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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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臺灣地區中小學公辦民營之研究:理論、政策與實施 / The Study on Privatization of Elementary and Secondary Schools in Taiwan: Theory, Policy, and Implementation

賴志峰, Lai,Chih-feng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在於:(1)探究和釐清學校公辦民營的理論,包含定義、範疇、相關概念和模式等,以建構學校公辦民營清晰的理論內涵和架構;(2)探討和分析學校公辦民營政策制定目的、立法意旨、學校屬性定位和評鑑等要素,以提出教育政策的改進建議,提升教育決策的品質;(3)探析學校公辦民營學校使用模式、現況、辦學特色、面臨困難、未來發展,以及教師和家長對於公辦民營、學校滿意度、學生就讀學校動機之看法,並提出學校公辦民營實施條例的重點和政策發展方向之建議。 本研究採文件分析法、訪談和問卷調查法等三種方法,針對學校公辦民營的理論、政策與實施三種向度進行探究,本研究所運用之文件分析法,係基於批判性回顧的精神,將中小學公辦民營相關研究的政策主張,包含26篇公辦民營博碩士論文及學者研究論文之政策主張,進行文件分析;本研究之訪談人數共17位,對象包含:(1)臺北縣烏來鄉信賢種籽親子實驗國民小學、宜蘭縣人文國民小學、宜蘭縣慈心華德福教育實驗國民中小學等三所公辦民營學校之校長、教師、家長及籌備中的公辦民營學校相關人員;(2)學者專家;(3)宜蘭縣政府和臺北縣政府之教育行政人員。此外,問卷調查則以自編之「臺灣地區中小學公辦民營政策與實施之研究調查問卷」,針對3所公辦民營學校之教師和家長進行全面性問卷調查,家長484人,問卷回收200份,回收率為41.32%;三所學校教師人數合計41人,扣除有子女在服務學校就讀之教師10人,教師人數為31人,問卷回收9份,回收率為29.03%。問卷結果採用描述統計、變異數分析(ANOVA)、多變量變異數分析(MANOVA)和薛費法(Scheffĕ method)事後比較等統計方法進行分析。 本研究提出以下的結論: 一、國內目前學校公辦民營相關研究數量頗多,但對公辦民營學校的定義並不夠精確和嚴謹。 二、現有的四種學校公辦民營模式,均具有某種程度的公私合夥精神。 三、教育民營化、學校民營化、學校委託民間經營和學校公辦民營的意義與範疇有明顯差異,但容易混淆。 四、學校公辦民營與鼓勵私人興學屬於不同的概念,但目前兩者已緊密連結、不易區別。 五、各縣市學校公辦民營政策與中央法律立法意旨之間,存在相當程度的落差。 六、公辦民營學校屬性定位問題發生之原因,與研究未重視此議題、政策規劃未盡周延有密切關係。 七、學校委託民間經營實施條例的訂定,對於解決當前學校公辦民營的問題有迫切的需要。 八、未來公辦民營學校的發展仍不可能完全取代傳統學校,但可提供多元的教育選擇機會。 九、公辦民營學校評鑑有助於提供辦學的參考架構,評鑑的設計與實施有待檢討與變革。 十、公辦民營學校因其成立目的、運用模式之不同,產生不同之辦學特色和困難。 十一、公辦民營學校教師對公辦民營看法、學校滿意度、學生就讀學校動機,整體的看法十分正向。 十二、公辦民營學校家長對公辦民營看法、學校滿意度、學生就讀學校動機,整體看法十分正向,不因背景而有太大差異。 本研究分別提出對中央、地方主管教育行政機關、公辦民營學校,及對未來研究之建議如下: 一、對中央主管教育行政機關之建議 (一)儘速完成學校委託民間經營實施條例之立法,以徹底解決目前學校公辦民營所面臨之困境。 (二)特許學校的經費和人事應給予自主權,以發揮學校經營的效能與效率。 (三)公辦民營學校的屬性定位,應依採用模式不同而有不同的思考和設計。 (四)特許學校的功能不只在於提供多元教育選擇機會,宜進一步定位為教育改革的先鋒。 (五)訂定教育政策影響評估作業辦法,以健全和透明教育決策。 二、對地方主管教育行政機關之建議 (一)根據地方特性及需要設立公辦民營學校,提供教育多元選擇之機會。 (二)依學校公辦民營採取模式之不同,給予學校適當經費補助。 (三)以橫向傑出為特色之公辦民營學校,應儘早規劃升學銜接之管道。 (四)公辦民營學校面臨的困難與問題,地方政府應有協助解決之機制。 (五)公辦民營學校評鑑制度有需要重新思考,以建立合適的評鑑機制。 三、對公辦民營學校之建議 (一)持續發展公辦民營學校辦學的特色,是採取各種模式的學校存在之重要命脈。 (二)特許學校以橫向傑出、自主權和評鑑為基礎,追求內部和外部績效責任之目標。 (三)特許學校應勇於面對教育實驗的挑戰,建立公立學校良好的辦學典範。 (四)民間承包學校應追求教育理想,建立小型學校良好的辦學典範。 (五)BOT學校應定位為非營利性質,展現出新型態的私立學校特色。 (六)特許學校應維持與政府和社區公共關係及溝通管道,對於學校辦學成效有加分的效果。 (七)特許學校、民間承包學校應發展學校本位的評鑑制度,建立自我監督與改進機制。 四、對未來研究之建議 (一)未來學校公辦民營相關之研究,應力求理論與實務的清晰界定,例如:學校公辦民營與公辦民營學校的英文用字、定義嚴謹程度、公私合夥的角色、教育民營化與學校公辦民營之差異,以及各縣市學校公辦民營的實施實例之釐清等,以建立可以累積的知識,提供政策與實踐之參考。 (二)分別針對BOT、民間承包和特許學校等三種模式,進行定位、特性和未來發展方向之深入探究和政策評估,以累積更多學術的知識和決策的參考資訊。 (三)公辦民營學校校長領導風格不同於傳統公立學校校長,尤其是特許學校校長,公關功能的適度發揮,有時也必須扮演「情緒勞動」工作者的角色,有需要進行更深入的研究,以建立更多元豐富的學校領導理論與實務。 (四)特許學校內部的行政與教學雙重系統,在慈心華德福教育實驗國民中小學是模糊的、融合的,而在人文國民小學則是明顯的,兩種制度之優缺點比較,值得深入探究。 (五)公辦民營學校的評鑑制度設計,如何融入「量身訂做評鑑」和「學校本位評鑑」的精神,兼顧內外部績效責任,此課題有待後續研究,為教育評鑑開創新的風貌。 (六)公辦民營學校的特殊教育之實施,對於教育機會均等的精神而言,是十分重要的議題,有待深入進一步研究與分析。 (七)採用不同模式以及申請單位所經營的公辦民營學校,其組織、特色、規模和社區環境各有不同,目前籌備中的學校運作一段時間後,值得針對公辦民營學校的實施成效進行比較和分析,作為未來政策制訂之參考。 (八)以追求橫向傑出為特色的公辦民營學校,其教師需具備之教學設計、實施和環境適應能力,可能不同於其他公立學校教師,值得進一步研究,作為規劃現職公立學校教師在職進修,以及進行師資職前培育之參考。 / The purposes of the research are as follows: (1)clarifying the theory of school privatization, including the definition, scope, concepts and models, in order to establish concretely a theoretical framework; (2)analyzing the purpose of the policy and the law regarding school privatization, the school orientation towards being public or private, and the evaluation of schools, in order to make suggestions for policy modification and enhance the quality of policy-making; (3) exploring the models, current conditions, distinctive characteristics, problems, and development of school privatization, as well as understanding parents and teachers’ opinions about school privatization, the degree of their satisfaction with schools, and their viewpoint about students’ enrollment motivation, in order to show the key points of the Commissioning the Operation of the Public Elementary and Secondary Schools to Private Sector Act, and to provide suggestions for the formulation of the policy. The research, by adopting methods of documentary analysis, interview, and questionnaire survey, probes into the three dimensions of theory, policy, and implementation of school privatization. The research reviews and analyzes 26 theses and related literature. In addition, interviews were done with 17 pertinent persons, including (1)principles, teachers, and parents of the three privatized schools-- the Seedling Elementary School, the Jen-Wen Elementary School, and the Waldorf Junior High and Elementary School, and also staffs of schools preparing for privatization, (2)experts, and (3)administrative officials of Yilan and Taipei County government. Moreover, a questionnaire survey was conducted with a self-designed “Questionnaire on Policy and Implementation of School Privatization in Taiwan” among teachers and parents of the three schools mentioned above. 200 parents of the total 484 parents responded the questionnaire, for a response rate of 41.32%. Of the total 41 teachers, 10 teachers with their children studying in these three schools were excluded from the survey. Of the 31 teachers given the questionnaire, 9 responded, for a response rate of 29.03%. The result of the questionnaire survey is concluded through a series of statistical analysis, including descriptive statistics, ANOVA, MANOVA, and Scheffĕ method. Finally, this research draws conclusions and proposes suggestions according to the result of documentary analysis, interviews, and the questionnaire survey. Keywords: school privatization, privatized school, educational policy


