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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統經營發展之研究 / A study on the management and development

鍾昀圻, Chung,Yun Ci Unknown Date (has links)
1992年朱宗慶秉著「演奏、推廣、教學、研究」的目標,成功的將打擊音樂從表演舞台延伸到生活教學形式上,正式成立-「朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統」,為國人首創之打擊音樂教學系統,也是第一個由表演藝術團體設立的體制外教育系統。直至今日近二十年間,體制外打擊樂教學中心陸續成立,朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統甚至拓展至海外開設教學中心,初估全台灣學習過打擊樂的人數超過十五萬人。 「朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統何以成為可能?」此為本論文發問的起點,以時間的推進為主軸,透過相關文獻的分析與對照經營管理理論,試圖從中抽絲剝繭找出背後的一些關鍵因子。經由本論文對朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統之通盤研究後,最後對「朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統何以成為可能」之原始提問做出整理與歸納並提出未來發展之建議。 本論文首章論述發想過程,同時說明採行文獻分析及深入訪談之研究方法,並確定研究重點為朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統之經營管理發展層面。第二章說明打擊樂及體制外音樂教育的發展概況,另外針對體驗行銷、藍海策略、組織變革等相關管理理論進行文獻分析,最後提及朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統二十年來的大事紀,並搜集朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統之相關期刊論文研究,做為接下來對朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統發展的討論基礎。 第三章至第五章詳細論述朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統的發展歷程,筆者依朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統創辦至今之重要轉折及事件,將其發展歷程劃分為三個時期;第一個時期為1992-2002之創辦紮根時期,此階段朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統從無到有,教學中心於全省快速拓展,全盛時期有三十二間教學中心,可謂為朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統開疆拓土的重要階段;第二個時期為2002-2005之轉變期,由於2002年發生了系統分裂危機,促使朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統進行組織重整,結合了朱宗慶打擊樂團與擊樂文教基金會的資源,成立朱宗慶打擊樂團隊,開啟了朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統另一個新紀元;第三個時期為2006年迄今,全面開拓海外市場的朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統陸續於澳洲與中國大陸成立了海外據點,為「立足台灣、放眼國際」這個願景邁開一大步,自此走向國際。 第六章則歸納朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統發展之天時與地利,以及創辦人朱宗慶個人的時代性角色、風格與做事的態度等,皆創造出獨特的朱宗慶精神。接下來的朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統如何延續朱宗慶精神,將是一個重要的議題。且未來朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統將不再是唯一的打擊樂教學系統,面對少子化的危機與團隊老化問題,筆者認為唯有持續不斷的創新、精進專業提昇服務價值並保有熱情的心才有機會讓朱宗慶打擊樂教學系統得以朝立足台灣、放眼國際的願景繼續邁進。


廖莉芬, Li-Fen, Liao Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 系統滿意度與接受度一直是資管學者所探討的研究主題之一,過去有許多學者是從許多不同的角度來進行研究,有些學者是從使用者態度與信念的角度來探討系統接受度,有些學者是從任務/科技配合的角度來探討系統的接受度與任務績效的關係,也有些學者發現群體之間的互動以及群體與系統間的互動才是影響系統成效的重要因素。 資訊系統的人機互動一直是資管領域重要的研究議題,雖然過去已經有許多的研究在於資訊系統的人機互動上,然而對於遠距教學系統的互動卻較為缺乏。由於過去的研究很少以遠距學習的群體特性對系統運作所產生的影響進行深度探討,故本研究是以群體互動的觀點,來探討群體使用者對於系統的運用過程,以及對於系統的接受度與滿意度的研究。 本研究是以適應性結構化理論的觀點,來探討群體使用者對於遠距教學系統運用的影響。適應性結構化理論指出了群體的成果並不是直接從科技或任務而來的,而是反映到這個群體是如何運用科技與相關資源後的結果。本研究以政大以及交大的遠距教學系統為其研究標的,並以參與遠距學習的學生作為問卷發放之對象,共有398份問卷資料以為分析與驗證本研究之模型。研究結果發現,除了老師的教學技巧對於遠距教學系統運用並沒有顯示出正面的影響關係之外,本研究的其他構面如科技、老師、學生以及課程等構面的相關因素都有正面的影響關係。 關鍵字:遠距教學系統、系統滿意度、適應性結構化理論、系統運用過程 / Abstract System acceptance and satisfaction is one of important issues in MIS field. Many researchers use different perspectives to study system acceptance and satisfaction. Some researchers use user’s attitude and belief to discuss system acceptance, others use task/technology perspective to discuss the relationship between system acceptance and task performance. Some scholars found system appropriation processes between users and technology is the most important factor. Man machine interaction is an important topic in MIS field. Though many researches have done in information system interaction, the interaction in distance learning system still lack of study. Few researches focus on the impact of learning group’s characteristics to system appropriations. Our research use the perspective of group interaction to depicts system appropriation and system outcomes. In the research, we based on Adaptive Structuration Theory to form our research model. Adaptive Structuration Theory points out that the system outcomes does not come directly from task or technology, it reflects how group users appropriate the system. The target systems in our research are the distance learning systems in National ChengChi University and National Chiao-Tung University. Survey data gathered from 398 students were used to test our model. The results shows that except teacher’s teaching skill, all other dimensions include technology, learner, and course are all positively affect system appropriation. Results provided substantial support for the propositions that technology and group structure will affect system use and system satisfaction. Keywords: distance learning system, system satisfaction, adaptive structuration theory, system appropriation processes


