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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


林玉芬 Unknown Date (has links)
一、研究動機 在聯考選才制度下,高中的入學選擇是造成個人背景分化的最重要關鍵,四一0教育改造全民大結合運動時,訴求廣設高中的聲浪達到最高點。因之,中華民國教育政策報告書明確說明未來國家的施政方向改為:高中職校結構將調整為五比五,以符應社會大眾需求。但是在各項重大公共建設與福利政策的實施方興未艾,財政赤字卻與日俱增情形下,教育科學文化支出的歲出比率因為國庫負荷沈重。為了滿足國內民眾對於高中教育的需求,也考量國家財政負擔之下,行政院教育改革審議委員會提出的總諮議報告書具體建議 : 「學校雖有公私立之分,人才之培育應無公私之分;政府應在公辦民營、土地取得、共用社區資源、設校面積、學費收取、課程與教材編訂等項上,提供更自由且具誘因的政策環境,以促進民間資源投入教育事業。」八十八年六月四日立法院三讀通過、而由總統公布「教育基本法」;八十九年二月九日總統令公布施行「促進民間參與公共建設法」,條文中也將文教設施納入,希望借由民間的參與,提高教育績效。而各縣市政府依據「地方制度法」,紛紛研訂所轄中小學公辦民營自治條例,看來教育事業公辦民營好像真正要上路了。 目前原台灣省轄高級中等學校改隸中央之後,仍由教育部中部辦公室( 即原台灣省政府教育廳)管轄,雖然因為中部辦公室的組織定位尚未明確,但改制為地方教育局的組織法規已送請立法院審議,未來將是全國公私立高級中等學校的業務主管單位,研究者服務其間,深以為公立高中在目前的大環境底下,公辦民營可能是一項可以嚐試的途徑,因而投入瞭解這項政策,並研擬可行方案,期盼藉由這項研究提供主管參考。 二、研究方式 為掌握並瞭解各界對原台灣省轄公立高中改隸國立高中後,實施公辦民營可行性之思考情形,本研究採用文獻分析法和問卷調查法,以達成研究目的,茲說明如下。  (一)文獻分析法:用以瞭解政府實施公立高中公辦民營的學理依據,先探討民營化的意義、目的、條件與原則及可行模式,再探討公立高中公辦民營在教育學 、行政學與經濟學的理論 ,並瞭解美國、中共及我國在教育事業公辦民營上的實施情形,據以研提公辦民營的可行模式與適用法規。  (二)問卷調查法:以自編的「台灣省公立高中公辦民營意見問卷調查」,針對行政權決策主體人員、影響高中公辦民營人員、及有機會參與公辦民營的人員等三大類,分別向教育行政機關、學校、人民團體等單位實施調查,藉以瞭解影響及決定公立高中公辦民營政策人員的意見,調查內容即以文獻分析法所歸結的可行模式及適用法規研訂而成。 三、結論 根據本研究文獻與綜合調查結果, 首先綜結辦理公立高中公辦民營之共同策略,而後再分別依七種可行模式敘述配合策略。  (一)共同策略 1.從次要業務委託經營模式開始推動,再次推動特許學校模式,最後實施主要業務委託經營模式。 2.研定詳實的法規,以利推動各項業務。 (二)辦理各模式之配合策略 1.實施新設校委託經營模式可行策略 2.實施現有公校委託經營模式可行策略 3.實施現有公校新校區委託經營模式可行策略 4.實施特定建築委託經營模式可行策略 5.實施特定建築或業務委託興建、經營模式可行策略 6.實施特定業務委託經營模式可行策略 7.實施特許學校委託經營模式可行策略 / The goals of this research are on the models and the laws of private management of public senior – high schools. According to accountability, school choice, reinventing government, public choice, market mechanism, I aim to design a tactic that is the most suitable for that in Taiwan by quantity method. Furthermore, the study set up three main models and six main laws for the conditions of our counties and cities. Hopefully, it will be a reference for the educational administration institution to make policy. To achieve the goals above, the researcher explored the connotation through the methodology of literature analysis so as to understand the meaning 、related theories 、 and the real situation of U.S. 、 China 、 and our country. The study is also based on the analyzed data about the opinions of private management of public senior high schools. Through frequency distribution 、analysis of variance 、 and posteriori comparison , the study finds out the suitable modes and laws in my country. The conclusions of this research are as follows: 1. The common policy of promoting the private management of public schools is to do it step by step. Of course, the government also has to make a district method for everybody to obey. 2. And than I sugest some suitable policy for every models.

