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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


林清琴 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著時代的脈動,人民對政府服務的品質要求愈來愈高,政府施政在講求為民服務、顧客至上、績效第一的觀念下,使得現今公務服務已成為高壓力與高溝通需求的工作。區公所之里幹事是市府為民服務的前哨尖兵,平日深入鄰里,協助政府政令及活動的宣導、執行與傳遞;另一方面,也肩負著反映民意、探求民瘼的重任。他在職場上所面臨的人際關係不單是主管與同儕,更重要的是地方里鄰自治幹部及為數眾多的里民,其所表現之情緒控管與人際關係之優劣,不僅直接反映個人的身心狀況、生活品質及工作績效,更影響民眾對政府的觀感及區政工作能否順利推動。因此,做為一位稱職的里幹事必須具備的核心職能乃為「有效的情緒管理」與「良好的人際關係」。 本研究以臺北市政府所屬12個區公所全體里幹事為對象,利用SPSS for Winters 12.0版本,進行t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析與複迴歸分析等統計方法,進而分析比較受訪者所填答之資料。 研究發現,臺北市里幹事「情緒掌控」能力最佳,「情緒知覺」能力較弱;而婚姻狀態、年齡、服務年資、職等、曾服務里數等個人屬性因素皆會影響其情緒管理能力;至於性別、學歷、服務戶數多寡則不影響其情緒控管能力。此外,研究結果也顯示,臺北市里幹事在人際關係的表現上以和諧度的表現優於親密度,且未婚者、高學歷者人際關係表現較差。 同時研究結果亦顯示臺北市里幹事的情緒管理能力確實會影響人際關係的表現,兩者呈現正向關係。因此建議行政機關應定期舉辦有關提升情緒管理與人際關係的相關研習課程、鼓勵里幹事在職進修提升自我學習力、或提供多元休閒與運動的場所,以協助里幹事使其提高情緒管理能力。同時里幹事自身亦應在工作之餘加入成長性或公益性社團,增進與他人相處的能力,並培養善於溝通、適切協調的能力以增進社會支持度,方能有效拓展職場與里鄰人際關係,俾便順利推動里政業務。


傅美琴 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討桃園縣國民中學校長之情緒管理與學校效能現況及二者之間的關係,主要採用問卷調查法並以分層比例叢集取樣方式,抽取全縣55個國中之教師585人為樣本對所屬學校校長之情緒管理與學校效能進行調查研究。計回收問卷543份,有效問卷521份。 在研究工具方面,包括「基本資料」、「國民中學校長情緒管理調查問卷」、「國民中學學校效能調查問卷」等三部份。研究資料採用t考驗(t test)、單音子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)、皮爾遜(Pearson)積差相關、多元逐步回歸分析(multiple stepwise regression analysis)等統計方法,並獲致以下結論: ㄧ、國民中學教師認知所屬學校校長情緒管理能力達中上水準。 二、國民中壆教師認知所屬學校之學校效能尚稱良好。 三、不同性別、年齡、教學年資之教師對校長情緒管理的認知沒有顯著差異。 四、不同教育程度、擔任不同職務之教師對校長情緒管理的認知有顯著差異。 五、不同性別、年齡、學校規模、學校所在地區的校長其情緒管理沒有顯著差異。 六、不同校長年資、教育程度的校長其情緒管理有顯著差異。 七、校長的情緒管理與學校效能表現呈現正向相關。 八、校長「情緒的調適」能力最能預測其學校效能表現。 針對以上研究結果,提供國中校長、教育主管機關、未來研究學者幾點建議作為參考。 關鍵字:國民中學校長 情緒管理 學校效能 / The research is conducted with a view to taking a close look at the contemporary situation between principals’ emotional management and school effectiveness and, furthermore, to exploring the relationship between the two factors. The research methods are based on the questionnaire survey via stratified sampling and cluster sampling. 585 copies of the research questionnaire are distributed to the selected teachers in all the 55 schools in Taoyuan County. Out of the 585 research questionnaires, 543 copies are retrieved and 521 copies are valid. In terms of research tools, the questionnaire designed includes the following three parts: Personal data, Questionnaire on Principals’ Emotional Management in Junior High School and Questionnaire on School Effectiveness of Junior High School. T-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, and multiple stepwise regression analysis are main statistical approaches. The following 8 conclusions have been obtained: 1. The perception of junior high school teachers in principals’ abilities of emotional management is intermediate-level. 2. The perception of junior high school teachers in school effectiveness is fair. 3. There is no noticeable difference for the perception of junior high school teachers in principals’ abilities of emotional management when variations are addressed to “gender, age, and the number of years teaching.” 4. There is a significant difference for the perceptions of junior high school teachers in principals’ abilities of emotional management due to different “educational background and positions.” 5. There is no obvious difference for principals’ emotional management when variations are addressed to “gender, age, school size, and school location.” 6. There is an obviously diversity for principals’ emotional management due to principals’ different “educational background and working years” 7. A positive correlation between principals’ emotional management and school efficiency is found in Tao-Yuan Junior High Schools. 8. School effectiveness can be best predicted by the principal’s ability of “emotions adjustment.” According to the results of the study, some suggestions are offered to junior high school principals, educational authorities, and future researchers. Key Terms: Junior high school principals , Emotional management, School effectiveness


