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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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楊麗華 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討:台北縣國民中學男性家長會長瞭解男性家長會長參與教育事務的理由?瞭解男性家長會長參與教育事務的程序性歷程?探究男性家長會長參與教育事務所帶來的改變?本研究係採質性研究方法,主要以深度訪談為分析資料的來源,依據訪談台北縣九位男性家長會長所蒐集的資料,試圖來描述及詮釋男性家長會長參與教育事務的現況並回答上述問題。 研究結果發現:男性家長會長參與教育事務的理由,包含了:(一)個人因素:成長經驗;回饋鄉里;母校之情。(二)環境因素:老師邀請;社區請託;親戚影響。(三)家庭因素:配偶影響;子女要求;兒女成就等遍及個人、家庭、環境層次的多元因素。而男性家長會長參與教育事務的程序性歷程,也含有:(一)國小未參與:其原因有太太參加或沒有機緣。(二)國小雖參與,但並不積極:其原因為事業正在發展或參與歷程斷斷續續的。(三)國中初步參與,即當選會長:國小時,曾擔任會長或國小雖參與,並不積極。(四)一般程序:由委員至副會長至會長;由副會長至會長。呈現多樣的參與歷程 男性家長會長參與教育事務所帶來的改變:(一)對家人的變化其優點有:情感遞增、配偶的支持、增進了解;其缺點有:子女感到受人注目、時間的付出、金錢支出、採低調處理自己兒女的班級事務。(二)對學校的變化:社區與學校溝通的橋樑、為學校教育爭取資源、協助學校與配合學校、結合社區家長與學校、增進對學校信心。(三)對自己的變化:(1)知識遞增:瞭解教育改革方向、汲取新知領導與法規、了解教育方式與政策。(2)能力遞增:處事更圓融、拉近與子女的距離、獲得快樂、肯定自我。(3)行政能力:凝聚家長、教師、社區與學校的力量、整合各方意見、社區與學校的橋樑、充分授權。(4)人脈活化:社交圈擴展、累積人脈。(5)增強榮譽:增加自我的榮譽感、將會長視為最高榮譽。 本研究並提出數項建議,以作為家長會長及家長會參考之用。 對家長會長的建議:(一)權變開明的領導風格;(二)民主公開的作業程序;(三)公正開明的財務管理。 對家長會的建議:(一)發揮學習型組織的特性;(二)強化社區的公共關係;(三)增進公益服務的特性;(四)建立合法的捐贈制度。

臺北市國民中學家長會運作現況之研究 / A study on operations of parents’ associations of junior high school in Taipei city

石儀文 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解臺北市國民中學家長會之運作現況,分析家長會參與學校事務、學校支援方面的認知與成效,再依據研究結果,提出建議,做為家長會運作之參考。 本研究方法為問卷調查法。研究對象為臺北市家長會成員。問卷回收後分別以描述統計,獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析等統計方法分析。根據研究結果將結論分析歸納如下: 一、臺北市國民中學家長會在會務推動方面受家長肯定,惟家長普遍對家長會功能認知有偏低現象。 二、臺北市國民中學家長會運作在校務參與方面最重視班級經營。 三、臺北市國民中學家長會願意協助學校發展,其中人力或財力為協助學校最直接且有利的方式。 四、臺北市國民中學家長會運作正常,具備組織與成效,且對學校教育效能有所助益。 五、臺北市國民中學家長在家長會的參與及運作時不受其背景變項影響。 最後,依據研究結論,提出幾點建議提供家長會、學校、主管教育行政機關及後續相關研究做參考。 / This study aims to understand where PTA (parent teacher associations of Taipei city’s junior high schools) stands, assessment of current operation and function and involvement regarding to the parents. Based upon the full analysis, we made suggestions for PTA. Questionnaires are given to respondents who were parents, splintered by groups for the sake of statistics of those samples. We have achieved the following conclusions: 1.Parents felt positive to PTA for pushing forward agenda, but had low comprehension as to PTA’s functions. 2.PTA in daily operation placed most importance was class operation. 3.Parents were willingly to support school, by means of most straight forward: either manpower or financial support. 4.PTA remained well operational, organized and efficient, which enhanced scholastic functions. 5.PTA were not affected by background of parents (income and social status, etc.) According to the research result, we had achieved the conclusions and would like to propose to PTA, schools, and the scholastic administrative unit for better understanding and further improvement.


