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合作學習融入數學教學對偏遠地區七年級學生學習成效之研究 / A study on learning performance of remote area seventh graders based on cooperative learning in mathematics teaching許清惟 Unknown Date (has links)
最後本文再對上述統計檢定推論提出建議,以供教師實務上教學及後續相關研究之參考。 / The main purpose of this study is to apply “cooperative learning in mathematics” in remote area to explore its effects of learning performance by seventh graders. Two classes, which have a total of 55 students, were sampled from a junior high school in a remote area of Pingtung County. One class students were assigned as the experimental group and the other students as the control group. The first class was taught using “cooperative learning in mathematics”, while the second one was taught using traditional method.
In order to find if there are differences on learning achievements, learning attitudes, and learning retention of mathematics between two teaching methods, statistical tests were conducted. The following conclusions are reached︰
1.Based on mathematics learning achievement indicator, there is a significant difference between two teaching methods. The effect by the experimental group is significantly better than that by the control group.
2.Based on mathematics learning attitude indicator, there is a significant difference between two teaching methods. The effect by the experimental group is significantly better than that by the control group.
3.Based on mathematics learning retention indicator, there is a significant difference between two teaching methods. The effect by the experimental group is significantly better than that by the control group.
Finally, suggestions for practical teaching are provided and future possible researches are also discussed.
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在職專班學員之學習成效評估—以政大行政管理碩士學程為例 / The learning satisfaction of on-the-job master program for in-service master programs students - a case study of national chengchi university of master for eminent public administrators林欣霓, Lin, Hsin Ni Unknown Date (has links)
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我國高級中學學生國際教育學習成效之全球公民資質力研究 / A study on the global citizenship as the effectiveness of senior high international education in Taiwan蔡旻錡 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用問卷調查法,以103學年及104學年臺北市與高雄市申請SIEP計畫之高級中學計 17校,藉由研究者自編「我國高級中學學生國際教育學習成效之全球公民資質力調查問卷」進行調查,採立意取樣共發出1,200問卷,回收1,028份問卷,回收率86%,剔除無效問卷,有效問卷共計843份,有效率82%。調查所得資料以SPSS 22.0統計套裝軟體進行統計與分析,使用統計方法有描述性統計、單一樣本t檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Pearson積差相關與逐步多元迴歸分析,研究結論如下:
根據以上研究結論,提出相關建議,俾提供對教育行政主管機關、學校與未來研究之參考。 / The purpose of this study is to understand the development of global citizenship as the effectiveness of senior high international education in Taiwan. The purpose of this study is as follows: (1) To explore the effectiveness of the international education policy in Taiwan. (2) To study the effectiveness of learning after the implementation of international education policy. (3) Analyze the differences in the quality of global citizenship for different backgrounds. (4) To explore the current international education to promote the four-track orientation that affects the scale of students’ global citizenship.
In this study, the questionnaire survey was conducted in Taipei and Kaohsiung cities in the 103 academic year and 104 academic year. The survey was conducted by the researchers in the study of "International Education in High School Students' Learning Achievements." A total of 1,823 questionnaires were collected and the recovery rate was 86%. After the invalid questionnaires were removed, there were 843 questionnaires valid. The 82% of the survey results were analyzed by SPSS 22.0 statistical software. Using the statistical methods including descriptive statistics, one sample t test, independent sample t test,analysis of variance(one-way ANOVA), Pearson correlation and stepwise regression, the study has the following conclusions:
1.The implementation of international education policy in Taiwan has been quite effective, but teachers’ international professional knowledge, global citizenship adaptability, competition and reflection need to be strengthened.
2.The school participates in international education programs and provides related information about international affairs. It encourages students to take part in volunteering work and community care day, which helps to enhance students’ global citizenship.
3.The parents’ educational degree, the students’ experience of going abroad and the proficiency of the second language have significant impact on global citizenship.
4.There is no significant difference between students in Taipei or Kaohsiung in terms of global citizenship. The result indicates that schools that have similar backgrounds can reach the same level in promoting international education.
5.To enhance the student's global citizenship, we should strengthen teachers’ professional knowledge and extend the international education beyond the school district.
Based on the above conclusions, relevant recommendations are made for the educational administration, for schools and for future research.
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以互動性距離理論探討同步遠距教學之學習成效鍾杰男, Chung, Chieh-Nan Unknown Date (has links)
本文最後針對所有研究結果進行討論,並根據研究結果提出可能的限制與未來研究方向的建議。 / The learning performance of distance education has been studied for a long period of time. Most of the past studies just simply compared the effectiveness of different media and teaching styles or the learning performances of students in local and remote site. However, little empirical studies had been found to see the process underlying learning performance. As mentioned above, a framework of the process underlying learning performance in synchronous videoconferencing learning environment based on the theory of transactional distance (More, 1993) was developed in this research.239 subjects from four different universities involved in the current study. The result showed that, first, dialogue and program structure could successfully predict the degree of transactional distance. Second, the smaller the transactional distance was, the better the objective and subjective learning performance was. Third, learner autonomy could moderate the relation between the transactional distance and the subjective learning performance. When students’ learner autonomy were high, the smaller the transactional distance was, the better the subjective performance was. However, learner autonomy couldn’t moderate the relation between the transactional distance and the objective learning performance.
