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投入程度、認知需求對廣告說服效果的影響-ELM模式之實證研究 / INVOLVEMENT、NEED FOR COGNITION TO ADVERTISING EFFECTIVENESS白明勝, Pai, Ming Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要是以Petty & Cacioppo的ELM模式為研究之架構。根據ELM模式,個人有處理訊息的動機及能力時,將會採中央路徑的訊息處理方式,此時影響態度的主要因素為論點品質;反之,若個人缺乏處理訊息的動機或沒有處理訊息的能力時,則會採取周
4、與國外實證結果不同的是,本研究的交互效果皆不顯著,此結果正突顯出,本研究所提出之文化差異對廣告說服力之影響。也就是東方文化較傾向於地域依賴,而西方文化較傾向地域獨立。 / Systematic variation across cultures in many psychological phenomena have been found by many previous studies. This study incorporate on of them, i. e., need for cognition, into a consumer behavior model, i.e., the Elaboration Likelihood Model. In this paper, the reason why the development of an individual's need for cognition is governed by cultures is explored and the relationship between need for cognition and persuasive effectiveness of media communication is established. Undergraduates at NCCU participated in the experiment. Subjects were randomly assigned to each of the cells in a 2(involvement:high or low) x 2(celebrity status:famous or infamous) x 2(argument quality: high or low)factorial design. Our study has not provided support for the view that different features of an advertisement may be more or less effective, depending upon a person's involvement or need for cognition. The result is not consistent with that of other studies conducted in the western culture. The possible explanation may be due to the culture differences in that the Chinese culture is field dependent while the western culture is field independentas hypothesized.
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資訊系統需求擷取之知識互動探討 / A study on knowledge interaction in the process of information system requirement elicitation黃國華, Huang, Travis K. Unknown Date (has links)
此外,系統分析人員的知識分享意願只對隱喻的邊界物件有正向影響,而使用者的知識分享意願卻對這四類邊界物件皆無顯著影響。在這四類邊界物件之中,只有實務的邊界物件對專案創意具有正向的影響,而隱喻的邊界物件則對於語法的、語意的、實務的邊界物件三者具有正向的影響,因此隱喻的邊界物件可以藉由實務的邊界物件對專案創意產生正向的間接效果。出乎意料之外,語意的邊界物件對專案創意具有負向的影響。在實務方面,本研究建議組織應該藉由增加實務的邊界物件和隱喻的邊界物件,以提高專案創意嶄露的可能性。 / As innovation happens from the boundaries between different specialty domains, effective knowledge interaction among participants has become a competitive necessity for organizations. In order to improve innovation, it is necessary for participants to deal explicitly with the interpretive barriers and further synthesize their expertise. During the development of information system, most knowledge interactions, which are conducted by systems analysts and users, can be observed in the phase of systems analysis. Thus, this study intends to explore not only factors that may affect participants’ intention to share knowledge, but also types of boundary objects in the context of systems analysis. As an innovative organizational climate and participants’ interaction involvement are identified as antecedents of participants’ intention to share knowledge, the relationships among these factors are studied. Besides, while four types of boundary objects are summarized, their effects on project innovativeness are discussed. Then, the influence of participants’ intention to share knowledge on the occurrence of four types of boundary objects was further examined.
The results, based on data collected from 258 student analysts and 258 users, indicate that an innovative climate positively and directly influences both systems analysts and users’ intention to share knowledge. While systems analysts’ interaction involvement has a strong influence on users’ interaction involvement, which is measured by responsiveness, perceptiveness and attentiveness, users’ interaction involvement also has positive effects on both systems analysts and users’ intention to share knowledge; unexpectedly, systems analysts’ interaction involvement is negatively related to users’ intention to share knowledge.
In addition, while systems analysts’ intention to share knowledge only influences the occurrence of metaphoric boundary objects, users’ intention to share knowledge does not demonstrate any significant effect on four types of boundary objects. Out of syntactic, semantic, pragmatic and metaphoric boundary objects, only pragmatic boundary objects had a strong positive effect on project innovativeness. As metaphoric boundary objects are shown to have positive effects on all other three types of boundary objects, metaphoric boundary object affects project innovativeness indirectly through pragmatic boundary objects. Surprisingly, semantic boundary objects negatively affects project innovativeness, although not very strongly. A practical implication is the possibility of increasing project innovativeness by enhancing both pragmatic boundary objects and metaphoric boundary objects.
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