王炎川 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以公辦民營之另類學校宜蘭慈心華德福中小學為例,研究台灣另類學校家長教育選擇權意識之發展。研究方法以質性研究之深度訪談為主,探討家長教育選擇權意識發展歷程。並施以量化研究之問卷調查為輔,探究影響慈心家長教育選擇權之因素。 經研究者將訪談內容歸納整理後,將慈心家長教育選擇權意識發展歷程歸納為意識覺醒期、意識成形期、賦權增能期及意識分化期。 (一)意識覺醒期:受家長成長的省思及對目前教育的不滿與批判,喚醒家長意識到教育選擇權為其本應具有的權力。 (二)意識成形期:經過家庭協商以建立子女教育共識,並藉由對慈心老師的信任轉而信任華德福的教育。再經由對慈心華德福教育的參與,形塑家長的教育理念。 (三)賦權增能期:家長經由華德福教育的參與及社群成立,強化家長的共同理念,進而體驗到華德福教育的重要性,積極爭取慈心設立國中部。 (四)意識分化期:在孩子自主的自覺及家長責任的承擔下,對於社會價值觀的改變,讓選擇意識分化轉向選擇體制教育。但在多年參與華德福教育後的認同與滿意更堅定家長對慈心的教育理念,並將理念轉化為信念。 / The purpose of the study is to investigate the formation of parental awareness of educational choice, taking an alternative school in Taiwan, Ci-Xing Waldorf School, a private management of public school in Yilan County, as an example. In-depth interviews were conducted to examine the formation of parental awareness of educational choice, with the aid of questionnaire data analysis on the factors that affected parents’ educational choice. Based on the analysis of the interviews, we can divide the formation of parental awareness of educational choice into the following four periods: awareness raising period, awareness developing period, parental empowerment period and awareness differentiating period. (A)Awareness-raising period Impacted by the reflection upon parental growth and dissatisfaction with the current education, parents were awakened to realize the educational choice was their original basic choice. (B)Awareness-developing period Through family negotiation to reach children education consensus, faith in Ci-Xing Waldorf School education from trusting their teachers, and participation in Ci-Xing, parents gradually formed their education belief. (C)Awareness -empowering period From engaging in Ci-Xing Waldorf School affairs and setting up community, parents reinforced their consensus and actively sought to establish a junior high school after perceiving the importance of Waldorf education. (D)Awareness-differentiating period Under the influence of children’s self-consciousness raising, parent’s responsibilities sharing and change in social values, parents chose school system over diversifying beliefs. But thoughts turned into beliefs after years of participation in school, leading parents to content and identify with Waldorf School more.