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以動態評量回饋系統提升國中數學學習成效 / The study of using of Dynamic Asessment Feedback system to enhance the mathematics achievement of junior high school鄭佳虹, Cheng, Chia-Hung Unknown Date (has links)
綜上所述,本研究針對結果提出具體建議,以提供教學設計、數學教學及未來相關研究之參考。 / The purpose of this study was to investigate junior high school students’ mathematics learning achievement by using a Dynamic Assessment and Feedback (DAF) system. The overall investigation process is designed as a quasi-experiment, where two classes of eighth-grade junior high school students in New Taipei County were randomly assigned to either the experimental(n=18) or the control groups(n=20). It took totally six weeks, and there were five classes per week to perform the instructional experiments.
In the experiments, the independent variables were instructional strategies and the dependent variables were Mathematics Achievement Test and Mathematics Learning Attitude. The measurement instruments include Questionnaire for Mathematics Learning Attitude, Mathematics Achievement Test, and Questionnaire for Students’ Perception of Mathematics Instruction with DAF system.
According to the students’ Mathematics Achievement Test, the statistical analysis was performed by one-way ANCOVA. By conducting t-test for the scores of the math learning attitude measurement, the analysis of math learning attitude was carried out by the two-way Mixed ANOVA.
After analyzing the data, the findings of this study are summarized below:
1.Mathematics Achievement: The experimental group scored higher in the Mathematics achievement test than the control group did.
2.Mathematics Learning Attitude: No significant interaction between the teaching methods was found in attitude for learning Mathematics. A significant difference was found between the experimental group and the control group in their extrinsic motivation for Mathematics Learning Attitude.
3.The students’ feedback after the (DAF) system mode:
I.Most students in the experimental group did enjoy the DAF system.
II.Most students were willing to spend more time using the DAF system to practice Mathematics.
Finally, based on these findings, this study proposes several suggestions for school administrators, teachers in junior high school math curriculum and future research are also discussed.
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點讀筆輔助提升國中文言文補救教學之設計研究 / A Design-based Research on Facilitating Learning Performance of Literary Chinese Remedial Instruction with Digital-Pen’s Support蘇鈺涵, Su,Yu Han Unknown Date (has links)
結果顯示,本研究透過設計研究法發展出一套可有效輔以文言文補救學習之點讀筆搭配紙本教材與學習策略模式,並經由兩次循環修正歷程,產出一套較佳之點讀筆搭配紙本與學習策略模式之教材設計。本研究歸納在設計上應考量點讀的搭配性、自學的引導性、內容的適切性,並建立程序指引提醒,以發揮點讀筆搭配紙本輔助閱讀學習之功能。本研究產出之點讀教材,可透過碼點貼紙支援文言文學習所需之背景知識的補充、課文朗讀與背誦、文意理解、提出問題深入思考等學習需求,也搭配SQ3R學習策略流程引導,適合於學習者自學,並且可以進行重複學習,學生具有高度自主性,為學習落後學生搭建一有效之學習鷹架,培養學生帶得走的能力,為國文補救教學開創一有效且創新的學習模式。 / This study aims to apply digital pens to assisting in the literary Chinese remedial instruction in junior high schools. Based on the process of Design-based Research iterative improvement, the digital pen supported literary Chinese remedial teaching materials and learning strategies are designed, and the Chinese remedial learning efficiency is verified. Six G8 students in a junior high school in Kaohsiung City participating in the Chinese remedial instruction are studied. With Design-based Research, the qualitative observation and interview records of the students’ learning process and the quantitative data analyses of the pretest and posttest of learning performance and the digital pen built-in learning process records are preceded cyclic iterative improvement, including preparation (analysis and design), practice (development and implementation), and assessment (introspection and output) to explore and develop the design of digital pen supported and paper-based texts integrated literary Chinese remedial teaching materials and learning strategies. It is expected to provide a feasible model for teachers developing digital pen supported literary Chinese remedial teaching materials.
