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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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江樹嶸 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討教育部所規劃教師分級制的可行性。本研究選取北區233所公立國民中學為調查樣本,回收有效問卷共計806份。本研究探討的主題有:教師分級制的目的、教師分級制的級數與名稱、教師分級制審查機制的組成、教師分級制教師的權責、教師分級制的待遇與福利、教師分級制的配套措施、教師分級制的可能缺失、教師分級制的可行性等八個變項。本研究並以各項統計方法進行數項假設考驗,所得重要結果如下: 一、教師分級制的實施有60﹪教師認為可促進教師進修研習等效能。 二、教師分級制的職級以四級為宜,各職級的名稱宜適合本國國情為佳。 三、教師分級制各職級教師的權責應明確區分。 四、教師分級制審查機制的組成須具有客觀、公平、公開的評鑑方式。 五、教師分級制的待遇與福利各職級應有明顯區別與差異。 六、教師分級制應有相關進修、證照、獎懲等全方位的配套措施。 七、實施教師分級制可能衍生對教學不利等的疑慮問題。 八、教師分級制的推行須良性雙向溝通及加強宣導,以利教師分級制的實施。 關鍵詞:國民中學、生涯發展、教師分級制度 / The purpose of this study was to analyze the feasibility of teacher career ladder system. 233 public junior high schools were selected as the sample for the investigation. Altogether, a total of 806 copies of the questionnaire were successfully collected. The key issues of the study included, the purposes of practicing teacher’s career ladder system, the degree titles and numbers of the career ladder, the composition of the mechanism to review teacher’s promoting, powers and responsibilities of teacher’s career ladder system, the pay and welfare of Career ladder system, the supporting measures of teacher’s career ladder system , the possible shortcomings in teacher’s career ladder system and the feasibility of teacher’s career ladder system for a total of eight variables. The study proceeded with various hypotheses and tests through various statistical methods. The findings of the study were summarized as follows: 1. There were 60% teachers indicate career ladder system could promote the in-service training.. 2. The career ladder should divide into four degrees, the titles of every degrees should name in consideration of local circumstances. 3. The responsibilities of every degree should be definite and unequivocal. 4. The composition of the mechanism should be followed with a subjective, just and open evaluation process. 5. Significant difference on pay and welfare between different degrees should be made. 6. Several measures in relation to in-service training, certification, rewards and punishment, should be come along with the implement of teacher’s career ladder system. 7. Problems would be derived from the practice of teacher’s career ladder system. 8. Two-way benign communication and announcement enhancement were inevitable during the promotion of Teacher’s career ladder system. Key words: Junior high schools, career development, career ladder system.


周仁尹 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在探討教師分級制度的理論基礎,分析國外實施教師分級制度的基本狀況;以臺北縣國中教師為調查與訪談對象,分析國中教師對於教師分級內容及影響等相關問題的看法,根據研究結果與結論,提出具體建議,以作為教育行政機關、學校、教師及未來研究的參考。   本研究主要係採文獻分析、問卷調查方式進行,其中文獻分析旨在探討的教師分級意義與影響,動機理論及相關研究等,以作為本研究設計之理論基礎,而問卷調查及實施程序針對台北縣七十三所公立國中八十九學年度之合格在職教師為研究對象,採取立意抽樣方式,每校抽取12名,共計發出876份問卷,回收753份,回收率86%,回收可用問卷636份,回收可用率84.5%。問卷的處理採用SPSS 8.0 for Windows套裝統計軟體,進行百分比、平均數、標準差、單因子變異數分析、Scheffe、Tamhane's T2法進行事後檢定及卡方考驗等統計分析。   本研究依據文獻分析、問卷調查與訪談結果,針對研究問題,主要發現如下:   一、臺北縣國民中學教師對教師分級制度表示同意及非常同意的人數達64.9%。   二、大多數臺北縣國民中學教師支持本研究所描述之教師分級制度內容。    超過五成以上支持以歷年考績、在職進修學分、學歷、經歷(導師、組長、主任)、教學服務年資、著作發表、教師專業成長檔案為晉級條件。    晉級年限以每晉一級以五年為最高(30.3%)。    