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台股情緒指標建構及與股市關係 / Construction of Sentiment Index and the Relationship between Sentiment Index and TAIEX Return吳佩蓉, Wu, Pei Jung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究最主要的貢獻為建構一具台灣股市投資人情緒指數並檢測投資人情緒指標與台灣股市的關係。本研究以台灣股票市場為背景,研究期間為2001年1月至2010年12月。利用Baker, Wurgler and Yuan在2009年提出的方法以Volatility Premium, Number of IPOs, First Day Return of IPOs, Turnover Rate四個變數編製台灣股市投資人情緒指數,並探討台灣股市投資人情緒指數變動量與台股大盤報酬之間的領先落後關係。
實證結果發現,在較短的時間,如月資料,台股大盤報酬會影響下一期的台灣股市投資人情緒指數變動量,而在較長的時間,如季資料,台灣股市投資人情緒指數變動量會影響四期後的台股大盤報酬,即短期台灣股市投資人情緒指數變動量為大盤報酬之落後指標,長期則為大盤報酬之領先指標,短期原因為投資人情緒指數受大盤報酬影響,而易有追高殺低現象,長期雖投資人情緒領先大盤報酬的結果在統計上顯著,但經濟上並無顯著意義,另一方面,台股大盤報酬與台灣股市投資人情緒指數變動量間存在正相關,即不能以台灣股市投資人情緒指數變動量預測股市泡沫。 / The main contribution would be the construction of the sentiment index in Taiwan stock markets and examining the relationship between the variation of the sentiment index and Taiwan stock market returns.
The background is Taiwan stock markets. The sample period is from January 2001 to December 2010. We use the method in Baker, Wurgler and Yuan (2009) to measure investors’ sentiment and explore the relationship between the variation of the sentiment index and Taiwan stock market returns.
The empirical result reveals that in monthly data, Taiwan stock market returns is the leading indicator of the variation of investment sentiment. In a longer term, we mean the quarterly data in this paper, the situation changes. In quarterly data, the variation of the investment sentiment is the leading indicator of the Taiwan stock market returns.
In addition, instead of a negative correlation between the stock market returns and our sentiment index, we prove that our sentiment index have a positive impact on stock market returns. Therefore, we could not use this sentiment index to forecast future economic bubbles.
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是否投資人恐慌情緒會影響台指期貨與現貨的價格發現功能曾祥智, Shyang-Jyh Tseng Unknown Date (has links)
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選擇權波動度交易策略之探討-以台指選擇權為例 / A study of volatility trading strategies: evidence from Taiwan index options賴星旅, Lai, Hsing Lu Unknown Date (has links)
本文考量波動度不對稱效果(Volatility Asymmetric Effect)與均數回歸(Mean Reverting)兩個特性,並考量台股市場特性,嘗試建立一個適合台灣市場的波動度交易策略。利用GARCH(1,1)波動度與VIX指標建構第一個交易訊號,並建立當日沖銷部位。以賺取日內行情為出發點,利用時間序列模型捕捉波動度的高估或低估且搭配純跨式(Pure Straddle)策略或根據Delta調整後的跨式(Adjusted Straddle)策略。第二個交易訊號則是利用市場敏感指標,觀察外資與自營商在交易部位與未平倉部位的變化,找出對於波動度的影響。建立由選擇權與期貨組成的Delta-Hedged部位,藉由觀察市場上主力籌碼的變化,動態調整部位契約,尋找波段之間的獲利機會。
關鍵字:波動度交易,選擇權交易策略,GARCH(1,1),VIX,市場情緒指標 / Trying to apply a preliminary study of volatility trading strategies in Taiwan derivative market is the topic of this dissertation. Capturing the market movement or even the dynamic of underlying asset is a Pandora’s Box for academic researchers and industry participants. Mean-reverting and asymmetrical effects are the two special characteristics of volatility for us to design our trading system according to the previous empirical studies.
In our study, we use different type of volatility signal to capture the trading opportunities. Use the new released information form TAIFEX including VIX and Position Structure of Institutional Traders to design our signal. We apply the idea to use pure option position and delta-hedged position as our trading tools in this volatility trading system and look for the opportunities between realized volatility and implied volatility. An over-reaction may rises the uncertainty and also lead the market volatility change coherently. We use history data from 2007 to 2008 test our trading signal and parameters. The out sample period is from 2009 January to 2009 March which has 55 trading days to simulate our strategies. In the end, we see a positive result in both trading signals which earns positive return after considering the trading cost.
Key words: Volatility Trading, Market Sentiment Indices, Option Strategies, VIX, GARCH(1,1)
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