臺北縣公立高級中等學校公辦民營經營型態評估研究 / Evaluation on the Models of Private Management of Public High Schools in Taipei County

鍾欣儒, Chung, Hsin Ju Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在於臺北縣升格為準直轄市的背景下探討:(1) 分析臺北縣高中職實施公辦民營之內部、外部效益;(2)評估臺北縣公立高中職公辦民營之可行性;(3) 評估臺北縣公立高中職公辦民營之可行模式;(4) 建構臺北縣公立高中職公辦民營的推動策略;(5)探討民間參與學校公辦民營的動機;(6)分析臺北縣推動公立高中職公辦民營可行區域。希望政府藉由積極結合民間資源共同辦理公共事務,以公辦民營的手段,將民間的管理專業觀念、做法及資金,正面影響學校行政結構、學校經營模式,達成最佳的學校經營成效。 本研究法採文獻分析法、模糊德菲術,針對學校公辦民營的理論、模式、政策與實施四種向度進行探究。研究結果歸納如下: 1.臺北縣實施公立高中職公辦民營之效益為藉由鼓勵民間共同參與辦學,降低財政負擔,以及增加學校多角化經營空間,提供家長多樣化的教育選擇機會。 2.經營型態以特許學校、契約政體模式最為可行。 3.臺北縣於高中職實施的選擇上,以職業學校為優先。 4.臺北縣公辦民營學校之經費來源、財務審計規範、課程與教學、人事運作等應該擁有自主權。 5.臺北縣行政機關應加速研擬公立高中職公辦民營專屬法規。 6.臺北縣政府應建立相關的監督及輔導評鑑的制度,評鑑部分需含自我評鑑及行政機關評鑑,並將評鑑結果公佈。 7.臺北縣新莊市擁有推動公立高中職教育公辦民營的先行試辦優勢。 / On the background of the Taipei County elevating status to “Quasi-Direct-controlled municipality”, the purposes of the research are as follows: (1)Analyzing the internal and external efficiencies when putting private management of public high schools system into practice in Taipei County. (2) Evaluating the feasibility of putting private management of public schools into practice. (3) Evaluating the available models of private management of public high schools in Taipei County. (4)Constructing the strategies of putting private management of public high schools in Taipei County. (5)Inspecting the motors of private associations getting themselves into private management of public high schools in Taipei County.(6)analyzing the feasible regions of Taipei County when putting private management of public high schools system into practice. The government should positively guides private resources into the public affairs, hoping that the civil management concept, business administration conduct, and bankroll can positively affect the public school administrative structure and help the school achieve the best accountability. The research, by adopting methods of documentary analysis, and Fuzzy Delphi, probes into the four dimensions of theory, models, policy, and implementation of private management of public schools. The main conclusions are as follows: 1.The advantages of putting private management of public high schools system into practice were to combine private organizations to decrease government’s financial burden, as well as increasing diverse management space and providing parents various opportunities of educational choices. 2.“Charter school model” and “contract management model” are of the highest feasibility in terms of the implementation of private management of public school in elementary school level in Taipei County. 3.Priority over private management of public school option is new established schools. 4.Private management of public elementary school in Taipei County should possess decision-making power in some aspects including budget source, financial regulation, curriculum and teaching, personnel system . 5.The Taipei county government should accelerate to enact special laws about private management of public school. 6.the Taipei County government should establish relevant systems of control, management, guidance and evaluation. Evaluation system should include Self-Evaluation and Administration- Evaluation, and open the results to the public. 7.The Sinjhuang City of Taipei County has the best potential strengths of putting private management of public high schools system into practice

中小學教育公辦民營可行性之研究 / The Possibility of Private Management of Public Schools System in Junior High Schools and Elementary Schools