企業性與公共性的對話:台北小巨蛋經營模式之探究 / The conversation between corporation and publicness : a case study of business model of Taipei arena

何景揚, Ho, Jing Yang Unknown Date (has links)
鑒於國內對於休閒產業的需求增加,政府為了提升體育風氣,改善民眾休閒生活,於2005年在臺北市興建完成擁有15000座席,也是台灣地區第一座多功能室內體育館(簡稱台北小巨蛋)。管理單位臺北市政府肇於管理資源之限制,係以公辦民營模式 (Operate-and-Transfer,簡稱OT)對外招標,並由「東森巨蛋公司」以15億8千元標下9年的委託經營管理權,並依約由該公司每年繳交台北市政府權利金新台幣1億多萬元。據此,政府不傴可以省下每年巨額的人事和事務管理費用,並且在嚴密的監督下,也期待民間企業利用其豐沛的財力和專業的團隊人力資源為台灣創造全新風格的運動與藝文展演風潮,讓該場館能作更有效率、更貼近社會需要及多樣化的經營。然而,因東森集團涉嫌以非法手段取得經營權,復於2007年遭檢方貣訴,台北市政府乃於同年8月依據政府採購法第50條規定終止與東森巨蛋公司的委託合約,並進而依據《臺北市市有財產委託經營管理自治條例》之規定,強制收回台北小巨蛋之經營權,交由臺台北文化基金會短期接管後,復於2008年9月由台北大眾捷運公司負責經營管理及設施維護迄今。 本研究範圍是從台北小巨蛋公辦民營委外經營,到台北市政府收回公營的過程。研究架構是透過場館經營、活動經紀兩個層陎,利用民營化的企業性和公共性來檢視台北小巨蛋不同模式經營下的情況。研究發現,台北小巨蛋在台北捷運公司經營後,場館的使用率和活動分配都較東森巨蛋公司經營時期略有所提升。經查主要係因由民營收回公營後降低了場租門檻;且消除了民間公司經營時所產生的商業性壟斷行為。因此,為國內最重要的大型比賽和演出場地經營能更有效率及更具公正和公帄性,以期儘快與國際接軌,建議政府未來小巨蛋的營運目標,可以從「積極培育專業管理人員,建立優良獎金績效制度」、「各項活動使用或租借相關之審查機制過程的公開及透明化」、「跳脫政治力的影響,讓藝文活動單純化」、「運用營運實務經驗,以思考更多經營模式的可能」等四個方向努力,讓小巨蛋成為市民們生活、運動、文化等活動最好的場地,帶動國人參與運動與藝文的熱潮,以求大幅提升國人休閒生活的視野和品質。


林玉芬 Unknown Date (has links)
一、研究動機 在聯考選才制度下,高中的入學選擇是造成個人背景分化的最重要關鍵,四一0教育改造全民大結合運動時,訴求廣設高中的聲浪達到最高點。因之,中華民國教育政策報告書明確說明未來國家的施政方向改為:高中職校結構將調整為五比五,以符應社會大眾需求。但是在各項重大公共建設與福利政策的實施方興未艾,財政赤字卻與日俱增情形下,教育科學文化支出的歲出比率因為國庫負荷沈重。為了滿足國內民眾對於高中教育的需求,也考量國家財政負擔之下,行政院教育改革審議委員會提出的總諮議報告書具體建議 : 「學校雖有公私立之分,人才之培育應無公私之分;政府應在公辦民營、土地取得、共用社區資源、設校面積、學費收取、課程與教材編訂等項上,提供更自由且具誘因的政策環境,以促進民間資源投入教育事業。」八十八年六月四日立法院三讀通過、而由總統公布「教育基本法」;八十九年二月九日總統令公布施行「促進民間參與公共建設法」,條文中也將文教設施納入,希望借由民間的參與,提高教育績效。而各縣市政府依據「地方制度法」,紛紛研訂所轄中小學公辦民營自治條例,看來教育事業公辦民營好像真正要上路了。 目前原台灣省轄高級中等學校改隸中央之後,仍由教育部中部辦公室( 即原台灣省政府教育廳)管轄,雖然因為中部辦公室的組織定位尚未明確,但改制為地方教育局的組織法規已送請立法院審議,未來將是全國公私立高級中等學校的業務主管單位,研究者服務其間,深以為公立高中在目前的大環境底下,公辦民營可能是一項可以嚐試的途徑,因而投入瞭解這項政策,並研擬可行方案,期盼藉由這項研究提供主管參考。 二、研究方式 為掌握並瞭解各界對原台灣省轄公立高中改隸國立高中後,實施公辦民營可行性之思考情形,本研究採用文獻分析法和問卷調查法,以達成研究目的,茲說明如下。  (一)文獻分析法:用以瞭解政府實施公立高中公辦民營的學理依據,先探討民營化的意義、目的、條件與原則及可行模式,再探討公立高中公辦民營在教育學 、行政學與經濟學的理論 ,並瞭解美國、中共及我國在教育事業公辦民營上的實施情形,據以研提公辦民營的可行模式與適用法規。  (二)問卷調查法:以自編的「台灣省公立高中公辦民營意見問卷調查」,針對行政權決策主體人員、影響高中公辦民營人員、及有機會參與公辦民營的人員等三大類,分別向教育行政機關、學校、人民團體等單位實施調查,藉以瞭解影響及決定公立高中公辦民營政策人員的意見,調查內容即以文獻分析法所歸結的可行模式及適用法規研訂而成。 三、結論 根據本研究文獻與綜合調查結果, 首先綜結辦理公立高中公辦民營之共同策略,而後再分別依七種可行模式敘述配合策略。  (一)共同策略 1.從次要業務委託經營模式開始推動,再次推動特許學校模式,最後實施主要業務委託經營模式。 2.研定詳實的法規,以利推動各項業務。 (二)辦理各模式之配合策略 1.實施新設校委託經營模式可行策略 2.實施現有公校委託經營模式可行策略 3.實施現有公校新校區委託經營模式可行策略 4.實施特定建築委託經營模式可行策略 5.實施特定建築或業務委託興建、經營模式可行策略 6.實施特定業務委託經營模式可行策略 7.實施特許學校委託經營模式可行策略 / The goals of this research are on the models and the laws of private management of public senior – high schools. According to accountability, school choice, reinventing government, public choice, market mechanism, I aim to design a tactic that is the most suitable for that in Taiwan by quantity method. Furthermore, the study set up three main models and six main laws for the conditions of our counties and cities. Hopefully, it will be a reference for the educational administration institution to make policy. To achieve the goals above, the researcher explored the connotation through the methodology of literature analysis so as to understand the meaning 、related theories 、 and the real situation of U.S. 、 China 、 and our country. The study is also based on the analyzed data about the opinions of private management of public senior high schools. Through frequency distribution 、analysis of variance 、 and posteriori comparison , the study finds out the suitable modes and laws in my country. The conclusions of this research are as follows: 1. The common policy of promoting the private management of public schools is to do it step by step. Of course, the government also has to make a district method for everybody to obey. 2. And than I sugest some suitable policy for every models.

