位在職專班生修課動機為「自我追求」,且選擇線上課程時會考量家庭、工作與通勤時間等因素;(四)數位在職專班生使用大學圖書館的目的主要為:專題報告與課業學習需求,且多透過以網路的方式取用,並以使用電子資源的頻率最為頻繁,較少使用圖書館提供的虛擬參考服務。(五)數位在職專班生肯定教學成效且自評學習成效良好但對課程平台評價較低。(六)數位在職專班生對圖書館滿意度高。此外,本研究亦發現「教學成效」、「課程平臺與教材」、「圖書館滿意度」、「自我效能高低」、「年級」、「電子資源使用」皆與「學生自評學習成效」相關,意即當學生對這些因素感受愈高時,其自評學習成效會愈好。根據獲得之結論,本研究針對數位學程與圖書館兩方面提出建議。 / Nowadays, through the Internet, online learning provides learners with more accesses to gaining knowledge. Online students, usually, are different from common students regarding class situations and library use. The objects of this research are master’s students, who are online learners, and are on-the-job, unlike full-time students. The aims of this study are as follows: 1. To explore the characteristics and E-learning experience of E-learning master’s students. 2. To examine E-learning master’s students' utilization of library services and electronic resources. 3. To discuss students' instructional evaluaton and opinions on online course platforms, teaching materials, and satisfaction with libraries. 4. To investigate the factors that affect the learning outcomes of E-learning master’s students.
Via interviews and survey questionnaires, this study respectively analyzes interview outcomes of 6 E-learning master’s students and questionnaire results of 196 E-learning master’s students, and the results and conclusions are as follows: (1) There are more women than men in the E-learning master’s students, of whom the average age is between 31 years old to 40, and the master’s students' sites of residence or their workplace play a dominant role in influencing them to choose digital curriculums. (2) The self-efficacy of E-learning master’s students is high. (3) The motivation of most E-learning master’s students is"self-seeking", and the E-learning master’s students consider their families, works and their commute time when selecting online curriculums. (4) Most E-learning master’s students' purposes of using university libraries are to prepare reports and to obtain learning resources, and they often use library resoueces through the Internet access, in addition, the E-learning master’s students most frequently use electronic resources, while less use virtual reference services of libraries. (5) The E-learning master’s students give recognition to the instructional effectiveness of E-learning curriculums and their self-perceived learning effectiveness is good, but they have less positive comments on online course platforms. (6) The E-learning master’s students have high satisfaction with libraries. Furthermore, this study also finds that: The "instructional effectiveness," "online course platforms," "satisfaction with libraries," "self-efficacy," "grade," and "utilization of electronic resources" are related to the "self-perceived learning outcomes of the E-learning master’s students".Based on the above finding, this study provides suggestions for both digital curriculums and libraries.
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不同設計元素之遊戲式英文單字學習APP在學習成效、情緒及注意力之影響研究 / Effects of Design Factors of Game-based English Vocabulary Learning APP on Learning Performance, Emotion, and Attention曹鼎, Cao, Ding Unknown Date (has links)
綜上所述,本研究證實相較於遊戲設計要素較高的高刺激性英文單字學習APP,遊戲設計要素較低的低刺激性英文單字遊戲APP對於學習成效、單字記憶保留上具有較正面的效應。此一結果顯示像英語字彙學習這樣的認知型學習,在遊戲設計上並不適合納入刺激性較高的遊戲設計要素。此外,對遊戲設計者來說,未來設計英文單字遊戲學習APP時,亦應將性別差異納入設計考量,同時儘可能在遊戲娛樂性及教育性中取得平衡。 / Game-based learning has been proved to effectively boost learners’ learning performance, while whether more enjoyment designed in the game brings better learning performance remains unknown. Besides, what game design factors will affect learning performance and simultaneously keep learners interested in the game is also worth investigating. Moreover, attention and emotion are two dimensions which should be taken into account when designing learning games. As a result, this study tries to assess the effects of using two different English vocabulary learning APPs with significantly different game design factors on learners’ performance, sustained attention, meditation, and vocabulary memory retention, respectively.
A pilot study was conducted beforehand to examine whether the two considered English vocabulary game APPs differ significantly in game design factors including concentration, feedback, challenges match player skills, control, and immersion. In the formal study, thirty-six Grade 12 students from Matsu senior high school participated in this study. They were randomly divided into two experimental groups based on gender and pretest scores, separately using two English vocabulary game APPs with significantly different game design factors for English vocabulary learning. The study lasted for four weeks. Analytical results show that students using game with lower scores in game design factors generated significantly better vocabulary learning performance, memory retention and meditation level than those using game with higher scores in game design factors, while sustained attention level was lower. Also, they were significantly correlated to one another. Moreover, this study further confirms that gender differences existed among English vocabulary learning games with different game design factors. Girls were found to have significantly better English vocabulary learning performance and memory retention in the game APP with lower scores in game design factors. Furthermore, “challenge matches players’ skill” was found to be the most important game design factor when designing game-based English vocabulary learning APPs.