蕭耀宗, Hsiao,Yao-Tsung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解屏東縣國民中學家長會之運作,並分析不同規模與所在地學校其家長會運作情況,最後依據研究結果,提出建議,做為學校經營者辦學之參考。 本研究的目的為:一、探討「學校家長會」組織的功能。二、瞭解屏東縣國民中學家長會運作的現況。三、瞭解屏東縣國民中學家長會運作的問題。四、分析影響屏東縣國民中學家長會運作因素及改進之道。五、根據研究結果提出建議,供教育行政機關、學校行政人員、家長及相關人員參考。 本研究以屏東縣國民中學家長會為研究範圍,針對家長會運作的現況做深入的探討,以問卷為研究的方法,分析不同規模類型學校家長會異同及其影響因素,藉以瞭解屏東縣國民中學家長會運作之概況。問卷題目為研究者自編,依據本研究需要,將樣本背景變項設定為性別、學校規模、學校所在地區、家長會職務、學校職務等五項。研究對象採普查方式調查屏東縣38所國民中學學校家長會,每校寄發學校人員專用問卷三份,請學校校長、負責家長會業務處室主任、家長會幹事填答;家長會成員專用問卷三份,請家長會會長、家長委員2員填答;總計學校人員部分寄發114份問卷,家長會成員部分寄發114份問卷,共計228份問卷。所得資料經整理後,以次數分配與百分比、卡方考驗及複選題分析等統計方法分析資料。 本研究主要結論如下: 一、屏東縣國民中學家長會的運作,多數未能完全依照「屏東縣各級學校家長會設置辦法」行事。 二、屏東縣國中學家長會組織運作之正面功能,多於負面功能。 三、屏東縣國民中學不同規模的學校家長會運作差異:(一)每年家長會召開會議的次數有達到法定標準者,除30班以上學校高達83.3%,其他學校,均未達一半。(二)不論學校規模大小,其家長費經費來源多依靠「學生繳交的家長會費」、「家長的捐款」及「家長委員的捐款」,其三者佔的比例均相當。 四、屏東縣國民中學不同所在地(屏東市、鄉鎮、原住民地區)的學校家長會運作的差異:(一)每年家長會召開會議的次數有達到法定標準者,屏東市學校,則高達100%。(二)經費來源,屏東市學校,均以「家長委員的捐款」比例最高,鄉鎮及原住民學校則以「學生繳交的家長會費」、「家長的捐款」及「家長委員的捐款」為主,三者佔的比例均相同。(三)原住民學校有很高的比例,完全沒有捐款。 五、屏東縣國民中學家長會運作面臨的困難主要有:「經費不足」、「學校安排活動的時間,常常不利家長的參與」、「家長委員熱心不足」及「家長委員不熟悉運作模式及教育理念不足,無法有效參與。」 六、屏東縣國民中學家長會組織的改善之道主要有:「建立一套具體可行之法令,做為家長會運作之依據」、「地方教育局與家長會共同辦理家長委員訓練」、「家長會成員應不限於家長,可加入熱心的社區人士」、「成立地方性,全國性家長會團體組織,成為支持體系」。 七、屏東縣國民中學家長會運作的改善之道主要為:「配合家長時間,提升家長委員參與校務的出席率」為主,其次為「辦理家長委員研習,提升其參與校務的知能」,其餘依序為:「辦理教育訓練,提高家長會成員素質」、「營造支持家長會參與校務的氣氛」及「建立家長會獎勵辦法,獎勵推動家長會有功人員」。 八、調查結果顯示:多數贊成屏東縣各國民中學共同成立聯合家長會與建議訂定「家長參與教育法」做為家長會運作的法源基礎。 最後依據研究結論提出建議以供教育行政、學校以及家長會相關人員參考,並對未來後續研究等方面提出具體建議。 關鍵字:屏東縣國民中學、家長會、家長會運作 / The aim of this research is to understand the operation of junior high school parents’ association of Pingtung County, to analyze the function of it in different school varied in scale and location, and, ultimately, to put forth the conclusion as a reference for principle executive decision, which is routed in the research. The purpose of this research is to: A, inquire into the function of “parents’ association” organization, B, understand how the current conditions that the junior high school parent of Pingtung County operate, C, understand what the problem will the junior high school parent of Pingtung County come across, D, analyze which of the factors influence the parents’ association and how to improve it, and, E put forth a suggestion based on the research as a guide line for educational administration organization, the administrative personnel of the school, and the parents and related personnel. This research covered all the junior high school parent of Pingtung County and did a deep survey aiming at understanding the operating situation of parents’ association in Pingtung County by questionnaire and influencing factors analyzing debate on types and scales of parents’ association, try to understand the system function of parents’ association in Pingtung County. The questionnaire the oriented from researcher, which is designed for fitting the purpose of this research, set the variable of the sample background into: sex, school scale, school place region, parents’ association duty, and school duty. The research object adopts a census method to investigate 38 junior high school parents’ association in Pingtung County, by mailing 3 copies of questionnaire for 3 school personnel, which are principle, the chairman of the parents’ association affairs of school, and executive officer of parents’ association of school, and 3 copies for members of parents’ association, which are the chairman of parents’ association and 2 other members. We collect 114 questionnaires from each party and have 228 copies totally. After sorting and calculating, we analyze the data with number of times allotment, percentage, Chi-Fung square test, the indirect election analysis, and the covariance method. The main conclusions are as follows: First of all, the majority of the operation of association of junior high school parent in Pingtung County can not completely obey the “rule for all levels of school parents of Pingtung County”. Second, Pingtung County parents’ association is much more positive function than negative. Third, there is difference between parents’ association of levels of junior high school in Pingtung County. (A) the number of times of meeting the parent will convene every year have already reached the legal standard, the rate of more than 30 classes schools are up to 83.3%, others have not reach a half. (B) In spite of scale size of the school, its parent fee budget source depends on “parents’ membership dues that the student hands in”, contributing money of parent”, and “contributing money of parents’ member of committee”, each of them is equally one third. Fourth, the school parent of junior high school location (ex. Pingtung City, village, or the region of aborigine) in Pingtung County will make huge difference. (A) The number of times of meeting the parent will convene every year have already reached the legal standard in Pingtung City School, and then be up to 100%. (B) the budget, source, Pingtung City school, all” parent the number of committee contribute money” rate is the highest, village and the school of aborigine then take “the membership dues of the parent whom the student hands in”, “the parent contribute money”, and “parent the member of committee contribute money” as majority source, each of them is equally the same. (C) There is very high rate of aboriginal school didn’t collect any money. Fifth, the junior high school parent of Pingtung County will face the difficulty such as” budget shortage”,” time arrangement of school enabling the participation of the parent”,” low enthusiasm parent association member”, and” not acquaint with the operating mode or short in foresight to effectively participate”. Sixth, the ways to improve the organizational defect are” build up a set of ordinance that concretely working as a basis of parent association guide line”,” local bureau of education and parent altogether held the parent association training”,” parent association members could be selected from non-parent and open for warmhearted neighbor”, and”fund a local or national parents’ association to be a strong back-up system”. Seventh, the ways to improve the operational defect are” first of all, fix the school schedule to fit the parents’ leisure time to enhance the participation of parents”,”second,carry out a parent association member study to improve their ability to participate in school administration”,and”carry out a training to enhance the quality of parents’ association”,then”try to support and encourage the parents to participate the school affair”,finally”build a reward system to praise the enthusiastic parents”. Eighth, the research shows that: the majority of all approve to co-establish “parent participation education rule” by both school personnel and parents to be the legal basis for parent to participating school affaire and parent association in Pingtung County. Finally, here I present some concretely advice for educational administration, school personels,amd parents to be some guide line, and also direct some possible suggestion as future survey direction. Key word:Pingtung County junior high school, parent’s association, working of parents’ association


