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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


王炎川 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以公辦民營之另類學校宜蘭慈心華德福中小學為例,研究台灣另類學校家長教育選擇權意識之發展。研究方法以質性研究之深度訪談為主,探討家長教育選擇權意識發展歷程。並施以量化研究之問卷調查為輔,探究影響慈心家長教育選擇權之因素。 經研究者將訪談內容歸納整理後,將慈心家長教育選擇權意識發展歷程歸納為意識覺醒期、意識成形期、賦權增能期及意識分化期。 (一)意識覺醒期:受家長成長的省思及對目前教育的不滿與批判,喚醒家長意識到教育選擇權為其本應具有的權力。 (二)意識成形期:經過家庭協商以建立子女教育共識,並藉由對慈心老師的信任轉而信任華德福的教育。再經由對慈心華德福教育的參與,形塑家長的教育理念。 (三)賦權增能期:家長經由華德福教育的參與及社群成立,強化家長的共同理念,進而體驗到華德福教育的重要性,積極爭取慈心設立國中部。 (四)意識分化期:在孩子自主的自覺及家長責任的承擔下,對於社會價值觀的改變,讓選擇意識分化轉向選擇體制教育。但在多年參與華德福教育後的認同與滿意更堅定家長對慈心的教育理念,並將理念轉化為信念。 / The purpose of the study is to investigate the formation of parental awareness of educational choice, taking an alternative school in Taiwan, Ci-Xing Waldorf School, a private management of public school in Yilan County, as an example. In-depth interviews were conducted to examine the formation of parental awareness of educational choice, with the aid of questionnaire data analysis on the factors that affected parents’ educational choice. Based on the analysis of the interviews, we can divide the formation of parental awareness of educational choice into the following four periods: awareness raising period, awareness developing period, parental empowerment period and awareness differentiating period. (A)Awareness-raising period Impacted by the reflection upon parental growth and dissatisfaction with the current education, parents were awakened to realize the educational choice was their original basic choice. (B)Awareness-developing period Through family negotiation to reach children education consensus, faith in Ci-Xing Waldorf School education from trusting their teachers, and participation in Ci-Xing, parents gradually formed their education belief. (C)Awareness -empowering period From engaging in Ci-Xing Waldorf School affairs and setting up community, parents reinforced their consensus and actively sought to establish a junior high school after perceiving the importance of Waldorf education. (D)Awareness-differentiating period Under the influence of children’s self-consciousness raising, parent’s responsibilities sharing and change in social values, parents chose school system over diversifying beliefs. But thoughts turned into beliefs after years of participation in school, leading parents to content and identify with Waldorf School more.


王雅惠 Unknown Date (has links)
2002年慈心華德福實驗小學以公辦民營小學在宜蘭縣創立,集結了創校者、教師、家長與宜蘭縣政府教育局各方力量的投入,才得以成就華德福教育方案由托兒所向上延伸至小學。在整個創校及爭取公辦民營的奮鬥史中,當時1999年草創初期有五位家長,願意在寄讀學籍之條件下,讓自己的子女接受小學階段的華德福教育實驗。家長們從探詢與公立學校合作的可能性,向縣府進行遊說爭取公部門的教育資源,到籌措基金成立人智學基金會辦學的種種行動中,充分體現了民主社會中家長教育選擇權的行使。本研究從參與辦學行動的五位家長中,選擇其中核心參與者,從生命史觀探究其家長教育選擇權意識之形塑歷程,即家長在何種生命經驗之促發下做出將孩子送至另類學校就讀的選擇。       本研究採德國社會學者F. Schütze發展之「敘述訪談法」採集個案口述傳記資料,並以其所提出之理論建構分析方案,進行敘述內涵意義的理解與詮釋,透過敘述文本之再建構,闡述出文本主體「邁向開展生命的實踐道路」之家長教育選擇權意識形成圖像。個體家長教育選擇權意識之形成動態歷程:符應學校教育之學習規範-抗拒囤積式學校教育結構-批判馴化式學校教育-尋求解放教育與覺醒,刻劃成長於威權戒嚴時期社會體制下,學校教育體制仍呈現高度政治化和技術化基本性格之社會個體,如何超越社會體制壓迫結構及與社會他者連結的生命融入過程,即生命主體在行使家長教育選擇權,為其下一代選擇能提供並滋養生命健康成長的教育方案之歷程中,尋獲與世界及社會他者共存共融之智慧;社會系統中所存在移植至歐洲文明的華德福教育,所形構之身心靈全人發展人類圖像,及「成人之美」之教育圖像,引領著關注社會教育體制如何改善的批判生命主體之覺醒,體察乃回歸教育本質的探究,開展內在對每個生命及人類圖像的理解與敬畏,方能朝向開展生命的理想教育實踐道路上行進。       本研究個案揭示了社會教育體制的轉化,有賴社會個體成員對教育之政治性本質及其所存在的意識形態運作之覺醒,且教育工作如未能回歸至教育專業倫理價值理性典範的探究,而僅求之於技術理性典範的追求,將難以生發形成具轉化性意義的教育改造工程。實踐另類教育之社會場域,之於意欲教育改革之社會個體而言,乃是一生命學習及增權賦能的社會學習平台,其扮演著建構轉化社會教育體制有機網絡之前線基地的角色。

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