曾彩娥 Unknown Date (has links)
網際網路的蓬勃發展,造成資訊快速成長。身處在全面數位化的時代中,知識爆炸與淘汰速度加快,人民唯有不斷的學習才能適應知識的革新,才不會被時代所淘汰。 網路學習是最佳終身學習途徑,透過網路學習,不但能提昇學習者的學習動機與專業能力,且能培養終身學習者學習將理論與實務結合的問題解決能力、資訊的搜尋、整合與應用能力。遠距學習、網路學習成為廿一世紀知識經濟知識工作者不可或缺的全方位學習策略。 本研究為瞭解國家圖書館遠距教學實施現況及國家圖書館遠距教學系統中圖書資訊學課程使用者意見,以文獻分析及問卷調查的方法對國家圖書館遠距教學系統使用者基本背景資料、網頁設計、課程設計、教學系統功能、課程需求等做一問卷調查。歸納研究結果重點如下:(1)圖書館應用遠距教學系統推展終身學習、個人化服務等功能值得肯定;(2)英美國家圖書館遠距教學服務發展模式可供國內發展參考;(3)我國國家圖書館遠距教學圖書資訊學課程頗具發展潛力;(4)資訊科技與網際網路對遠距教學服務發展深具影響力;(5)學員對國家圖書館遠距學園課程需求非常期盼,希望課程多元化;(6)學員對國家圖書館遠距教學服務大都持滿意態度;(7)頻寬不足是實施網路遠距教學一大障礙;(8)國家圖書館遠距教學有關課程影音講解與課程網頁內容不同步,網頁畫面連結不穩定,影響學習效果。 根據研究結果,本研究提出八項建議:(1)國家圖書館遠距課程內容宜加深加廣;(2)國家圖書館遠距教學系統宜善用數位典藏內容,發展數位內容教材庫;(3)國家圖書館遠距教學系統宜加強課程互動與學習社群經營;(4)國家圖書館遠距教學宜加強遠距教學系統之維護與更新;(5)國家圖書館遠距教學服務宜加強推廣與宣導;(6)國家圖書館遠距教學系統宜發行遠距教學電子報;(7)國家圖書館遠距教學系統宜與專業學會合作發展網路教學方式研習課程;(8)國家圖書館遠距教學系統宜建立學習認證機制,頒予學習證書、學分、學位等以提高學習誘因。 / The Internet has been prosperous and the quantity of information has been increased rapidly. The accumulation of knowledge is so fast and the information is out-of-date so quickly. Only by learning can people keep up with the innovation of knowledge in the digitized age. E-Learning is the best way for lifelong learning. E-Learning can facilitate motivation of learning and professional ability. Meanwhile, e-learning can enhance the ability of searching, integrating and applying of information. E-Learning is a good strategy of learning for a knowledge worker in knowledge economy society. This study is carried out to understand that National Central Library’s Distance e-Learning System state-of-the-art and the learners’ opinions of library and information science courses in that system. This study uses literature review and questionnaire survey of the basic background information, homepage design, course design, function of system and the demand of learners. The results of the study are as follows :(1)Library uses of the e-learning system to promote lifelong learning, personalized services etc. are confirmed.(2)The local library can learn the experience from the United Kingdom and America in the development module of e-learning. (3)Library and information science courses have potential development.(4) E-Learning service is under the influence of information technology and Internet. (5)The demand of e-learning courses is diversified. (6)Most learners are satisfied with the National Central Library’s e-learning service. (7)The insufficient bandwidth of the connection will be an obstacle of Web-Based Instruction.(8)The learning efficiency will be affected by asynchronous pace of courses’ video instruction and the appearance of content,and unstable linkage of web pages will also impact the efficiency. According to the result of the study, there are eight suggestions :First, contents and scope of e-learning courses are broadened. Second, teachers can use digitized contents to create digital teaching materials. Third, the interaction of courses and the learning community management demand improvements. Fourth, maintenance of the Distance e-Learning System needs to be emphasized. Fifth, the promotion of the distance e-learning service is necessary. Sixth, the issue of e-learning electronic newsletter is suggested. Seventh, cooperative production of e-learning courses with professional associations is recommended. Finally, establishing an authentication mechanism and giving certificate,credit hour, or academic degree of e-learning will increase the motivation of learners.