曹俊德 Unknown Date (has links)
國立政治大學八十七學年度第二學期碩士論文提要 系 所 別:教育系碩士班 指導教授:秦夢群博士 論文名稱:中小學教育實施公辦民營之研究 研 究 生:曹俊德 論文內容摘要: 本研究之目的在探討我國中小學實施公辦民營制度之可行性。其內容包括以下五部分: 一、探討公辦民營學校之相關理論。 二、瞭解美國公辦民營學校的特色及實施成效。 三、瞭解我國類似案例;並分析公辦民營學校相關法令。 四、透過調查瞭解我國實施公辦民營學校之相關意見。 五、結論與建議。 本研究以台灣地區國民中小學校長、主任、教師以及家長、教育行政機關人員為調查對象,在學校方面抽出45所學校,與教育部(廳)、北高兩市教育局、二十三縣市教育局等教育行政機關共計發出1000份問卷,回收678份,回收率67.3%,有效問卷628份。研究工具採自編之「中小學教育公辦民營可行性之研究意見調查」問卷,研究中所使用的統計方法包括次數分配、百分比統計以及卡方考驗等,問卷的處理則採用SPSS for Windows 統計套裝軟體進行統計分析。 據此,本研究的研究結果如下: 一、 政府補助教育經費不足影響到國民中小學各項教育工作之推行。 二、 國民中小學由政府完全辦理的方式應予以檢討。 三、 國民中小學實施公辦民營學校符合教育選擇權的需求。 四、 國民中小學實施公辦民營學校已逐漸形成趨勢。 五、 特許學校與「B.O.T.」模式的公辦民營方式較適合在台灣實施。 六、 辦學績效不彰的學校應先實施公辦民營學校制度,不應無條件全面實施。 七、 公辦民營學校制度仍然有一些問題有待解決。例如: (一) 公辦民營學校制度的權責不易劃分清處。 (二) 公辦民營學校制度的績效評鑑標準難以建立。 (三) 公辦民營學校制度的誘因不多,難以吸引民間。 再者,綜合文獻探討、研究過程、暨時正調查之分析結果,僅針對實務及未來研究等二方面提出下列建議: 對於實務之建議是: 一、 政策的形成要多瞭解各類人員的看法與意見。 二、 儘速修訂相關法令。例如修改「國民教育法」與「私立學校法」,加強鼓勵民間興學之政策性宣示。 三、 具體鼓勵民間興辦小規模,且具實驗性質之公辦民營國民中小學,待成效良好再擴大辦理。 四、 公辦民營學校不應採「以價制量」的方式辦理。 五、 公辦民營學校應以學校本位的管理方式為配套措施。 六、 實施辦理期間應委託學術機構進行政策評估。 對於相關研究之建議是: 一、 本研究採取量化之研究法,未能再深入瞭解中小學公辦民營學校實施之狀況,建議可採行深度訪談、座談會或參與場地等直化研究方式。 二、 本研究可以擴展至其他學制部份,包括高中職及學前教育部份,甚至包括大專院校等的可行性與問題之研究。 三、 本研究所採外國文獻只限於美國地區,未討論其他世界先進諸國,未來可以擴展至英、法、德等國,或是大陸地區。 四、 本研究探討的重點在於尋求現有最合適之公辦民營模式,希望未來相關研究能建構出一套最佳之公辦民營模型,以為二十一世紀之學校經營之參考。 a / Abstract The main purpose of this study is to explore the possibility of private management of public schools system in junior high schools and elementary schools. The study contains five parts. First, this study explores the theory of private management of public schools. Second, this study wants to understand the characteristics and effects of private management of public schools in American. Third, this study wants to understand the condition of private management of public schools in Taiwan. Forth, this study wants to know the comments of the practice of private management of public schools in Taiwan. Fifth, this study wants to come to conclusions and gives some proposals. Objectives of this study include public junior high schools’ staff in Taiwan Province, and Education Administration staff in Taiwan Province, Taipei City and Kaohsiung City. The researcher compiles “Questionnaire for the possibility of private management of public schools system in junior high schools and elementary schools”. 45 schools have been sampled and 1000 copies of the questionnaire dispatched 687 copies of effective samples are actually acquired Data of questionnaire had been proceeding for statistic analysis under the statistic package software: SPSS for Windows” Based upon data of literature review and questionnaire, conclusions have been reached as follows: 1. The shortage of funds of government effects the work of junior high schools and elementary schools. 2. The way of public schools should be criticized. 3. The management way of private management of public schools in junior high schools and elementary schools is conformed to the need of schools choices. 4. It’s a trend to put the private management of public schools system into practice in Taiwan. 5. Charter schools and the model of B.O.T. are suitable in Taiwan. 6. It should have priority to put the system of private management of public schools into practice in the bad-achievement schools. 7. The system of private management of public schools has some weak points: (1) The evaluation of standard of private management of public schools is hard to establish. (2) It’s not easy to appeal the public to support the system of private management of public schools. According to the results of this study, following proposals about practice are offered: 1. It needs to know the opinions of all circles to form the polity. 2. It should revise laws and decrees as quickly as possible. 3. The government should urge the civil to adopt the system of private management of public schools to establish schools. 4. The private management of public schools shouldn’t adopt high price in tuition. 5. We should adopt the “S.B.M.”Way of management to caudate the private management of public schools. 6. It should have learned society to evaluate the effect of private management of public schools. According to the results of this study, following proposals about relative research are offered: 1. We can adopt qualitative methods to research this study. 2. The study can expand to discuss another schools systems. 3. The foreign literature is limited. The literature of this study includes only American data. We suggest that the future study can adopt more foreign literatures. 4. The main purpose of this study is to search the best model of private management of public schools system. And this system can be the model of 21-century schools.


