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會計師出具保留意見與其害怕失去客戶之恐懼及其提供非審計服務之關聯性研究 / A Study on the Association between the CPA'S Issuance of Qualified Opinions and the Fear of Losing Clients and Rending of Non-audit Servies陳旭郁, Chern, Shiuh-Yuh Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的,乃在探討簽證會計師是否因其對審計客戶提供非審計服務與害怕失去客戶之恐懼,損害其獨立性,而影響其不出具保留意見。本研究以會計師對民國 75 年至 79 年上市公司財務報表所簽證之意見為樣本。
本研究為控制受查公司之固有風險,參考 Dopuch, Holthausen, and Leftwich (1987)所採用之財務變數與市場變數,以控制影響會計師出具意見之因素,其中包括總負債相對於總資產之變動、應收帳款相對於總資產之變動、存貨相對於總資產之變動、帳面資產總額、抽查年度是否虧損、上市時間、Beta 之變動、殘差項標準誤之變動,以及控制產業別之虛擬變數。本研究除控制固有風險外,亦控制固有風險外,亦控制新公報發佈之影響。
本研究首先採用簡單 Logistic 迴歸分析,發現當簽證會計師對其審計客戶提供之非審計服務水準愈高時,會計師愈不可能出具保留意見;本研究亦發現當審計客戶對會計師施加壓力時,會計師會透過其害怕失去客戶之恐懼,而轉變為不出具保留意見之壓力,亦即,本研究發現當審計客戶對會計師施加壓力時,會計師愈不可能出具保留意見。
本研究使用複 Logistic 迴歸分析檢定也發現當簽證會計師對其審計客戶提供非審計服務之水準愈高時,會計師愈不可能出具保留意見;當審計客戶對會計師施加壓力時,會計師愈不可能出具保留意見。此結果與簡單 Logistic 迴歸分析之結果一致。 / The purpose of this study is to answer the question whether the CPA's issuance of qualified audit opinions is related to their rending of non-audit services and the fear of losing clients, which in turn affecting the CPA's independence. The CPA's opinion for the public companies was obtained from listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange between 1986 to 1990.
The method used by the Dopuch, Holthausen, and Leftwich(1987). Study was used to control for the inherent risk. Financial and market variables included are the changes in three ratio (the ratio of receivables to total assets, the ratio of inventories to total assets, the ratio of liabilities to total assets), the total assets, current year loss, time listed, change in beta, change in residual standard deviation of returns and seven industry dummies. In addition to the control of the inherent risk, the study also controls for the effect of newly promulgated accounting bulletin.
The research methodology is as follows, First, this study applies the simple logistic regression analysis. The results of the analysis indicate the existence of significant relationship between qualified audit opinion and the level of non-audit services, the results also indicate that clients tend to push auditors under pressure and make them fell the fear of losing clients, so then the probability to issue qualified opinions is smaller.
Second, this study applies the multiple logistic regression analysis. The findings also indicate the existence of significant relationship between qualified audit opinion and the level of non-audit services and fear of losing clients.
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電子商務對會計師業務影響及因應之道之研究劉融諭 Unknown Date (has links)
電子商務的興起改變了傳統交易模式且其產值快速成長,因而引起實務界與學者對於電子商務議題的重視。會計師專業是以人為主的服務事業,會因應環境的變遷而調整其專業的服務內容,因此,AICPA成立Special Committee on Assurance Services(SCAS),負責研議會計師業務擴展之相關問題。電子商務對會計師業務造成影響有衍生出安全性的問題,使得認證、相關諮詢服務的產生,且原始憑證消失使得傳統的審計方法面臨挑戰,審計方法需要加以改變,再者,會計資訊的要求由「可靠性」轉為「攸關性」,會計師可以提供及時查核的服務,因而有連續性審計的產生。本研究之目的即在探討電子商務對會計師業務之影響,並調查與分析會計師事務所具體因應之道。
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會計師同時提供非審計服務對其獨立性之影響-資訊使用者之認知謝秉璟 Unknown Date (has links)
過去,實證研究對此議題之看法相當分歧,管制機關、財報使用者、實務界之看法亦然;另一方面,對於非審計服務之相關規範,我國與美國之規定並不相同。因此,本研究欲分析財報使用者與會計師實務界之看法,研究兩方對會計師提供非審計服務是否影響其獨立性之認知。本研究以國立大學研究所及大學部學生為受試對象,藉由問卷蒐集資料並採透鏡模型(Lens model)理論架構進行分析。
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非審計服務對會計師獨立性影響之研究:門檻制公費揭露黃怡千 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵詞:非審計服務、門檻制公費揭露、會計師獨立性、裁量性應計 / Whether or not the purchase of non audit services (NAS) impairs audit independence is the focus of a growing body of accounting research in the U.S. Using the data of Taiwanese list firms, this paper examines whether the association holds in environment other than that of the United States. In addition, compared to that in the U.S., Taiwanese Securities and Futures Bureau requires firm to disclose information on the audit and nonaudit fees under some circumstances. The second objective of this paper, therefore, is to explore whether some firms meeting the disclosure threshold have an incentive to avoid the disclosure requirement by concealing audit fee from external investors and regulators, and whether there is difference in the independence between firms which should have met the disclosure threshold otherwise and firms disclosing nonaudit fees. Finally, I investigate whether premium given by market participants varies among these two groups.
We find that the purchase of NAS impairs audit independence, consistent with prior studies. We also document that firms which should have met the disclosure threshold otherwise are more likely to conduct earnings management relative to other firms, as predicted. Finally, our empirical results show that market participants are not able to distinguish these two groups.
Key words: non-audit services, disclosure threshold, audit independence, discretionary accruals
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