利用貝氏網路建構綜合觀念學習模型之初步研究 / An Exploration of Applying Bayesian Networks for Mapping the Learning Processes of Composite Concepts

王鈺婷, Wang, Yu-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以貝氏網路作為表示教學領域中各個學習觀念的關係的語言。教學領域中的學習觀念包含了基本觀念與綜合觀念,綜合觀念是由兩個以上的基本觀念所衍生出來的觀念,而綜合觀念的學習歷程即為學生在學習的過程中如何整合這些基本觀念的過程。了解綜合觀念的學習歷程可以幫助教師及出題者了解學生的學習路徑,並修改其教學或出題的方針,以期能提供適性化的教學及測驗。為了從考生答題資料中尋找出這個隱藏的綜合觀念學習歷程,我們提出一套以mutual information以及一套以chi-square test所發展出來的研究方法,希望能夠藉由一個模擬環境中模擬考生的答題資料來猜測考生學習綜合觀念的學習歷程。 初步的實驗結果顯示出,在一些特殊的條件假設下,我們的方法有不錯的機會找到暗藏在模擬系統中的學習歷程。因此我們進而嘗試提出一個策略來尋找較大規模結構中的學習歷程,利用搜尋的概念嘗試是否能較有效率的尋找出學生對於綜合觀念學習歷程。雖然在實驗中並沒有十分理想的結果,但是在實驗的過程中,我們除了發現學生答題資料的模糊程度為系統的正確率的主要挑戰之外,另外也發現了學生類別與觀念能力之間的關係也是影響實驗結果的主要因素。透過我們的方法,雖然不能完美的找出學生對於任何綜合觀念的綜合歷程,但是我們的實驗過程與結果也對隱藏的真實歷程結構提供了不少線索。 最後,我們探討如何藉由觀察學生接受測驗的結果來分類不同學習程度與狀況的學生之相關問題與技術。我們利用最近鄰居分類法與k-means分群法以及基於這些方法所變化出的方法,探討是否能透過學生的答題資料有效的分辨學生能力的類別。實驗結果顯示出,在每個觀念擁有多道測驗試題的情況下,利用最近鄰居分類法與k-means分群法以及基於這些方法所變化出的方法,藉由考生答題資料來進行學生能力類別的分類可以得到不錯的正確率。我們希望這些探討和結果能對適性化教學作出一些貢獻。 / In this thesis, I employ Bayesian networks to represent relations between concepts in pedagogical domains. We consider basic concepts, and composite concepts that are integrated from the basic ones. The learning processes of composite concepts are the ways how students integrate the basic concepts to form the composite concepts. Information about the learning processes can help teachers know the learning paths of students and revise their teaching methods so that teachers can provide adaptive course contents and assessments. In order to find out the latent learning processes based on students’ item response patterns, I propose two methods: a mutual information-based approach and a chi-square test-stimulated heuristics, and examine the ideas in a simulated environment. Results of some preliminary experiments showed that the proposed methods offered satisfactory performance under some particular conditions. Hence, I went a step further to propose a search method that tried to find out the learning process of larger structures in a more efficient way. Although the experimental results for the search method were not very satisfactory, we would find that both the uncertainty included by the students’ item response patterns and the relations between student groups and concepts substantially influenced the performance achieved by the proposed methods. Although the proposed methods did not find out the learning processes perfectly, the experimental processes and results indeed had the potential to provide information about the latent learning processes. Finally, I attempted to classify students’ competence according to their item response patterns. I used the nearest neighbor algorithm, the k-means algorithm, and some variations of these two algorithms to classify students’ competence patterns. Experimental results showed that the more the test items used in the assessment, the higher the accuracy of classification we could obtain. I hope that these experimental results can make contributions towards adaptive learning.