The results show that an effective literary Chinese remedial instruction integrated with digital pen supported and paper-based materials and the learning strategies could be developed through Design-based Research. Furthermore, with two cyclic revision processes, the better digital pen supported and paper-based integrated material design and learning strategies could be generated. It is concluded in this study that the collocation of digital pen, the guiding for self-learning, and the content appropriateness should be taken into account of the design, and the procedural guideline reminder should be established to present the function of digital pen supported and paper-based reading learning. Through code stickers, the digital pen supported materials could supplement the required background knowledge for literary Chinese learning, text reading and recitation, content comprehension, and in-depth thinking with problems. With the guidance of SQ3R learning strategies, it is suitable for self-learning and could be proceeded repeated learning and the students present high autonomy so as to build a learning scaffold for the students fell behind in learning, to cultivate students with the abilities to take away, and to create an effective and innovative learning model for Chinese remedial instruction.
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技能型學習遊戲之設計要素對學習情緒及成效之影響研究 / A study on assessing the effects of the design features of game-based learning for skill training on learning emotion and performance胡琬琪, Hu, Wan Chi Unknown Date (has links)
因此,本研究採用兩款具遊戲設計要素差異之英文打字遊戲,探討技能型學習遊戲之遊戲設計要素對於學習者之學習情緒與學習成效之影響與關聯,以釐清技能型學習遊戲之遊戲設計要素如何影響學習者之正負面情緒以及學習成效,進而作為學習型技能遊戲設計時的參考。研究結果顯示,具遊戲設計要素差異之技能型英打學習遊戲對於引發女性學習者之負面情緒會產生顯著差異,而男性學習者則未產生顯著差異;本研究採用之兩款技能型英打學習遊戲,均可以有效增進學習者之學習成效,並且遊戲設計要素較高之技能型英打學習遊戲對於男性學習者較具學習成效;具遊戲設計要素差異之技能型英打學習遊戲,其遊戲設計要素之「適時回饋」為設計學習型遊戲時之最重要因素;而學習情緒會影響學習成效部分,僅在低打字能力學習者採用具遊戲設計要素差異之技能型英打學習遊戲時獲得部份驗證。 / Game-based learning can provide a safe environment with satisfied basic needs during learning process, problem solving domain foundation, funny and attractive characteristics for learners. Skill learning games are different from normal cognitive and affective games. The design of skill learning games emphasizes on not only facts and knowledge but also on learning some kinds of motion and skills by operation and practice, so we concerned about the key design features attracting learners to interest the learning process and get the learning goals. On the other hand, it is indispensable for key design features considering about learning emotions and learner’s experience, and it is also necessary to be further investigated about which feature will affect the learner’s emotion and learning performance. Two English typing games with different design features were adapted to investigate the effects and relations between design features and learner’s emotion and learning performance to clarify the positive or negative emotions and performance were affected by which design feature of the skill learning games and to set a reference for the game designer.
The study results show that female learner’s negative emotion which was caused by different game design features of the English typing games was significantly affected, but male learner’s emotion was not. The two adapted games were both with learning performance, and her male learning performance was better with better game design features of the typing games. Proper feedback was the most important design feature. The effects of emotions to performance were partly proven from poor typing ability learners.
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華語語言功能教學的學習成效研究 / Teaching language functions to learners of Mandarin as a second language陳惠芳, Chen, Hui Fang Unknown Date (has links)
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不同型態影音教材之眼動行為與學習成效關聯研究 / Correlation Analysis between Eye Movement Behavior and Learning Performance for Different Types of Video Lectures周慶鴻, Chou, Ching-Horng Unknown Date (has links)
多媒體影音教材已被廣泛使用於網路學習之教學場域,並且已發展出許多不同的多媒體影音教材型態,這些不同的多媒體影音教材型態,以及教材的組成元素如何影響數位學習成效值得深入探究。本研究使用可攜式眼動追蹤儀及穩定控制之實驗環境,隨機選取某公立高中高三普通班十六位學生進行眼動實驗,由受測學生依序觀看目前被廣泛採用的圖像影音動態教學式(picture in picture, PIP)及平面講述靜態教學式(voice over presentation, VOP)二種不同型態多媒體影音教材之興趣區(頭像、投影片、字幕、標題),探討包括三個眼動指標(凝視時間、凝視次數、回視次數)與學習成效之間的相關聯性。
結果顯示受測學習者利用圖像影音動態教學式(PIP)多媒體影音教材學習具有顯著的學習成效,而平面講述靜態教學式(VOP)則無顯著的學習成效。此外;圖像影音動態教學式(PIP)多媒體影音教材學習成效顯著優於平面講述靜態教學式(VOP)多媒體影音教材。再則經由皮爾森(Pearson)積差相關係數分析結果顯示,文字型認知風格學習者,使用平面講述靜態教學式(VOP)多媒體影音教材之投影片及標題興趣區之凝視時間、凝視次數及回視次數與學習者後測成績,呈顯著高度正相關,圖像型認知風格學習者則無。圖像影音動態教學式(PIP)多媒體影音教材之投影片、頭像、字幕及標題興趣區之凝視時間、凝視次數及回視次數與學習者後測成績,皆未呈現任何顯著的相關性。最後,圖像影音動態教學式(PIP)與平面講述靜態教學式(VOP)二種不同型態多媒體影音教材,皆以投影片區獲得最多的凝視時間、凝視次數與回視次數,其次為教師的頭像,最少的為標題區。 / Multimedia audio and video materials have been broadly applied to the teaching field of web-based learning, and various multimedia audio and video materials have been developed. It is worth studying the effect of such multimedia audio and video materials and the component elements on digital learning outcome. With a portable eye tracker and stably controlled experiment environment, 16 G12 students, in a public senior high school, are randomly selected for the eye movement experiment. The participants would sequentially view the area of interests (profiles, slides, subtitles, titles) of two types of multimedia audio and video materials, picture in picture (PIP) and voice over presentation (VOP), to discuss the correlations between three eye movement indices (fixation time, number of fixation times, number of regression times) and learning outcome.