臺北市公辦民營托嬰中心政策之省思 / Reexaminations on the Public Babysitting Center Policy in Taipei

張沂潔 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來臺灣生育率快速下降,我國育齡婦女總生育率長期低於2.1之人口替換水準,政府為追求生育率之提升,祭出許多政策誘因。本研究係針對臺北市生育政策中「公辦民營托嬰中心」為焦點,欲探討雙薪生育家庭在尋找托育方式時所重視及關切考量之因素,以及探究臺北市公辦民營托嬰中心對於臺北市民在托育服務與育兒照顧方面的實質幫助。本研究透過質性研究之深度訪談法進行,經由訪談送托家長及中心主任藉以探究臺北市公辦民營托嬰中心此一政策的評價。 本研究結果發現,臺北市公辦民營托嬰中心受到育兒家庭歡迎之因素有(一)學費低廉,減少雙薪父母的經濟負擔;(二)環境新穎,硬體設備及教具資源豐富且多元;(三)師資專業,能夠依據孩子年齡給予適合的刺激互動與發展訓練;(四)緩和育兒家庭照顧孩子的壓力,給予暫時的喘息空間。對於育兒家庭希望改善之處有(一)師生比例較高;(二)孩子間容易發生交互感染的問題;(三)專業人員離職,易造成嬰幼兒重新適應主要照顧者之問題。對於公辦民營托嬰中心政策之建議則有(一)延長托育時間;(二)廣設平價托嬰中心。 針對研究結果,提出研究建議為(一)比照臺北市國小及幼兒園「課後照顧」方式,設立臨時托育服務;(二)加強居家保母與私立托嬰中心管理之責,建立積極監督機制;(三)設立保母及私立托嬰中心評比機制,給予績優者在硬軟體設備之補助,打造臺北市友善托育環境;(四)定期表揚績優居家保母與托嬰機構,並給予托育獎助費用。 / The fertility rate declines rapidly in recent years as the total fertility rate of childbearing age women has been below the population replacement level of 2.1 for a long time in Taiwan. The government promotes many incentive policies to raise fertility rate. Therefore, the study explores the factors that dual-earner households care and consider and the concrete assistances that the public babysitting center policy delivers to the residents in Taipei City for babysitting service and nurture caring. This study applies the deep interview method of qualitative research with the interviews with the parents who demand babysitting service and representatives of babysitting centers to evaluate the policy. The research reveals that the factors the public babysitting center policy is welcomed among nurturing families are derived from the following: 1. the financial burden of the dual-earner households is lightened by inexpensive tuition fee. 2. The facility is new with plenty and various of hardware equipment and teaching aids. 3. Professional teachers give children adequate stimulation of interaction and training of development according to their ages. 4. The policy alleviates the pressure of parenting, having the families relaxed temporarily. Regarding the issues to be improved, parenting families ask for the following: 1. slightly high student-teacher ratio. 2. Cross-infection problem among children. 3. The problem of readapting for children and infants due to the resignation of the professionals. The suggestions from the participants with respect to the public babysitting policy are as follows: 1. extending the time of babysitting. 2. Budget babysitting centers should be widely established. The study concludes with the following advices: 1. Interim babysitting service is to be set up in line with the after-school care for elementary school and kindergarten students in Taipei City. 2. Active supervision system is to be established to enhance the managerial duties of the home babysitters and private babysitting centers. 3. Assessment system is to be created to home babysitters and private babysitting centers while excellent units are encouraged with hardware equipment subsidies to build a babysitting-friendly environment. 4. Excellent home babysitters and babysitting centers are to be praised and rewarded with babysitting compliment regularly.