In conclusion, this study confirms that English vocabulary game APPs with lower exciting elements have more positive learning effects on learning performance, memory retention than those with higher scores in game design factors. The result indicates that when designing games, higher exciting game design factors are not suitable for cognitive learning, such as English vocabulary learning. Finally, this study provides suggestions for future game-design developers to take gender differences into consideration when designing English vocabulary learning game APPs, and meanwhile tries to strike the balance between educational purpose and entertainment of the game APPs.
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A Web-based Tutoring System with Intelligent Media: Spatial Geometric Transformation as an Example / 具備智慧型媒體特性之網路教學系統:以空間座標轉換為例王浩全, Wang , Hao-Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的在建構具備智慧型媒體特性之網路教學系統以增進網路學習的效果,特別是如何輔助學習者理解空間關係,以增進對空間幾何座標轉換的學習成效。電腦運算能力的增進使其成為極具潛力的教育媒體。基於教學及教育媒體的理論,本研究倡議在典型的網路教學中加入「智慧型媒體」的考量與設計以增進學習成效。智慧型媒體包括了兩個面向的考量,我們稱之為「媒體與方法」的考量 (Media and Method concern)。從媒體的角度來考量,電腦多媒體的使用應以能增進學習效果為原則,從「認知媒體」(Cognitive Media)的角度出發來設計網路教學的媒體呈現方式,媒體的目的在於清楚地傳達領域之知識給學習者。而從方法的角度來考量,應考慮如何運用電腦運算的特性以實現其他教育媒體裝置不能實現的教學策略及方法,例如互動式及適性化的教學。接續過去「智慧型教學系統」(Intelligent Tutoring System)及「適性化超媒體」(Adaptive Hypermedia) 的研究,本研究提出一套適性化的機制,將一般適性化系統中課程排序(adaptive course sequencing)的機制明確分離為「學習概念排序」及「教材選擇」兩個部分,達到更佳的抽象化及運用教學策略上的彈性。
本研究以「空間座標轉換」做為領域知識,基於「媒體與方法」的考量,設計了稱為CooTutor (Coordinate Tutor)的網路教學系統來輔助空間座標轉換的學習。運用了電腦動畫技術,這個系統使用互動式三維媒體(Interactive 3D Media)清楚有效地傳達領域知識。由於空間座標轉換的學習相信與學習者的空間能力(Spatial Ability)相關,本研究透過實驗來探討互動式三維媒體的使用與空間能力增進之間的關係。另外,我們也研究並評估如何將空間能力及學習風格(learning styles)等學習者個人特質作為適性化依據,以及如何設計相對應的適性化機制。
本研究的主要貢獻包括了 (1) 提出了使用智慧型媒體的概念,以「媒體與方法」的考量來討論網路教學的學習成效,及 (2) 提出一個創新及可行的架構將互動式三維媒體及適性化技術結合、運用於網路學習的學習模式上以輔助空間座標轉換的學習。 / The objective of this research is on developing a Web-based educational system with intelligent media to enhance learners’ learning effects, especially to facili-tate learners’ spatial reasoning on learning spatial geometry topics. The increas-ing computing power allows us to use computers as powerful educational media. Based on theories of pedagogy and educational media, we propose to integrate intelligent media into typical Web-based learning paradigm to improve learning. “Intelligent media” in this research refers to two aspects of considerations. They are media—cognitive media aspect and method—intelligent tutoring aspects. The consideration of cognitive media aims at offering learners the most ease-of-understand presentation of a particular domain. The consideration of in-telligent tutoring targets to offer learners personalized learning experience based on individuals’ learning needs. To achieve better abstraction and flexibility in the adaptive mechanism, we have chosen to separate the concept sequencing from the underlying task of selecting appropriate learning materials.
By considering the characteristics of spatial geometry concepts, a Web-based learning environment called CooTutor (Coordinate Tutor) for learning spatial geometric transformation (SGT) is developed. Interactive 3D media is integrated into the system for delivering domain concepts effectively. Since the domain, spatial geometric transformation is evidently related to spatial ability (a group of human abilities about the use of space). This research attempts to address the relation between spatial ability and interactive 3D media via experimental evaluations. Moreover, learners’ latent traits, including spatial ability and learn-ing styles are considered to be used in adaptive material selection.
The main contribution of this research would be (1) the conceptualization of in-telligent media and the M&M concern for effective Web-based learning, and (2) an innovative approach and tenable architecture of employing 3D computer graphics and adaptive technologies in Web-based learning context for SGT learning.
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