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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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侯瓊林 Unknown Date (has links)
本文探討我國現行撥用制度之問題,首先介紹我國現行撥用制度內容,其次試以釐清公地撥用之基本法律概念,包括行政院核准公地撥用行為屬行政事實行為或行政處分行為、公地撥用之法律性質為原始取得或繼受取得、公地撥用之效力始點及地方自治團體有土地之撥用核准權歸屬等。接著針對實務上辦理撥用之有償與無償撥用問題、作宿舍用途使用得否辦理撥用、依法撥用後地上負擔之處理以及撤銷撥用等相關問題,論述其爭議點,並試以解決。 經整理論述後發現,行政院核准中央機關撥用國有不動產,屬行政院對國有不動產使用權之調整支配行為,與核准地方機關撥用國有不動產、中央機關撥用地方自治團體有不動產以及地方機關撥用其他地方自治團體有不動產具行政處分性質不同,為解決同屬行政院核准撥用,行政行為態樣卻不同之問題,中央機關因公務或公共需用國有不動產時,似可比照臺北市政府各機關因公務需要使用其他機關經管市有不動產之「移轉使用」方式辦理,亦即與不動產管理機關取得協議,徵得財政部(國有財產局)同意,並報經行政院核准「移轉使用」即可,而免除辦理撥用手續;需地機關奉准無償撥用時,取得土地之使用權非屬「物權」,無原始取得之適用,需地機關奉准有償撥用,雖涉及所有權移轉而有原始取得適用之可能,惟核准有償撥用,如為核准中央機關有償撥用國有不動產,並不涉所有權移轉,且被撥用土地上原有負擔如繼續存在,不妨礙需地機關依其撥用計畫使用,該負擔亦並非不能併存而當然消滅,故其用地取得性質則仍有待商榷;需地機關奉准無償撥用取得使用權並無民法第758條「不動產物權,非經登記,不生效力」之適用,故需地機關自奉准無償撥用之日起,即生撥用效力,而有償撥用應先繳付有償撥用價款,始得辦理登記,且涉及所有權(不動產物權)移轉,奉准有償撥用,應迄至完成登記當日,始生撥用效力。另地方自治團體有土地之核准撥用,屬地方自治事項,其准否撥用、應否取償及其取決標準,應由地方自治團體本於地方自治精神自主決定,行政院訂頒之「各級政府互相撥用公有不動產有償與無償之劃分原則」,僅屬行政規則性質,並無法律授權,適用範疇卻包括地方自治團體有不動產,有侵害地方自治權情形。 實務執行方面,行政院雖訂頒「各級政府互相撥用公有不動產之有償與無償劃分原則」作為各機關辦理撥用時應否取償之準據,惟該原則但書各款規定仍存有若干問題,並無法全面解決無償與有償撥用之爭議;又國有財產法第38條雖規定擬作宿舍用途者不得辦理撥用,但現階段仍有撥用國有房地作宿舍使用之需要,是該條規定有修正放寬其限制之必要;另依法撥用後地上原有負擔之處理,涉及權利人財產權,應以法律直接規定,但現行法律,除依耕地三七五減租條例訂定之公有農業用地租賃契約,平均地權條例第11條有明確規定其處理方式外,其他負擔之處理方式則付之闕如;此外,撤銷撥用方面,國有財產法第39條所指「撤銷撥用」,係對於「合法」核准撥用之行政處分使失其效力,該條使用「撤銷撥用」用語,易令人誤解係對「違法」核准撥用之「撤銷」,為符實際,應修正為「廢止撥用」;各機關依法撥用取得用地,嗣後擬變更作其他公務或公共用途使用,不論是否已依原撥用計畫使用,為管控土地之有效利用及其使用符合使用分區管制規定,宜循序「撤銷」撥用,再另案辦理撥用。又未於奉准撥用1年內依撥用計畫使用應予撤銷撥用之用地,目前僅限於「建地」,為避免其他種類用地撥用之浮濫,其適用範疇應擴充至其他種類用地,另鑑於需地機關依法有償撥用後,常無法於規定期限繳付有償撥用價款,造成積欠情事,為利後續執行,無法如期繳付有償撥用價款,亦應納入應予撤銷撥用之範疇。

臺灣地區公有土地撥用制度之研究-有償無償原則之分析 / An Investigation of the Public Land Appropriation System in Taiwan - An Analysis of Principles for Determining Compensation

吉啟文, Chi, Chi Wen Unknown Date (has links)
公有土地撥用制度,由於以往相關法規對於撥用「所有權」或「使用權」不明確,因此,各級政府機關之間往往產生有償無償問題爭議,以致影響公有土地撥用作業。本研究從財產權觀點探討撥用問題,進行理論上剖析與實務上的探討。   本研究之重要結論與建議如下:   一、結論   (一)公有土地撥用之相關法規對於財產權界定不明確,為產生撥用之有償無償爭議的主要原因。   (二)公有土地撥用之有償與否,對土地使用配置的效率有一定程度影響,而撥用之有償無償爭議,易造成公有土地撥用的無效率。   (三)公有土地撥用應區分「所有權」與「使用權」的撥用,以所有權移轉者,以有償方式撥用,以使財產權界定更明確。   二、建議   (一)於不同層級政府(如臺北市政府與臺北縣政府)或同一層級不同地方政府(如臺北市與臺灣省政府)間撥用公有土地,以撥所有權為主,採取有償方式。於同一層級政府間撥用公有土地,則以撥用使用權方式進行。   (二)區分所有權與使用權之撥用,並分別賦予不同名稱。同一層級政府間撥使用權,宜稱為「移轉使用」,不同層級政府或同一層級不同地方政府間撥所有權,才稱為「撥用」,以避免二者混淆。 / Concerning the land appropriation system in Taiwan, because relevant past laws and regulations concerning appropriation "ownership" and "use rights" were not clear, problems and disputes concerning whether or not compensation would be awarded often arose between government agencies at various levels, sometimes affecting the implementation of the public land appropriations. This study researches the appropriation question from the viewpoint of property rights, making both a theoretical analysis and an' investigation of actual practice.   The important conclusions and suggestions of this study are as follows:   1. Conclusions:   A. Laws and regulations concerning public land appropriations are unclear as to property right distinctions and are a principal cause for disputes concerning whether or not to award compensation for appropriations.   B. Whether or not compensation is given for public land appropriations has a definite level of impact on the efficiency of arrangements for land use. Therefore disputes concerning whether or not to give compensation for appropriations are apt to lead to inefficient public land appropriations.   C. Public land appropriations should clearly distinguish the appropriation of "ownership" and "use rights." In order to clearly distinguish property rights, compensation should be given for appropriations when ownership is transferred.   II. Suggestions   A. When public land appropriations are made between different government levels and segments (such as the Taipei Municipal Government and the Taipei County Government) or between different government levels in the same segment (such as the Taipei Municipal Government and the Taiwan Provincial Government), appropriation of property rights should be generally made. and should employ the method of giving compensation. When public land appropriations are made within a single level and segment of government, appropriation of use rights should be made.   B. Distinction should be made between the appropriation of property rights and use rights, and they should also be given different names. In order to avoid confusion of the two, use right appropriations made within a single segment and level of government should be appropriately termed "transfer of use right," and only property right appropriations made between different segments and levels of government or within the same segment but between different levels of government should be termed "appropriations."

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