公私協力的挑戰與曙光:臺北市公設民營吉利托兒所經營歷程之個案研究 / Challenge and chance of the public-private collaboration model:a case study of a publicly-funded, privately-managed day care center

張雅婷 Unknown Date (has links)
在全球民營化的風潮中,臺灣地方政府已推動設置有32所公辦民營托兒所。本研究採個案研究,運用相關人士訪談、機構文件檔案、家長問卷與幼兒學習環境量表蒐集之資料,探究「臺北市政府社會局委託社團法人臺北市親子成長協會辦理吉利托兒所」的經營歷程。從承辦單位如何履行契約書中的教保服務內容,如何形塑教保品質與獲得哪些內/外在評價,以理解公辦民營幼托政策對幼托機構形塑教保品質的影響。研究結果分別從(一)過程評估觀點談公私協力關係中的曖昧現象;(二) 從建構整體教保服務生態品質觀點,論述公辦民營幼托政策於推動幼托機構設置的合理性。 / There has been a rapid growth in “privatization” over the past decade around world. Under the trend of global privatization, currently there are a total of thirty-two such publicly-funded, privately-managed day care centers in the fifteen counties of Taiwan. The purpose of this research is to inspect the influence of the Public-Private Collaboration Model on the quality of the early childhood programs. This research focuses on a case study of a publicly-funded, privately-managed day care center in Taipei in order to answer three research questions: how to implement contracts ,how to promote high-quality care in the process of managing, and what kind of outcome was achieved. Tools to collect data included interviews, documentation, questionnaires, and the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale-Revised (ECERS-R). According to the result, the paper discusses the ambiguous relationship between the government and the day care center from the viewpoint of process evaluation, and the rationality of the Public-Private Collaboration Model for the quality of early childhood care and education.

臺北縣公立高級中等學校公辦民營經營型態評估研究 / Evaluation on the Models of Private Management of Public High Schools in Taipei County

鍾欣儒, Chung, Hsin Ju Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在於臺北縣升格為準直轄市的背景下探討:(1) 分析臺北縣高中職實施公辦民營之內部、外部效益;(2)評估臺北縣公立高中職公辦民營之可行性;(3) 評估臺北縣公立高中職公辦民營之可行模式;(4) 建構臺北縣公立高中職公辦民營的推動策略;(5)探討民間參與學校公辦民營的動機;(6)分析臺北縣推動公立高中職公辦民營可行區域。希望政府藉由積極結合民間資源共同辦理公共事務,以公辦民營的手段,將民間的管理專業觀念、做法及資金,正面影響學校行政結構、學校經營模式,達成最佳的學校經營成效。 本研究法採文獻分析法、模糊德菲術,針對學校公辦民營的理論、模式、政策與實施四種向度進行探究。研究結果歸納如下: 1.臺北縣實施公立高中職公辦民營之效益為藉由鼓勵民間共同參與辦學,降低財政負擔,以及增加學校多角化經營空間,提供家長多樣化的教育選擇機會。 2.經營型態以特許學校、契約政體模式最為可行。 3.臺北縣於高中職實施的選擇上,以職業學校為優先。 4.臺北縣公辦民營學校之經費來源、財務審計規範、課程與教學、人事運作等應該擁有自主權。 5.臺北縣行政機關應加速研擬公立高中職公辦民營專屬法規。 6.臺北縣政府應建立相關的監督及輔導評鑑的制度,評鑑部分需含自我評鑑及行政機關評鑑,並將評鑑結果公佈。 7.臺北縣新莊市擁有推動公立高中職教育公辦民營的先行試辦優勢。 / On the background of the Taipei County elevating status to “Quasi-Direct-controlled municipality”, the purposes of the research are as follows: (1)Analyzing the internal and external efficiencies when putting private management of public high schools system into practice in Taipei County. (2) Evaluating the feasibility of putting private management of public schools into practice. (3) Evaluating the available models of private management of public high schools in Taipei County. (4)Constructing the strategies of putting private management of public high schools in Taipei County. (5)Inspecting the motors of private associations getting themselves into private management of public high schools in Taipei County.(6)analyzing the feasible regions of Taipei County when putting private management of public high schools system into practice. The government should positively guides private resources into the public affairs, hoping that the civil management concept, business administration conduct, and bankroll can positively affect the public school administrative structure and help the school achieve the best accountability. The research, by adopting methods of documentary analysis, and Fuzzy Delphi, probes into the four dimensions of theory, models, policy, and implementation of private management of public schools. The main conclusions are as follows: 1.The advantages of putting private management of public high schools system into practice were to combine private organizations to decrease government’s financial burden, as well as increasing diverse management space and providing parents various opportunities of educational choices. 2.“Charter school model” and “contract management model” are of the highest feasibility in terms of the implementation of private management of public school in elementary school level in Taipei County. 3.Priority over private management of public school option is new established schools. 4.Private management of public elementary school in Taipei County should possess decision-making power in some aspects including budget source, financial regulation, curriculum and teaching, personnel system . 5.The Taipei county government should accelerate to enact special laws about private management of public school. 6.the Taipei County government should establish relevant systems of control, management, guidance and evaluation. Evaluation system should include Self-Evaluation and Administration- Evaluation, and open the results to the public. 7.The Sinjhuang City of Taipei County has the best potential strengths of putting private management of public high schools system into practice

中小學教育公辦民營可行性之研究 / The Possibility of Private Management of Public Schools System in Junior High Schools and Elementary Schools