趙靜菀 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在從國中女性校長與家長會互動之實際經驗,以微觀之角度深入該場域現象,來探討女性校長與家長會互動之脈絡。首先探討八位女性校長與家長會互動之實際個別經驗,其次分析女性校長與家長會互動之方式與策略,最後提出結論與建議,供女性校長作為辦學之參考。 本研究係採質性研究方法,先尋求願意受訪校長,以訪談方式進行深入對話。共計八位分別任職於小型、中型及大型位居臺北縣市國中女性校長,採取深度的匯談,繼而分析並探討其與家長會互動之情形。 據此,本研究歸納出女性校長與家長會互動之實務經驗有兩部分:(一)互動共同部分;(二)互動不同及特殊部分。國中女性校長與家長會互動策略有:(一)塑造學校眾望所歸的願景與發展學校特色;(二)協助家長會組織健全發展,並提供其所需資源;(三)利用溝通管道,增進彼此雙方了解建立共識;(四)建立學校與家長會的合夥關係,共同討論校務發展;(五)和諧形塑學校優質文化;(六)落實學校本位管理與經營;(七)落實學校與家庭相關親職教育的訓練與進修活動;(八)建立家庭與學校之間的信賴與支持;(九)建立網際網路提昇管理效能的領導。互動策略之分類亦歸納如下:(一)逃避型-保持距離以策安全;(二)整合型-表面層次的合作;(三)單向型-一廂情願有溝沒有通;(四)合作型-攜手共創願景。 最後本研究提出下列建議:(一)對教育行政機關建議(二)對學校行政建議(三)對家長會建議(四)對師資培育機構建議(五)對女性校長建議(六)對後續研究建議 / This study discusses about the atmosphere of interaction models between female junior high school principals and parent-teacher association (PTA). The research approach is microscopic point of view from the practical experiences of the interactions between the two groups. Firstly it observes the personal practical experiences interacting with the PTA of eight female junior high school principals and secondly analyzes the strategies and means used within the communication between the two communities. Conclusions and suggestions are made in order to provide a future assistance for female principals. The research is based on qualitative research methods by holding up intensive discussions with the volunteering principals. Eight female junior high school principals from small, medium, and large-scaled junior high schools of either Taipei-city and Taipei-county attended the discussion by sharing with their own experiences. After generalizing these practical experiences we divide interactions types into two: 1) Similar Interaction Type, 2) The Different Interaction Type. The strategies within these interaction types may include: 1) Modeling a recognized future vision of the school and developing an academic feature 2) Assisting the PTA to be organized appropriately and offering needed resources 3) Increasing the understanding between each other in order to reach for certain consensus by using available communication interchannels 4) Building up a companionship between the school and the PTA and sharing the discussion of future development of the school 5) Modeling an harmonically high-graded school-culture and atmosphere 6) Ensuring a management of a school-centered management and administration 7) Ensuing a familial-parental education further trainings and related activities 8) Establishing the trust and support between the families and the school 9) Establishing inter-nets to increase the management leadership efficiency The generalization upon these strategies can be classified into four types: 1) The Run-Away type: Keep in distance for safety 2) The Integrating type: A corporation that is only skin deep 3) The Single-way type: Communicating without communication 4) The Cooperating type: Building up a future vision together. Keywords: parent-teacher association, PTA, female junior high school principals, female principals, interaction experiences

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