余政翰 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解北部地區六縣市高級中學導師情緒管理與班級經營效能之現況及兩者間的關係。採用問卷調查法,研究對象為高級中學導師。本研究取樣的原則採分層隨機抽樣和簡單隨機抽樣方式,共抽取20所學校,取得一至三年級共60個班級,班級學生共1600人,回收的有效樣本共計1146位學生。 本研究之研究工具有「高級中學導師情緒管理量表」與「高級中學導師班級經營效能量表」,調查所得資料以t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關、多元逐步迴歸分析等方法來進行統計分析。 本研究的主要發現如下: 一、北部地區高級中學導師大多具有良好的情緒管理能力。 二、北部地區高級中學導師其班級經營效能均屬於中等偏上程度,各分層面以「師生互動」的效能最佳,以「班級管理」的效能較差。 三、不同性別、不同年齡與不同學校隸屬之高級中學導師,在整體情緒管理及其分層面有差異。 四、不同性別、不同年齡、不同任教年資與不同班級規模之高級中學導師,其整體班級經營效能及其分層面有差異。 五、高級中學導師情緒管理與其班級經營效能具有顯著正相關。 六、情緒管理能力不同之高級中學導師,其班級經營效能有差異;情緒管理能力高的級任教師,其班級經營效能較佳。 七、高級中學導師之情緒管理能力可以有效預測其班級經營效能。 針對上述結果,本研究分別針對教育行政機關與高級中學導師之建議,並指陳後續研究可以參考與改進的方向。 關鍵字:高級中學導師、情緒管理、班級經營效能


王悄竹 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要從情緒解釋框架效應,由情緒管理理論(Mood management theory)、情緒壓抑效果(Dampening effect)解釋框架效應,並利用問卷驗證兩理論之正確性。情緒管理理論認為:在正向框架下,受試為了保持好心情,選擇能保持好心情的確定選項;在負向框架下,受試為了逃離負向情緒,選擇有機會沒有人損失的風險選項。而情緒壓抑效果則認為:受試會對不確定選項會有一個情緒的壓抑效果,因此在正向框架下,受試對風險選項的正向情緒較低,因此選擇確定選項;負向框架下,受試對風險選項的負向情緒較低,因此選擇風險選項。另外,對於過去文獻中顯現人們對亞洲疾病問題比賭局問題要來的風險追逐的現象,情緒管理理論比情緒壓抑效果更能由情緒的角度提供解釋。情緒管理理論預期受試面對賭局問題比亞洲疾病問題,在正向框架下的正向情緒較高,在負向框架下的負向情緒較低。情緒壓抑效果預期受試在正向框架下,對於確定選項有較高的正向情緒,因此選擇確定選項;面對負向框架,對於不確定選項有較低的負向情緒,因此選擇不確定選項。本文採用問卷的方式,在實驗一與實驗二中,對於上述的理論作檢驗,結果支持情緒管理理論的預測,情緒壓抑效果僅獲得部分支持。本文除了對於過去框架效應的相關文章作一統整外,對於框架效應的發生提供一個情緒解釋基礎,並使用情緒管理理論驗證並支持之。

加護病房護理人員之非理性信念、情緒特質與情緒管理對人際關係影響路徑之建構 / A Path Model Construction of ICU Nurses’ Irrational Beliefs, Emotional Traits, Emotional Management, and Their Interpersonal Relationship