曹俊德 Unknown Date (has links)
國立政治大學八十七學年度第二學期碩士論文提要 系 所 別:教育系碩士班 指導教授:秦夢群博士 論文名稱:中小學教育實施公辦民營之研究 研 究 生:曹俊德 論文內容摘要: 本研究之目的在探討我國中小學實施公辦民營制度之可行性。其內容包括以下五部分: 一、探討公辦民營學校之相關理論。 二、瞭解美國公辦民營學校的特色及實施成效。 三、瞭解我國類似案例;並分析公辦民營學校相關法令。 四、透過調查瞭解我國實施公辦民營學校之相關意見。 五、結論與建議。 本研究以台灣地區國民中小學校長、主任、教師以及家長、教育行政機關人員為調查對象,在學校方面抽出45所學校,與教育部(廳)、北高兩市教育局、二十三縣市教育局等教育行政機關共計發出1000份問卷,回收678份,回收率67.3%,有效問卷628份。研究工具採自編之「中小學教育公辦民營可行性之研究意見調查」問卷,研究中所使用的統計方法包括次數分配、百分比統計以及卡方考驗等,問卷的處理則採用SPSS for Windows 統計套裝軟體進行統計分析。 據此,本研究的研究結果如下: 一、 政府補助教育經費不足影響到國民中小學各項教育工作之推行。 二、 國民中小學由政府完全辦理的方式應予以檢討。 三、 國民中小學實施公辦民營學校符合教育選擇權的需求。 四、 國民中小學實施公辦民營學校已逐漸形成趨勢。 五、 特許學校與「B.O.T.」模式的公辦民營方式較適合在台灣實施。 六、 辦學績效不彰的學校應先實施公辦民營學校制度,不應無條件全面實施。 七、 公辦民營學校制度仍然有一些問題有待解決。例如: (一) 公辦民營學校制度的權責不易劃分清處。 (二) 公辦民營學校制度的績效評鑑標準難以建立。 (三) 公辦民營學校制度的誘因不多,難以吸引民間。 再者,綜合文獻探討、研究過程、暨時正調查之分析結果,僅針對實務及未來研究等二方面提出下列建議: 對於實務之建議是: 一、 政策的形成要多瞭解各類人員的看法與意見。 二、 儘速修訂相關法令。例如修改「國民教育法」與「私立學校法」,加強鼓勵民間興學之政策性宣示。 三、 具體鼓勵民間興辦小規模,且具實驗性質之公辦民營國民中小學,待成效良好再擴大辦理。 四、 公辦民營學校不應採「以價制量」的方式辦理。 五、 公辦民營學校應以學校本位的管理方式為配套措施。 六、 實施辦理期間應委託學術機構進行政策評估。 對於相關研究之建議是: 一、 本研究採取量化之研究法,未能再深入瞭解中小學公辦民營學校實施之狀況,建議可採行深度訪談、座談會或參與場地等直化研究方式。 二、 本研究可以擴展至其他學制部份,包括高中職及學前教育部份,甚至包括大專院校等的可行性與問題之研究。 三、 本研究所採外國文獻只限於美國地區,未討論其他世界先進諸國,未來可以擴展至英、法、德等國,或是大陸地區。 四、 本研究探討的重點在於尋求現有最合適之公辦民營模式,希望未來相關研究能建構出一套最佳之公辦民營模型,以為二十一世紀之學校經營之參考。 a / Abstract The main purpose of this study is to explore the possibility of private management of public schools system in junior high schools and elementary schools. The study contains five parts. First, this study explores the theory of private management of public schools. Second, this study wants to understand the characteristics and effects of private management of public schools in American. Third, this study wants to understand the condition of private management of public schools in Taiwan. Forth, this study wants to know the comments of the practice of private management of public schools in Taiwan. Fifth, this study wants to come to conclusions and gives some proposals. Objectives of this study include public junior high schools’ staff in Taiwan Province, and Education Administration staff in Taiwan Province, Taipei City and Kaohsiung City. The researcher compiles “Questionnaire for the possibility of private management of public schools system in junior high schools and elementary schools”. 45 schools have been sampled and 1000 copies of the questionnaire dispatched 687 copies of effective samples are actually acquired Data of questionnaire had been proceeding for statistic analysis under the statistic package software: SPSS for Windows” Based upon data of literature review and questionnaire, conclusions have been reached as follows: 1. The shortage of funds of government effects the work of junior high schools and elementary schools. 2. The way of public schools should be criticized. 3. The management way of private management of public schools in junior high schools and elementary schools is conformed to the need of schools choices. 4. It’s a trend to put the private management of public schools system into practice in Taiwan. 5. Charter schools and the model of B.O.T. are suitable in Taiwan. 6. It should have priority to put the system of private management of public schools into practice in the bad-achievement schools. 7. The system of private management of public schools has some weak points: (1) The evaluation of standard of private management of public schools is hard to establish. (2) It’s not easy to appeal the public to support the system of private management of public schools. According to the results of this study, following proposals about practice are offered: 1. It needs to know the opinions of all circles to form the polity. 2. It should revise laws and decrees as quickly as possible. 3. The government should urge the civil to adopt the system of private management of public schools to establish schools. 4. The private management of public schools shouldn’t adopt high price in tuition. 5. We should adopt the “S.B.M.”Way of management to caudate the private management of public schools. 6. It should have learned society to evaluate the effect of private management of public schools. According to the results of this study, following proposals about relative research are offered: 1. We can adopt qualitative methods to research this study. 2. The study can expand to discuss another schools systems. 3. The foreign literature is limited. The literature of this study includes only American data. We suggest that the future study can adopt more foreign literatures. 4. The main purpose of this study is to search the best model of private management of public schools system. And this system can be the model of 21-century schools.

