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美國與澳洲國家圖書館數位保存計畫之比較研究 / Digital Preservation Projects of the National Library of Australia and Library of Congress: A Comparative Study楊志津 Unknown Date (has links)
最後建議:1.加強原生數位資料研究;2.國家圖書館推動我國數位保存計畫;3. 建置我國網站典藏先導計畫;4.訂定數位館藏發展政策;5.訂定數位保存政策。 / The purpose of the study is to analyze the factors that helped to materialize the national library digital preservation projects. Through description, interpretation, juxtaposition, and comparison, this study research the concepts of the digital preservation projects from Library of Congress and National Library of Australia, which include the role, the mission, the legal deposit policy, the background, and the relevant factors of the digital preservation standards and strategy. Finally come up with the suggestion of the digital preservation projects of our own.
The results of this study include 15 common factors and 3 different factors. The common factors are: 1.The national libraries are responsible for the legal deposit policy due to the copyright act;2.Emphasize on the digital preservation;3. Emphasize on the legal deposit policy;4.There is no common agreement on digital resources deposit policy;5.Carry out national digital preservation projects;6.Execute the web capture projects;7.Adopt the strategy of collecting digital resources together; 8.Construct the descriptive metadata standards;9.Adopt several metadata schemas; 10.Construct preservation metadata standards;11.Digital preservation strategy;12. Adopt official digital preservation standard OAIS;13.Adopt HTTrack web capture tool;14.Emphasize on the permanent access of the digital resources;15.Appropriate digital resources access strategy. The different factors are: 1.The development of the national digital preservation projects;2.The collection of the web-based resources projects;3.The selection decision of the digital resources.
The conclusions of the study are: 1.The importance on digital preservation of a national library;2.The issues of legal deposit policy and the deposition of the digital resources;3.Successfully promote the development of a digital preservation project;4.Digital resources collection policy and selection guidelines;5.Web resources cataloging standards;6.Metadata standards;7.Descriptive metadata;8.Preservation metadata;9.Digital repository;10.Digital preservation strategy;11.Access and services of digital preservation;12.Succesful factors of promoting digital preservation projects.
The study makes final suggestions as follows: 1.Emphasis on the research of born digital materials. 2. Promote national central library to develop our national digital preservation projects. 3. Construct the web-archiving pilot project. 4. Establish the digital collection development policy. 5. Establish the digital preservation policy.
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中研院近史所檔案館數位保存後設資料項目建置之研究王文英 Unknown Date (has links)
考量需求與館藏數位檔特性,中研院近史所檔案館保存後設資料項目雖以四種保存後設資料核心項目為基礎,在建置時仍做了部分修正與更動。(1) 保存後設資料的功能以協助保存決策制定及執行為主,不考慮提供使用的部分,也儘量不與原有後設資料重複;(2) 描述層級訂在系列層級;(3) 更動史項目,綜合NLA及Cedars之優點。限於系統功能限制,保存後設資料仍無法自動產生,也暫時不與數位檔及原有後設資料連結。
根據研究結果,對近史所檔案館及其他典藏機構提出下列建議:(1)制定數位保存政策及計畫;(2) 測試保存方法及保存後設資料項目;(3)留意相關科技及標準的發展趨勢;(4) 保存後設資料應儘量以自動、同步方式產生;(5) 明確定義描述規範。此外,對於數位保存後設資料及保存方法應再深入了解,並尋求跨領域合作機會。
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