朱敏賢 Unknown Date (has links)
學校教育為國家培養人才庫最具組織成效之社會系統,而學校教育目前亦成為輿論批評最為強烈之教育體系。本論文嘗試以法學為經,以經濟學、公共行政學、教育學等為緯,針對近年受新自由主義影響所開展之行政改革理念,進而觸及之公立國民學校法制改革課題,主要係以公部門及私部門有互相合作、共創雙贏之可能性為觀點,討論民間參與國民教育興辦之最新合作模式。 公立學校之改造模式,在教育改革之理論與實際均有多元發展,但美國特許學校制度則為近年獲聯邦及多數州支持之新法制,且特許學校被評價為公立學校成功之改造類型。該制度主要係透過解除法令管制手段,容許主管機關以特許使私人參與公立學校辦學,辦學者可透過引進專家、競爭觀念、自主、選擇及績效責任等機制,形成獨立性高之新型公立學校教育體制,賦予此類學校展現更具多元化及創造性之辦學環境,其亦屬廣義公立學校委託私人經營模式之一。本論文借重美國成功發展之特許學校法制及實際辦學經驗,期待我國學界及教育主管機關於積極繼受此法制之同時,亦得深切體認我國自身之教育環境與文化背景,建立適合本土教育之制度,並更兼顧教育之卓越與公平。 本文之法學分析途徑,除藉由比較法之觀察外,並以我國憲法及行政法規範體系作為論述基礎,試圖開發我國國民教育法及特許學校法制之原理原則,以作為目前相關立法草案之參考,及期望有助於我國相關類型學校興辦之完善。 / A Charter School’s Research of Law Institutions in None-Governmental Participant in Education School education is an organized social system for nations human resource cultivation, which has becomes the most fiercely criticism in present though. Besides, the ideal of transformation under the influences of latest New Liberalism, has been approached the debate of institutional reform in public school in consequences. So, our thesis applied some methodologies such as laws, economics, public administrations, pedagogies and some other knowledge domains, primary focusing on public and private sectors’ collaboration issues, enabling to create a win-win outcome as prospect, and discussing the latest cooperation model for non-governmental participant in education. In fact, public school transformation model in theory and practice for educational reform is already advanced. However, American Charter School System, appraised as a successful transformational type of public school, is supported by new law institutions of Federal and many other states in recent years. Through its decretal deregulation may permit competent authority’s establishers who privately participate in public school establishment with “brain-gaining” experts, competitive concept, independence, selection, accountability and other mechanisms by using Charter. Therefore, a new typical educational system conferred the environment school establishment in more plural and creative way is arised. Our thesis adduced from a successful establishment of American Charter School’s experience before acdemic fields and competent authorities of education implementing the law institutions. In addition, in order to consider the difference of educational environment or culture background, selecting the appropriate pedagogy for country is the first priority we expected. Finally, as a reference for related legislation and expectation to support school establishment, we are not only using a comparison method for extensional observation, but also trying to develop a pattern for nations’ pedagogy and Charter School institution. Keywords: Charter School, Nations Education, non-government education, public school, New Liberalism, Cooperated Nations, Public Private Partnership, the third route, educational reform, transformation of organizing, deregulation, Privatization, parents’ educational right, parents’ right to choose, elasticity, plural principle, neutrality principle, relenting principle, municipal governance, administrative contract, performance doctrine

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