公辦民營幼兒園之資源基礎對家長滿意度影響之研究-以品牌權益為中介變項 / The effect of resource base on parental satisfaction of the private management of public kindergarten: the mediating effect of brand equity

張義雄, Chang, I Hsiung Unknown Date (has links)
隨著台灣少子化的衝擊和托育公共化政策推動下,使得幼教經營競爭越趨激烈。政府的公立幼兒園,雖然收費低廉,因為受政府諸多法規與行政制度的制約,常發生經營效率不佳;整體的品質不如私立幼兒園。為了不與民爭利及幼教發展的多元化,於是有了公辦民營幼兒園的政策推動。而有少數一、二家營運不佳而關門大吉,為了使公辦民營幼兒園的政策能更成功推廣下去。本研究想探討造成公辦民營幼兒園經營效率良窳的影響因子,而「家長滿意度」就是幼兒園品質一項重要觀察指標。根據文獻探討得知「資源基礎」和「品牌權益」是影響「家長滿意度」的主要因素,故本研究主要在探討公辦民營幼兒園將投入何種策略性「資源基礎」對「品牌權益」及「家長滿意度」具有影響力,同時也了解「品牌權益」是否具有中介效果? 本研究採用文獻分析法和問卷調查法進行研究。文獻分析法方面分別探討「資源基礎」實施情形、「品牌權益」與「家長滿意度」三者中,兩兩之間的關係。也進一步探討在公辦民營幼兒園中,「資源基礎」實施情形與「品牌權益」是如何影響「家長滿意度」。而在問卷調查法方面,以「公辦民營幼兒園實施資源基礎、品牌權益與家長滿意度調查問卷」為研究工具,並以大台北地區19家之公辦民營幼兒園之2492為幼兒家長為研究對象,採用便利抽樣方式進行問卷調查,共發放1,833份,剔除無效問卷後,回收有效問卷回收數為1,136份,有效問卷回收率為61.97%。 本研究採用結構方程模式分析方法軟體分別驗證「資源基礎」、「品牌權益」與「家長滿意度」之內涵外,也進一步探討「資源基礎」、「品牌權益」與「家長滿意度」之間的關係。本採用SPSS 18.0軟體探討「資源基礎」、「品牌權益」與「家長滿意度」之實施現況及不同背景變項是否對於「資源基礎」、「品牌權益」與「家長滿意度」有預測效果。 本研究獲致下列結論: 一、公辦民營幼兒園對於「資源基礎」、「品牌權益」及「家長滿意度」備受幼兒家長肯定 二、公辦民營幼兒園的「資源基礎」分別對於「品牌權益」與「家長滿意度」及「品牌權益」對於「家長滿意度」均具有顯著的預測效果 (一)「資源基礎」對「品牌權益」具有顯著正向的直接效果(γ1=0.92) ,此顯示公辦民營幼兒園落實「資源基礎」將有助於大量提升其「品牌權益」。 (二)「品牌權益」對「家長滿意度」具有顯著正向的直接效果(β1=0.70) ,此顯示公辦民營幼兒園提高「品牌權益」將有助於大幅改善其「家長滿意度」。 (三)「資源基礎」對「家長滿意度」具有顯著正向但小量的直接效果(γ2=0.25),此顯示加強實施「資源基礎」對於提升「家長滿意度」的直接效果較小。 三、「資源基礎」可透過「品牌權益」對「家長滿意度」具有顯著且大量的中介效果0.64(即0.92*.70=0.64,p<0.001);原本「資源基礎」對「家長滿意度」的直接效果只有0.25,而「資源基礎」對於「家長滿意」之總效果為0.89 (即0.25+0.64=0.89,p<0.001)。 四、背景變項對「資源基礎」、「品牌權益」及「家長滿意度」之效果方面 (一)對於「資源基礎」之構面具有顯著效果之背景變項,計有幼兒家長的年齡、教育程度、目前養育的子女數、家庭平均月收入及幼兒園立案年數等5個變項。 (二)對於「品牌權益」之構面具有顯著效果之背景變項,計有幼兒家長的年齡、教育程度、目前養育的子女數及幼兒園立案年數等4個變項。 (三)對於「家長滿意度」之構面具有顯著效果之背景變項,計有幼兒家長的性別、年齡、教育程度及幼兒園立案年數等4個變項。 / With the impacts of low-birth rate and the impetus of the public policy of how to make private childcare public, causing the competition of the preshool management become keener and keener. Although the fees of public kindergarden are low, the efficiency of their managements are also low because of the restriction on legislations and the administrative system of the government. Their qualities are also not as the private kindergartens. In order not to compete with the public kindergarden and the diversification of the early childhood education, hence there are the impetus of the private management of public kindergartens. In the cause of successfully spread the private management of public kindergartens, there are also a few closing down.   This study is to explore the cause of the private management of public kindergartens efficiency good or bad of the influence factor, and the parental satisfaction is an important observation index of the kindergarten quality.   According to the literature review, “Resource base” and “Brand equity” is the main factor impact of “Parental satisfaction” . Therefore, this research is to explore the influence of how the kindergarten of private management of public kindergarten put into the strategies of “Resource base” to “Brand equity” and “Parental satisfaction”. And also to understand whether “Brand equity” has the intermediate factor or not?   The present study adopted two approaches, including “literature review” and “questionnaire survey”. The study designed the “questionnaire of the Resource base , Brand equity and Parental satisfaction as the instrument. 2,492 Child’s parents in the 19 private management of public kindergartens in Big Taipei area were the population. The study distributed by convenient sampling, and got 1,136 valid samples after gathering and deliting some invalid questionnaires from 1,833 samples. The rate of valid samples is 61.97%.   The study not only took structural equation modeling(SEM) to confirm the contents of the “Resource base”, “Brand equity” and “Parental satisfaction”, but also discuss the relationships of the “Resource base”, “Brand equity” and “Parental satisfaction”. Moreover, the present study used the software of SPSS 18.0 to understand the current of the “Resource base”, “Brand equity” and “Parental satisfaction” in the private management of public kindergartens and confirm the contents of the variables of the subjects.   There were some major conclusions made as follows: 1.“Resource base”, “Brand equity” and "Parental satisfaction' in the private management of public kindergartens are highly accepted by the child’s parents. 2.“Resource base” for the “Brand equity” and “Parental satisfaction” and “Brand equity”in the private for the Parental satisfaction" are significantly predictive. (1)“Resource base” has the significant and positive direct effect (γ1=0.92) on “Brand equity”. That is ; the higher degree of the “Resource base” implementations significant is , the higher “Brand equity” is. (2)“Brand equity” has the significant and positive direct effect (γ1=0.70) on "Parental satisfaction ". That is , the higher the implement degree of “Brand equity” is , the higher practice degree of "Parental satisfaction ". (3)“Resource base” has the significant and positive direct effect (γ1=0.25) on “Parental satisfaction”. That is ; strengthening “Resource base” implementation for enhancing “Parental satisfaction” is small effect . 3.Although “Resource base” has positive direct effect (γ1=0.25) on “Parental satisfaction”, strengthening “Resource base” implementation for enhancing "Parental satisfaction" is little effect. “Resource base” has an indirect effect on "Parental satisfaction " through “Brand equity” (the indirect effect size is 0.64) and the total effect is 0.89. In other words , when the “Resource base” is higher, "Parental satisfaction " will be indirectly enhanced by the “Brand equity”. To sum up, “Brand equity” is much of mediating effect between “Resource base” and “Parental satisfaction”. 4.The effects of the context variables on the “Resource base”, “Brand equity” and "Parental satisfaction " are made as follows: (1)5 context variables have significant effects on the “Resource base”. These variables involve age, education, the number of children, and the average household monthly income of child’s parents and the year of registered kindergarten . (2)4 context variables have significant effects on the “Brand equity”. These variables involve age, education, and the number of children of child’s parents and the year of registered kindergarten. (3)4 context variables have significant effects on the "Parental satisfaction ". These variables involve sex. age, and education child’s parents and the year of registered kindergarten.

