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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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紀岱玲 Unknown Date (has links)
供應商績效評估一直都是供應鏈管理重要的課題,企業中的採購部門必須定期的評估供應商的績效,以期望供應商能達到企業的需求。在進行供應商評估時,必須同時考慮多個指標及決定指標的權重,由於指標間具有相依及回饋的情形,因此權重的決定也較為複雜,此外,由於績效指標有互相影響的情形,指標間的關連度也是評估供應商時必須考慮的問題。本研究提出一個新的供應商績效評估方法,結合分析網路程序法(Analytic Network Process, ANP)及決策實驗室法(Decision making trial and evaluation laboratory, DEMATEL)建構評估模式,以達到正確的評估供應商績效,及可回溯績效表現找出關鍵改善原因之目的。 在進行供應商績效評估時,利用分析網路程序法求出各指標的權重,量化指標並求得供應商的總分;另外利用決策實驗室法得知各指標的因果關係及關連度大小,當檢視供應商績效時,可從權重大或關連度大但表現差的指標回溯,以提供供應商改善的方向。最後以模擬的方式進行驗證,結果顯示本研究對指標之排序符合模擬之結果,因此可供企業參考使用。 / Supplier performance evaluation for some time now has been receiving increasing importance as a supply chain management component. Purchasing managers need to periodically evaluate supplier performance in order to retain those suppliers who meet their requirements. Buyers usually consider multi-criteria and must determine the relative weights of the criteria when evaluating suppliers. Because of these performance criteria usually exist interdependence and feedback, the weights of the criteria are hard to obtain. In addition, performance criteria usually affect each other, so the direct and indirect effects are also a crucial problem when evaluating suppliers. This paper proposes a model which combines the methods of the analytic network process (ANP) and the decision making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) to evaluate supplier performance accurately and can find out which criterion is the key factor to improve performance. When evaluating a supplier, ANP are used to determine the weights of performance criteria and can get the total performance of the supplier. DEMATEL are used to compute the effects between criteria. The model can propose the criterion which is the most important or affects other criteria the most, so buyers will know which criterion can improve the performance the most and can ask suppliers to modify it. Finally, a simulation is employed to verify our model. The result through the simulation is complied with our model, so it can provide the information for making decision concerning suppliers performance.


黃雪瑛, HUANG,XUE-YING Unknown Date (has links)
在瞬息萬變的企業經營環境中, 經理人( 指中級主管 )在制定決策時, 常面臨許多不 確定的狀況, 這些不確定的狀況可能是方案中某些事件發生與否具有不確定性, 也可 能是方案結果含有不確定性。這些不確定性是否會影響經理人的決策行為呢? 而不同 經理人對風險的態度( 有人是風險追求者, 有人是風險趨避者, 有人則是風險中立者 )不同, 是否會導致不同的決策行為? 此外, 企業所采用的績效評估指標也是個值得 探討的問題。績效評估指標可能是明確的( 如依決策結果計算紅利之多寡),也可能是 不明確的 (如依管理當局主觀判斷),而明確的績效評估指標中, 有些具獎勵性質, 有 些則具處罰性質, 究竟不同的績效評估指標, 是否也會產生不同的決策行為? 上述這 些問題, 都是本論文所要探討的問題。 本研究采實驗室法, 以企業經營個案為實驗內容, 對120 個受試者進行測試。自變數 為環境的不確定性、個人的風險偏好、以及績效評估指標, 并分析這些自變數對決策 行為的影響。 本研究的基本假設之一是, 決策者將追求其預期效用之最大。經理人在環境具不確定 性、個人風險偏好以及績效評估指標制度的影響之下, 將產生他個人認為最佳的決策 , 然而該決策卻未必能與企業的整體目標達成一致。因此, 如上述之自變項對決策行 為的影響是正面的, 則管理當局可參酌經理人之個人風險偏好, 透過對績效評估指標 的操縱, 誘導經理人采取對企業最有利的決策方案。


黃昌達 Unknown Date (has links)
在美國911恐怖攻擊事件過後,國際通關兼顧便捷與安全的議題引起普遍的重視。2005年,世界關務組織 (WCO) 通過全球貿易安全與便捷之標準架構 (SAFE),作為世界各國推動之標準。為了順應世界潮流,我國參考國際上現行的各類安全認證準則、機制及標準等,研擬「優質企業認證」辦法,顯示我國對供應鏈安全相關議題之重視。 如今基於國際上對於供應鏈安全之需求與考量,供應商的評選指標有必要予以增修,加入安全方面的考量,而目前的供應商評選相關研究,並未考慮廠商在安全方面的表現,且至今尚未有國內學者針對供應鏈中供應商安全程度的評估作相關的深入研究。 本研究提出一套供應商安全程度的評估流程,提供量化的安全程度評估值,使買主可在評選供應商時作為參考;並針對供應商在安全方面的應對提出建議,供廠商參考以改善本身的安全體質;其次,藉由本研究的介紹,使業者認識優質企業與安全供應鏈之概念精神、演進趨勢、相關認證及規範,進一步瞭解其內涵及重要性。

建構信任模型探討合作夥伴間資訊分享之意願 / Constructing the model of trust to discuss the will of information sharing between partner relationship