A Web-based Tutoring System with Intelligent Media: Spatial Geometric Transformation as an Example / 具備智慧型媒體特性之網路教學系統:以空間座標轉換為例

王浩全, Wang , Hao-Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的在建構具備智慧型媒體特性之網路教學系統以增進網路學習的效果,特別是如何輔助學習者理解空間關係,以增進對空間幾何座標轉換的學習成效。電腦運算能力的增進使其成為極具潛力的教育媒體。基於教學及教育媒體的理論,本研究倡議在典型的網路教學中加入「智慧型媒體」的考量與設計以增進學習成效。智慧型媒體包括了兩個面向的考量,我們稱之為「媒體與方法」的考量 (Media and Method concern)。從媒體的角度來考量,電腦多媒體的使用應以能增進學習效果為原則,從「認知媒體」(Cognitive Media)的角度出發來設計網路教學的媒體呈現方式,媒體的目的在於清楚地傳達領域之知識給學習者。而從方法的角度來考量,應考慮如何運用電腦運算的特性以實現其他教育媒體裝置不能實現的教學策略及方法,例如互動式及適性化的教學。接續過去「智慧型教學系統」(Intelligent Tutoring System)及「適性化超媒體」(Adaptive Hypermedia) 的研究,本研究提出一套適性化的機制,將一般適性化系統中課程排序(adaptive course sequencing)的機制明確分離為「學習概念排序」及「教材選擇」兩個部分,達到更佳的抽象化及運用教學策略上的彈性。 本研究以「空間座標轉換」做為領域知識,基於「媒體與方法」的考量,設計了稱為CooTutor (Coordinate Tutor)的網路教學系統來輔助空間座標轉換的學習。運用了電腦動畫技術,這個系統使用互動式三維媒體(Interactive 3D Media)清楚有效地傳達領域知識。由於空間座標轉換的學習相信與學習者的空間能力(Spatial Ability)相關,本研究透過實驗來探討互動式三維媒體的使用與空間能力增進之間的關係。另外,我們也研究並評估如何將空間能力及學習風格(learning styles)等學習者個人特質作為適性化依據,以及如何設計相對應的適性化機制。 本研究的主要貢獻包括了 (1) 提出了使用智慧型媒體的概念,以「媒體與方法」的考量來討論網路教學的學習成效,及 (2) 提出一個創新及可行的架構將互動式三維媒體及適性化技術結合、運用於網路學習的學習模式上以輔助空間座標轉換的學習。 / The objective of this research is on developing a Web-based educational system with intelligent media to enhance learners’ learning effects, especially to facili-tate learners’ spatial reasoning on learning spatial geometry topics. The increas-ing computing power allows us to use computers as powerful educational media. Based on theories of pedagogy and educational media, we propose to integrate intelligent media into typical Web-based learning paradigm to improve learning. “Intelligent media” in this research refers to two aspects of considerations. They are media—cognitive media aspect and method—intelligent tutoring aspects. The consideration of cognitive media aims at offering learners the most ease-of-understand presentation of a particular domain. The consideration of in-telligent tutoring targets to offer learners personalized learning experience based on individuals’ learning needs. To achieve better abstraction and flexibility in the adaptive mechanism, we have chosen to separate the concept sequencing from the underlying task of selecting appropriate learning materials. By considering the characteristics of spatial geometry concepts, a Web-based learning environment called CooTutor (Coordinate Tutor) for learning spatial geometric transformation (SGT) is developed. Interactive 3D media is integrated into the system for delivering domain concepts effectively. Since the domain, spatial geometric transformation is evidently related to spatial ability (a group of human abilities about the use of space). This research attempts to address the relation between spatial ability and interactive 3D media via experimental evaluations. Moreover, learners’ latent traits, including spatial ability and learn-ing styles are considered to be used in adaptive material selection. The main contribution of this research would be (1) the conceptualization of in-telligent media and the M&M concern for effective Web-based learning, and (2) an innovative approach and tenable architecture of employing 3D computer graphics and adaptive technologies in Web-based learning context for SGT learning.

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