從協力治理觀點探討地方文化館委外經營現況— 以芝山文化生態綠園為例 / A collaborative governance perspective of contracting out in local culture pavilion -case of Zhishan Cultural and Ecological Garden

潘裕黃, Pan, Yu Huang Unknown Date (has links)
隨著時代的演進,政府與民間的合作形式以從傳統契約關係轉變為公私關係(Public- Private-Partnerships,PPPs),強調參與者或利害關係人間創造共贏賽局的ㄧ種組織性關係。時至今日,公私協力關係的實踐仍有賴更多個案研究去發掘各種參與者與利害關係人的互動關係與合作模式。   以地方文化館-芝山文化生態綠園公辦民營為例,跨及政府部門、企業、非營利組織與社區,透過彼此互動、解決歧見與尋求合作,達成共識與協調,形成跨部門治理的模式。因此本研究透過三個構面去分析:(1)公辦民營的管理機制;(2)委託人與受託人雙方以及其他利害關係人之間的互動關係;(3)這些互動關係如何影響營運組織的目標發展與運作,從中釐清跨部門協力治理的問題。   為探究芝山文化生態綠園的個案探討,本研究透過文本分析法與質性訪談法進行資料的統整與分析。經由分析公辦民營實施的利弊,以及公私協力的互動模式,以探析芝山文化生態綠園在經營目標執行與各方看法,並重新思考芝山文化生態綠園未來的發展與再定位,以作為發展地方文化館委外營運相關計畫的參考。 本研究結果發現:(1)委外管理與評鑑機制完備,惟政策目標寬鬆,造成代理人的自主發展;(2)委託人、代理人雙方偏向以維持契約的互動關係;(3)本研究對象與利害關係人關係互動情形為若即若離。而本研究針對芝山文化生態綠園的協力治理的建議為:(1)評選機制宜整合在地團體與有力人士的聲音;(2)進行跨部門溝通,增加多方合作渠道;(3) 建立社區為主的溝通平台,整合利害關係人間管理的歧見,可提供環境教育推廣或地方文化發展管理者的思考。 / With the changing of the times, cooperation between government and the people have shifted from traditional contractual relationships into public-private-partnerships (PPPs) to create a win-win situation and form organizational relationships between the participants or stakeholders. Yet, the PPPs in operation today are still highly dependent on the analysis of individual case studies to ensure the greatest collaborative efforts among the various participants and stakeholders. The Zhishan Cultural and Ecological Garden ia an example of a cross-sector partnership among government, enterprise, NPOs and community. To resolve the differences and seek cooperation among the different sectors, a case study was made on three levels: firstly, the private management of public management and evaluation; secondly, the interaction between both the client and the trustee and other interested parties; and thirdly, how those interactions affect the operation of the organization's goal development and operation. The Zhishan Cultural and Ecological Garden's local cultural pavilion was contracted out by the Taipei Department of Cultural Affairs. Through text analyses and detailed interviews, data was collected, integrated and analyzed. Analysis of the pros and cons of the PPP operation's interactions revealed the multiple perspectives and executing objectives among those involved with the project to provide reference to better the future management of the local cultural pavilion. This study discovered that: (1) the outsourcing management and evaluation mechanisms were good, but the loose policy goals caused the agent of independent development; (2) bilateral relations tended to maintain contract-oriented-interactions in PPPs; and (3) the NPOs, various parties of interest and the community worked side-by-side instead of together. Thus, the following PPPs recommendations for the Zhishan Cultural and Ecological Garden were suggested: (1) listen to the voice of a strong leader; (2) build cross-sector communication;(3)establish community-oriented communication platform, alongside promotions of environmental education and help local cultural development managers develop new philosophies.

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