張瓊云 Unknown Date (has links)
由於跨組織關係的出現,企業為增加全球競爭力,供應鏈管理已成為非常重要的議題。其所重視的不僅是功能性的連結,亦著重於內部的流通,因此非常注重供應鏈成員間的資訊分享,用以創造長期永久的利潤。而為達到此目的,企業與企業彼此會互相逹成共識,進而相互結盟成為夥伴關係,這樣的夥伴關係是建立於相互信任、共擔風險與利益共享上,因此可藉由夥伴關係的建立,達到相互的信任進而願意資訊分享,如此不但可取得競爭優勢,並可創造出比企業個體更大的事業績效(Lambert et al., 1996)。 由上述得知,供應鏈組織中夥伴關係的建立常會牽涉到信任的形成,並用此來考量是否願意分享資訊。所以本研究針對資訊分享的議題,探討合作夥伴的信任程度對資訊分享的意願兩者是否有影響,藉由此協助企業在實施供應鏈管理上能有較適當的依循。即是希望建構一個信任函數,並經由運算設定此函數的門檻值進而探討資訊分享意願,若合作夥伴達信任門檻值,則彼此是願意資訊分享的;而針對未達門檻值的合作夥伴,可藉由信任函數中最具效益的構面指標,進行最有效的績效改善,提升供應夥伴的品質、服務、交貨速度及成本等等,用以達到信任門檻值,增加合作夥伴間資訊分享的意願。 因此本研究主要目的為建構一信任函數模型,使合作夥伴達到信任門檻,增加資訊分享意願,最終希望能提升整體供應鏈的績效表現。 / Because of Inter-organizational Relationships’ appearance, enterprises are in order to increase the global competitiveness, supplying chain management has already become very important topic. That pays attention to not only functional linking of ones, also focus on internal circulation. Therefore it pays much attention to supplying the information sharing among a member of the chain. And for achieve this purpose, among enterprises reach an agreement to form an alliance and become the partnership. Such a partnership is founded on trust in each other, taking risks together and benefits-sharing. So they can reach mutual trust then would like to carry on information sharing by setting up the partnership. That not only can make the competition advantage, but also can create the performance greater than the individual enterprise (Lambert et al., 1996). Consequently setting up the partnership regular involves in forming trust in supply chain. So we can use this viewpoint to consider would like to share information or not. Hence the research focuses on information sharing to probe into the relation between the degree of trust in the partnership and the willingness of information sharing.That is that builds and constructs a trust function, and sets up the threshold value via operation and then discusses the willingness of information sharing. If the cooperative partner reaches the value of threshold will willing to share information between each other. And aimed at cooperative partners who can’t reach the value of threshold, they can precede the most effective performance by using the beneficial dimension. Then improve their quality, service, delivery pace and cost, etc., in order to reach the will of information sharing.

考量指標衝突之物流業者評選模式 / Logistics service provider selection model based on conflict criteria

蔡雅慧, Tsai, Ya Hui Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化競爭的條件之下,企業之專業分工漸趨精細,企業為了發展自己本身的核心能力,選擇將非核心能力委外給專業的第三方,以求獲得更佳的服務品質且為企業減少成本支出。其中物流相關費用占企業營運費用約5%~35%,物流在整體企業營運扮演重要角色,近年來供應鏈管理的興起,企業更加重視與上下游廠商間協調關係,物流管理受到重視,物流關係到整體供應鏈的穩定度,因此在選擇物流委外供應商時,企業需審慎的評估供應商各方面的能力,以選出最適物流委外供應商。   過去評選物流委外供應商,多數藉由專家主觀判斷,本研究提出一套完整的物流委外供應商評選模式,以客觀的角度評選物流委外供應商。過去文獻中多數假設評估準則間關係獨立,此假設與現實狀況不符,評估準則通常存在相互關聯。企業在評選過程中,針對特定評選準則會有限定標準,若單以績效值評估,不符企業之需求,本研究將其納入考量,建立出更加完整的物流委外供應商評選模式。此評選模式可給予參與評選之候選廠商改善建議,為雙方建立良好的關係,創造雙贏的局面。   本研究透過決策實驗室法建立指標之網路關係,以網路程序分析法計算指標之權重,於評分處理部份,針對企業特定評選指標,透過田口品質損失函數轉換成與目標之損失值,最後藉由VIKOR排序法評選出最佳物流委外供應商。受限於成本考量,本研究透過系統動態學模擬運送情形,藉由所獲得之營運資料驗證此評選模式。 / Under the global competitive conditions, enterprises become more sophisticated division of labor. Enterprises want to develop their own core competencies. Enterprises choose to outsource non-core capabilities to third-party professional,because of better service quality and reducing costs for enterprises. In recent years, enterprises pay more attention to coordination with the relationship between upstream and downstream firms. The logistics in the overall business operations play an important role. Therefore, in the choice of logistics outsourcing providers, enterprises evaluate all aspects of supplier's abilities to select the most suitable supplier of logistics outsourcing.   This study provides a complete model to evaluate logistic service providers. Enterprises in the selection process, selection criteria will be qualified for a particular standard. Selection criteria usually have interrelationship. Under the condition, this study use DEMATEL and ANP to create criteria relationship and compute criteria weights. Taguchi loss function is used to calculate some criteria loss value, which is the distance between enterprise’s target values. Finally, VIKOR combines loss value with performance value to select the best logistics service providers. These models also give candidates some suggestions to improve their performance.

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