超過五成以上支持各職級教師之工作規劃內容,高低依序為「教師職級高者應負擔指導新進實習教師工作(89%)」、「教師職級高者應擔任學校本位課程發展規劃工作(79.6%)」、「負擔教學輔導與演示的工作(72.4%)」、「負擔較多的教學研究工作(69.9%)」、「負擔學校教師的升級評鑑工作(68.9%)」、「教師職級高者授課時數應比教師職級低者少(59.2%)」。    各職級稱呼以「初級、中堅、專家、顧問教師」的同意情形最高(45.4%)。    學校層級之晉級審查委員會成員的支持程度人數超過五成以上,高低依序為考核委員(教評會委員)(78.3%)、學科(各領域)召集人(78%)、校長(71%)、學校行政人員(60.2%)。   三、臺北縣國民中學教師對教師分級制度影響的看法,各構面的支持程度普遍偏高。    對實施教師分級制度可能產生的十個問題中,有九個問題同意程度超過五成以上,高低依序為評鑑程序及公平性(84.6%)、晉級審查委員會成員資格(80.2%)、學生學習成果難以評鑑的問題(80%)、晉級年限合理性問題(76%)、造成階級鬥爭,容易產生標籤作用(75.5%)、教師彼此競爭、影響校園合諧(63.1%)、無法解決不適任教師問題(61.3%)、家長及社區人士對教師層級的評價(55.9)。其中同意程度最低的問題為「獎勵方式不足以引起教師晉級動機」,顯示實施教師分級制度中有關的獎勵方式對台北縣國中教師而言並非主要關注的議題。   四、臺北縣國民中學教師背景變項,對教師分級制度內容的看法    在「為建立教師專業發展體系,實施教師分級制度」之同意情形:    性別方面,男性教師高於女性教師。    年齡方面,29歲以下教師高於30至49歲年齡層之教師。    服務地區方面,縣轄市教師高於鄉鎮地區之教師。    學校規模方面,61班以上大型學校教師高於12班以下小型學校之教師。   五、臺北縣國民中學教師背景變項,對教師分級制度影響的看法    在「教師分級制度可增進教學願意,達成教學目標」之同意情形,在服務年資方面,年資為1~5年教師高於16年以上教師。    「教師分級制度有助於教師獲得學生、家長、同仁及社會的讚賞」之同意情形在性別方面,男性教師高於女性教師。    「教師分級制度可增進教學願意,達成教學目標」及「有助於教師獲得學生、家長、同仁及社會的讚賞」之同意情形在學校規模方面,61班以上大型學校高於13-60班學校之教師。    「教師分級制度可檢核教師能力,提昇教師工作效能」之同意情形在學校規模方面,61班以上大型學校教師高於13~60班及12班以下小型學校之教師。


鍾禮章 Unknown Date (has links)
國民中學實施教師專業評鑑制度之研究 摘 要 本研究旨在探討國民中學教師對於實施教師專業評鑑的意見,及相關配套措施差異性之看法,並進一步探究不同背景教師對於教育部規劃的教師專業評鑑制度有何看法上的差異。所研究之結果,希冀日後對於國民中學實施教師專業評鑑有所裨益。 為獲取國民中學教師對於實施教師專業評鑑之意見資料,本研究乃針對桃園縣、新竹縣市及苗栗縣等四縣市118所學校,寄發每校十二份問卷,合計寄發1328份問卷,回收有效問卷為997份。問卷回收後,以百分比及卡方(χ2)檢定考驗統計分析及處理相關資料,茲臚列重要研究結果如下: 一、在實施教師專業評鑑目的方面:國民中學教師對於教師專業評鑑之目的,以勾選形成性之評鑑目的最多,其中有六成以上教師勾選「協助教師改進教學方法」、「提供教師瞭解專業發展方向」及「樹立教師專業形象」三項;另外有四成以上教師勾選「作為處理教師在職進修之參考依據」、「建立教師生涯發展目標」及「處理不適任教師」等。 二、在實施教師專業評鑑原則方面:國民中學教師認為評鑑的原則應該把握下列原則:(一)評鑑目的要明確;(二)評鑑制度要健全;(三)評鑑過程要公開;(四)評鑑方式要多元;(五)評鑑結果要善用等。 三、在實施教師專業評鑑方式方面:(一)就評鑑人員而言,國民中學教師最能接受的評鑑方式依序是「教師自我評鑑」、「教師同儕評鑑」及「校內評鑑小組評鑑」;較不能接受非教育專業人員的評鑑。(二)就蒐集評鑑教師資料而言,國民中學教師最樂意接受「觀察教師教學及班級經營」,其餘依次是「檢視教師行政配合、獎懲、品德、勤惰及進修等文件紀錄」、「瞭解學生的學習成就」、「檢閱教師的教學檔案」、「查核教師自我評鑑資料」、及「審查批改學生作業情形」等。就實務面來說,唯有多元化蒐集評鑑資料,才能達到評鑑的客觀性。(三)就評鑑教師資料的處理方式而言,國民中學教師對於實施教師專業評鑑之後,提醒教師缺點的方式中,以「書面通知」及「面談」較受歡迎;而較不能接受以「不予通知只做年終總結性評鑑參考」及「公佈週知教師」的處理方式。(四)就評鑑教師的時機而言,國民中學教師對於實施教師專業評鑑較傾向於形成性的教師評鑑;均期待能透過評鑑之方式,以協助教師隨時改進教學方法,並促進教師專業成長。 四、在教師專業評鑑指標方面:國民中學教師認為評鑑指標的訂定,最符合學校需求的人員依序是「全校教師」、「學校各學習領域教師代表」及「學校行政人員」等;而指標的配分比例依序是「教學實務表現」佔20﹪,「訓導輔導表現」佔20﹪,「品德操守表現」佔20﹪,「專業成長表現」佔20﹪,「人際關係表現」佔10﹪,「行政紀錄表現」佔10﹪。 五、在教師專業評鑑結果的運用方面:國民中學教師對於評鑑優良教師的獎勵方式,其意向之優先順序是「給予獎金、晉俸、或年功俸之獎勵」、「給予嘉獎或獎章」、「給予休假機會」及「給予進修機會」等;而對於表現欠佳教師的處理方式,則認同之意向依序是「提供改進意見,限期實施複評」、「強制參加專業進修」及「留原俸級」等。 六、對於教育部規劃中的教師專業評鑑制度之看法方面:(一)國民中學有七成以上教師認為所有教師應該接受評鑑;然而就「以教師評鑑取代現行教職員考核方法」的贊成百分比例而言,校長群有85.7﹪贊成,教師兼行政人員有69.3﹪表示同意,至於一般教師則有52.7﹪表示認同;可見目前考核教師的辦法有待檢討修訂。(二)國民中學有七成以上教師贊成「教師只要通過教師評鑑就可以晉薪一級,並領取一個月薪給總額百分之九十至九十五的獎金」;至於「將全校教師一個月薪給總額的百分之五至十作為評鑑表現優異教師的獎金」方面,只有五成以上的教師認同;可見國中教師對於獎金發給之意見尚不一致,有待溝通建立共識。(三)國民中學約有七成左右教師對於「教師之晉薪與獎金之發給,乃依據教師評鑑結果而分開處理」表示認同;至於限制晉薪或獎金人數比例,則有七成以上教師非常反對;可見國中教師對於考核限制人數持不同看法。 七、不同背景教師對於實施教師專業評鑑制度相關配套措施之議題,多數呈現顯著差異之看法。 八、國民中學教師對於實施教師專業評鑑的作法,有七成以上教師認同能執行,唯對於評鑑的配套措施更殷切企盼能訂定健全的制度。因此,願教育界前輩除了能對後學的研究及建議加以斧正外,並祈能就此議題繼續探究以貢獻卓見。 