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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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國中數學教師之不同培育背景對教學效能、教師專業承諾及學生數學成就影響 / The effects of pre-service teacher education programs on the teaching quality and students’ math achievement in Taiwan

朱美怡, Chu,Mei-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
在教育改革浪潮下,台灣師資培育制度於1994年師資培育法公布之後,正式進入多元培育的體制。新制實施後,引發不少爭論。主要爭論焦點之一為新制培育的教師,其教師素質是否比舊制培育者為低。主張單一培育制度者認為師範院校具有獨特潛在課程,潛移默化學生專業精神,因而學生素質較佳;多元師資培育制度者則認為市場競爭、教師專業化取向有利提高教師素質。 本研究主要目的即透過「台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫」(TEPS)第二波國中教師及學生之資料,比較不同培育背景之數學教師於教師素質及學生數學成就上之差異,並釐清過去關於師資培育之爭論。 本研究數學教師樣本數為7,001,依據教師年資、是否就讀師範院校,以及是否修習教育學程等標準,將數學教師培育背景分成新制、舊制,及師範與非師範院校等共七類。教師素質則包含與教學效能及教師專業承諾等兩面向相關之指標。學生數學成就則以TEPS提供之數學能力IRT分數為指標。 本研究依不同研究假設,進行卡方檢定、單因子變異數分析、多元迴歸等統計分析。主要發現如下: 一、師範院校與非師範院校培育之教師相比,其教學效能及教師專業承 諾有顯著差異。在教學效能上,師範院校生較常使用傳統教學策略與教材,非師範院校生則較常使用新制教學策略與教材及常測驗考試;在教師專業承諾上,非師範院校生則表現較佳。但兩者在學生學習成就上則無顯著差異。 二、舊制與新制培育之教師相比,其教學效能及教師專業承諾有顯著差異。教學效能方面,舊制生於其他教材層面表現較佳,新制生則於維持秩序及常測驗考試層面表現較佳;而教師專業承諾上,舊制生於研究進修層面表現較佳,新制生則於教學不厭倦層面表現較佳。但舊制生於學生學習成就表現較佳。 雖然研究發現,不同培育背景之教師,其教學效能、教師專業承諾、及學生數學成就表現有顯著差異。但進一步分析,則發現整體而言,這些差異並不是很大。由此可見,多元師資培育政策並未影響教師素質,而一般大學師資培育機構之培育功效亦不亞於師範院校之師資培育機構。綜觀以上發現,可發現「教育系統標準化」的觀點更合乎台灣的現況。台灣之師資培育與學生的學習成就,在「國家機器」嚴格的控制把關之下,能夠維持一定水準。 / The pre-service teacher education in Taiwan has become multi-training since 1994. Considerable debates have been arisen since then, and one of which is “Teaching Quality.” Some argue that multi-training policy worsens teaching quality. For they think Normal Schools, providing more latent lessons to students’ spirit, are better than other pre-service teacher education programs. On the other hand, some argue that the new multi-training policy would advance teaching quality by the market competition and teacher’s professionalism. The main purpose of this study is to utilize the data of “Taiwan Education Panel Survey” (TEPS) to compare the effects of pre-service teacher education programs on the teaching quality and students’ math achievement in a bid to solve the controversy. In this study, the teachers’ sample, divided into 7 categories according to their teaching experience and training background, is 7001. Besides, “teaching quality” includes “teaching efficiency” and “teacher’s professional commitment.” “Students’ math achievement” is based on students’ math IRT score provided by TEPS. The study mainly utilizes statistical analyses based on Chi-square analysis, ANOVA, Regression analysis and so on, The study finds out, although teachers of different training backgrounds have significant differences on their teaching efficiency, teacher’s professional commitment and students’ math achievement, the differences are not magnificent. In other words, the effects of different pre-service teacher education programs on the teaching quality and students’ math achievement are not much diverse. The result suggests that under firm control of “the state apparatus”, teaching quality and students’ academic achievement in Taiwan could maintain at a level.

中學校長服務領導與教師專業承諾 / The Study of the Relationship between the Principals’ Servant-Leadership and Teachers’ Professional Commitment in Secondary Schools

陳惠茹, Hui Ju Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解中學校長服務領導與教師專業承諾之內涵與現況,並探討其關係,進而建構及驗證其互動模式,並依研究結果提出建議。 首先,進行初步文獻探討,作為本研究之研究架構的理論基礎;其次,以問卷調查法進行研究調查,問卷調查樣本以台北縣市國民中學及完全中學為教師研究對象,共抽樣645人,問卷回收523份,有效問卷517份,以分析現況及驗證理論;最後,依據研究結果進行討論與結論建議。研究主要發現如下: 一、中學校長服務領導與教師專業承諾內涵與現況 (一)中學校長服務領導包括為人文關懷、願景分享、專業創新、理性說服四個向度,看法得分情形屬於中等程度。以「願景分享」的看法得分最高;而以「專業創新」的看法得分最低。 (二)中學教師專業承諾包括專業認同與投入、專業關係與留職、專業倫理與進修三個向度,看法得分情形屬於高程度。「專業認同與投入」的看法得分最高;而以「專業關係與留職」的看法得分最低。 二、不同背景變項在中學校長服務領導與教師專業承諾之差異情形 (一)不同背景變項在中學校長服務領導得分方面:性別、年齡、服務年資、現任職務、學校規模、學校類型及校長性別有顯著差異。 (二)不同背景變項在中學教師專業承諾得分方面:年齡、學歷、現任職務、學校規模、學校所在地及學校類型有顯著差異。 三、中學校長服務領導與教師專業承諾間存在正向的關係 四、中學校長服務領導對教師專業承諾發展模式適配度良好 前因變項(中學校長服務領導)對後果變項(中學教師專業承諾)具有顯著的影響力。 最後,本研究根據研究發現,提出相關建議,俾提供教育行政機關、中學校長以及後續研究參考。 / The main purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between principals’ servant-leadership and teachers’ professional commitment in secondary schools. This study included literature analysis and questionnaire survey to be the survey methods. The purpose of literature analysis was aimed to explore the relationship between principals’ servant-leadership and teachers’ professional commitment in secondary schools. Based on arranging related theory, researcher made the questionnaires of this study. The data of this study was analyzed 517 sampling subjects by description statistics, t-test, ANOVA and LISREL model. According to the statistics analysis of the questionnaire, we can get the following results. A. In the aspect of principals’ servant-leadership in secondary schools 1. The principals’ servant-leadership includes four parts, which are (1) humane concern, (2) vision sharing, (3) professional innovation and (4) reasonable persuasion. For all, the best dimension is “vision sharing”. 2. Sexual, age, years of service, incumbent duty, school scale, school type, and principals’ sexual have significant influences on principals’ servant-leadership. B. In the aspect of teachers’ professional commitment 1. The teachers’ professional commitment includes three parts, which are (1) professional identity and job involvement, (2) professional relationship and position-retaining intention, (3) professional ethics and advanced study. For all, the best dimension is “professional identity and job involvement”. 2. Age, highest education, incumbent duty, school scale, school site, and school type have significant influences on teachers’ professional commitment. C. In the aspect of the relationship between principals’ servant-leadership and teachers’ professional commitment in secondary schools 1. There was positive correlation existed between principals’ servant-leadership and teachers’ professional commitment in secondary schools. 2. Principals’ servant-leadership in secondary schools did promote teachers’ professional commitment. In the last part, according to the findings and results, the researcher proposed some suggestion for the educational officers and the principals of secondary schools, hoping to benefit the improvement and development of education of secondary schools in the future.

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