The result reveals that learners using picture in picture (PIP) present significant learning outcome, while ones with voice over presentation (VOP) do not appear remarkable learning outcome. Moreover, picture in picture (PIP) notably outperforms voice over presentation (VOP). The Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient analysis result shows that the learners with verbal-oriented cognitive style present notably positive correlations between the fixation time, number of fixation times, and number of regression times for slides and titles in voice over presentation (VOP) and the posttest results, while those with image-oriented cognitive style do not. The fixation time, number of fixation times, and number of regression times for slides, profile, subtitles, and titles in picture in picture (PIP) do not show significant correlations with learners’ posttest results. Finally, both picture in picture (PIP) and voice over presentation (VOP) appear the most fixation time, number of fixation times, and number of regression times for slides, followed by teachers’ profiles, and titles the least.
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合作式數位閱讀標註系統對於數學應用問題學習成效的影響研究 / The effects of solving mathematics problems with the support of collaborative digital reading annotation system on learning performance郭芙秀, Kuo, Fu Hsiu Unknown Date (has links)
綜合以上,本研究所提出採用合作數位閱讀標註系統輔以數學應用問題閱讀理解的學習模式,具有提升學習動機與閱讀理解成效的效益,可推廣至解決更複雜數學單元之閱讀理解,甚至發展為創新數學教學之翻轉教學模式。 / Along with the development of web-based learning in past years, cooperative digital reading annotation systems, which could assist learners in online cooperative reading learning through the Internet, are emerged. Besides, multimedia annotation models are also developed for students, aiming at the reading texts, proceeding cooperative reading annotation as well as annotation interactive discussion on the reading texts. It presents the benefit to enhance the reading comprehension efficiency. The reading comprehension of mathematical application problems would largely affect learners’ mathematical application problem solving. However, there has not been a good strategy to enhance the reading comprehension of mathematical application problems. In comparison with the experimental group and the control group, which respectively apply the cooperative digital reading annotation system and traditional peers’ face-to-face cooperative learning to solve mathematical application problems, the differences in the learning outcome and learning motivation are discussed in this study. Furthermore, learners with field independent/field dependent cognitive styles and high/low learning abilities are preceded above two different learning approaches for learning mathematical application problems to discuss the differences in the learning outcome and learning motivation. Finally, learners learning mathematical application problems with the cooperative digital reading annotation system in the experiment are discussed the learning satisfaction.
The research findings are summarized as below. (1) Learners applying the cooperative digital reading annotation system to learn the mathematical application problems in linear equation with one unknown present better learning outcome and learning motivation than those using traditional peers’ face-to-face cooperative learning for the mathematical application problems in linear equation with one unknown. (2) The experimental group, applying the cooperative digital reading annotation system to learn mathematical application problems in linear equation with one unknown, still outperforms the experimental group, using traditional peers’ face-to-face cooperative learning, on the learning outcome after return to general learning. (3) Learners with either field independent or field dependent cognitive style present significant better learning motivation, after learning mathematical application problems in linear equation with one unknown with the cooperative digital reading annotation system, than those applying traditional peers’ face-to-face cooperative learning. (4) Learners with either high or low ability show remarkably better learning motivation, after learning mathematical application problems in linear equation with one unknown with the cooperative digital reading annotation system, than those using traditional peers’ face-to-face cooperative learning. (5) Field independent learners in the experimental group present better learning motivation than field dependent learners after using the cooperative digital reading annotation system. (6) Learners with high learning ability in the experimental group reveal better learning motivation than those with low ability after using the cooperative digital reading annotation system.
In sum, the learning model for the reading comprehension of mathematical application problems with the cooperative digital reading annotation system proposed in this study could enhance the benefits of learning motivation and reading comprehension. It could be promoted to solve the reading comprehension of more complicated mathematical units and even to become the flipped teaching model for innovative mathematics teaching.
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