關鍵詞:教師專業評鑑、教師成績考核、學校本位管理、教師專業評鑑指標、教師分級制、績優給付制、國民中學 / A Study on the Practice of Teacher Performance Evaluation of Junior High Schools ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to explore the junior high school teachers’ opinions about teacher evaluation as well as the supporting measures. It would further look into the discrepancies on the viewpoints of the Teacher Performance Evaluation System being mapped out by the Ministry of Education. The findings and results so yielded are to benefit future teacher evaluation in junior high schools. In order to hear junior high school teachers’ voices on the teacher evaluation, the study handed out a total of 1,328 copies of twelve questionnaires to 118 schools in Taoyuan County and Hsinchu County. A total of 997 copies successfully were collected and processed by means of percentage and Chi-square Test (x2). The major findings were listed below : 1. In the aspect of the enforcement of the teachers performance evaluation: In the purposes of the teachers performance evaluation in junior high schools, as appraised through checkmarks, over 60% of the respondents ticked three items, i.e., “helping teachers upgrade the teaching methods”, “providing sound orientations for teachers to make sure of the specialized development” and “building up the professional image of teachers”. Besides, over 40% of the teachers ticked “providing grounds to teachers in their on-the-job education”, “setting up goals of career development for both faculty and students” and “settling problems of incompetent teachers”. 2. In the aspect of the principles of enforcement of teachers performance evaluation: The junior high school teachers believed that the evaluation should firmly hold the following principles:(1) Definite and express objectives of evaluation; (2) Sound and wholesome evaluation systems; (3) Open evaluation process; (4) Multifaceted evaluation methods; (5) Maximum possible uses of the evaluation results. 3. In the aspect of the methods for enforcement in the teachers performance evaluation: (1) In terms of assessing personnel, the evaluation methods most acceptable to junior high school teachers are: “evaluation by teachers themselves”, “evaluation by peers themselves” and “evaluation by in-school evaluation task forces” in that order; and the less acceptable one is evaluation by non-educators. (2) In terms of data collection, the best acceptable one is “observation of teachers’ teaching and class management”, followed by “inspecting teachers’ coordination in administration, awards & punishment, conduct, attendance and higher education”; “looking into students’ achievement in learning”, “looking into teachers’ teaching archives”, “checking teachers’ self-evaluation files” and “review of teachers’ marking & correction on students’ homework”. In practice, only the multifaceted collection of evaluation will make possible detached and neutral evaluation. (3) In processing of evaluation over teachers, the junior high school teachers, after enforcement of the teacher performance evaluation, among those methods to remind teachers of shortcomings, “documented notices” and “interviews” are more popular. Those unpopular ones include notably “no notice, used for reference in the year-end conclusive evaluation only”, “keeping teachers informed through public announcement”. (4) In terms of evaluation timing, junior high school teachers are more inclined to formality evaluation over teachers in the hope to help teachers enhance the teaching methods and to boost expertise to grow. 4. In terms of the indices in teachers performance evaluation: In the evaluation indices in the mind of junior high school teachers, the best meeting school needs are “entire faculty”, “leading representatives of teachers in various fields” and “administrative staff at schools”. The indices are in such ratios of “performance of practical teaching” 20%; “discipline guidance” 20%; “performance in conduct” 20%; “performance in expertise growth” 20%, “performance in interpersonal relationships” 10%; “performance in administrative records” 10%. 