陳世芬, Shih-Fen Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在於建構加護病房護理人員之非理性信念、情緒特質及情緒管理對人際關係之影響路徑模式。本研究採問卷調查法,參與者為200位加護病房護理人員,研究工具則包含非理性信念、情緒特質、情緒管理與人際關係等四份量表。研究中以驗證性因素分析、描述統計、單因子多變量變異數分析及結構方程模式分析資料,主要的研究結果如下: 一、教育程度在大學以下者比教育程度為研究所者具有較強烈之「希望感」正向情緒特質。護理年資高者較護理年資淺者能在人際關係方面展現主動關懷的行為。此外,修過情緒管理課程或壓力管理課程者比從未修過該課程者,具有較強烈之正向情緒特質。值得注意的是,從未修過壓力管理課程者卻比修過該課程者,具有較強烈之「自卑感」負向情緒特質。 二、非理性信念愈強者,其負向情緒激發愈強烈。但非理性信念與正向或負向情緒特質交互作用後,非理性信念對負向情緒激發的影響會被削弱。此外,非理性信念對積極回應策略沒有效果。 三、正向情緒特質對負向情緒激發具有負向效果,但卻對積極回應策略具有正向效果。 四、負向情緒特質對負向情緒激發具有正向效果,但對積極回應策略具有負向效果。 五、不同非理性信念者,其人際關係並無顯著差異。 六、正向情緒特質對人際關係具有正向效果。 七、負向情緒特質愈強者,其人際關係愈差,且負向情緒特質是透過負向情緒激發或積極回應策略對人際關係產生間接影響效果,雖然其效果並不大。 八、不同負向情緒激發者,其人際關係並無顯著差異,但當負向情緒激發受到正向情緒特質的影響後,會對人際關係產生正向的效果。 九、積極回應策略對人際關係具有正向效果。 十、修正模式一與二顯示非理性信念對負向情緒激發與積極回應策略皆無直接效果,非理性信念對人際關係亦無間接效果。但不同的是,在修正模式一中,正向情緒特質會對負向情緒激發產生負向效果,但對積極回應策略與人際關係產生直接的正向效果。此外,正向情緒特質會分別透過負向情緒激發與積極回應策略的中介,進而對人際關係產生負向與正向的效果。而在修正模式二中,負向情緒特質會對負向情緒激發產生正向的直接效果,但對積極回應策略會產生負向的直接效果。此外,負向情緒特質會透過積極回應策略的中介,對人際關係產生負向的效果,且負向情緒激發會透過積極回應策略的中介,對人際關係產生正向的效果。   針對上述結果,本研究分別針對護理人員培育機構與醫療院所提出課程教學與人員輔導之建議,並指陳後續研究可以參考與改進的方向。 / The purpose of this study was to propose and examine a path model of irrational beliefs, emotional traits, emotional management, and interpersonal relationship among nurses in the intensive care unit (ICU). Two hundred ICU nurses in Taiwan participated in this study. The employed instruments included the Inventory of Irrational Beliefs, the Inventory of Emotional Traits, the Inventory of Emotional Management, and the Inventory of Interpersonal Relationship. Moreover, the used data analysis methods were Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), One-way Multivariate Analysis of variance (MANOVA), and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The main findings of this study were as follows: 1. Participants with an educational degree under college had a stronger “sense of hope” than those with an educational degree of graduate schools. Those with long period of working experiences in hospitals showed more proactive caring behaviors than their counterparts. Moreover, those who had taken emotional-management or stress-coping courses had more positive emotional traits than their counterparts. Finally, those who had never taken stress-coping courses had a stronger sense of inferiority complex than their counterparts. 2. Participants who had a stronger irrational belief experienced more negative- emotion arousal than their counterparts. However, the interaction of irrational beliefs and emotional traits could weaken the effects of irrational beliefs on negative-emotion arousal. On the other hand, the participants’ irrational beliefs did not have effects on their employment of proactive response strategies. 3. While the ICU nurses’ positive emotional traits did not have effects on their negative-emotion arousal, such traits had positive effects on their employment of proactive response strategies. 4. While the nurses’ negative emotional traits had positive effects on their negative- emotion arousal, such traits had negative effects on their employment of proactive response strategies. 5. The nurses’ irrational beliefs did not have effects on their interpersonal relationship. 6. The nurses’ positive emotional traits had positive effects on their interpersonal relationship. 7. The nurses’ negative emotional traits had negative effects on their interpersonal relationship, and such effects were brought about via negative-emotion arousal or the employment of proactive response strategies. 8. The nurses’ negative-emotion arousal did not have effects on their interpersonal relationship; however, when influenced by positive emotional traits, the negative-emotion arousal had positive effects on interpersonal relationship. 9. The nurses’ employment of proactive response strategies had positive effects on their interpersonal relationship. 10. The results of Modified Model 1 and Model 2 indicated that the nurses’ irrational beliefs did not have direct effects on their employment of proactive response strategies as well as on their interpersonal relationship. In modified Model 1, however, positive emotional traits had negative effects on negative-emotion arousal and proactive emotional strategies; moreover, positive emotional traits had indirect negative effects on interpersonal relationship via negative-emotion arousal while such traits had indirect positive effects on interpersonal relationship via proactive response strategies. In modified model 2, on the contrary, negative emotional traits had positive effects on negative-emotion arousal while such traits had negative effects on proactive emotional strategies; moreover, negative emotional traits had indirect negative effects on interpersonal relationship via proactive response strategies while negative-emotion arousal had indirect positive effects on interpersonal relationship via proactive response strategies. With accordance to the above findings, the researcher proposed some suggestions with regards to teaching and counseling for nursing training institutes and medical institutions; moreover, some suggestions were proposed for future studies.

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