5. Utilization of the results yielded in teachers performance evaluation: As to the methods to award outstanding teachers, the junior high school teachers responded with the view in such priority order: “encouragement of incentive, advance or annual award”, “conferment of citations or medals”, “chances for vacation days”, “chances for higher education”. Toward teachers of unsatisfactory performance, the preferred measures include “offering advice and rechecking within the specified time limit”; “compulsory higher training” and “no-raise”. 6. Viewpoints about the schoolteacher evaluation system being mapped out by the Ministry of Education: (1) In junior high schools, over 70% of the teachers uphold that teachers should receive evaluation. Over the idea of “taking schoolteacher evaluation instead of the current evaluation method”, 85.7% of school principals said yes, 69.3% of administrative staff & faculty said yes while 52.7% of general teachers backed the idea. Such results suggest that the current evaluation or rating systems leave much room to reassess. (2) In junior high schools, over 70% of the teachers back the idea that “teachers should be upgraded by one degree plus incentive at 90~95% of one month’s salary as long as they successfully pass evaluation”; only over 50% of them backed the idea of “taking 5%~10% of the payroll of the entire faculty of the school as an incentive to outstanding teachers” These findings suggest that junior high school teachers are still in discrepancies in terms of incentives to teachers. (3) In junior high schools, approximately 70% of the teachers back that “teachers should receive salaries and incentives only based on the results of evaluation over teachers but over 70% of them objected to the idea of restricting the quotas for advancement or incentives”. These factors found in the questionnaire survey suggest that junior high school teachers have discrepancies in terms of negative measures against teachers on the grounds of evaluation results. 7. Over the supporting measures related to teacher evaluation on good performances, teachers of different backgrounds showed significant discrepancies in the responses. 8. Over the teachers performance evaluation of junior high schools, over 70% of the teachers agreed and hoped that the evaluation would be put into enforcement. They further expect to see wholesome systems about the coordinating measures. It is, therefore, hoped that those veteran and senior educators would kindly offer advice and comments with continuing studies on these issues. Key words: Teachers performance evaluation; performance rating for teachers; school-based management; indicators of teachers performance evaluation; Career ladder program of teacher ; merit-pay for outstanding performance, junior high schools.

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